I saw a story last week about the city of York being a hotbed of systemic racism..
Well I never.
Now haddy Njie wants to make York the first anti-racist city..” unless you don’t include racism against white people”
Now I looked into her campaign to achieve this.
And it boils down to a story from 2015.
Apparently she was racially abused by a taxi driver. Who she quotes as saying
“get out of my taxi, you Black n*****”, and then threw her out. Sounds terrible.
But nowhere in the article, and many others I perused had any word of the outcome of this attack.
Were the police informed?
Was the taxi driver charged?
I couldn’t find nothing.
Strange that! So are we dealing with another in a long line of race grifting liars?
Making up stories to fit her narrative.
I will let my fellow cunters decide that.
Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.
“…the campaign group received a “barrage of racist abuse and hate on social media,” she says. “We will not let you re-write our history for the benefit of Africans who are relative newcomers,” were among the offensive comments made online. …”
…and THAT constitutes “hate” does it? our refusal to suicidally assist, welcome and actually accelerate our own eradication from our native geography? Oh you’ve seen nothing yet!
Looks like my (lengthy) Fisking of this group’s ‘report’/’white paper’ didn’t pass moderation.
Was it perhaps because I revealed the ethno-religious affiliation of its lead author Dr. Orit Gal?
My idea of the truth was she couldn’t afford the taxi fare and she offered her services in the back. When the taxi driver said no thanks love you’re alright, it was she who got abusive.
After seeing that You Fool clip of a darker skinned “lady” having a shit in a phone box, I am not shocked by Fenton story.
There are no boundaries. Lying, fraud, exaggeration, taking offence at non-existent slights, demanding rewards for zero effort and constantly moaning, is my experience.
It’s a bit of a shit story, she should have gone full on ‘Nazi’
The taxi driver said ‘get out of my taxi, get out of my city and get out of my country you stinking black knuckle dragging n*gger’
With the crowd shouting ‘string her up’
PS, the soots are notorious liars.
Silly chocolate face.Smeg off back to Africa in your dinghy.
Definitely not a bonny race are they…?
Anybody noticed that a portmanteau of what she alleged she was called is ‘blagger’? Seems appropriate.
Not many soots or joe dakis in york. Lovely city.
The bulk of foreigners in York tend to be Chinese (either students or tourists). It is, on the whole, a great City. North Yorkshire is a
96% white County and York is 92% white.
This woman is yet another race grifter; she can’t find sufficient evidence to say the City is racist and therefore it’s got to become ‘anti-racist’, which will no doubt involve the deluded Labour council and University authorities giving lots of lovely cash to this piece of shit and her mates.
I foolishly took in a dar key lodger some years ago, biggest mistake of my life. Came home one day and the house was full of dar keys using my place as a mail order address sending stuff to Africa.
The final straw was when she wanted to get her mate in and use my place as a knocking shop.
I kicked her out their and then .
She said i’m only kicking her out coz she’s black . Fortunately nothing more came of it.
The lesson here is never trust a c..n especially the female ones
Hmm. Afraid that kind of thing isn’t confined to blecks. Long ago, shared a house with an Australian woman doing a course at the local police college. She didn’t use my phone line to call Oz for long, as I had it disconnected when I found out.
The landlord took over the line as he needed to be in touch with the occupants of the house, and of course PC Sheila did exactly the same to him. And bilked him on the rent.
Who guards the guardians, eh?
Njie (Ghanaian origin but apparently born in Huddersfield) complains, among much else, of being stared at in the street where she lives. The nom photo doesn’t really do her full justice. The locals are presumably captivated by her graceful features – here –
where you may also notice (scroll down) that she is not above telling a porky or two to support her perpetual whining.
It/them/whatever/innit is a corporate lawyer. Fortunately it is not yet illegal to be prejudiced against those. Or utter cunts .
Sorry. For Ghanaian, read Gambian. Even uglier IMO.
And also a creative accountant!
Haddy, the Mafia has an opening, for someone with your skill with figures.
Yet another nasty one creating problems that aren’t there. Truly horrible.
Hoo-eee, what a cunt.
Off topic-
But Tom Daley is coming out of retirement to compete at the Paris 2024. He’s said that his little son Robbie wanted to see him compete.
All I can say just rejoice at that news!
Has knitting been declared an olympict sport for 2024 then Miles?
Such a treat for us all PC- to see him knitting again.
Better still could we dare to ask for the whole ‘family’ watching him compete.
We can only hope.
The hole family.
A racist free city?
How would you do that?
A bit like the nuclear free zones that labour used to declare?
Will i spontaneously combust as i enter the city? Not that i’m a racist, but i am a honky so i guess it’s the same thing.
Oh, she must mean institutionally and structurally and systemically racist free.
Show me the racist policies of York institutions. What? There are none?
Shut your cakehole.
Might have said it once before along time ago
Rented house, to Niggelers from Niggeryia diarrhoea town.
Not by me, Would eat grass before Id rents a room in my home or any other house which i cannot afford anyway.
He was a tennis playing accountant and rented he’s recently deceased Mothers house to the lovely family seeking sanctuary, he liked to tick the boxes, with virtue signals.
I was called in for services afterwards and I previously had done some work beforehand.
15 months non payment of rent by the loveless.
Eventually after all the time, the police had eviction papers and all the laws
They had to resort to breaking the front door down and remove the knickers and on inspection in the downstairs room, they found thoundands of credit card blanks, and printing machines, along with hundreds of mobile phones.
It was like a scene from Hill Street blues after that, flashing lights and forensics.
The beautiful 4 bedroomed, bathroom on suite house in a real nice area was up for sale soon afterwards, as he had to spend a fortune to bring it back up to standard.
I think he also gave up the tennis club membership.
Never got a call from him again, hah
Kind of OT but not really all that OT;
“Clive Myrie has paid tribute to late broadcaster George Alagiah, saying the two became friends in an ‘overwhelmingly white’ BBC newsroom. Alagiah, who was first diagnosed with colorectal cancer in 2014, died earlier this month (July 24) aged 67.
Among those sharing their memories of working alongside Alagiah was his fellow newsreader Clive Myrie, who said that he and Alagiah bonded during their days at the BBC because there were very few people of colour in the offices during their early careers.
He wrote for Hello: ‘As people of colour in an overwhelmingly white newsroom we would gravitate towards each other. We’d share stories about our lives.’”
Cunt. Why bring something like that up, as a fucking tribute of all things.
I’ll nom him in the next Deadpool, with the other 4 being cancer cells within his overwhelmingly non-white body.
If you don’t, I will, or maybe we could bribe, ahem, persuade Shaun to nominate him?
She’s a griffter, getting funding to persue “her objectives”, translates as screwing public ( your) money for as much as she can.
Anyone have Pee Wee Herman/Paul Reubens in the Dead Pool?
Not really a known name over here General. In fact , probably 99.9 % have never heard of the cunt.
Ol Pee Wee was a bit of a wrong un by all accounts. He was done for getting his little peewee todger out in an adult cinema.
Filthy little man. Looked the type you would ensure was forcibly prevented from coming within 100 yards of your kids.
He was obviously born before his time. Nowadays he would be in drag reading to four year old kids in the local library.
Indeed, he will spend the rest of eternity roasting in the fires of hell.
Not beyond the bounds of possibilities, but I always carefully check all entries to ensure that
A. Some cunt hasn’t snaffled my picks.
B. Some cunt has tried to snaffle, so I can tell them they’re too late, Pal!
This bitch has been to the Lammy-Flabbott University of Race Baiting and graduated with first class honours. This tale is so familiar I could trot it out myself, along with the usual buzz words….”systemic”….”structural”…….”institutional “…….raaaaaaay-sism.
This shit writes itself.
That picture… Looks like Sir Lenny Henry as Neil from the Young Ones.?
Bloody n*gnogs actually having the neck to accuse the white, supreme being of racism? The fucking s*mbo should know its place!
I wonder how often she gets her watch spring snatch re-sprung.
Probably didn’t happen but if it did, I’d bet good money that the cabbie wasn’t even English
People would stop asking where she really came from if she didn’t have a ridiculous name like Harry Njie. Is it racist to assume that is not an English name so the person might not be English.
Her parents should have named her Dave Smith , would have saved a lot of problems
Find very hard to believe that a person who is so fired up about her colour etc would have let a taxi driver get away with the abuse he hurled at her. Surely she would have reported him I mean fuck me I would have had a go at him if I had heard cannot abide bad manners.Something wrong here. Unlike the anti racist warrior to back down. Remember seeing a video my brother sent me some years back. Three coppers had got a hold on this black bloke and began searching him. This youngish race baiter women got in the action shouting why are you searching and abusing this man? Just then one of the cops pulled a 12” kitchen knife from the kids pants and turned to show her. Stupid cunt carried on shouting. What’s the fucking point?