Took up vaping at 16.
At 19 needs to vape every 2 hours?
Call yourself an addict?
Get back to us all when you need to inject heroin into your eyeballs every 15 minutes.
What you are is a sad, woke idiot with a desperate need for attention.
Maybe your pathetic f+uckwitted fellow wokerati will weep with you. The rest if us may well be brought to tears. But not for you
Grow up, get a bit of willpower then just f*ck off forever.
And get a human haircut while you’re at it.
Nominated by the Lone Cunter.
I know how she feels.
I’ve been addicted to pussy for fifty years, and just can’t break the habit.
Morning all.
Pfft. Hardly Trainspotting.
Vape addict?!
Keith Richards your not.
You want that heroin!
That’ll get you noticed,
Slimming too!
Don’t think they do a bubble gum flavour like.
Bravo Ron, comment of the day!
These Gen Z wankers can’t even get addicted something without making it sound like another whiny self-pitying crusade.
Oliver Reed would be turning in his grave and Keith Richards should be.
Been smoking for 18 years.
Real ones, too. Marlboro Lights my preferred choice.
Smoke proppa or fuck off.
Belle end.
I thought he was a young fella looking at that top pic.
Silly cunt’ll fuck up its lungs up terribly. Might as well smoke a real cig; at least it’d look cool and not lame.
She does say that she’s now addicted to cigarettes as well. I smoked for 30 years and spent 30 years trying to stop. I never made the papers though, the cunts owe me money.
The mother says something “drastic” needs to be done.
Like what?
A phrase that gets trotted out, which is as pointless and meaningless as “lessons will be learned”
Euthenasia would work for me.
Best reply i have ever seen.
Can’t help with that..
Oven the mard cunt however.
Sounds awful..
Quick what can I do to help?
Every two hours?
Fuck off that’s not addiction, fucking bbc bedwetters..
The anniversary of 7/7 yesterday and I bet that bunch of traitorous cunts didn’t make a peep about it..
But black jesus and worn carpet head have more stories than canary wharf.
Sounds like a yank prostitutes name.
You’d expect big blonde hair, placcy titties, makeup caked on etc
What do you get?
A Harry potter looking cunt.
Typical of modern youth.
I’m underwhelmed.
In a previous life I was a crack smoking preacher, a Crystal Methodist.
She starts shaking and gets Ill easily.
Sounds like distemper?
She’s going to hell.
Hells bells
…and for the purposes of comparison may I just add…
Thunderstruck – Steve n Seagulls
I saw the header and thought it looks like one of those trans things, only to find out it likes to puff on a tube.
Doesn’t she have any feelings for those poor kids who don’t know if they are male, female, cat, dog or all four, keep puffing on your tube you selfish twat!
Soft Cunt
She could be GB News Benjamin Butterworth’s twin?
She’s addicted to Virginia tobacco vapes , he’s addicted to virgin arseholes.
Sucking on a tube.
Tubular belles.
The menthol belle.
Is it a fella. You know one of them trannies ?
Don’t you mean women with penises?
Belle end?
What a load of sensationalist, whip up the fear, BBC bollocks. This is modern journalism…….trawl through soshul meeja until you find some crap you can turn into a story. This trannie needs a good slap. Pull yourself together you fucking prick.
100% Freddie.
‘She has revealed her story after public health bosses called on the government to do more to stop young people vaping’.
So let’s go out and find some cunt on soshal meedja who’s expressed a problem and create a story.
And besides the androgynous little arse wipe isn’t addicted to vaping, it’s addicted to nicotine FFS.
Just fuck off
Going by the nom picture, I’d say Belle was something of a misnomer in this instance.
In times past blokes his age piled out of landing craft or jumped out of Dakotas into Normandy. Invalid comparison: that pile of shite’s neither a he nor a bloke. A fuckin’ big soft twat. Deserves a few hard punches in his cissy-boy face. Self-obsessed wanker. Run to mummy.
Cricket bat to the head ?
Never mind about vaping, I bet Schofield would give him something to suck on.
What a sorry specimen.
He’s probably still breastfeeding.
And wears a stiff whalebone corset, because he’s got no fucking spine.
At nineteen, an uncle of mine was piloting a Wellington bomber.
This wet cunt is a fucking disgrace.
Just Fuck Off.
Fook me !!!
It’s a girly !!!
Curiouser and curiouser.
I really must pay more attention
Get To Fuck. ?
I had to scim read the article to be sure to be fair, women of my generation aren’t great wank tbf so we wont have the sight issues the generations before had. Not got lasses like Nigella.
For a second I though Alan Carr was doing a reverse Ellen page and had his tackle removed. Christ why are leftist women so fucking unattractive. No surprise they are addicted to electric pussy sticks, probably smokes one with PCP in it the waster hence the addiction. Rather have some puff a ciggy in my face than that shitty steam.
It might be possible in Belle’s Vue, that she’d been smoking from birth without her realising. When she cried from a baby, her mother didn’t believe in dummies and just put the nearest thing to hand in her babies mouth, which was the fag dangling from her own. Now the poor lass can’t remember enjoying smoking 40 a day for the pleasure of. She should sue her mother Fag Ash Lil, right now.
Anyone prepared to fuck it ?
Speak up !
Hello ?
Oh dear…..
Genuinely a half decent porno vid and non lubed handjob sounds more appealing than having a go on it.
Shameful to say isn’t it.
She it should try a quality shag in a briar! ?
I just can’t understand these youngsters who don’t smoke cigarettes but decide to take up vaping.
Getting hooked on a device that almost becomes the equivalent of their mothers tit.
Stupid stupid stupid cunts.
Maybe I’m being naïve here but I thought the idea of vaping was an alternative to smoking actual cigarettes and in some way, was an aid to eventually quitting altogether.
Judging by this cunt in the nom and some of the thick young snowflakes I’ve worked with – it would appear I’m very wrong.
I’m glad I don’t and have never smoked because it seems to be a right bastard of a habit to kick.
On the subject of vapes themselves – how the fuck can some enormous metal device, sometimes weighing nearly what appears to be a kilo in weight, be in any way convenient.
And it looks like a robots knob.
And you have to ask where are all these under age cunts are buying these things? Well from the fucking Parking Stanley shop of course.
Just send them all back…….think of the children……
My great-grandad smoked 4000 Capstan full-strength every day for 60 years and died aged 83. When he died they re-tarred 4 metres of the M1 with the tar from his lungs. That’s dedication for you. And if you tell that to young people today they won’t believe ya.
My grandad partook in a dose of Andrews Liver salts every day and he lived to be 100
When he died they had to beat his liver to death.
At least I know my job is safe until I retire. What competition are these fucking people?
Most of these fucking idiots can’t even get through the ‘trauma’ of getting through the morning traffic to get to a place of work.
I hate to be negative about the younger generations, being not much past 30 myself, and in the demographic of cunts, but fuck me. What’s happened?
I don’t think I’ll be drawing much pension when people like this are in the driving seat.
Parties over folks! Fuck it. Might aswell enjoy myself and take experimental drugs… Where’s my Vape stick?
Exactly.I despair ?
Well said, CEO! I’ve tried to retire 3 times and each time I do I get asked to take one more contract and given a blank cheque and name my T&C’s because they cannot get anyone who is qualified and experienced in these parts. No one wants to do the job as all the ‘bright, young things’ straight out of Uni expect to go straight into a management position!
Don’t be silly, having left their Makist indoctrinating Univershitty Hall of Knackerdemia, angry, indebted and with a “degree” in some load of useless woke wank, they want to be “influencers” or “style icons”. Nothing so mundane as real work.
Silly bitch, how the fuck do you get addicted to vaping?
Looks like she has lesbionic tendencies, so probably has an urge to suck something
i”ve got no control over it’.
It’s not the product, it’s being a feeble cunt.
Belle, bottom, of a fucking deep pit, with dog shit covered spikes to land on.
That’s Corey Feldman in Stand by me -“My dad stormed the beaches of Normandy!!!!”
Parked the car up yesterday, locked it up and spotted something flashing blue under the car. whaddafucksat? Fucking hellski, Mossad tagged me car again? Fished it out and it was one of those disposable vape things I’d ran over and mullered. Being a bloke of a curious mind I thought I’d see just what’s in these things. Kinda shocked at the amount of componentry that just gets skipped when these things are lobbed away particularly its hefty LiOn 1500mAhr battery pack, then there’s a heating coil, wadding, plastic casing and to cap it all a feckin’ accelerometer (?) chip to drive the embedded hi intensity flashing blue LED to tell the dumbfuck that he’s … ? … ?? … well what the fuck do you need an LED for?
13 million of these get tossed avery week apparently!
What a fucking lightweight, used to chug through 40 Marlboro 100s a day.
Little man in head said quit, so I went cold turkey.