I saw a story last week about the city of York being a hotbed of systemic racism..
Well I never.
Now haddy Njie wants to make York the first anti-racist city..” unless you don’t include racism against white people”
Now I looked into her campaign to achieve this.
And it boils down to a story from 2015.
Apparently she was racially abused by a taxi driver. Who she quotes as saying
“get out of my taxi, you Black n*****”, and then threw her out. Sounds terrible.
But nowhere in the article, and many others I perused had any word of the outcome of this attack.
Were the police informed?
Was the taxi driver charged?
I couldn’t find nothing.
Strange that! So are we dealing with another in a long line of race grifting liars?
Making up stories to fit her narrative.
I will let my fellow cunters decide that.
Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.
Even if true, which I doubt, why did the taxi driver go nuts and tell her to get out of the taxi?
And why did he call her a “black ni**er”? I would have thought just “ni**er” on its own was self-explanatory unless York is a hotbed of Jewish, white, Hindu and Sikh ni**ers.
I have a theory that revolves around the taxi driver possibly not being British.
Maybe white, but not British.
It’s taken 8 years?
I thought I was lazy!
A very fishy story with a not very well hidden nasty agenda.
We are inundated with such rubbish and it fools only the simple minded.
I used to watch her brother on Children’s telly.
The likeness is remarkable ?
Who would call someone a black ni**er?
All ni**ers are black.
Indeed AC, I was just thinking that myself.
This bint is a lying bitch having cooked up some narrative like her relatives used to cook up us explorers during the colonial expansion.
Shame the good old days have gone.
Yes, I was more offended by the taxi driver’s frightful tautology.
An asian taxi driver without a complete grasp of the english language. Recite it in an indian accent and it works
No racism in York until this deranged bint opened it’s mouth.
Maybe not now Harry, but there was a bit of a kerfuffle back in 1190.
Wouldn’t want that in the back of my taxi either.
Why do they do their hair so that they resemble an industrial mop?
So 68% of Muslims live in areas of high unemployment funny that wonder why
Make it swim back to Niger.
On arriving;
‘why you haf no passpot?’
‘Are you de finance ministah?’
‘Are you gey?’
I would have told her to get out of my country.
This problem keeps me awake at nights, worrying.
Afternoon Ron.
As my ex-RAF mate is wont to say; “You lie like an officer’s daughter.”
Not all gingers [anag] are black. Take me, for example.
Here’s a particularly egregious racist attack on a member of your family Sam at 00.52 – 01.17. My guess is the attacker is the aforementioned York taxi driver.
I have no doubt the story of the taxi driver is completely made up.
Someone needs to tell this woman, and all those like her, that racism is a 2 way street.
I bet she gets irate when people ask her if she’d seen Cocoon or The Raccoons back in the eighties.
Don’t like to be rude but I’d only rate her just above the abbot in the fancy s snog ? department. And that is still below a horse ?
Hope she never visits China. They say nee gah when hesitant over making a choice.
A bit like saying ‘ummm’ or ‘uh’ in English.
As I have absolutely no life I started reading her ‘report’.
It’s fucking nonsense.
Outrageous claims that cannot be proved and pages upon pages of percentage statistics with no real numbers to back them up.
54 pages of race baiting shit.
If a white person had produced a document like this about blacks, he would be locked up.
“…54 pages of race baiting shit….”
including such abject falsities as…
“…Women of colour (she means sheboons) face (a) “CULTURE OF EXCLUSION” in the media industry…”
n1gger please! all media outlets, particularly broadcast, are absolutely saturated with these ugly cunts! Every news cast, every advert. So fuck off.
“And from where do you really come?”, Haddy Njie Was asked repeatedly.
was! Sorry…typo
Reading the narrative in the story, I had a flashback to my childhood. Jackanory, Jackanory.
A complaint to the licencing authority would have got the drivers licence recinded PDQ. Another lying Silvery Moon, and a cunt.
“….it became clear that not much has been done [to manage racism], and people are suffering in silence.”
Fuck me! Are you kidding?
Just about every dark key who can’t get their own way is screaming ‘racism’ from the benefits office to the sports arena.
It’s a strange coincidence that those who highlight racism often seem to be in a position to profit from it.
If people think she’s doing this for any other motive than career advancement and therefore an earner are thick as fuck.
A highly suspect story, it reeks of
“Oh look, a money spinning bandwagon, I’ll jump on that, but I need a convincing narrative”
A ‘convincing narrative’ that convinces no one with an ounce of sense.
Indeed, Geordie.
I must take exception to some of the remarks made by my fellow cunters. Contrary to their assertions there are multiple types of n*qqers. In addition to the standard, run of the mill, generic n*qqer, there are white n*qqers, red n*qqers, sand n*qqers etc.
However, I do agree that it’s unlikely the cab driver called her a black n*qqer. More likely after he saw the knife she was carrying he said words to the effect, this is York and not London and then made a polite request for her to exit the vehicle and possibly a misunderstood reference to her elevated melanin content and her African ancestry.
It’s fucking Noo York yous fucking fuck, yous don’t like our hospitality, go jump in da fucking Hudson you fuck!
Calling yourself or a city “anti-racist” is now just a byword in justifying their own anti-white bigotry and prejudices.
I’m surprised she hasn’t brought up racism suffered by all those black Romans we keep hearing about from the BBC.
…or the Black Normans I saw in the William the Conqueror documentary.
Not to mention a certain member of the Boleyn family.
She does……
Apparently the remains of black slaves have been uncovered in York dating back to 200AD.
Proving her point that York is historically a black community.
How many black slaves?
How can you tell without doubt that they were black?
How can you possibly know that they were slaves?
How did they die?
What part of the Roman Empire (which didn’t extend to sub-Sahara) did they come from?
These questions are not answered.
I look at that header pic and see Chris Eubank dressed up in a wig.
Does she sthpeak like thith?
My reply, is fuck off you lying bastard.
From the experience I’ve had with Africunts, especially the wimminz, I wouldn’t be surprised if she’s been called worse.
I’ve never met such arrogant race. They make an SS obergruppenfuhrer seem circumspect.
If it did happen, no doubt she fucking provoked it.
In a follow up story, the Inclusve Equal Rights UK Board will include the following Members:
Nandi M’Butu
Ahnad Habibi
Rasheesh Patel
Bela Ceichescieu
Patrick O’Donnegal
William Smith, Michael Jones and Mary Hastings were excluded from the IERUK Board.
Diversity is our weapon.
My brother picked up a dar key bird once in his taxi. He could tell she was pissed after he drove off. Anyway, when they arrived at her destination she told him she had no money then proceeded to open her legs and said do you wanna “ take it out of that” ?
Depends if it was Halle Berry or a Diane Abbott I suppose.
Fucking hell, FF!
When he came round, had she legged it with all his takings, wallet and wristwatch?
Another cunt who thinks we should pick up the tab..
No Jeezum,
He just told her to fuck off. well, that’s what he told me .
It’s been said a million times before.
Non indigenous people of these islands if you are not happy with the indigenous peoples ways you are free in this country to exercise your right to.
To somewhere, anywhere, where you will feel more at home.
Any third world shithole your ancestors came from will do…!