Glasto and its pathetic powder-puff pop stars

I am not a huge fan of Elton John. He and Bernie Taupin (who hardly ever gets much credit) wrote a lot of dross along with some good songs. But at 76 Elton wobbled onto the stage at Glastonbury (“Glasto” to the hip cats) and gave a spirited performance. Ok, he can’t reach the high notes any longer, but he still plays a mean piano and tries his heart out.

Not so some of the (much younger) so-called modern “superstars”. The Arctic Monkeys performed a very half-hearted, slovenly set. The pudgy little scotchman Lewis Capaldi couldn’t last through his and Lana Del Rey was half an hour late due to hair problems and was duly cut off before the end of hers.

Well, the punters only paid three ton a ticket after all. Who expects value for that? Even the die-hard Glasto Luvvies admitted it was the most lacklustre festival ever.

As for eco credentials, a view from the sky on that last night showed the whole of the festival site lit up like Las Vegas. And the amount of litter and debris left behind could fill a stadium.

Typically of course, the Beeb saw fit to fill our screens with this shite for the whole weekend. Well, they had to justify the alleged 1000 staff they had in attendance there. Meanwhile, more cuts were announced to local BBC stations. I’m sure most listeners would prefer to witness this smugfest once a year rather than enjoy their own regular programmes every night. Especially older folk of course who adore fatso scotch freaks and the like.

I think this whole sad, self-satisfied affair says a lot about the direction of the BBC, our country and where it is all heading.

Daily Fail

Bbc news

Nominated by Lord Helpus.

77 thoughts on “Glasto and its pathetic powder-puff pop stars

  1. If the Beeb sent a thousand staff there, I’d say that there’s plenty of room for economies at that august organisation.

    The fuckers actually there left the place looking like a bomb site, the cunts.

    A shite shower all round.

    Morning all.

  2. Truly a festival of cunts.

    Every year I hope for an outbreak of Ebola..alas it hasn’t happened yet.

    Just a giant infestation of shit instead.

    • Or Huw Edwards saying “fuck it”, going postal and indulging in a Glastonbury-based rape spree.

      • Sending best wishes to Huw and family…
        Also sending photographs of my genitals.
        Hopefully I’ll get a cheque for 5 grand in the post!

      • What gets me is the entire media, even GB news, rallying around him like he’s done nothing wrong. If he was Joe Public he’d be crucified in the media and bricking it on a segregation wing by now. Mental health my arse!

      • Like some one else here said.
        Cuddly old Huw being sent to the funny farm was very timely. He’s now been declared the victim in all this and the Sun newspaper are the horrible nasty bogeymen.
        I want photographic proof he’s in the nut house , maybe a photo of him in a rubber room wearing a jacket that fastens at the back.

      • GB NEWS have gone down in my estimation. There fawning over poor old Huw like the rest of them.
        But who can blame GB NEWS. All there six adverts are Welsh. Blood being thicker than water and all that.

      • What ever happened to good old perverts from back along. Now its the mental health card, or some other cuntishness, just own up to your kinkyness.

      • GB News are shite and have shown themselves up as just another news channel quite often. They use the same formats as other channels, the gotcha interviews, the rent-a gobs saying nothing.
        Boring old shit.

      • All this gushing kindness and empathy &c. towards HE is somewhat suggestive of “There but for the grace of Dog…”
        In fact, I wonder if Garee or Jeremee is into K9 pawn??

  3. Even that Nanny Ferrari-Ratcunt was there. Being surrounded by thousands of leftie woke muppets eating fifteen quid vegan falafel wraps and listening to some fat old poofter is part of her integration back into British life.

  4. I think the beeb sent Huw Edwards there for a final fling towards his addiction. A last look in the toy shop, before going on this pretend sick in the head uphill gardening leave.

  5. I like the sight of hundreds of the wankers jumping up and down doing mass exercises. Snowflakes love having some cunt telling them what to do. Thinking for themselves is not their strong point.

    • FTF, if hundreds of these pricks were to be killed simultaneously at Glastonbury, what catastrophe event would you most like to see them slaughtered by?
      Dirty bomb? Combine Harvester?
      Madman with a flamethrower?

      • Violence, rape or a cheeky mixture of both, CB?
        They could gee Harvey up by draping his mother’s crusty knickers over his nose.
        When they were peeled off, they’d make a noise like velcro.

      • A darkfantasy i thought i was alone in having.

        probably not a nuclear/radiological device as it is a farm and radiation would affect farm animals and wildlife.
        i’m going for a fertiliser explosion as seen in the port in Beirut. Not sure how much Eavis keeps under the pyramid stage but it gave us a look at a non-nuclear kiloton-yield .explosion.

      • Bouncing bomb dropped by the last flying Lancaster, if the bomb didn’t kill them the British superiority and direct links to the Empire and old fashioned values would blow their self righteous woke brains apart.

      • “…what catastrophe event would you most like to see them slaughtered by?…”

        We’re hearing a lot about inhuman ‘cluster’ munitions at the moment but here’s an opportunity to deploy them in pusuit of a truly humanitarian cause and use up some old stock. Get a Nobel Prize for it… probably.

      • Harvey’s muvva’s minge detaching itself from her evil-smelling carcase, and flying round like one of those old Star Trek thingies that resembled an omelette with ketchup. Imagine that minge of full on the blob warp factor slapping you in the chops.

    • If we’re going with the Lanc I’d favour a Grand Slam bomb, so that the entire site and occupants are swallowed up by the resulting ginormous crater

  6. Massturbation get together for middle class wankers. 1,000 BBC cunts?! God how I hate the BBC even though I no longer pay for it. They really take the piss with the “unique way they are funded”:

  7. It may have once been a wholesome festival, just a shower o’ shit these days. One giant advertisement for woke more than anything else. Talentless wankers!

  8. The Fat Scotch cunt has Tourettes allegedly, it probably developed when he realised he was a fat talentless twat who only became a ‘star’ because he is a fat scotch twat.

    Glasto, what a pile of shit, £300 a pop, what absolute cunts ?

    • Don’t get me started on that fucking whelk.

      Oh, boohoo, mental health issues. Yes, I really do have a lot of sympathy for people who genuinely suffer.

      This one, though? Strikes me as an overgrown man-child who’s never been told “no” or do anything for themselves. Hence a case of the wobblies.

      His music’s cack, too.

  9. Unpopular opinion, but I generally hate live music.

    A ticket costs a small fortune, it takes ages to get there, you can’t really see anything unless you get there hours (or days!) in advance, the musician rarely sounds as they do on a record, a beer costs an overdraft extension, and you’re guaranteed to be stuck behind some cunt filming it on their phone. The oven’s too good for those people.

    Best stay home and bang The Big Music on.

    • Damn right C_C.
      As a sniffy musical purist twat, I will only ever listen to music on ultra high-end equipment.
      The only live music I’d ever go and see is Rosie Jones and Harvey Möng trying to do a rendition of “Walking in the Air” by Aled Boyo.

    • Not that unpopular an opinion. Ive been to smaller gigs but a large concert or festival is not for me.

      Too many basic cunts with phones, and i’m a misanthropic sociopath.

    • I agree Cuntis,
      Most live music is shite, it shows what lousy musicians they often are.
      I only like watching live bands in small venues.
      The only bands i can say were brilliant live we’re back in the early 70’s when i saw the Who, Deep Purple and Family . They were some of the rare acts that were better live than in the studio.

  10. They had Zaghari Radcliffe on stage?
    You cant get more middle-class than tha.
    The Möben kitchen tent and Hugh Fearnley Shittong-stool vegan sustainability demo isnt too faar away.

    Posh libtard wankfest.
    I’m glad those attending found it shit. i found it shit when i watched some of it last year. I think it’s been shit since the mid-noughties.

  11. Looking at the header picture, it’s nice to see Sloth from the Goonies is still getting work. Onya lad, chins up.

    • No way id pay £300+ to see Elton fuckin John?!!

      Fuck that.

      I want the Stooges, Hawkwind, the Sex pistols, headed by Led Zeppelin or the Who for that sort of money.

      All the acts are suitable for Henley regatta.
      Middle class ballads and pop shite.

      The crowd don’t even O.D anymore!
      I.D instead.

      It’s pitiful.
      Nothing Rock n Roll about it.
      Bunch of luvvie types drinking Pimm’s and eating strawberries the chinless Henry cunts.


      • Pimms? No way that’s alcoholic. That’s no way for Zoomers to live. They have to look their best for their selfies.

  12. Hi Esme, big sis Phoebe here, hope you get this message.

    Wasn’t that the just best Glesto evah? Guns and Woses, wow! And JSO’s Indigo Wumbelow’s talk on pwotest and wesistance was inspiwational.

    Sowwy Wobin and you hed to leave early as Wobin’s deddy wanted his Wange Wover back, you missed Elton, he was mega. Nevah mind. Thing is though, without you and Wobin to help it was too big a feff for Hugo and me to cawwy all the kit beck to the Merc. So we left the tent, gwoundsheet, flysheet, air beds, pillows, sleeping begs, stove, cold box and food wappahs thah. Not a pwoblem, all awound us were doing the same, including my fwiends Vewity and Vewonica fwom Gweenpeace.

    Enyway that means we’ll hev to tep deddy for some more moolah fwom the twust fund to weplace it all faw next yah. Hev a think about how we might bwoach the subject with the old bigot.

    Must desh, got to go and watch Hugo playing cwicket. Toodle pip.

  13. Huw Edwards should be sprang from the nuthouse to do a version of “Smack my bitch up”
    Clad in rubber undies and a chainsaw.

    I’d respect him more.

    • Afternoon MNC…is Huw accused of attempting to diddle a young fella or a young lady?
      Not that it should matter but, for a married man, one is funnier than the other.
      I see the cunt’s already bleating about “mental health, I’m a victim!” etc.

      • Afternoon Thomas?

        The fact the media refuses to say the sex of the complainants makes me assume male.

        Bet he’s a right arrogant cunt off screen?

        He’s on half a million a year , perks, pampered,
        Gets his own way all the time etc

        Well his days on the Gravy train are over.
        He can shreik

        ” Do you know who I am?!!

        Loud as he wants in Arkham asylum.
        He’ll get the liquid cosh off nurse Ratchet.?

  14. What’s that all about throwing stuff at the ‘stars’? Harry Styles was ‘bonked’ on the head with something…
    Women used to throw their knickers at Tom Jones.
    Now they throw bottles.

    • They used to throw bottles of piss at Donnington ‘Monsters of Rock’ festival, Miles.

      Dunno if they still do in these enlightened times?

      • Anybody remember the good old days when the crowd got near enough to the stage to gob on the band?

        Now that’s what I call music!

    • If i went to Glastonbury i’d throw bottles at half the shit acts they have there.

  15. I hate to be such a doom monger but i think quality popular music is finished. At least for the foreseeable future

    • i’ve thought that since the mid noughties, Fenton, and i’m not exactly an old cunt

  16. There has appeared a brand new mental illness that ranks among manic depression, schizophrenia, personality disorders. The name of this debilitating illness “ getting caught”. Jokes aside Huw could be a manic depressive his supposed behaviour over many years does fit the accepted pattern of a level of manic depressive type affliction.

  17. Glasto festival, never been never wanted to. Been to Glastonbury lovely town, watched a short time on telly crock of shite squared, as an earlier cunter stated at least Elton put some effort in how can you justify being fucking late when all the twats waiting to see you payed £300 at least . Whose idea was it to put the special needs bloke on, bloody audience had to sing his songs themselves. Fuck me thinking back to what my associates were like if they paid for something and did not get it the place would have been trashed then torched no fucking prisoners.

  18. It died long ago for me personally when that cunt Micheal Eavis kicked the travellers off their field, which they have had for decades. What a selfish greedy tosspot he is.

    • All that ”Fantastic”,”Fantastic” patter he’s inclined to spew out at the first opportunity ? A real arcane,hippytalist grifter.par-excellence which that sorry decade (60’s) coughed up to thus subvert the collective moral compasses of millions into the current clutches of the Communist/corporate/technochracy,…hell-bent in sending us into the very darkest of realms.

  19. Never been to a live popular music festival, only live music event I’ve attended was the Band of Her Majesty’s Royal Marines, you cant beat the Corps of Drums.

  20. 200x£350 per middle class twat= £70,000,000.00.

    That’s just entrance fee.

    Fuck me…!

  21. I still think a small tactical nuclear device would have been the best solution. It would have put an end to this clusterfuck of cuntery not only for now but for the immediate future.

  22. The rich cunts who pay £25k for a ‘luxury’ yurt with Aircon, a functioning toilet and bath sums up this capitalist money grab nicely.

    Gone are the days of having some cider based lifeform fall through your tent at 3 am on day one and then have to put up with a soaking wet sleeping bag and freezing cold mud caked clothes for the rest of the weekend because your favourite bands were playing on the last day.

  23. I have recently nominated that hipster cunt Lana Bel End for her cuntish unprofessionalism at Twatstonbury.

    And it was laughable to see all the woke tosspots singing along to the very un-woke Guns ‘N’ Roses.

  24. No evidence of criminality found.

    Nah, it’s only the BBC letting a perv commentate at the Queen’s funeral…

    • Makes you wonder if from that Instagram picture of him whether he was wearing trousers when he announced the news.

      • And it’s obviously poofery, Miles.

        Had Huwie Deweyandlewie been perving over some young girl, the Me Too witches guild would be setting him alight already.?

        But, because it’s ‘alleged’ fruit picking, the BBC calls it a ‘complicated private life’. Yeah right….?

  25. Why do those soulless beige fat cunts Capaldi and Sheercunt have small toy looking guitars? Could it be that neither of them can play a real one?

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