Wild fires are great aren’t they?
Dead easy to do, spectacular results and keep you warm.
Cheap lighter and a rag,
Your away.????
Now, the woke media are blaming climate change!!
But the fires in Rhodes were started by arson.
Gas bottles.
Now Corfu is on fire
Saying Crete might go up too?
Serbia has a fire
Tunisia has one
It’s like a new fashion?
But it isn’t climate change.
It’s arson.
It’s man made climate change insofar as some dozy cunts BBQ was left to get out of control.
Anyway fuck em.
No fires here.
Nominated by : Miserable northern cunt
Where there’s an agenda there’s a will to make it happen.
One box of Swan Vesta later and you’ve got yourself a man made climate change/global warming crisis/scam.
That net zero target isn’t going to reach itself now is it plebs.
The climate change con goes on and on helped by the very people who benefit from fear…BBC, Governments, Corporations etc
I am really starting to feel glad I won;t be here in thirty or so years, not becuase of global warming but extreme bollocks.
I remember last year when we had our own two day heatwave apocalypse. There were some ‘wildfires’ in suburban London where grassland was burning and some cunts garden fence caught fire. Maybe a few sheds were lost in the tragedy too. Sky News and the BBC were obviously wetting themselves like it was the last days of fucking Rome.
More BBC propaganda here.
That was Dartford heath and was easily explained due to the local do as you likey population.
I’d bet my wife it’s the Just Stop Oil criminals starting these fires.
They’ll stop at nothing to terrorise the population into believing their eco-bollocks.
Dear MNC,
You far right, climate change denying, fascist Nazi. It’s A SCIENTIFIC FACT that trees, shrubs, grass and scrub spontaneously ignite at 40C, and wildfires never happened before now. HOW DARE YOU, YOU HAVE STOLEN MY DREAMS AND MY CHILDHOOD!
If i had a barbecue the BBC would claim the burgers and chicken had been scorched by the terrifying heat of the sun.
Don’t forget calling you a nazi for eating meat,you monster.
unless it’s made from human embryos.
You can`t have too much soot.
To fucking wet here for wildfires this week
It’s a scientific fact that Greeks all smoke like chimneys and also love chucking half smoked tabs out of their car windows as they blart along at 80mph.
Hey Presto! Zorbas fields are all on fire and he’s collected his EU grant and fucked off to the taverna.
Meanwhile in the Bedwetting MSM the earth is going to boil us all to death by next Tuesday.
What a laughable set of cunts they are.
I had my honeymoon in Lindos and there is fuck all there to catch fire.
Just a bunch of rocks and a load of miserable Greeks who spend most of their time on strike.
I smell petrol, matches and a juicy EU emergency welfare handout.
Why couldn’t it have been Bradford?
Pakıs look pretty greasy…I reckon they’d burn very well.
They have a fondness for wearing pyjamas though which tend to be fire retardant.
But, the smell and pollution, better they just fuck off back to P land.
There were fires in France a few weeks ago, but they might’ve been riots because the police had shot a 17-year-old zoo escapee or something.
They’ll still be chalked up as Climate Change by the,Tarquins.
I like how these eco loons don’t seem to consider that huge gas fiery ball in the sky might be to blame for it being hot in summer.
Or the fact that the Mediterranean has always been traditionally hot in summer.
Nope – it’s definitely the burning of fossil fuels that’s making it hot.
Humans can’t start fires with lighters or matches either. It’s always always 40 degree weather which starts a fire. And that’s that.
Case closed and by the way, get into your battery powered car (if you can afford one) while we busily destroy acres of ancient woodland and wildlife habitat to make way for lots and lots of shiny new houses.
Fucking wankers.
If people can’t see through this grift in its entirety then there’s really no hope left for them.
97% of climate scientists – what do they fucking know!
Despicable cunts, each and every one of them.
Afternoon HJ.
97% of real climate scientists keep their mouths shut because they know it’s all bollocks. 97% of the remaining 3% make a fucking mint out of making shit up. They’d make Hans Christian Andersen jealous.
the ‘97%’ of climate scientists’claim has been debunked.
Elvis Presley was a well known arsonist.
‘Love Me Tinder’.
Burning Greece
Little less conservation , a little more Arson.
The BBC have been an absolute fucking disgrace with their far left climate alarmism over the past few weeks.
Sad thing is our MPs won’t stop them as they all stand to make coin by putting bills up 300% to ‘save the planet’.
I’d vote for a nutter now who’d arrest every one of these cunts for treason and psychological torture.
Professor Lineker has been tweeting climate bollocks, the jug eared cunt is obviously staying house bound for the rest of his life..
May that be very short..
Any adult suffering eco-anxiety need sending to a day care unit for the mentally disabled.
My Mrs said she heard some cunt on Radio 4 blaming the rained off Ashes test on climate change (I had taken the piss the day before saying they’d do this. I shouldn’t have been surprised I suppose.)
Because of course, it never fucking rains in Manchester, does it?
It is tinder dry where I live and completely surrounded by olives, almonds and walnuts. Seen one fire a few weeks ago, soon put out by the planes and helicopters. As said above, it doesn’t spontaneously combust, a stray fag, careless farmer or insurance job normally
You’d be advised to build a firewall around your property Sir Mali.
Asbestos is best!
It’s fire retarded.
Smash it into powder and sprinkle it around the house.
Take a few deep breaths as you do so. The asbestos will protect your lungs from the searing heat.
Wildfires happen all the time in hot countries. Australia has a bushfire season where land the size of a small country is ravaged every year but its natures way of regenerating and clearing the land of dead trees, dried scrub etc which are fire hazards. The only reason this is getting traction from the MSM is because of the high temperatures and that they are near tourist areas so some fat sunburnt chav is on the box whining about their holiday being ruined.
These happen every year.
BBC News – Marsden Moor fires ‘devastation’ prompts public meeting
We know who sets them off, fucking farmers so the lambs have fresh young shoot’s to eat once they are off the teat.
Press always says barbecue/ hooligans.
But a couple of years ago in the midst of the ashes was a burnt out farmers quad bike, the cunt wouldn’t start. Fuck all happened
If you talk to the firemen they know it’s the sheep farmers….??
Fucking lambs.
Get in my curry.
Going back a few years, one of the papers published a leaked BBC internal email.
I can’t remember the exact words, but it went something like this.
“Henceforth, the BBC will regard man made climate change as fact Therefore all reporting will be in the affirmative regarding scientific reports of this matter”
Or they can just make up their own stories like they are with these wildfires.
How they can claim any impartiality on anything is beyond me.
Why people still trust the feedipile enabling cunts on anything is beyond me.
New Mills is set to be ravaged by fire. Anyone fancy a country black blistered gate?
Man’s love affair with fire is the most romantic story ever told.
Protection from predators
Means of boiling water
Cooking food
And purifying witches.
It’s the whole package.❤️
You instantly revert to a caveman when starting a fire.
It’s primeval.
Without it we’d have to of strangled Joan of arc.
It’s great.
The Greeks are using planes to drop water on the fire in Rhodes.
Ones just crashed face first into a mountain.
Probably starting another fire.
You can see why the Dambusters were English?
Interestingly enough, some BBC cunt was on the news before advising people against “travelling to Rhodes island”
Even though they still can.
The reason being??
Too many people swamping a small island places unnecessary and excessive strain on all of the services and infrastructure at such a time.
I’m sure his tongue was either in his cheek when he said it or the irony of the comment went over his head.
The BBC employ NINE full time “climate journalists” who jet all over the world, leaving an enormous carbon footprint, to bring us their propaganda and scare the shit out of us. I’m afraid I don’t know anybody who hasn’t swallowed this glaringly obvious scam, not a single one. Try and explain it and you are a “denier” and “conspiracy theorist” …….labelled and dismissed. They’ve done a good job on this one, you have to hand it to them.
Everybody I’ve spoken to, admittedly only a few, are convinced it’s utter crap.
Its all smoked moussaka and mirrors with the MSM eco disaster stories.
A seven year old shouts, “The end is nigh”
Still no sign of the wolf though
The Greeks aren’t half making a meal out of this. I would have thought you could easily extinguish all the fires on Rhodes in one go by smothering them under one of Demis Roussos’s kaftans.
The Greeks are attention seekers.
Plate smashers.
Well known fact.
Best to just ignore them.
They’ve started it to get talked about.
Yeah, bunch of Stavros Flatleys, prancing about with no shirt on. The attention seeking cunts just nicked that idea from us Geordies.
I was told by some English tourists that the weather forecasters in the UK were warning people from travelling to Spain as it has apparently been too hot, with record temperatures.
It hasn’t.
Summer is hot every year.
This year is actually cooler than most.
We have had the majority of the days of July being cloudy.
It’s sunny today but only 33 degrees.
Cloud cover holds the heat in, so most nights it has been either high 20’s or low 30’s.
Humid but not particularly hot.
We have even had some rain.
Very unusual for summer.
Inland it may have hit the low to mid 40’s.
Same as every other fucking year.
We have ways of keeping cool.
Stay in the shade.
Get into the sea.
Eat an ice cream.
Drink plenty of beer.
All of those things work.
To cover yourself in oil and lay on a beach for hours on end in the attempt to show off your sun tan once you get back to the UK is not the way to do things.
“only 33″…
I’ll give it a miss.
Call me when you’ve a ground frost.
2018 MNC.
It actually snowed on the Costa Blanca.
The first time in 97 years.
The snow settled on the beach and on the palm trees.
Many places lost their sun awnings which are not designed for the weight of snow.
It lasted for just a few hours but it was exciting, even for me.
Everyone was out taking photos.
You would have loved it.
Up here in jaén province, we always get a run of low to mid 40s. Like you say, shade, beer and pool. We have just had a couple of nights where it has dropped to 18. Nearly put the quilt on!
Jaén is always hot.
The hottest province in Spain and therefore Europe.
But on the drive to there via the E15 you will go through the high ground on the way to Granada.
Mid 20’s at the very best.
I was in Córdoba this time last year.
We stopped of in Antequera for a few nights too.
Very pleasant 43 degrees.
Have another beer!
To cover yourself in oil and lay on a beach for hours on end in the attempt to show off your sun tan once you get back to the UK is not the way to do things.
The problem there is thatvis BBC’s current viewership; Peoplevtoo fucking stupid to work anything out for themselves. You can see this in the programming; How to go food shopping (brilliantly savaged by Micky Flanagan), how to tidy your house, how to not eat as much, and they get the cockneys to present this patronising shit; Gregg Wallace, Stacy Solomon and her gibbon of a husband.
Strictly is produced and presented to appeal to the senile and retarded.
Michael McIntyre and Mrs Browns Boys is comedy for mongs.
Television is an IQ test. It only caters for the dumbest in society
the other side to it is the relentless infantilism and emoting.
The repair shop is more like a mental health walk-in clinic. Please repair my grandads teddy bear. sob sob sniff.
Like the producer didnt tell these poor halfwits to think of something upsetting.
And arson…….
Warm weather results in thunder storms.
If a tree gets struck by lightning, as they often do, you could end up with a fire in a remote area that soon spreads.
It’s always been that way.
The Romans grew vines in fucking Northumberland, the Thames froze solid at least seven times in the 17th and 18th centuries. They didn’t have cars and factories back then. Nor did they have brainwashing lying cunts. They didn’t need them…..if you didn’t do as you were told you got strung up and your bollocks cut off. We’re much more sophisticated these days, we just get lectured by the BBC and some Swedish school truant flid.
Damn! Got moderated for calling Saint Greta a f**d. I should know better, I actually went to fucking school!
What cunts me right off with this is even if climate change wasn’t that bad (allegedly) Rhodes and all the other greasy kebab islands would still have super hot summers – this is why olives and oranges and other flora indigenous to the med grows there, becuase of the weather – hell ain’t gonna suddenly freeze over and nor will the Mediterranean temperatures change that much.
Cunts, all of them – now pass me a fat glass of Ouzo and a Souvlaki kebab.
Thick cunts don’t realise that Spain has a dessert.
It’s in the Almería province.
It’s where Clint Eastwood shot all of the spaghetti westerns.
It was a dessert back then in the 70’s and it still is now.
In those 50 years it has got no bigger or hotter.
I don’t think it’s nice…….you laughing at my mule.
I had a Spanish dessert once. It was a cake made with polenta and lemons.
I’m being a cunt, I know.
Polenta is Italian.
Sonething like tarta de Santiago is a Spanish desert.
Nothing better than a Spanish tarta – I had a few of those when I spent 6 months travelling in my younger years.
They’re firey in the bedroom, not like your English lasses who lie there and think of England with their legs up in the air.
Bring in more petrol, raze the lot, start again. Greasy cunts
If they are such a fire hazard then perhaps a boycott of alarmingly hazardous Greece is in order..
Better for the environment and within a few years better for the wildlife as all the Greeks will have starved to death without tourism.
Plus with no bewildered cunts from Luton wandering about moaning their holiday has been fucked nobody from off the telly will give a fuck about the place either.
Win win.
Been listening to climate crisis scare stories for the last 90 minutes on the radio. Same bollocks over and over again. Be afraid, be very afraid.
And do as you’re told you fucking peasants!
I usually hear it once then turn it off.