Access UK

African Caribbean Careers & Employment Support Services, also known as Access UK, a bunch of dishonest, grifting cunts.

This is a government funded, supposed charity which suggests that white people are a plague and encourages people to claim for compensation under the Windrush scheme, even if not eligible.

This pathetic government and the charity commission will no doubt do nothing about it, for fear of being accused of you know what.

Nominated by mystic maven.

72 thoughts on “Access UK

  1. Mind you , it does say ‘ minority ethnic community ‘ so I suppose that would qualify whitey in Haringey.

    • Not just fucking Haringey but the whole of Londonstabistan. 44% I think we’re down to now. And that’s not counting the fucking illegals who tend not to fill in the Census form even if they could fucking read it.

  2. We are a plague…that’s rich coming from a race that worked a few years picking cotton and ain’t done a days work since..

    The more these cunts spout off, the less I want to do with the whole lot of them..

    • That’s the way to go I think Barry. No contact, no communication and absolutely no business dealings of any kind.

  3. The Belgians knew how to sort these Cunts out when they ran the Congo.

    Trying to elevate the majority of these foreign types to our status or artificially above it by these “charitable” means is a fools errand..

    Not to mention treason as far as I can see by those that arrange funding for their vile views and indeed those prepared to not shut it down completely.

    For them there should be no clemency,they should all be shot and the Cunts who describe us as a plague in our own country should be deported en masse by force to Somalia.

    Fuck Off.

  4. Fuck me.

    Just spotted that this is a Haringey Based initiative. Lammy territory so no surprise there!

    I’m assuming they are offering courses in the following:

    Chicken munching
    Peddling shit weed
    Erm.. more stabbing

    What a pile of cunt.

    • you forgot Race grifting. Although they tend to do that naturally without any further education.

      • … they tend to do that naturally without any further education.

        “Gibs me dat!” … learnt at mother’s knee.

  5. There are two plagues in this country, neither are Covid and certainly not white.

    B’s and M’s

  6. My mate’s brother used to run a call centre many moons ago. He said doing so made him racist. He could measure who was skiving, late etc really easily. He said it always showed certain types were lazy, late, absent and generally inefficient. Never changed for years he said until he stopped employing them.

  7. ” If you have a problem, if no one else can help, and if you can find them, maybe you can hire……. the Dirlewanger Brigade. ”

    Get To Fuck.

  8. I think my ancestors were enslaved during the Barbary Pirate Slave Trade and I’m going to apply for reparations from the North Africans

  9. A fucking plague…..! These cunts would still be living in donkey piss puddle mud huts if whitey hadn’t discovered the dark continent.

    We shouldn’t have bothered….?

  10. I think they are wasting their time to be honest.

    No human wants to employ a glacially slow protohominid with their sub-saharan IQ, usually a chip on both shoulders and their ability to find offence in absolutely anything that will get them a ghetto lotto payout via an employment tribunal.

    They have made themselves unemployable.

    • We wuz kangs…
      …and Aliens built the pyramids in Giza and Tenochitlan, eh Tyrone?

      Sometimes fake history is played for laughs (Ancient Aliens)
      Sometimes it’s embraced by credulous thick-as-shit media types because it says the ‘right things’ (Cleopatra)

  11. Looking at the header picture and in rebuttal.

    Do you live in the Home islands, one of it’s Dominions or another place that’s gone to Hell because parvenu natives are in charge?

    Are you a native of the Home islands, a Punjabi, Maltese, Hokkien, Cantonese, Polynesian, Melanesian or another demonstrably decent folk?

    Have you worked all your adult life, obeyed the law (largely) and paid your taxes?

    Are you sick of vermin, local and foreign suckling off the state teat at the detriment of you and yours dear?

    Then come to Antarctica, as it may well be the only place on Earth they’ll leave us alone. We own it anyway and it’s fucking too cold for the cunts that hate us. Bring a coat and nukes to defend it.

  12. It’s a peculiar country that constantly self flagellates. I haven’t recognised the country of my birth for years. I have zero national pride, no point.

  13. Why should they get compo for Windrush? Who forced them on to those boats with their cheap suits, pork pie hats and their fucking gunja? Where were the whips and chains for fucks sake? If they didn’t like it they could have fucked off back home. In fact, they still can……shut the fucking door on your way out. Cunts.

    • Quite so Freddie.

      The MSM always portray the foreigners as some sort of victims of a state sponsored smuggling racket..

      A complete load of shit,they knew where they were going and exactly what they were doing,migrating for better job prospects.

      This attempt to paint it in victimhood and rascism are contemptible lies.

      No surprise from the degenerate homosexuals and pacifists that run the country.

      Tyburn the cunts one and all.

      • Tyburn is called Marble Arch these days.

        I preferred Tyburn with its public gallows. Now days its infested with Arabs driving Lamborghinis.

  14. Time to turn up at the front door of Access and ask for some help. Of course I’ll have to black up like Justin Trudeau or the Black and White Minstrels, singing “Mammy” and twirling a straw boater. That ought to do the trick.

  15. This is one of the most racist things I have ever seen – a bleck only careers and youth service my cunt. Didn’t old Adolf have something similar in the 30’s for the young?

    They need offices at major RAF bases where c-130’s are parked.

    Access ask one question (after all don’t want to challenge our effnik friends too much).

    Do you hate whiteys

    Yes – no problem – step this way, your carriage awaits
    No – fuck off to Morcombe bat and pick some cockles and shut the fuck up or get in the second queue.

    • They let the sum total of 5 (yes five) African asylum seekers in last year.

      Apparently the Japanese are incredibly nationalistic (read: racist) and expect any refugee, asylum seeker or plain old illegal gimmegrant to pull their fucking weight (working, paying tax etc.) while their application is being processed. only about 5% of applicants are successful and their temporary visa needs renewing every three years.

      They have the right idea.

      • Apart from that period when they lost their shit during both World Wars, the Nips have largely had the right idea. Hard-working, nationalistic, don’t take any nonsense.

        Their car interiors are exquisite when it comes to ergonomics, too.

      • Just a shame their country is fucked because they’re all getting older and there are hardly any kids.
        Robots can’t do all the jobs.

  16. Abcess UK are a bunch of flipperlipped moaning cunts.

    I’d give em something to whine about if had my way.

    They could sing about it while cutting sugar cane

    Chant about it picking cotton

    Or just jangle their chains.

    They’d be happy then.
    Big Robertson smiles all round.

    • Afternoon, MNC,

      Hoping all’s well with you today. All tranquil in the hills here.

      We don’t get many dark hands around our part of the world, do we? That’s one of the reasons why we don’t want to move anywhere else in the UK. If we do move, it’ll be to Eastern Europe.

      I’d do the same as you. Let one free on a Friday night and chase ’em with a group of like-minded chaps in the back of the Hilux. Wholesome.

      What was it Boris Johnson described ’em as, “piccaninnies with watermelon smiles.”

      What a card. He’s not wrong, either.

      • Hello CC?

        They don’t like the cold.
        Why you never see them hiking up Kinder Scout in March ?

        They really don’t like snow!!

        It’s possibly racist and makes the curl in their hair droop

      • And yet some bleading heart was droning on about how our other hued brethren find outdoor walks racist, because they feel excluded.

        Make yer fucking mind up, it’s
        A. Too sodding cold, or
        B. Makes us feel excluded. In which case, please complete this 32 page questionnaire on how we can improve access to the countryside for all.

        Yes, I know it says reasons why I should stay in the UK.
        That’s a printing error.

        Yes, I know section 4 says which country can we send you back to?
        That’s a printing error.

        Yes, I know there’s a declaration above the space for your signature.
        That’s just standard legalese, I’m sure the bit that says ” by signing this I agree to be repatriated”
        Is just a printing error.

        See, I’ll now initial each section, so the processing staff will know I checked for printing errors.

      • What do you make of civilised non woke white middle aged rastafarians then?no stupid accent s etc,I’ve got a tour booked of some artesian country cream gates somewhere en all. ,tongue in cheek somewhat but although I missed the era I much preferred the 70s before all this bollocks we got nowadays.

  17. Whitey is a plague is he?
    So all the benefits of our inventions: medicine, tech, transport etc would have been invented by Mtembe and co?
    The biggest thing these c##ns invented was a sharpened stick for digging up grubs, and they nicked that from their more intelligent relations the Chimps!

  18. Shrieking Africunt bitch in the pub last night, The Bankers Draft in Sheffield, a hotbed of Cunts in itself.
    Told her they would all still be flinging shit at each other if it wasnt for the white man, walking around naked with a big fucking bone in her nose.

    • Afternoon, HNC,

      Nice to have your acquaintance.

      Well done in confronting the Sheboon. How did she react?

      • Good afternoon Sir.

        In all honesty not particularly well, unidentifiable high pitched noise is the only way I can describe it. A lot of chu, eh, clicking noises, teeth kissing.It sounded like a zoo.

    • Hahaha! You, Sir, have made my day with “it sounded like a zoo.”

      Did one of her feeders confront you, and who left the pub – you or her?

  19. West Indies commentators just now on BT Sport. Chundering away on mute, the silly twats.

  20. Wow!

    There’s nothing remotely offensive or racist about describing white people as a “plague” now is there.

    Funnily enough – I’ve always thought of gangs of or boatloads of blacks as being not unlike a “plague” of locusts or something similar.

    But then again I am a bit racist and will admit to it. Unlike Access UK.

  21. Tut tut tut Herman.

    I’m dissapointed in you.

    You’ve yet to realise that the Windrush saved us from hideous whiteness.

    • Nowt wrong with Windrush that two or three torpedoes wouldn’t have fixed mid Atlantic..

      No moaning and begging after that.

  22. I see old Ben Wallace has told the Ukrainian’s we’re not Amazon (in reference to the help we are giving them) and that people want to see gratitude.

    Nearly pissed me panties, best thing I’ve heard an MP say for a long time.

    What I want to see is less blecks and raggie heads coming here for the good life.

    I read recently that the government is spunking loads of dosh (millions) on empty hotel bed for migrants – my mum, this winter will barely be able to afford to heat her flat.

    • Yeah! I laughed, too.

      It’s not gone well for Ol’ Zello over in Vilnius, has it? NATO’s told him to get fucked, no F16s, the Poles have had a go, Ben Wallace basically called him an ungrateful little See You Next Tuesday.

      I do, however, feel sorry for the Ukrainians who invested their hopes and dreams into this Grifter in Green, NATO, and the EU. They’ve led your regular person up the garden path, and for what? Basically a Western-funded version of the Donbass Conflict that’s been going since 2014.

      And what will this do, you ask? Well, it comes to the Kremlin’s hands. They can now play the “remember when Zello let you down and humiliated you in front of the world in Lithuania in July 2023? Well, come back to Papa and it’ll all be alright.”

      What comes next is Ukraine separating – the already-annexed parts becoming part of the Russian Federation, the Western parts forming some iffy alliance with Poland, and the Donbass remaining what it is. A no man’s land.

      I predicted this would end up like Yugoslavia from the very start. Alas, here we are.

      Fuck Zello, fuck Putin, and fuck the Western leaders who have fuelled this entirely predictable and unnecessary conflict.

      • Fine comment and interestingly enough – dinghy riders and Islam is exactly what the plan for a post war Ukraine is.

        Globo Homo here we come.

      • Evening, Herman,

        How do?

        HA! Over my cold, twitching corpse will the people in the post-Soviet lands accept sand people and dark keys as the status quo. They’re too proud of their sovereignty and they’ve fought too hard for their independence.

        They’re alright with the Alphabetty Spaghetti lot, as long as they keep a lid on it and themselves to themselves. Gays and Lesbians, I mean. Trannies just aren’t a thing there. At all. They’re just seen as weirdos.

        I’ve repeated this many a time on this fine, fine forum, but when I lived in Lithuania I saw but a handful of the aforementioned. Working in Russia for a year, I saw one. Yep, you read that right.

        Bliss. Utter bliss.

      • @CC

        As proud as the Eastern Europeans are, my fear would be that there won’t be enough of them left to resist the globalist agenda. Especially by the time they’ve finished slaughtering each other.

    • Saw that CM, 500 beds empty just in case.

      While ex-service personell sleep on park benches.

      It’s a fucking scandal!
      And a fucking scam, someone’s getting brown envelopes, for sure.


  23. Typical lazy black cunts, still here whilst we’re waiting to give a bollocking to some other nuisances, since 3pm.

  24. since the ANC took over south Africa has, and is in a constant state of power cuts, some lasting a week, the results businesses. and especially restaurants are going out of business, why, corruption.

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