Is a major cunt and so are the Police for not dealing with these pieces of festering dog shit properly, case in point the above mother fucker who has a list of convictions as long as an Orangutans arm and should be going into Uncle Terry’s oven, but instead is going to have a nice cell with an Xbox and a bed and he will only do half of that sentence anyway.
Why are plod so scared of dealing with criminals properly any more, scum like the above 20 years for shit he has probably done anyway, oil protesters 10 years, sharing a cell with that inbred ginger cunt for good measure.
Until these fuckers are treated like criminals and not hotel guests the better, there is no fear of the law anymore and im not surprised when you see shit like this going on, but don’t pay your tv license and then your really going to get fucked…..
Nominated by Fuglyucker.
“Difficult childhood” eh? Probably has mental heath ishoos or some other trendy on the spectrum bollocks too.
Fat ginger Honey Monster boyo.
Be fair LL, being Welsh and ginger is not the ideal situation to be born into.
Even less so now he’s in clink
You can see from the picture that the guy just oozes charm.
Bet he sees himself as a right hard knock as well, the fat cunt.
Morning all.
A traveller. With a previous suspended sentence for driving offences etc. And now another pathetic sentence. I’m surprised he didn’t get longer seeing as how he attacked a random foreigner whilst giving him rascist abuse, but he was probably given less time because he himself was a member of a much misunderstood community…
What more could a lady ask for.
A pikey as well. Three defects are cause enough to withdraw this cunt from society. One may be merciful and endure two. Just like the holy hand grenade of Antioch, four is too many, five is right out and six, his parents most likely being siblings means he needs chucking into a volcano. Cunt.
I fucking hate pikeys, to me they are below the dinghy dwellers.
This cunt should be lowered into a vat of hot tar and then covered in feathers.
The problem we have is an on going theme of generational Neanderthals, who know no better than the uneducated parents they are plopped out from.
Give the fat cunt a heavy dose of the Spanish Boot then disallow for life any disability claim.
Or just hang the fucker.
Or The Iron Chair.
He’s a pikey. Tells you all you need to know.
The fat pikey cunt. String of convictions which should have had the sheep shagging bastard in prison long ago.
Hope he gets to share leisure time with a big silverback sambo.
Communities used to take likes of this scum to the far reaches of the woods. Tie them to a tree and let nature take its course.
Ruth Madoc Voice:
“Daffyd, you are not the only Gay in the village. The ugliest and thickest maybe…”
I have always wondered where the barbers who cut hair with a knife and fork were from. Now I know it’s Wales.
Soft touch handling for serious offences is the way forward I reckon. Police should be concentrating on those utter bastards who let their MOTs lapse or who encroach on a parent and child parking spot at Tescunts.
Lets start hammering the generally law abiding and let the feral hoodrats run wild. I will not be happy until I’ve have had my house burgled and desecrated with the foul leavings of these poor victims that didnt get enough hugs.
A lot of my relatives are from the Rhondda Valley’s.
I don’t know what it’s like now but the last time i went was in the early 80’s.
In those days there were about two families in the valley , a lot of hair lips , ginger heads and other assorted deformities.
How that fuckugly cunt didn’t kill anyone I’ll never know.
That sort of criminal behaviour should have a minimum, without parole 10 year sentence…☠️
You forget in socialist societies the criminal is the victim of circumstance, it is not their fault it is the fucking victims.
Only get worse when Kneel Smarmer is in No 10.
To the tune of ‘Guantanemera’
‘Fat David Batty. You’re just a fat David Batty….’?
A sheepshagging ginger pikey……that’s unusual. Hang the bastard and he’d be even more unusual.
He was right about the Peaceful though.
He’s probably looking forward to his first sexual encounter when he drops the soap in the shower and becomes the wing biatch.
True. Going by the size of him probably got a decent pair of tits to be squeezed while Sambo or Mustaffa punctures his ring.
I like him .
I think he’s the son of Boris Johnson.
Stolen by the gyppos.
Ginger, Welsh, and has the mongey eyes of inbreeding. Add a bit of fetal alcohol syndrome.
Land of My Fathers?
Land of the fucking mutants.
A touch of Trisomy 21 methinks. Definitely missing a couple of pairs is boyo.
Unkle T’s special heater
never mind orangutans arm, his face looks like a orangutans arse
I’m surprised he wasn’t included in the
“Chance to change” initiative.
I only looked to see why ‘the only gay in the village’ was getting a cunting. Imagine my surprise when I saw it wasn’t him!
Send him to Mansfield for a week We will sort him out??