Disney organisation

Snow Latina and the Seven Diverse Magical Beings

They say that you should never kick somebody when they’re down, but I’m prepared to make an exception when it comes to the Disney organisation and its cinematic output.

Having completely trashed ‘Star Wars’, ‘Willow’ and ‘Indiana Jones’, Disney now seems intent on destroying its own beloved legacy of animation with a series of woke live action remakes. So far this has yielded flop remakes of ‘Peter Pan’ and ‘The Little Mermaid’. Now Disney’s really going for it with a remake of one of its greatest classics, ‘Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs’.

Trouble is, it seems to me that there are a few things wrong with this remake, or ‘problematic’, to use one of those terms loved by woke types everywhere. Now take Snow White herself. She’s called that of course because her skin is ‘as white as snow’. Well fuck that; remember that this is a ‘progressive re-imagining’ for a ‘modern day audience’, so they’ve cast the Hispanic actress Rachel Zegler in the role. Off to a flying start then. What’s a bit of race-swapping here and there?

Then you’ve got her seven vertically challenged companions. Or rather, you haven’t, because that might re-inforce ‘negative stereotyping’. So any dwarfish actors struggling for work can do one, as we’ve now got a gender and ethnically diverse bunch of ‘magical companions’. I reckon the audience will piss themselves when they see this bunch if leaked on set photos are anything to go by.

Oh, and forget Snow White moving into the dwarfs’ home in the woods and taking care of them. Apparently she’s now a feminist who wants to ‘find herself’ as a woman and a leader. That kiss from Prince Charming while she sleeps is out too; it’s non-consensual. It couldn’t happen now anyway because again, it seems Prince Charming’s out on his arse as well, as the story now can’t depend on something as utterly sexist as a woman finding fulfillment in the love of a man.

Hands up if like me, you can’t wait for the film’s release next year. No, me neither actually. I really can’t see where Disney thinks this so-called ‘modern audience’ for its woke nonsense actually is. Has it learned so little from its recent debacles? Can it really not see that the vast majority of its potential audience wants entertainment, not a finger-wagging lecture premised on a woke agenda?

Go on then Disney, break a fucking leg. Break both while you’re on it, and your neck as well. Go woke go broke indeed, and the faster the better.


Nominated by Ron Knee with a seconding by General Cunster below.

I would like to second this nomination.

As an American I grew up with Disney. Every Sunday night before Bonanza, Walt Disney’s The Wonderful Wold of Color was magical television. And like every other American family of the day, mine went on the typical Chevy Chase Family vacation of the day to both Disneyland and Walt Disney World.

And if Bambi traumatized my generation, Davy Crockett inspired us and Annette made us feel the first stirrings of manhood.

But today? What so many of us admired has become just the latest version of wokeist degeneracy. Like Transheuser Busch and Targay before them, Disney is plunging deep into the Bunghole of perversity.

The Little Schvarmaid…The Haunted Crackhouse and now…Blanca Nieves and the Seven Diversity Hires.

Walt was an American icon and a true patriot who embraced family values. It’s a shame to see what they have done to his vision of wholesome family entertainment.

NY post

184 thoughts on “Disney organisation

  1. Didn’t Disney invent Mickey Mouse in order to cleanse the audience’s colons and prevent masturbation?
    *fact check*
    Oh, sorry. That was Kellogg and his cornflakes…

    • Afternoon Komodo. I knew there must be some reason I was averse to cornflakes.

    • Prevent masturbation? You might as well play King Canute and try to prevent the tide going in and out…

  2. By the time this film comes out, Disney will have either changed tack (at least on the surface) or be filing for bankruptcy.
    They’ve had flop after flop, both LucasFilm and the Marvel universe are done, their theme parks, cruise liners and hotels are failing and they lose billions each quarter from streaming.
    Now that Darth Kennedy is out on her feminist ear, maybe Bob Iger should admit their mistakes and make a truly amazing Star Wars film. It’d be LucasFilm’s last chance.
    How come the board and the shareholders haven’t revolted?
    Their bent agenda is costing literally billions.
    Maybe the entire company is being supplemented by BlackRock to continue to promote left wing causes.
    Hopefully the actors/writers’ strike will finish Hollywood off once and for all, the bunch of filthy degenerates.

    • “Maybe the entire company is being supplemented by BlackRock to continue to promote left wing causes”

      I wouldn’t be in the least bit surprised Thomas .

      • Oy the agony!
        Oy the shame!
        How could you say such a thing Herman? That’s aterrible shanda, just a viscious trope, a shameless stereotype… etc etc

      • blackrock and vanguard own huge stakes in most of the worlds biggest companies . it is truly unbelievable the control they have

      • (scroll a bit down the page)

        are the main institutional shareholders of Disney

        …replace Disney in that sentence/search bar with ALL or ANY of the major media/banking/defence companies and conglomerates and you’ll find the same.

      • Indeed Cuntychops ↓

        Even the chardonnay I frequently sip / guzzle threads back to them. They are quite pervasive in all aspects of everyday life.

  3. So it sounds like snow white pays a coyote to get across the border, then becomes the de-facto leader of a gang of meth manufacturers.

    We cook cook cook cook cook
    In our lab the whole day through.
    It ain’t no trick to get rich quick.
    We cook cook cook cook cook.

    We get high with the ho’s.
    Then home we go.

  4. If they remade Mary Poppins & cast a black actor in the chimney sweep role … would that work? …

      • There’s another Idris, although it’s his last name, who apparently is odds on favourite to be the next James Blud, sorry, I meant Bond.

    • I think you’re a shoo in Sam.

      Need to brush up on your Jafaican accent though.

      ‘Cor, blinky blimey guvnor n’ting’.

    • If they recast Bert then maybe this time they could cast an actual Londoner………. like Idris Elba. Works for me.

  5. And that hypocritical millionaire cunt Peter Dinklage makes millions from being a fucking dwarf then pulls the ladder up after him.

    • Yeah , Dinky has ruined panto season for other midgets.

      The midget community hate the cunt.

      He wasn’t complaining when filling his little pockets though the greedy little cunt.

      • I hate pull the ladder up cunts.

        That Avid Merrion bloke.
        Boo hoo I need to educate myself on how racist my characters were I’m so sorry please don’t cancel my TV contracts ahem

        Eddie Murphy ‘sorry’ for his act once he’s made his millions.

        Kevin Peterson, leaves SA to play for England’s cricket team when they brought in racial quotas. He was told he was being left out of the SA team for being white. He was very outspoken about how unfair this was at the time. Now, after his career is over, he’s made his dosh and he’s now after media jobs, ‘He understands the quotas now’ in a woke Sky interview I saw.

        Yeah I fucking bet. In other word, any SA honkies suffering the same he did can fucking suck it up and stop being racists. He’s got more money to make, you cunts.

        Rich cunts telling everyone to be skint forever to ‘save the planet’, after the large proportion of JSO’s older members have had their fun.

        Pull the ladder up cunts are fucking wankers.

    • Yes…… the step-ladder.

      Sorry, that joke’s been done-to-death but I had to use it.

    • Agreed.

      I actually mentioned Peter Dinklage in my second but the Gods of cunting apparently deleted my remarks.


      “And while I’m at it fuck that cunt Peter Dinklage too.”

  6. As much as this annoys me and as much as I think that the loss of employment for dwarf actors (a very limited niche market) is appalling, I have to say that even more appalling is the utter arrogance and lack of self-awareness shown by Piers Morgan after inviting dwarf actor Dylan Postl (who played WWE wrestler Hornswoggle) and then talking over him and not letting him speak for himself.


    I think Piers Morgan is probably overdue for another cunting but I can’t be arsed to do it myself.

    • Oh shit!! This comment finally gets let out of WordPress prison…. several hours after getting posted.


      I’m being facetious, please take no offence.

    • Professional poof James Barr has been nominated for a cunting as well.

      I hate the cunt.

  7. Just a rumor about some of the proposed films in Disney R & D:

    Peter Pan-sexual
    The Urban Book
    Davey Crackhead
    Marylisha Hip-hoppins

    • I hear that they’re sounding out Gary Lineker to star as ‘Dumbo’ in a live action re-make of that classic.

      • For his intellect. Or his fucking ears .reply to Ron to cast lineker as dumbo

    • At risk of being a pedant…. I think you mean “Cinderfella” not “Cinderfellow”. Sorry.

      • At the risk of being pendantic I think you’re mixing your metaphors. Sorry.

      • @General Cuntster

        If I’m mixing up my metaphors, could you please edify me as to how? That way I can learn something new and not make the same mistake again.

        Diolch yn fawr.

      • Hello Two,

        Most people think of a pendant as a piece of jewelry (or bauble) on a necklace. That is it’s primary dictionary definition.

        To be a pendant is generally defined as being a companion to something…a counterpart if you will.

        In American slang to call someone a pendant is derogatory. Referring back to a piece of jewelry hanging from a necklace. It means when pointlessly correcting someone he gave himself enough rope to hang himself. As in:

        That dude is a real pendant.

        I didn’t think you meant to refer to yourself as my companion or in a derogatory manner. Hence, my remark.

        Perhaps in British English it has a different meaning.

      • Quick addendum:

        As I don’t understand (what I assume to be some form of Galic) would you please translate that last remark into English.

      • @General Cuntster

        I think I see where my confusion originates. If you read my initial post to which you were responding, I referred to myself as a “pedant” ….. (that being a person acting in a pedantic manner), not as a “pendant”.

      • Hey Two,

        You are correct. Too many hours staring at my screen have led my old eyes* to see what they wanted to see.

        I apologize and stand corrected or as the kids say; My bad.

        Cinderfella it is then.

        *Eyes aren’t the only thing to fail when one gets old.

      • If it’s any consolation, General, your nose and eyebrow hair production goes into overdrive, the older you get, the more there is.

      • @General Cuntster

        There’s absolutely no need to apologise. As soon as I read the comment I realised that no malice was involved. After all, at ISAC we’re all friends and cunters-in-arms even when we do genuinely disagree.

    • “Yeah you go gurrrrl…” I think somebody has been watching videos by The Critical Drinker. Am I right?

      That being said though, there is no analogy I could possibly think of for casting one of the most beautiful women in the world as…….. the Evil Queen/Wicked Stepmother rather than Snow White (the fairest of them all) because this movie’s casting choice is literally the analogy I would use for a stupid casting choice.

      These Hollywood fuckers are broken in the head.

      • One of my mates thought he should start a Youtube channel about films and games, and talk about them while drunk.
        I said he should call it The English Drinker.

        He actually thought about it.

      • @Cuntamus Prime

        That name sounds a little derivative which is kind of a faux pas in the movie industry and movie-loving circles in general.

        A more fitting name for an Englishman doing drunken movie commentary would be something like “Stella Film-Noir”……. although that sounds pretentious as fuck.

      • Exactly. I thought he wouldve noticed that immediately but seemed to actually consider it as a genuine title.

        I did try to steer hi. away from the idea. There are hundreds of film/gaming channels already doing a decent job.

        I think he actually wants to start the channel to chat to ThatStarWarsGirl.

      • @Cuntamus Prime

        To be fair though, using social camouflage in order to get closer to the pussy is not a bad mating strategy….. it’s just that it’s a bit dated and has been done to death by lefty male feminists.

        Granted, when they do it, they’re doing it with mentally-impaired (lefty women) and those guys seem to be sleazy, rapey, smooth-brained, soyboy fuckwits, but that doesn’t mean that just because they do it, that it’s okay to do it.

      • I dont think he has much of a chance. She’s a bit too far out of his league.

  8. The only cunts who would pay money to see this shit are Grauniad reading, middle class leftard parents who also take their toddlers to see some drag act wank themselves off on stage at the local library.

    Sick cunts who will be the first against the wall

    • Disney the organisation is sinister and woke as fuck.

      But the original stuff from when we were kids is a fine body of work,
      Cutting edge animation.

      Founder Walt is now just a cryogenically frozen head in a crypt in California,
      Dreaming of his return in a 20ft robot body to wreak havoc on the Jews.

      Nowadays the little mermaid looks like a oil slick,
      Cinderella looks like Aretha Franklin
      And the fairy godmothers got a beard you could hide a badger in.

    • Afternoon RK…maybr Disney could do a 2nd Beauty and the Beast remake starring Dylan Mulvaney as Belle(end) and record-breaking train “artist” Harvey Price as the Beast?

      • I suggest that you copyright this immediately Thomas, then it to Disneycunts for £10m.

    • ‘She’ is just perfect, girlhood an all, just needs to keep the tash in check and her (his) winkie well hidden.

      Fucking Disney, fascist transphobe bastards.

    • Dylan Mulfucking vaney! For Christ’s sake Ron! Isn’t it time someone slotted the fucking thing?

  9. The first time I went the pictures as a nipper was to see Jungle book.

    It was too much for me.

    The sound, colour, music,
    I went into a heightened state of awareness,
    Jumping up and down on my seat, singing along,
    Screeching like a monkey,
    My granny couldn’t control me,
    I went feral.
    Mowgli had nothing on me.

    She and my better behaved calmer cousins were embarrassed.

    Ive never enjoyed a film as much as that since.

    • Freddie the Frog gets to see King Louie and all his simian chums on a daily basis.

    • Fucking ell,mis you mean you went full Harvey price …that must have been quite a sight ,good nom btw best in a while making me feel old ,but hey

  10. Their recent undersea flop would’ve been better if it was “The Cripple Mermaid” where Ariel’s fin is knackered due to a shark attack and she has to convert her father King Triton’s chariot into an aquatic wheelchair.

    • Even better would be if a shark bit off her lower half, puked up the lower half of a human man and then she had to have that stitched on instead.

      I would pay good money to see an AI-generated Darryl Hannah having to walk/swim around her underwater kingdom as an amphibious chick-with-a-dick.

      She’d have to suffer the slings and arrows of being an expendable human male while also suffering the spears and harpoons of being a large, ocean-borne female.

  11. Even as a child I never much cared for Disney. Sickly sentiments tosh. Mickey Mouse was utter shite.
    Fantasia was the biggest fucking yawnathon I ever had to sit through. They totally butchered Stravinsky’s great music, fucking vandals.
    Tom & Jerry wiped the floor with Disney. As did the Flintstones, Top Cat, Yogi Bear, et al.
    More recently, South Park, Beavis & Butthead, King of the Hill, Family Guy, American Dad – all blew Disney off the stage.

    • The Fred Quimby ‘Tom and Jerry’ films were masterpieces of the animator’s art.

      Legendary work.

      • Tom and Jerry
        Disney of the 40s then 60s- early 70s
        Ren and Stimpy
        Cosgrove Hall

        A K I R A..

      • Smart boy, got a mind like a steel trap – full of mice.
        Pay attention to me boy! I’m not just talkin’ to hear my head roar!
        That’s a joke, I say, that’s a joke, son.

      • Same here. Cosgrove Hall and the mighty Dangermouse.

        Warner Bros and the Merry Melodies/Looney Tunes were the best. Wile .E. Coyote, Yosemite Sam, Sylvester, Pepe Le Pew, and all them..

    • Did you noticce how the animation style changed around the time of 101 Dalmations. and Jungle Book? it got a bit ‘janky’, more like Hanna Barbera.
      It stayed like that through to the early eighties. I think Hanna Barbera’s success during that time may have influenced that look.

    • I have to say that even though I watched Beavis and Butthead back in the 90’s, I was a kid so didn’t really appreciate the genius of Mike Judge.

      Thankfully Mr Judge hasn’t toned down his politically-incorrect humour with the new Beavis and Butthead series’ of the last 2 years…. merely modified it a little.

      The best Beavis and Butthead episodes in my opinion are from the one-off series back in 2011 where MTV commentaries were replaced with commentaries of scenes from Jersey Shore. Funny as fuck.

      • Ho ho, yes I watched that series too, TITS.
        “Hey Beavis, I think these guys might be stupider than us!”

    • Nothing magical about them.
      They look like they’ve just landed on the south coast fresh from Calais.

      Snow white and seven shades of shite.

    • You sure that ain’t the BBC re-imagining rentaghost, Ron?


    • Fuck me Ron ,you wasn’t wrong,where they recruit these fuckers from .straight off the Kent coast by the look of it

  12. People will vote with their feet and just won’t go to see the new woke SHITE..

    Hit the cunts where it hurts..in the wallet…£££?

    • It’s just remake after remake.
      Even the prequels (loathsome made-up word) and sequels are just thinly disguised remakes of the originals.

      I’m truly struggling to think of a single film that was better than the original, or a sequel/prequel even.

      They just keep flogging the same dead horse, in the hope that we won’t see the rotting flesh and maggots.

      Stay on strike, Hollywood. There are other people who make films, other than you.

      • Wrath of the Titans, the sequel to Clash of the Titans, a terrible remake of the already questionable original, was surprisingly decent.

        Love Harryhausen, but his animated creatures for Clash of the Titans looked a bit Poundland in the wake of Alien and The Empire Strikes Back.

  13. Disney films are a mixed bag. I like the run from pinocchio to Alice in Wonderland then the style goes a bit stale, then changes to a more free expressive style more in common with Hanna Barbera, seen in 101 Dalmations and animated sequences in Mary Poppins, then thestyle changed up a bit in the late eighties with the little Mermaid. I think The Lion King was the last Disney film I bothered watching in the cinema.
    The first film of any sort i saw in a public showing was in the gym/assembly hall at primary school via projector and was the Jungle Book.

    I didn’t go feral.

    • As for Disney World, my brother went as a thirteen year oldcwith a mate and the family during a fortnight in Florida.
      It was one of many disappointments in the state, others being the topographic blandness, the sweetened food and the ‘wiggas’

  14. Walt us rolling in his grave. Nothing new, just shredding all the fun stuff we were brought up with.
    And the cunts are so expensive and disorganised in Florida they are shedding millions of dollars and staff.
    Oh dear, how fucking sad, nevermind.

    • I bet that the hypocritical fuckers are now desperate to get Johnny Depp back to the ‘Pirates’ series as well to try and stem the losses.

      I hope he tells them to fuck themselves with a broken bottle.

      • I hope they fuck Johnny the domestic violence victim Depp off and employ his fiesty and fuckable ex Amber Heard as Captain Jack.

        She’s the real deal.

        Biting off fingers
        Shitting in people’s beds

        Proper pirate behaviour.

      • She’s a real bitch and no mistake Miserable.

        She deserves a damn good thrash across that peachy little arse. That’ll learn her, the sexy little honey.

      • She’s lace-knicker wearing phycopathic loon, and if someone told me she’d been Jolly Rodgered by the entire male cast of Pirates of the Caribbean I wouldn’t be at all surprised.

      • I bet they’re begging for him to return. the pirates films actually made them money, although spending $300m on the 3rd one is excessive, and it was shite.

        Could be eorse though. Could be Glastonbury.

  15. My favourite Disney film is ‘Song of the South.’ Live action and inimitable Disney animation combine to produce a spellbinding experience every child will lov. Oh, wait…

  16. Fantasia was a masterpiece, but Disney have shat on their own doorstep too often and for too long. They are now up to their necks in steaming woke shit.

    • My Dad would never allow any Disney stuff in the house when we were kids, saying it was Capitalist Propaganda (he was a Union shop steward) – it is amusing now to think of someone using this sort of language to small children. On a less political note, we were not allowed to watch The Good Life either, because it was “middle class shite”.

    • Far from being a masterpiece, Disney crudely butchered Stravinsky’s ‘Rite of Spring’ for the soundtrack.
      Fucking philistines.

  17. The old Hollies tune ‘King Midas In Reverse’ is made for Disney.
    Everything they go near turns to stinking runny shit. Everything from Star Wars to their own iconic characters gets dry buggered by the woke dildo.

    • ‘Dry buggered by the woke dildo’.

      Admit it Norman, you stole that from Shakespeare;

      ‘Sire, I beg to report that the Frenchies are fucked; well and truly dry buggered by the woke dildo’.

      Henry V, Act 5.

      • I thought it was from The Empire Strikes Back?
        Lord Vader, the rebel base has fallen and Captain Solo is in a detention cell. Should we commence dry buggery?’
        Vader: ‘Impressive. Most impressive. You may proceed, commander. Prepare the droids…’
        Boba Fett;; ‘Is it fitted to the gay golden one? He’s no good to me dead.’
        Vader; ‘The Empire will compensate you if he dies’.

  18. Disney have just signed Philip Schofield and Michael Barrymore for Bedknobs and broomsticks rehash.


    • Phillip singing to his young pal.
      ‘When you reach the age, of not receiving…’

  19. People have enough of it, but the corporations continue with the agenda laid out by blackrock and others for fear of repercussions by the trillions zillions bullies.

    Hope they all go broke even if it breaks society and I fear that it will but maybe its all part of the asylums plans, so they can justify the press of a button and Boom.
    Yet still though, they got it up their arse with butt lite, a small butt significant victory that will shape how much one is willing to take. fk disney and the rest of em

  20. It’s because Disney seem to have forgotten that people want to be entertained.

    If they wanted to be preached at, they’d go to church, or a JSO rally.

    “the fish are dying”

    And so are we, of boredom. Stop remaking remakes. Employ people with an imagination, not a fucking Barbie fixation.

    • “…not a fucking Barbie fixation….”

      I cannot for the life of me see one good and plausible reason/alibi for a grown man being seen in the Barbie film audience. None at all, even being afflicted with benderism.

    • Barbie is having a nervous breakdown!!
      While Ken looks on, I give her lots of barbiturates…
      Is Barbie’s heart still beating?
      Yup… but she’s not happy yet.
      Uh-oh! Now Ken is having a mental crisis because his ‘RV’ payments are overdue!
      This big red ‘diet pill’ here will make him think of other things,
      Like his extra-marital affairs!
      Whoa! Ken and Barbie are now having TOO MUCH FUN!
      It must be the negative ions, lol.

      © 1979 Zippy The Pinhead

  21. The way Disney re-imagines evil characters as sympathetic types is also a load of cunt. Well, wimmin characters only, of course. That Maleficent shite, a complete evil bastard in Disney folklore rejigged as some all conquering heroic supermum to the Sleeping Beauty character. With the three fairy guardians from the original relegated to hapless clowns and the Prince as an utter irrelevance.

    In short, a misandrist ego wank for Slagelina Jolie and more all men are useless bastards bullshit.

  22. I loved an animation short film, from maybe mid late 80s
    I forget what it was called but the old man character kept planting acorn seeds on a barren windswept landscape, until finally after years of trying, a seed cropped to produce a tree leaning back but holding fast
    The beginning of a bio forest developed soon after that first shoot shot free, as birds and wildlife took sanctuary in this now wondrous forest on that one mans fields.

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