Amy Price

is a cunt, Katy Prices mother is a one of those shining beacons of motherhood, obviously not very good at it looking at the results of things.

She is now blaming the Media and toxic men for little Katie’s state of mind and behaviour.
So first the media, Like Harry, Megain, Diana and countless others Katey uses the media to keep her stretched face and other things constantly in the headlines, this fuckwits doesn’t realise, you can’t manipulate the media into only printing good stuff and using them as she does makes her fair game.

Secondly Toxic men, who other toxic men are ever going to be interested in trying to settle down with Katey fucking Price, I would imagine she is probably more toxic that any of them, but you would definitely need to be a sandwich short of a picnic to want to marry her.

So Any Price could have/ should have put the brakes on Katey years ago, want to be a topless model,,,, noooo, not fucking likely get it on with lots of losers and have various kids with them, noooooo,, get hundreds of plastic surgeries until you look rediculess, noooooo, drive while drunk of hi in a bright pink Range Rover, noooooo, some good advise was needed then, a bit late now and looking for people to blame should start with yourself, should of had her sectioned when she went postal the first time.

The Sun

Nominated by Fuglyucker.

69 thoughts on “Amy Price

  1. The media made the cunt so no point crying now.

    Still waiting for the inevitable gangbang “career move” though..

    Tie some two by four across yer arse lads to stop you falling in the chasm..

  2. Every fucking two bob sleb has had some “childhood trauma” which turns into an endless sob story and an excuse for being a cunt. Harry Halfwit Hewitt being a classic example.

  3. The only toxicity in this non-story is the stuff leaking out of this knackered old slapper.

  4. How much did she pay The Sun for that ‘report’? It’s just an advert for her crappy book, which no doubt someone else wrote for her anyway.

  5. Even when her daughter was twenty years younger and moderately attractive, her failure as a parent and role model was already complete, as millions of men had seen her daughter’s slutty tits.
    I do have a smidgeon of sympathy for her as her daughter is Queen of the Whores and her grandson is a King Kong-esque monstrous retard; must be embarrassing when her friends are saying what successes their children are and all Amy can say is “Katie earned £30,000 by having an Arab prince piss in her hair extensions whilst Harvey hammered away at her oversized snatch with his mutant, club-like winkle.”

  6. Cut price, the price is right,or wrong.

    Cry me a river mum, hopefully you will end up with the huge debt and all the kids when the bucket cunted whore finally croaks it after one surgery to many.

  7. One of the most amazing things about being alive to day is that you can be the biggest cunt in the world, act like a fucktard from the moment you achieve a couple of lines in a local paper fuck yours and your families lives then have a very well covered mental elf crisis and the whole shambles is someone else’s fault. So easy and a large number of readers viewers will have sympathy for you. Pathetic

  8. She has a mother!

    I thought she was manufactured in the Barbie factory (pulled out of the rejects bin)

      • Her tits’d look better than her daughter’s.
        You like to see some old boobies, MNC?
        Helen Mirren’s?
        Judi Dench’s?
        Christopher Biggins’?

      • I’d have a look out of courtesy Thomas.
        I’m very polite.

        Even bend down and help her pick em up.

      • Allison Steadman in Abigail’s Party. Not that old at all, but superb tits.

        And, on a 70s kick, I always had a thing fro Maureen Lipman when she was younger. There was an episode of The Sweeney where she played a flirty housewife. I wanted to shag her senseless.

    • The Sun pays, because she’s the gift that keeps giving.

      What the fuck could they put on the front page otherwise, except Kerry Katona or Daniella Westbrook?

      Today’s cat litter tray liner, delivered to you, today.

  9. She should be in prison. Any normal person would get time for the things she’s done. She’s got dirt on somebody high up. Perhaps Rishi pissed over her during lockdown for twenty five quid?

  10. How on earth can you blow forty million quid? I would be able to cope with a million peg it and still leave the majority of it.
    What did the dozy cunt spaff it on?

  11. White trash.

    Ugly with it.

    Probably smelly.

    Novichok the cunts.

    Speaking of white trash, me and Ethel had a ride into the town where I grew up, this morning.
    While she went into a shop on the High St. Me and the dog sat outside and watched the world go by.
    I’ve seen a worse collection of human dross in the past, but I can’t really remember when.
    A succession of pasty faced, wobbling, lard arsed and drug addled human excrement shambled along in both directions, and sometimes in no particular direction at all.
    They had one thing in common, they were all white.
    Such a contrast to when I was a kid, when the overwhelmingly white majority population was by and large proud, busy and industrious. The town, being involved in various manufacturing enterprises, mining, railways etc. was a prosperous place.
    Not now. It’s a shithole.
    This country is ripe for the picking.
    It’s tragic.

  12. I’m amazed she hasn’t claimed KP has ADHD, that seems to be fashionable now.

  13. people think Katie and her mum are grotesques, outliers. To me they’re just another pair of grasping,mammon’s cock-chugging Sussex whores.

    • Afternoon Jack, it’ll certainly be fun to speculate who it is…
      My guess: smug beardy Noel Edmonds.

      • A jolly good afternoon to you Thomas.

        Apparently, Jeremy Vine has denied accusations and informed his lawyers.

        And Rylan Tombstone Teeth has made strong denials as well.

        Arses are twitching !

        Hurrah !!

      • Linekunt has said its not him either.

        I reckon it’s going to be a disappointment. This is another MSM smokescreen to keep the proles in suspense so they miss the big story. What I’m wondering is what are they smokescreening?


      • It could be anyone?!
        From Graeme Norton to st Gary.

        They’re all guilty!!!

      • Matthew Kelly.

        I would have said Lesley Crowther, but as he’s somewhat dead he gets a pass.

    • A crack addict, and the TV presenter wonders.

      Well it ain’t my fault
      My fault that things gone wrong
      And it ain’t my fault
      Some things are sticking out.

      Fall through the Cracks, you knob Jockey

      • This is hilarious. For all their woke nazism and arrogant lecturing, Auntie Beeb still keeps a dirty house. Another nail in the coffin, I hope.

        I know who I would like it to be, but I bet it isn’t him. Best case scenario would be someone high up at the BBC wants to settle a score with the jug eared migrant sucking fuck after his Nazi shitstorm.
        We can but dream….

      • It seems Norman, that the odds are leaning towards a male presenter but Claire probably still qualifies,
        A household name they say, a great betting book to be made if one was a scoundrel with side info

      • Lineker has denied any involvement. To be honest, I don’t think he’d be that stupid. He’s as slippery as an eel.

        Whoever it is supposed to be, it is now claimed that there are photos. It’s either a blackmail scam, or some daft cunt really is up shit creek.

      • I don’t think it’s Schofield, as he doesn’t work for the BBC.
        Be fucking funny if it was though.

    • Out of order but hey at least he was paying her, a sea change when compared to previous bbc diddlers. Dirty bastard.

    • Flicking through the channels tonight and what’s on at this very moment (1am) from the Bum Buggering Cock-slappers? an hour long excrescence they’ve called “Pride Hits at the BBC”

      • The BBC are crapping themselves. They say they are dealing with it ‘sensitively’. My arse. They are hoping it will all go away and they are covering themselves as always.

        Also, recall the BBC instigated witch hunt on Cliff Richard a while back. They had no problem naming him and putting Cliff up on offer, did they? The BBC are protecting this dirty cunt, just like they did with Rolf and Sir Jim’ll.

  14. Make em lezz off for a grand.

    She’s a fuckin cheek blaming men for her daughter’s car crash lifestyle.

    It’s your piss poor parenting skills luv.

  15. She’s probably a better fuck than Katie, tighter cunt and normallish tits. I would, just to say I had.

  16. Still could be worse you could be the Blair’s.

    The most rancid cunts of the whole known universe..

  17. When is the whore going back to thaialnd to work in the bar.Love to see it in real.

  18. Would still bang one off into her stink-blaster. The dirty fucking bitch!

  19. The Katie price vid I saw looked like she enjoys men, or certain parts of them….?

  20. In truth, the Price creature represents all that is wrong in the UK! Nothing but a disgusting piece of cheap trash. I’m always game for making the Beast with 2 Backs, but three women always spring to mind when I’m trying to hold back, and she’s one of them! What an absolute fucking skank she is! There is no way this side of Hell that I would sink up to the makers nameplate in that whore! I fact I think banging it should be added to the list of punishments available to judges! Imagine being forced to pay on your back and having the vileness rub her flange all over your face as punishment? I bet it resembles a well worn sea boot and smells like the gutting deck of a North Sea trawler on a blistering hot summer day!

  21. I remember when Cut Price was passed around the Manchester football circuit. Dwight Yorke (who spawned the mong) and Teddy Sheringham were but two. Rumour then was she also filmed herself doing a then well known cage fighter up the arse with a strap-on.

    Thing is though, she wasn’t even fit back then. Plug ugly skank, then and now.?

  22. Now Katie Boulter has been knocked out and I can’t clock her arse, Wimblecunt and the BBC can now sod off.

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