Closing of Bank Accounts – Just because we can

is a cunt.

So Nigel Farage has had his account closed on the basis he is a PEP. Well this is what the media is peddling, maybe they can get some real journalists to explain what a PEP is and what category he comes under. Alongside other people also, I must add.

However, he simply isn’t a PEP at all. I’ve read through this list

law society

very clearly and I cannot fathom how he falls into any category.

He hasn’t been elected since 2019. He has held no public position of power. So why cannot cahoots give a reasoning? I’ve had this before working in the industry and it’s usually because some ongoing investigation.

They haven’t arrested Nigel, because they have no evidence, they still cannot provide any evidence yet continue to slander Nigel as accepting dodgy russian money. It’s lefties just wanting their own way again so they go on their little IBM computer and click ban.

They may use the excuse, were a private bank so we can take on who we want. Well that doesn’t wash with me, because it’s clear as day they took him on when he was a PEP by the sounds of it. This is censorship and very concerning that without a shred of evidence that he has done wrong. Personally if I was farage, I’d go to some half decent building society like Monmouthshire or something and actually have an account where you can speak to a real person and not some fucking android who spews computer says no.

Road to censorship coming along nicely folks. Don’t vote our way or say bad things about the establishment, you’ll get a ban.

Nominated by Clown Clown the Cunty Man.

111 thoughts on “Closing of Bank Accounts – Just because we can

  1. I’ve just been moderated maybe for mentioning a certain BBBC presenters name

  2. Yeah now cunts at the BBC are coming out with accusations stretching back years. Probably hoping for a bit of compo courtesy of the taxpayer. Fucking close it down for fucks sake. Bunch of cunts.

  3. If ever the BBC needed defunding. I’m sick to my back teeth with their pious, holier than thou, brow beating bullshit. Cunts.

  4. I only wish someone would pay me £35K for my nudie pics. Come on, the guy’s a professional Welsh cunt and nothing should surprise us…Pass the popcorn.

    • Hey Komodo.

      Good to see you (in a manner of speaking) and always a pleasure to read your posts.

      I think most cunters would gladly contribute to a Go Fund Me account. In fact we can probably raise a lot more than 35K* if you promise NOT to show those pics.

      *If you don’t mind accepting pounds…dollars…dinars…shekels…yuan…pesos…rubles…yen…rupees…etc. In fact you make that commitment I bet we could even raise that much in Ethereum and Bitcoin.

    • I have to say this has been much ado abaaaaht nothing.

      So many things that don’t make any sort of sense.

      How did he find these people in the first place?

      Why them and and why pay loadsa money to see them “perform” when you can find any amount of pron to fulfil whatever strange kink you might have?

      Why if you were someone in such a public facing position would you not you’d be recognised?

      Why did the lawyer of the first person to make these allegations say there was no proof? Then all of a sudden the complainant drops the allegations only for another to come forward a day or so later and make the same allegations?

      Then it’ll be all forgotten about in a week.

      • Addendum:

        Why them and and why pay loadsa money to see them “perform” when you can find any amount of pron to fulfil whatever strange kink you might have for free?

        Why if you were someone in such a public facing position would you not think you’d be recognised?

        Part of me hoped it would be some right barsteward who’d finally get some comeuppance. Like Piers Moron. Ah well.
        There’s always Angus Deyton’s sex scandal to gloat abaaaht.

  5. The beginning of the end for anyone who does not embrace Marxist/wokist/big money ideology with a song in their heart and a smile on their face. Most of these incidents bring back the methods the Stasi would use against persons not on the same wavelength, little surprise there as the wokey cunts have a solid grounding in such cuntery being Marxist. Damm shame that so many technological advances made in the past 80 odd years have been able to be manipulated to control us poor plebs or track us.

  6. Once the WEF implements digital currency you will not have to worry about your account being closed.

    I’m not familiar with this source but it was the most concise explanation I could find. There are plenty of longer and more detailed explanations/warnings available to any cunter so arsed.

    • Have a look on the WEF website, they’ve got it all set out what they’ve got planned for us ‘Global Citizens’ by 2030. It’s sick.

      So is WHO & UN. All for money, masquerading as for the good of the people, of course.

  7. So it’s hue and cry..

    He was just looking out for linda..
    But it became a labour of love..

  8. That was a big letdown. I wanted it to be a right bastard. Its Huw’s wife’s fault for looking like a bloke, which I mentioned on here last week.

    • God you’re right Sammy, I’ve just looked her up. I honestly don’t know how anyone could. I’m not being Welshist, but a sheep really would be preferable.

    • Mental health issues ? I don’t know. Its more of a coverup to get Huw away from a sticky wicket.

      • Saw a picture of Huw shaking hands with the Queen. Bet he’s saying, take my hand Queenie, I’ve just had it up a child’s chuff.

  9. Have they run out of our money to send a helicopter to look in his garden?

    Give the evil gay cunt a lethal injection,save us some fucking money.

    Allegedly and in an imaginary Harry Potter way..until he gets AIDS.


  10. The short of it is that he has spaffed his career up the wall. Not to mention destroying and embarrassing his family.

    What makes these celebricunts push the self destruct button? 61 years old and sexually out of control it seems.

    I am considerably younger and have got to the point in life where I can take it or leave it. I’d rather have another roastie on my plate or a nice cup of tea.


    • ‘Roastie’?
      A heads-up for all cunters who share an innocent desire roast potatoes. HerRoastie is now another trigger for the feminists.

      Apparently that’s now incel slang for n experienced woman with a well-used vagina, referring to the vulva appearing like a mound of rare roast beef.

      I’d say that was the most appetising comparison you could conjure up, even if feminists say it’s ‘dehumanising’.

      Much better than a badly-packed doner.

  11. Poor old Huw.
    Got mental health issues. Some twink made him wank over indecent photos. Give him his job back and a substantial pay rise.
    This is a cover up of epic proportions

    • I probably haven’t suffered significant mental illness so I probably don’t understand it, so all I’ve got to compare it with is how I felt when things were going badly – I didn’t want to get up, couldn’t face socialising etc. At no time did I get the urge to contact strangers and offer to bung them a few quid for playing with themselves in front of me. It does sound like quite a lot of effort to go to when you are supposedly at your wits end.

      • bad mental health manifests it’s self in different ways. some feel beaten into the ground, worthless and loathe waking daily, some poor souls have to pay younguns to do mucky dances whilst they are having a jazz . when I was at my lowest it was all about paying random people shit tons of money to do dirties for me.

  12. I’m a bit confused about Huw .
    Wanking over sheep i get it. But Twinks C’mon

    • Probably some cunt with even dirtier deeds to hide, deflecting attention and all that. Jimmy Savile House is overflowing with all sorts of crooks and filthy sexual deviants. A bit like the Palace of Westminster.
      Speaking of which how come this Edwards cunt gets 3 times the pay of the fucking Prime Minister? How do you earn that kind of dough for reading off a fucking autocue? It’s outrageous. Close the fuckers down.

    • Absolutely Sammy, i wonder if there will be a welcome in the hillside now

      • She’s had him sectioned.

        She’s either an evil genius or a vindictive witch.

  13. The BBC won’t get defunded any time soon, it’s awash with powerful perverts

  14. ?It’s not unusual to get hard over Twinks. ?It’s not unusual for the BBC to protect you ?

    • ” And Huw shook me all night long long ”
      ” Yeah, Huw shook me all night long ”

      Crack heads need a helping hand , Huw, was very generous in supporting charity cases but never sought publicity for it, heavens forbid.

      • Or as that old BBC favourite Gary Glitter might sing…

        ‘I love, Huw love, Me Love’?

  15. Oh……and anyone who thinks that plane crash that Sir Nigel was involved in was an “accident” is fucking dreaming. He was a lucky boy that day I can tell you. If he got on any plane I was on I’d be fucking off straight away.
    Not that I’d be in First Class in the first place so I would probably never see him.

  16. The fear of encountering Huw Edwards on my TV screen was the main reason I stopped tuning into BBC News.
    That was 15+ years ago.

  17. If you have no bank account you are effectively a ‘ non person ‘

    Functioning without one, in this day and age, is extremely difficult.

    Turn the clock back thirty or forty years and it was a piece of piss. Lots of people didn’t have one.

    The cashless society is the target for the cunts that rule us. It will give them complete control.

    The introduction of a Central Bank Digital Currency is the thin end of a particularly nasty wedge.

    Every time we use a card to pay for something, we put a nail in the coffin of a free society.

    Banks and politicians, all cunts.

    Night, night.

    • damn straight. a very shitty splintered wedge ….. the globalists are on our case…………………………………………..
      …… but what about Huw Edwards?

    • Yes I agree Jack.
      Divers licence renewal and so forth.
      ” Who are you ? “,
      Response from system.
      ” You haven’t a savings account that our system recognises, (regardless if you have had several since childhood and beyond) nor a utility bill from 1979.
      Please gives all your unnecessary details to confirm
      We don’t give a fuck really, as we that handle such matters, have jobs for life, implementing such a new and innovative system that excludes you but is inclusive to everyone who arrives on a rubber elastic band aid so fuck off you.
      A lot of places are like that now
      Comply or Die citizen.
      Ah fuck em, Its going tits up pretty soon anyways.

  18. The Tin foil covered side of my head is starting to think Brexit was a test to see if the oiks needed controlling. It was found that they did and so lockdown was a measure used with a viral pandemic as a cover. Not saying that the COVId outbreak was a scam or planned but merely the idea of lockdowns was already being floated by governments, especially ours with its obsession with ‘security’.

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