Yes, it’s her again. Everyone’s favourite uneducated, school-dodging, money-grubbing eco-doomster Greta Cuntberg has sounded off once more. This time it’s the French government’s decision to close down ‘Earth’s Uprisings’, France’s equivalent of Extinction Rebellion. ‘Repression’, claims the Swedish gargoyle, and Eva Cosse, Head of Bullshit at Human Rights Watch, chips in with ‘Chilling’ and ‘Hostile’.
In fact the ban on ‘Earth’s Uprisings’ is a response to their violent protests at a new reservoir in Western France, desperately needed for irrigation by local farmers. Without it crop production would not be possible, meaning food would have to be imported, thereby causing more CO2 to be released. Do these thick cunts ever think this through?
This was all aired at a climate finance conference in Paris, doubtless a convenient vehicle for Greta to improve her own personal financial situation. Oh yes, and how did you get there Greta, by pedal car?
Well done the French Government. What’s the chance of the Wankers of Whitehall banning Extinction Rebellion, Just Stop Oil etc as well I wonder? About as likely as me getting the horn from ogling Greta.
Nominated by Geordie Twatt.
I would pay good money to send that m@ng and other eco hypocrites to Beijing, by sail boat obviously.
Set them up with body cameras and watch as the Chinese army and police beat the mung bean casserole out of them.
She needs the mutton dagger! ( from a blind fool )
How violent can a bunch of vegan students and middle class elderly be?
Just saying.
Set the dogs on em gendarme.
We NEED fossil fuels!
Where the hell else would I get my soot from?
Cremations of eco mentalists?
Actually, this is just taking the piss …
Is that from the new season of the black and black minstrels sam?
Disgraceful display of blackface. Cancel the bitch.
If these cunts want to live in a yurt in Radnorshire they’ll have no competition from me. Trouble is they want me to live in a yurt in Radnorshire. Well they can fuck off.
We could only dream with envy about a yurt in Radnorshire when I was a nipper.
Nearest I got was a one man tent at Great Orme.
Thing is Mis I’m one of the few people who know that area who wasn’t born there. For twenty years I was one of a bunch of radio amateurs who used to set up a station on Black Mixen (2,133′) several weekends every year and run it for twenty-four hours. I know therefore why the god-forsaken place is so sparsely populated. I shall always remember how you could lean back against the wind with your legs slightly apart, take a piss and it didn’t land. Even the bloody sheep looked miserable.
Sounds my kinda place Arfur ?
What sheep in Wales wouldn’t look miserable?
Not miserable enough for me.
What a pity she doesn’t have an ‘off’ switch.
I’m sure the amount of hot air she spouts is seriously contributing to Global Warming.
Daft twat!
She not dating yet?
That normally calms them down.
3 fingers up a mitmot they gyrate like Ian Curtis near a strobe light.
Get Harvey price hosed down and get them on a date.
I’m just trying not to think of that now mis thanks,King Kong fucks Mong with huge dong
Every time this psychotic little twerp opens who gob I cannot help but think the Progressives have had it right all along.
Eugenics, euthanasia and abortion on demand. Surely one of the three would have prevented this malignant dwarf from polluting our world with her toxic presence and put a stop to her raping our ears with her incessant delusional blithering.
Now, the only solution…oven.*
When will people wake up to the fact that the Global Warming/Global Cooling/Man Made Climate Change is just a long con by the One Worlders?
Historically, the Swedes were quite hot on Eugenics; Axel Grenner, the head of Electrolux, was a Nazi sympathiser, and Electroluxes must’ve sucked a few duds into unlife..
I think I would like to fuck it, I know,
I’ll get mi coat.
Hopefully, six months being Big Berthas bitch might knock some sense into her.
Throw it in prison ?
It will get a slap on the wrist fine and be allowed to bother people who don’t eat crayons five minutes after the trial starts.
Some wimminz get better with age. Not something Greta need worry her m@ngy head about.
Lol! Buy that man a drink!
And the grand finale, the carton on the head ?
Buy him 10!
Don’t know who you are, but I’d like to thank you.
Petrol rather than milk plus a box of matches.
I don’t know, Guzzi.
Standing around in the sun, soaked with milk, smelling more and more like an out of date yoghurt, seems perfect to me.
I’d be a little bit impressed if she fucked off to China or north Korea and tried this eco – shite there…..?️
Always thought there was a bit of downs syndrome in her….
Drop her down a deep mine shaft and fill it with cement ?
For cement, I read napalm.
Smells like victory.
Conservative estimates are she’s worth about 2-3 mill and ‘earns’ around 750k p.a.
Nice work if you can get it.
Even if it’s proved that her narrative is total bollocks, she’ll never admit it. She’s making too much coin now.
Fuck me, pay me 750k a year for a few tweets and the odd protest and I’ll tell you Elvis lives inside my ringpiece with the local Salvation Army Christmas band.
Job for life this mongy tart. Just keep saying the world is ending so pay shit loads for your bills, heat pumps, solar panels, trains, planes and leccy cars. No problem for her to pay, I’m sure. I bet she doesn’t even consider turning her gas down in fucking Sweden in December. No fucking chance.
Almost as if the wealthy ‘woke’ types just want every cunt off the roads, out of the airports and providing a large slave wage class for themselves?
Probably just a ‘far right conspiracy theory’ though.
Not such a dummy now eh?
Where there’s muck there’s brass.
No one has considered she might not be mongy at all.
Just a very clever con artist and probable teenage dominatrix.
How many cunts do any of us know who played truant for the last 3 years of school, but ended up multi millionaires by the time they were 19?
Could genuinely all be an act.
She wouldn’t be getting away with it if we still had Roger Cook, I tell thee.
She was always going to make a mint as a career protester.
Gives me a swift pain.
Doesn’t look happy, though, does she?
almost as if that’s what they want? that is exactly what they want. they say so every year at davos.
I’d hypnotise her into loving and worshipping cock. You’d get no trouble from her after that.
Eco cunts in the future.
That boyfriend she had (has?) looked a right soft, soy boy twat.
That must mean she’s a dominatrix. She’ll walk up and down on his back in 8 inch stilletoes. Spit in his eye and call him a worthless maggot.
Her pointed ripe nipples sticking out of her leather bondage bodice as she…er what was this about again?
Stub cigarettes out on his genitals and tells him he’s worthless.
She needs a firm hand
Crying out for it.
A quick uppercut that rocks her malformed head back,
And a curt command
” Hey dummy.
Nip the chippy an fetch me a meat and potato pie.’
She’d be wetter than Jacque Cousteaus socks!!!
It’s like Mills and Boon on here sometimes.
It is very hot again though.
Often is in summer.
Too hot Miles.
I’m indoors hiding.
Iced lemonade
Fan on
Watching GB news which is my favourite,
That Michael Fabricant is on in his ridiculous wig.
Something deeply flawed about him.
I was in the stasi?
He’d be on a train heading towards his new mining career in Siberia.
Wig ,pffft it might as well have a fucking giant chin strap
Am on a bus Miserable. Uncomfortable doubly in the heat and me and Mrs P got separated last night so in the bad books.
Yes Fabricant always reminds me of the joke in Young Frankenstein-
Dr Frankestein-‘Maybe with the advance of science Igor I can help you with that hump of yours?’
Igor-‘What hump?’
But there was a map on some news item showing how hot it is around the world at the moment.. A lot of red on it for both hemispheres.
I dunno.
I think Fabricant wig is actually a sleeping giant, long haired, Equadorian Guineapig.
But I have a vivid imagination.
The girl looks alarmingly like Sarah Ferguson, and grandpa like Mr Magic Money tree from Islington.
Reply was meant for BZ… Dunno what happened…
Fabricant’s syrup is truly one of the wonders of the World. The wonder being that he could wear it out of doors.
Looks like leftovers from the Joeys’ handiwork sessions.
Face 4/10
Tits 3/10
Arse 3/10
Probable filthiness 9/10
Fanny – probably tighter than a Jewish Scotsman from Yorkshire. 9/10
Good job you put in the qualification “Scotsman” CB or Jeezum would be looking for you.
I’m an equal opportunities bigot.
Make sure I don’t leave anyone out.
Shush, arfur.
I’m lulling him into a sense of false security.
If you had little Greta, to do with what you will, for a weekend. What shenanigans would you get up to.
Asking for a slightly pissed friend.
Good afternoon.
One up the arse ,that’s wipe the money expression off her the puzzled fucker
I’d given her the thrill of her life Jack. I’d start out all nicey, nicey then rip her dress off, tie her up in gaffer tape and bundle her into the boot of my car. Take her to the woods and make her dig her own grave. I’d then violate her until she was in tears. I’d then take her home and say ‘Same time tomorrow?’
She’d be pestering me all bloody night begging for more.
She’s a wrong un I reckon.
All this is in Minecraft and not reality erm… allegedly and my opinion.
I’d take her Alton towers.
I’ve never been.
Nor have I, Mis.
Sounds like my idea of Hell.
Puke stained kids and parents.
Land whales scarfing foot-long hotdogs, wearing wife beater vests, shorts that give more than a glimpse of sweaty arse and a stupid hat.
I could go on, but I’m making myself feel nauseated.
@CB. Well done Sir.
Jolly well done ?
Stick her in Unkle T’s special heater until crispy ??
Put her on a bonfire with some worn car tyres and asbestos panels.
I remember when some cunt posted a link to a very convincing deep fake porno featuring Saint Greta.
For some reason, nobody posted anything on here for a few minutes after the link was posted.
I guess ISAC must’ve gone down temporarily?
Things going up rather than down I think CB.
More chance of me winning the euro lottery..
“How dare you Greta , you have stolen my middle age and ruined my dreams” for retirement.
I won’t have a pot to piss in, with the price of everything green.
Zero is all you have left me with.
Silly scowl faced fraud that you are
I like the idea of Greta and her chums gathering to mither about something that needn’t concern them..
So a rapid bayonet charge into them completely wipes them out,leaving them taking their last gasps writhing in agony..
She’s just young.
And young people are cunts on the whole.
I’ve been forced to use some new casual labour.
One upset because his blouse got dirty.?
One got tearful because he was tired.?
On the job yesterday clearing out sheds we found a bag of bullets.
WW2, 303 I think.
Lad was scared to fuckin death?!
Will they blow up?
Your thinking of hand grenades luv.
Had to notify the police to come get the bullets.
Nice to hear you doing your part for care in the community mis, keep up the good work.
You never know you might get a award in the honours list.
You need to be like that TV show Undercover Boss and go incognito to sort out the good workers from the ones who will call you a cunt behind you’re back and skive off. Although being 6ft 8′ with a massive beard might scupper the undercover bit.
He could just put some glasses on, if it worked for Superman …etc
Bet that was fun!
Hanging around for some 19 year old pimply youth to turn up, only for him to radio for back up, like it was an armed siege, or summat.
I’m surprised they didn’t send PCSO, mind they’d have probably had an attack of the vapours.
Mis I’ve often wondered (as I pass thru your parts from time to time)are you taking fiddlers advice and recruiting em from care in the community or sumet pal???
You should have kept hold of the cartridges in case you came across a Lee Enfield in another shed.
Well a few fell in my pocket Moggs.
I didn’t notice.?
My ex forces mate would like them.
And the thought did cross my mind maybe the rifle is knocking around?
Also got a extra £50 weighing in some RSJ
Sounds like a win.
7.7x56mm caliber Mis, if they were 303 Lee Enfield rounds.
You should have kept them and pretended to the new crew that you will be handling matters with the authorities.
Theres many an enthusiast that would pay big bucks for those
I was working for a social worker Mecuntry,
So thought I’d best be good.
Kept a few but majority handed in.
Are they worth owt?
Well you won’t be able to post them anywhere Mis, so the market is limited but it was a true treasure find non the less.
When I was in ” Micks ” version of Dads Army as a youth, I shot 300 rounds in one session, ranging from 100 yards to 400 yards from the brass plated stock of the 303, for my privates badge.
Fond memories but I had experience with shotguns prior but still that didn’t prepare me for the sheer whack from the rifle discharge.
The shooting of the Lee Enfield 303 should be a required test, for all youth of today.
A truly magnificent piece.
Shot the FN and GPMG and Bofors gun, great fun.
Target, on Target, Target, On Target
The Frogs are fab.
I went to a Frog restaurant once.
Pop tart Allizee was playing in the background.
Garcon! Err… garcon!
Je suis un, err, poisson, err…
Parlais vous Dutch?
Err, garcon garcon, ici garcon
Je suis un fillet de, err, Dover sole?
Comment, comment, Garcon?
Je suis err, le bits of, err, mouton
Mutton. Je suis mutton
Et le vin blanc, err, and err…
Oh garcon! Garcon! Err, icI!
Je veux, je veux le cabbages?
Le cabbages, garcon?
Je veux, err… le particle of snot?
Garcon, ici, garcon,
Err, comment?
Ah, oui oui, garcon
Non, non garcon!
Avez vous le whinging poms de cricket?
Err… mais oui, mais oui!
Je suis Anglais.
Frogs est forkin’ fab!
Bonne soirée mes amis.
Your command of the French language is to be admired.
Did you used to write scripts for ‘Allo,’ Allo?
Vous pourriez penser que, je ne peux pas commenter…
I cannot tell you how much French waiters enjoy being called boy!
Try that in the Pigalle, if you enjoy getting your face smashed in.
It’s M’sieur or Ma’selle.
Thanks for the heads-up – lol!
I’d chuck my hot mess all over the gurning goblin’s noggin.
That’ll learn her of a new dimension in global warming.
You dirty boy!
Greta’s so famous, a statue of her has been made:
Throw it on the bonfire ????
Inspired, Thomas!
Absolutely inspired.
Hahaha ??
Are you trying to one-upTtCE in the sexual deviant stakes?????
If so you’re giving him a run for his money and that’s saying something.
Greta realising that the world won’t any time soon is marketing a doll to celebrate her 25th birthday..
Won’t end..
Scary image ?
What is worse, this cunt or the cunts that lap this shit up, oh no climate this, global that. Fuck off to some real polluting countries and see how far you get. Wicker man please.
They say we must think of our grandchildren. I don’t give a toss. Whatever happens, they’re only going to carry on being annoying, by identifying as fuck knows what, going on marches for some other ridiculous far fetched triviality and have their cocks cut off to store in a freezer incase they might feel it necessary to have it sewn back on in the future. At least I won’t be here when everyone’s black doing the conga and stuck up each other’s arseholes.
I’m with you Sammy.
Fuck em.
Give the moaning little cunts something to gripe about.
I’ve had my fun
And that’s all that matters
All upset in the media about the mural in a children’s asylum centre of Mickey mouse and Tom and Jerry being painted over.
To be honest little Mtembe and Shamima probably thought it was the menu.
They wouldn’t know who fuckin Mickey mouse is.
They’re ignorant.
Probably think he’s some sort of minor royal.
Yeah those bearded 30yo kids must be devastated.
We’re a couple of swells.
You are Father Fintan Stack and I claim my free five punt.
Thinks she’s Klaatu, but looks like Kuato.
She’s the Zoomer mongey version of Captain Planet, and the politicians of the West are eager to look like her Planeteers.
Goooooo planet!
Captain Planet,
He’s a hero
Gonna take pollution down to zero.
That worked well didn’t it?
I’m moving to York sounds like my type of city..
I love a bit of casual racism.
York gets my vote….??
If it was good enough for the Vikings……….
That is one fugly eggand…
another council using taxpayers money to insult them.
The truth is there will never be enough diversity for these people because the grift keeps paying. There is more than enough BAME represented on TV relative to the general population but still the grifters want more.