Closing of Bank Accounts – Just because we can

is a cunt.

So Nigel Farage has had his account closed on the basis he is a PEP. Well this is what the media is peddling, maybe they can get some real journalists to explain what a PEP is and what category he comes under. Alongside other people also, I must add.

However, he simply isn’t a PEP at all. I’ve read through this list

law society

very clearly and I cannot fathom how he falls into any category.

He hasn’t been elected since 2019. He has held no public position of power. So why cannot cahoots give a reasoning? I’ve had this before working in the industry and it’s usually because some ongoing investigation.

They haven’t arrested Nigel, because they have no evidence, they still cannot provide any evidence yet continue to slander Nigel as accepting dodgy russian money. It’s lefties just wanting their own way again so they go on their little IBM computer and click ban.

They may use the excuse, were a private bank so we can take on who we want. Well that doesn’t wash with me, because it’s clear as day they took him on when he was a PEP by the sounds of it. This is censorship and very concerning that without a shred of evidence that he has done wrong. Personally if I was farage, I’d go to some half decent building society like Monmouthshire or something and actually have an account where you can speak to a real person and not some fucking android who spews computer says no.

Road to censorship coming along nicely folks. Don’t vote our way or say bad things about the establishment, you’ll get a ban.

Nominated by Clown Clown the Cunty Man.

111 thoughts on “Closing of Bank Accounts – Just because we can

  1. They may just as well deny every MP a bank account for being a suspected PEP. How many cunts have sticky fingers in pies from Russia, Iran or China. What about lobbyists for special interest groups like BLM, climate change nutters and LGBTQ groomers? Is any cunt trying to tell me that some anti-British twat like Corbyn hasn’t been politically exposed in the forty plus years he has been cozying up his mates the IRA and Hamas?

    Sorry all about the late post, fell asleep at the wheel. C.A.

  2. Excellent nomination Clown.
    This obnoxious behaviour needs stamping out before it starts.
    I can understand not giving bank accounts to undesirable immigrants, but refusing the service to someone who’s political beliefs the Marxist bastards disagree with should be made unlawful.
    Now, before the fucking Labour party get in, or we’re all fucked.
    I hope there’s a run on the bank, and there’s no bail out this time.

    On a lighter note, I just tried to donate a minus figure which the website wouldn’t recognise, and then £0 to Care for Calais.
    The cheeky cunts told me the minimum was £1
    Do they think I’m made of money? I wouldn’t give the motherfuckers the steam of my piss.

  3. They have ‘cancelled’ Farage because they don’t like him. But, if every dodgy customer they had was also cancelled, the cunts would have a lot less money. Banks have been flooded with money from corrupt Ivans until the Ukraine war happened. And the likes of Barclays were only too keen to take it. Nigel is a bottler and a bullshitter, but that’s all he is. But because he isn’t woke and pro-EU, they want to make an example of him. Woke fascism at its finest.

    Off topic, but I see the BBC are putting their own scandal story down the ranks on their news website. They always do this with things they don’t want reporting or known. By Saturday this story won’t be there at all, and the cunt still won’t have been named.

    • The BBc cunts were all over Boris, all he did was have a couple of drinks for his birthday…?

    • And that invertebrate cunt Tim Davie will be about as assertive and as useful as a snail on sleeping pills. He has probably known about this presenter for months and done fuck all. Old habits die hard, eh, BBC?

      • Yes Norman, If you read the latest news reports the BBC are spinning the pity card. Jeremy Vile is worried about the poor cunts mental health and how the accused is very angry about the situation.
        Fuck me, the arrogance is jaw dropping.
        They didn’t give a fuck about poor old Cliff Richard did they ?

      • True Fenton. Those BBC cunts put Cliff up on offer without hesitation. I reckon this presenter is a favourite of theirs and undoubtedly woke or gay and one of their woke gods.. Why else would they go out of their way to protect this cunt? Apparently a fourth accuser has come forward, so if the BBC think this is going to peter out quietly, they have another thing coming.

      • Edwards has much in common with Schofield – bumming young men while married to a woman and totally humiliating the poor mare in public.

    • Alleged victim’s lawyers are saying fuck all happened.

      Either the mother is a blackmailing bullshitter, or the alleged victim was paid off by someone to keep schtum.

      Remember that Jacko kid? Going to go to court then Boom! A few mill goes into his bank account and all of a sudden, he drops his allegations.

      To be honest, I’d have let Jacko bum me for a few mill. Fuck, I’d let Harvey Price have a go in my ringpiece for that sort of cash.

      • I often thought of that kid Jordan Chandler as the highest paid underage prostitute in the world. With his pimp parents whoring him out to Jackson for a cool $28 million hush money payout.

  4. If you owe your bank £100 then you have a problem.

    If you owe them £100.000 then they have a problem.

    Nigel just didn’t owe them enough.

    • This is outrageous!!
      You can’t function properly in society without a bank account.

      This is insideous.
      Targeted on people with Rightwing views.

      Nigel Farages account with Coutts shut without explanation.

      Now mine with the food bank.

      I’m being victimised by the limp wristed bankers.

  5. This is beyond alarming. They can literally do it to anyone for any reason.
    Somewhat ironic the banks positioning themselves as the paragon of virtue, they are the most immoral bunch of blood sucking bonus holes that has yet to walk the planet. Banks have been responsible for the suffering and hardship of millions over the past few decades. They weren’t averse to taking a fat wedge of tax payers cash when they over cooked it in 2008 though eh? Robbing godless theiving sons of satan cunts. Come the revolution………..

  6. Didn’t some vicar have his account closed down because he had the temerity to walk into his building society and question why their were so many rainbow flags adorning the building ?

    Where i live an old bloke who has been running a little record shop ( near Brighton) for many years had these fucking cunts walk in and demand why he hasn’t got rainbow banners over his shop.
    I thought this sort of behaviour only happened with the Nazis in germany during the 1930’s

  7. They’ve been after Sir Nigel for donkeys, emptying his bins every night looking for some dirt they can nail him with. The fact they’ve never found any tells me it doesn’t exist in the first place. So they’ve pulled this cunt’s trick to make life as difficult as possible for him. We now find out that lots of other cunts, with similar anti woke views have had the same treatment, including a vicar complaining about his building society branch promoting the gayness. Even a blind man can see the writing on this fucking wall.

  8. Unpersoning.

    A right cunt’s trick.

    The BBC were saying that his account wasn’t closed down because of his political views, but because he didn’t have the large amount of cash you’re supposed to have.

    They claimed this as a ‘fact’ but it seems it’s not that straightforward. His account has been under the minimum amount for fucking years, and so have many other cunts’ accounts. The BBC soon dropped their ‘fact’ but the narrative had been set.

    But yes, no cunt should ever have a bank account closed for political views or for not joining in with celebrating the gays or in calling a he a she/them.

    Fucking outrageous.

    Only reasons for closing a bank account should be fraud, having fuck all in it for a year or two or for duffing bank staff up or causing criminal damage in the bank.

    And for robbing the place with a sawn off shotgun.

  9. I just tried to open an account with Coutts, computer said no!

    Cheeky cunts, I will take my £10 somewhere else.

  10. I assumed the bank in question was Coutts, the bank that the Royals use and people who want to impress when using a bank card, and that Farage was binned once Jug Ears took over and started pushing his politics everywhere. After all, Farage has derided at least one of Jug Ear’s ridiculous speeches before now. Could be wrong, probably am, but Coutts and Jug Ears qualify as See You Next Tuesdays in most people’s opinion.

    As for Cancel Culture and Deep State you ain’t seen nothing yet – 15 minute zones, the abolition of cash, absolute control of where you are allowed to spend your “credits” and where you aren’t, etc, etc. etc. Coming your way (too fucking soon)!

  11. Basically, because NF didn’t have enough in his account to justify the enormous “management fees”, or give them a big enough return loaning/investing his money, the decided to drop him using PEP as a reason.
    I somehow don’t think the man had a credit balance of 57p, but probably not the £3m in savings that is required for a Cuntts, sorry Coutts, account.

    Or did I just time travel back to
    Germany in the 1930’s?

    U by

  12. OT but interesting how Linekhunt was so quick to deny he’s the alleged BBC sex pest.

    The BBC had already said that speculation could get you in trouble (so we’re all fucked, admittedly.)

    However, logic tells you that it’s more important then to keep schtum if you work for them, because if every presenter did the same as the crisp cunt, it’d be easy to deduce who it is by process of elimination.

    I might be wrong, but a certain presenter was widely thought to be the alleged sex pest, but he’s said fuck all. Probably not wanting to put a colleague in the shit until guilt is proved.

    A brave and selfless thing to do. Can’t be easy granted, to have people pointing the finger at you, but by saying it’s not you,you are helping to reveal what they don’t want revealing. Rightly or wrongly.

    Noticeable that Lineker (and Jezza Vile) were so fucking quick to say ‘not me!’

    Selfish cunts. Lineker has always been about number one.

    • I would cheerfully roast Linekunt over an open fire but I’m not about to call him out for looking after number one. It’s my default setting because I can’t afford any other way.

    • “…Noticeable that Lineker (and Jezza Vile) were so fucking quick to say ‘not me!’…”

      … this time…

  13. Is this what they mean by a cashless society?

    As in literally,destitute by political persuasion?

    The hopeless windbags in Westminster have utterly failed to protect the “little man” whilst having the temerity to prop the international financial institutions up after they gambled and lost on American shitty mortgage debt,naturally using the National Debt as the cash cow.

    A perfect illustration of the venal nature of the pigs running the country into the ground.

    Regulation seems to work one way in our country,as something for shithouse cunts to hide behind when their thievery is laid bare.

    Learn them,politically motivated bank closures for the individual should be illegal,punishable by a simple fine of one hundred million pounds per case.

    However this might,as usual be too much for the pigs of London to grasp let alone administer,so I’d have the CEO of the bank publicly flogged.

    This corporate woke culture is poison and it needs some harsh medicine.

  14. Funny how Coutts didn’t worry too much when King Chimpboy turned up with a couple of carrier bags full of dirty A-rab money in used twenties and fifties.
    Still, it was in Harrods bags so that makes a difference.

    • Good point – straight out of the “do as I say not do as I do” handbook (circulation of which is restricted to absolute cunts only)…

  15. On a positive note, my ex had her bank account closed a few months back and completely without warning.

    This only came to light when I was trying to transfer her monthly child maintenance payment into her account.

    Turns out the bank thinks she is money laundering because money goes into the account in England and only ever gets drawn out in Scandinavia.

    They refused to reopen the account because they will not recognise her Danish driving licence and Icelandic passport as valid forms of ID.

    Meanwhile, some third world shithole dictator turns up at Courts with Louis Vuitton suitcases full of literally bloodstained cash and they welcome the cunt like a long lost friend.

    • His wife has made a statement on his behalf, he is now in a nut house receiving treatment

      £450,000 a year, so you can be sure it’s a private nut house.

      • He is an expensive cunt at the BBC, about the 4th or 5th highest paid cunt at the BBC, news reader and you are right Moggie no one really gives a shit.

        BBC = All Cunts

      • AlBeeb has to pay top dollar to retain ‘talent’.
        Yep, it takes real talent to look serious and read an autocue.

      • “AlBeeb has to pay top dollar to retain ‘talent’.
        Yep, it takes real talent to look serious and read an autocue.”

        Then, when you absolutely fail to read the autocue, time after time, you get to be POTUS. The inverse of all natural laws (where cream rises to the top – in this case it’s the shit that floats highest!)

      • Newsreader. That would explain why I have no idea who he is. I stopped watching the news, especially the BBC, years ago.

      • Suffering from mental health issues…

        The same excuse that every pervo, terrorist and general sicko hides behind.

        Also – if Huwie Boy isn’t guilty – why he is he so ‘traumatised’ with ‘mental health issues’ when nobody knew it was him until today?
        His Taffy arse is well and truly in the frier.

  16. Yeah, pulled the mental elf card and the coppers have dropped the case. Now the wokies will be crying and wringing their hands over the filthy bastard.

    • His missus grassed him,
      He’s been nutted off’.

      She’s sick of him stealing her lipstick and wanking off in her knickers allegedly.

      Puddled Boyo

    • I’ve always instinctively hated Edwards.
      Like when I was a boy in the 1960s I instinctively hated Savile.
      My instincts rarely let me down.

    • Did he put his undies on his head, chips up his nose and say ‘wubble’?

      I don’t believe it anyway. The Welsh only shag sheep or their sisters.

  17. So it’s Huw, Pugh, Barney McGrew, Cuthbert, Dibble and Grubb after all, as known for days by the whole world and his dog.
    Unfortunately the race card is unavailable to him, so the mental health one has to be played instead. I note the wife’s statement doesn’t deny the allegations though.
    How interesting.

  18. I honestly have no idea how this man is, and really don’t care, either.

    Wife grassed him up?

    There’s lovely, boyo!

  19. What’s all this stuff about PEP? The Manchester city boss. Pep Gladioli.

    • Yeah he’s a cunt who needs his bank accounts looked at, overflowing with filthy goatshaggers dirty money.

  20. Huw Edwards. The Welsh cunt.
    I thought he was embalmed for the queens funeral.
    Funny how mental elf is blamed for preverted behaviour.
    And how did this ‘young person’, an alleged crack addict, afford expensive lawyers to deny the parent’s claims?

  21. I for one will miss Huw’s billy idol whiplash smile when reporting serious issues such as sex scandals

  22. The BBC is a broad church encompassing all creeds, colours (except Chinese) all genders, sexualities and orientations.

    In other words a hot bed of sexual deviancy, midget tamperers, cannibals, blood drinkers,
    And satanic majesties.

    Now then now then
    Howzabout that then guys an gals?

    • Mr Edwards has put out a statement…

      Unhh! Unnescessary gestures! Unnescessary! Guys ‘N’ Gals! Say everything twice! Everything twice! Now then! Now then! Owz about that then! I didn’t do it! It was my friend Mister Cigar! Urrr Urrr Urrr Uh!’

  23. Mental heath issues.. he should convert to Islam and go on a stabbing rampage, soon be off the front page..

  24. He also supposedly broke lockdown rules for a bit of BBC-style extracurricular activity. These are the same cunts who basically called people murderers for not wearing face nappies and walking their dog three miles from their home. Better not find out he has a birthday cake fetish or he’s really fucked.

  25. Fucking BBC

    What next?

    Ainsley Harriot sucking off horses? Claire Balding drugging and fisting the Wimbledon ladies’ changing room?

    • You are alan partridge and I claim my one free game of monkey tennis..

    • What, CB?

      Do you mean that stuff I read on “YouHeardItHereFirst. com” didn’t really happen?

    • Who knows what flilth and skullduggery lurks in there still? That’s what makes me sick about them the most. For all their ‘educating’ and woke arrogance, they sheltered one of the worst and prolific child sex offenders in history. And they are still doing it. They must have known about Edwards for some time. But – as usual – they did and said nothing. And what really rankles is the bastards will probably get out of it like they always do. Cunts of the very highest order.

  26. I can see it now, he will get tv interviews and go on about how some young twink took advantage of his depression and made him wank over young botties and dicks.
    Then their will be the inevitable book Huw Edwards mental health and miss understood nonce .

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