ITV News at 10 and Mika Minio Paluello

As part of its further descent into the pit of wokery, ITV decided to interview a trans ‘woman’ to talk about the cost of living.

Too much to expect that they would just interview a normal mother, they had to choose this character, who, it turns out is not just a transgender activist, but also a hard left activist and a TUC ‘policy officer for climate and industry’, er yeah me neither.

Obviously carefully chosen in advance, to put forward an agenda.
I expect the Beeb are green with envy that they didn’t get ‘her’ first.

Daily Fail

105 thoughts on “ITV News at 10 and Mika Minio Paluello

  1. Isn’t it about time for one of these tran§bumder freaks to get raped and murdered by someone who’s even worse deviant than them?

    • i’m sure it will happen before long, just as those gay blokes were murdered in that park in Reading by an Asylum Seeker.
      That’s the trouble with 30 years of ‘rubbing the right’s noses in diversity’ -the ‘right’ aren’t the ones you need to watch out for. They aren’t the ones rampaging through cities, cutting snd stabbing. It’s your ‘oppressed’ classes.

  2. That mess in a dress has probably broken into that house before the TV crew turned up to try on a lady’s knickers and see if there was some poor cunt upstairs asleep that it could molest.

    Do they work for the BBC secretly?

  3. Look at me! Look at me ! Aren’t I wonderful!
    No, you are a very creepy, strange thing whose opinions count for sweet fuck all amongst normal,decent people.

    • Typical woman .

      None of the mum’s at the school gates when I was a kid were blokes.

      We were backward I suppose.

      Nowadays lots of the mummies are daddies and have a baby breastfeeding on a hairy nipple.

      Did you know the biggest killer of women in 2023 is testicular cancer.

      Get your plums checked Maureen.

  4. By the fuck, we need a bloody resetting revolution to rid our society of these perversions…
    Starting with the house’s of commons/ lord’s..?

  5. ITV bosses, ‘I think we almost got away with it’

    The media BBC/ITV always find a fucking ethnic when doing street interviews even in areas where they are as common as rocking horse shit.

    MSM should come with an hourly warning message ‘Caution, lefty immo loving bias’, not that is necessary everyone knows it anyway.

    • I recall an article online where someone was pointing out that the same black man kept appearing in the audience for Question Time , asking questions, but in lots of different locations. You have to wonder about the logic of the person who arranged this – were they suggesting that nobody would notice, as they think all black men look similar?

      • Probably, MH.

        On the plus side, they, and the Chinese, all think white people look alike, too. So the probability of gunning one down in a street with no CCTV and few people around, and getting away with it looks good.

  6. This cunt is a bloke and single. Then why the fuck is he interviewed about family cost of living bills ? Monty Python did say they were coming back. Wish they’d have told me when.

      • Interviewer: How has the cost of living affected your life, madam?

        Trªnnîe: Well, fing is right, I can’t even afford my beer and crisps no more. Also, I ‘aven’t been able to use me car.

        Interviewer: Because of the price of petrol?

        Trªnnïe: No. It’s coz since I became a woman, my driving’s gone tits up.

  7. Fuck me, what a bonus hole. And what a joke to describe this specimen as a “normal mother”. A mentally deranged bum-bandit, more like. Obviously this is political. It’s not as if there is a shortage of normal mothers that can be interviewed. And the mainstream media wonders why people despise them!

      • Vet forgot to tell mine, furry bastard is under the impression he’s still got a pair. His nickname at the kennels is Arnie big balls. Never had a dog like him.

  8. Now with a report on how the cost of living crisis is affecting the elderly, Chris Choi speaks to Jeremy, a pensioner from North Islington.

  9. A struggling man in drag. All of these male “wimminz” look like the lights failed in the theatre when the actor laddie was putting on his makeup for Widow Twankey.

    Rosie Duffield is one of the sanest Labour MPs. She won’t last long under Kweer and his bunch of right on woke cunts.

    • She’s a rabid Remoaner fanatic though, Boggsy. On her knees slurping the EU schlong.
      Same as her halfwit constituents.

  10. Yes it all looks grown up with cameras, microphone, a serious interview but it’s all just pretend.
    It’s playing ‘pretend’ only with growth ups.

  11. Diane Abbott is a real working mother.

    Its a full-time job, 27 hours a day, 8 days a week.

  12. Hold on, this filthy mental case is supposed to be an “ordinary mother” yet is shown “washing up and doing laundry”. Oh dear, how stereotypical and misogynistic can you get? This is pandering to the patriarchy surely? Shouldn’t she be out being a TUC official and climate crisis activist? Err…..oh wait a minute………I’m all fucking confused now. These wokies are fucking up my brain. How about I just let them do my thinking for me?……it’s so much easier.
    I blame Trump, or brexit, or the fucking climate crisis. Ok?

  13. I’m deeply offended, The alphabetti-spaghetti pronouned cunt (for which read fucking complete creep) is white.

  14. A lot of the ‘ordinary people’ the media interview turn out to be activists, especially if the work for the NHS.

    • Mutant should be hauled away by social services for cruelty to baby.

      I am more likely to be noshed off by Salma Hayek.

  15. Just when you think this wokie bollocks can’t get any worse there’s another surprise waiting around the corner. Just look at this fucking geezer! Is there any way this fuck up could pass for a woman? There’s not enough booze in the world to do that. Stick it up your arse poof boy.
    Oh did somebody mention that bastard Peston? There’s another creepy little cunt who needs his hard drive looking at.

  16. Msm weather reporting this summer:
    June – hot and dry = climate change
    July – cool and wet = British weather

  17. More proof, it were needed, that or media simply cannot be trusted.
    And the Daily Fail themselves disappear down the rabbit hole of quoting from twitter, rather than getting off their arses and doing some old fashioned journalism.
    ITV news, or the Tom Bradby show as I call them, are equally as bad as the BBC for cuntitude.
    If you’ve never had the misfortune to witness their London news, it’s like watching outtakes from Django Unchained and Ghandi. White people only exist as villains.
    I’d rather have Goebbels telling me the facts, he seemed more trustworthy.

  18. You’re not a Mum, you’re a man.

    Knock it off, we’ve had a gut full of your shite.

  19. Is this beast in charge of children?
    If so what are Social Services doing?
    … Oh wait, they are probably fully on board with this delusional cunt/bonus hole.

  20. Rosie Duffield deposed Julian Brazier, a much loved city MP who did a shit load for Canterbury. I liked him. Ex para, terrible stutter but an engaging dude that gave a fuck about the city and actually helped people at his surgeries. He was a top bloke.

    Duffield cruised in on the back of the citys students dual votes and whilst we lost a good bloke the funniest thing is that to the utter transient cunts that voted her in Duffield is considered more far right than Mr Brazier. You wanted the cunt, you got the cunt. Laughing my cock off.

    She sits on the EFRA committee as well..fuck knows why. She’s never minuted. All she wants to talk about is feminism. Cunt fucked off to Wales in lockdown as well. I know lockdown was horse shit but every other cunt towed the line.
    …..and she alledgedly had an affair during lockdown. First labour mp in Kent. Fuck off, me might vote for utter useless cunts here but you take the biscuit love

    • Mr Thompson @

      Certain words send your post straight into moderation.

      Among them prevert, nance, pee dofil, nagger, etc,
      They sit in moderation till a admin fishes them out

      It’s not a admin moderating your post.
      It’s a fiendish device called ‘wordpress’.
      It’s a right little cunt akin to a terminator.

      Failing that check your details at the bottom of the post.

      Helpful northern cunt

      • As Mis says, check your details when posting. Make sure you use your correct screen name as I think, from personal past experience, that any misspelling will automatucally lead the system to think you are a first time poster which requires Admin action. By the looks of it you missed Thompson off your usual poster name which may have been the issue in this case.

  21. What puzzles me is msm’s seemingly genuine confusion as they tell us that ‘people aren’t consuming (hate that expression) as much news as they used to’ along with ‘people no longer believe what we’re telling them’. Why the fuck are they surprised when they do shit like this?

    • They’re like all lefties, they don’t just think they’re right they fucking KNOW it. It is absolutely written in stone. If you can’t see it then there’s something wrong with YOU! There are all sorts of derogatory words to describe you and a few more they haven’t made up yet.
      Bonus hole is the most recent one but there will be more to come.

      • I’m more than happy to be abused, it means I’m doing something to upset somebody and, since I no longer work, it gives me a sense of usefulness and the thrill of achievement. Plus it validates my decision to become a cunt if I wasn’t already one before.

      • Quite right Moggs?

        I’ve spent my life upsetting people.
        And don’t regret a minute of it

        In fact I wish I’d filmed it all so I could rewatch it.

        Fuck em.

    • Now Moggie. That “consuming the news” immediately bought a vision of a giant, mutant* komodo dragon running riot in whatever passes for Fleet Street these days, chowing down on reporters, editors, the owners of they happened to luckily be there at the time.
      Happy days.

      *mutant was superfluous, giant was sufficient. There’s enough hyperbole without me adding to it.

      Hope you’re all having a good evening. I’m listening to Etta James.

      • Some black bird, I believe. It’s probably time for his weekly dose of enforced Diversity Appreciation.

      • The late, great Etta James, who on being told that Beyonce would be playing her in the biopic “Cadillac Records”, said something along the lines of
        “Who is that fool?”

  22. He’s wearing a blouse is he? It’s all in the clothing.

    How profound and perspicacious it seems now; Hans Christian Andersen-‘The Emporer’s New Clothes’.
    .And the line ‘but he’s not wearing any clothes at all!’

    In this case it would just take someone, anyone to stand up and say ‘But he’s not a woman at all!’

    Trouble everybody knows and the majority don’t care.
    Too exhausted by all the nonsense to care.

    • They repulse me Miles.

      Know in some cases it’s a genuine mental health issue.
      Doesn’t change the fact I find them disgusting.

      I couldn’t sit in a room with one.
      I’d spew up.

      Awful but true.

      • I did have dealings with ‘Alice’.

        I think the atmosphere around it was ‘weve got to accept this because we’ve got to be inclusive’.
        Nobody believed it least of all her. I mean him.

        Group think delusion.

        Me if course utterly cowardly going along with it for a quiet life.

      • Alice is very lucky his religious beliefs are Catholic Christian.

        He wouldn’t fair so well if he was Mohammedan Islamic.

        I view them a bit like Mary Shelley viewed the monster.

        A abomination.

      • Am not one looking for the ‘end Times’ Miserable
        In fact as soon as someone start quoting ‘Revelation’. I tend to switch off.
        However something that the previous Pope said sticks in mind
        He said this Transgenderism is the final insult to God.

      • Creepy Joe Ratzinger?
        I suggest his covering up for pee-doh priests is a far greater insult to God the Creator.
        Undoubtedly he’s currently residing in Hell,
        Sentenced to an eternity of red hot pokers up his arse.

  23. When I read about shit like this, I start thinking I’ve had my drink spiked with hallucinogenic. Honestly, what the fuck is going on in their twisted minds?
    No amount of pretending is going to fool the 98% of the populace that don’t buy into the weirdo, transbumder, gender identity shit.

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