Boat overloaded with illegal immigrants sinks

I am Sorry, that apparently children were locked in below decks.

But why is it the fault of the Greeks, and not the Libyans who allowed an obviously overloaded and unseaworthy boat to sail?

It’s probably my fault, because I farted when I coughed, last Tuesday.


Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

72 thoughts on “Boat overloaded with illegal immigrants sinks

  1. It wasn’t a lot ot people ,but it is a very good start.Hopefully another 20 boats sink on the way over and all drwon.Fuck em.

    • I fucking loved the bit about they hadn’t a fucking clue what they were doing.
      I reckon that Greek boat intentionally (allegedly)
      Sank the ignorant fucking freeloading CUNTS.
      But they will still come.
      And personally I reckon it’s an offshoot of UNICEF paying for it.

      Now here’s a simple one which has probably been said on here before,
      If as the media claims that these ‘people’ have to pay for example £3000 to cross from France..
      Let’s say to cross Africa is a bit cheaper £1500..
      That as you can clearly see is £4600.
      If you can save up four and a half grand in the last 5 years (most illegals are between 18 – 36),
      Why would you leave a country that you can earn money and save enough (from the age of 13 – 31),
      To take such a long fucking trip for £100 a week?
      The mind boggles.

  2. ?????? tough titties.Zero sympathy.Keep filling those boats.Dirty unwashed rats.Ha ha ha ha

  3. I heard 200 of the lost originated from the same village in Pakistan. It’s a long way from the village to the Mediterranean and yet no one detected 200 Pakistani villagers on any border during that entire journey?

    No legitimate asylum claim was ever possible but it seems to me that no one’s trying to stop the tsunami of illegal migration heading for Europe, the same way Biden is wilfully encouraging millions to cross the southern US border.

    If you think this isn’t by design you’re living with your head up your arse.

    I can see a few British cities repeating the French trend this summer when the heat hits. They are just waiting for a justification.

  4. I’ve just read the article in ful (it fucking hurt).
    Some Norwegian professor Reggae told “associated press”…..
    (Associated Press is the biggest pile of utter lying CUNT of a company).
    That’s it’s the Greek governments fault.
    Bullshit, fucking show me where he said that, in fact let me know of this esteemed prof.
    Besides all that, what in actual fucking cunting Ada has Norway got to do with it?
    Sadly nobody read the email at associated press the email from
    Dr Cuntflu.
    Dear associated press.
    I and an estimated 130% (I’ll use your biased percentages) of Europeans don’t want any of these blatantly illegal criminals in our countries. We don’t feel a single iota of sympathy for any person attempting to access any country without credentials which ends in tragedy.
    You are bunch of dangerous fucking CUNTS.
    Your incessant bullshit abhors any sane person in any country.


    Yours sincerely
    Dr Cuntflu PhD Isac edl nf alm

  5. It’s all gone wrong. .! Was well into a drunken ramble. But what the fuck.

    Who cares….!

    • I say go for a full on drunken/stoned ramble.
      Most of my tin foil hat bollocks (allegedly) takes at least an hour to compile.

  6. Awwww. Did the vulnerable voiceless little darlings miss their RNLI taxi?

    Ah well, every cloud… A few less groomers, rapists, woman beaters and murderers in the world.

  7. I’ve just sat here having my morning coffee and pondering this non event and actually wondering if I should give myself a good cunting due to the fact that I sincerely feel absolutely fucking nothing about the deaths of these vermin. Absolutely fucking nothing. Not a single ounce of sympathy, not one! I think that if the opportunity ever arises to be able to herd these cunts to their doom, possibly in the same way the ‘Red Sea pedestrians’ where given a free shower, I would be as they say in Manchester ‘mad for it’ and eagerly volunteer my services. In fact, if ever they open a camp or two in Somalia I would fight my way to the front of the queue to exterminate those skinny, inbred thieving cunts!! There is a certain masturbatory pleasure to be had while watching those cunts burn to death in a aviation fuel filled pit!

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