A ‘disgusting fat body’ cunting for the fragile egotism of the woke mind set (9)

It’s a mind-set that promotes victimhood, yet the sufferers pretend to be empowered, with a million hollow slogans and twitter memes. These people lavish praise on each other simply for what they are, while denigrating others (white people and increasingly, Jews and East Asians)

All of the LGBT queers are stunning and brave, all of the boring, usually obese black women are ‘queens’ who ‘slay’ (whatever the fuck that means).
The feminists who photograph themselves with mugs emblazonned with Male Tears are ‘The Heroes We Need’

And yet…

‘LiterallyshakingJustNow for being cslled a mental bitch.
Feminist Twitter calls for the police when ‘neckbeard/incel’ Carl Benjamin (with wife and kids) dares insult Jess Phillips by saying he would NOT rape her.
The BBC are still attacking him via their podcasts.

Other feminists ‘I got PTSD from Twitter’
for being confronted with opposing views. Disagreement is violence and counter protest is now ‘genocide’. Everything is dangerous or violent. I’m triggered. This book/lecture makes me feel unsafe.
It’s pure narcissism, but fragile. They feel this way becsuse they’re too fucking stupid to realise their arguments are built on sand.

Public figures who push this false empowerment crap are the first to wither snd retreat.
Sam Smith cancelled a gig for hurt feelings after Piers Morgan and Douglas Murray referred to him as looking ‘Ridiculous’ and ‘blubbery’ in his satanic performances, gyrating, flick his tongue and wearing horns. A rent-a-queer did as his handlers told him and fed the usual hyperbole of ‘it’s fantastic/stunning, he looks great/sexy’.

Who did Smith believe? Seems itt wasn’t the sycophantic comedian.

Now it’s Lizzo’s turn to throw her KFC, Nandos and Chick-Fil-A familiy meal deals out of the pram. She can’t cope with body-shaming, despite constantly promoting herself as a creature of desire. Her song Juice is entirely based on this persona, and was used by witless BBC producers to promote every other programme at one point.

If she genuinely believed in the appeal she supposedly has, how attractive the sycophantic media tell her she is, the body-shaming from relative nobodies wouldn’t cause such a meltdown, and if this attractiveness was so self-evident, why would the negative responses be so prevalent and vociferous?

Like the 600lb baby she is, it’s not her, her publicists, her oily entourage, her greasy admirers in the media and on Twitter to blame for the cognitive dissonance and meltdown.

It’s reality, or rather a few people pointing to it. Are they trolls? Perhaps. They seem to have succeeded by getting to her to say she’ll quit music. As if it would worry them, or anybody who finds her music uninteresting.

This is how it always works with the woke, though. they can and do say anything they like about their critics, denigrating, smearing and threatening them, but as soon as they are challenged, the smugness evaporates, the facade of self-adoration crumbles, and the tears flow to reveal a confused mess and empty husk of a human leading a wretched, meaningless and shallow, – rather than ‘their best’ -life.


Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.

68 thoughts on “A ‘disgusting fat body’ cunting for the fragile egotism of the woke mind set (9)

  1. Splendid CP,absolutely first rate.

    They’re a brittle bunch of self loathing cunts aren’t they?

    Immediate oven.

  2. Lizzo is about to “give up on everything”
    Except sugar and fats..and exercise.

    These cunts put theirselves out there and then cry when someone finds fault in them..
    Well tough titty.

  3. A great bit of cunting CP.

    Your final para sums these cunts up perfectly.

    Morning all.

  4. The Woke aren’t daft.
    They control

    The police
    British army
    Every council
    House of commons
    House of lords
    British banks

    In fact , everything.
    They may be humourless, crybaby mardarses.
    But credit where it’s due.

    As strategists theyre like some chess grandmaster motherfuckers.


    • A chess grandmaster works out moves ahead. These kowes haven’t. Just wait and see.

      • More the spinelessness of those who were in power beforehand than the genius of the Marxists. The right were captured by Thatcherism and lost sight of the cultural/social side of the argument.
        ‘Anything goes’ under the neo-liberal views of Thatcherism, and so it did.

    • Checkmate indeed, MNC.
      The Wokies control EVERYTHING.
      Yet still they are not satisfied, constantly going on demonstrations despite being in control of everything.
      Shows what a basket case this country has become when those in control go out on a daily basis to disrupt and protest against the very things they themselves are in control of!
      Fuck them.

      • Yep , not wrong Minje.
        The woke out manouvered the Right like Kasparov playing against Barry Chuckle.

        We’re all doomed.

    • They also control the army and the police.

      Army recruitment now goes out of its way to enlist poofs and tells soldiers that it’s ‘OK to cry’.

      And the cozzers don’t bother with assaults or robbery. But tell a joke and it’s Hate Crime time.

    • Something I still look forward to. But I’m beginning to wonder for how much longer?

    • Woke up this morning,”got myself a gun”
      i meant to do that that years ago Sammy, still never too late

  5. Woke cunts to Brexit voter:

    “You nazi, facsist bigot! You swivel eyed, knuckle dragging loon! Nazi scum of our streets! You sad incel basement dweller!”

    Then they get a reply like:

    “Promoting and championing obesity is dangerous. Obesity kills and should not be encouraged in any situation.”

    They’ll say:

    “Reeeeeeeee! I’m literally shaking right now. I’m so offended that I have reported you to the police!”


  6. Lizzo has a positive body image because her dancers have to meet a minimum weight of 20 stone I doubt she would be so comfortable if they were size 6 and 8 stone ?

    Fuck the woke, all cunts

  7. What the FUCK was that land whale in the Telegraph video? Fucking hideous cow, those fake nails. Is she identifying as Freddie Krueger?
    Lizzo I think you are overdoing the calorie intake a bit. Ducking stool and burn at the stake.

  8. Sirs:

    I finally heard a Lardzo song, “Juice.”

    Over-produced ooking with a video that shows the fat pig lurching around in tights.

    Completely dependent on her retarded fans believing she is fabulous ad brave.

    Well, she’s not.

    At best she’s ordinary and tedious.

    She should be working at the Department of Motor Vehicles, fucking up my car registration and leaving in the middle of the transaction to take a massive dump and fix her claws.

  9. Have these cunts never heard the old saying,

    Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me….

    Grow up you soft twats….!

    • Spot on CQB. These twats seem not to have the wit required to ignore hurty words. When I hear of people being “bullied” on the internet I always have the same thought i.e. how does that work? Don’t fucking go there! So many people seem just to meet a problem head on when all they need do is walk away. For instance I don’t moan about the cost of parking the car, I go elsewhere. Electric cars don’t bother me, I won’t be buying one. I avoid interaction or communication with ethnics, homosexuals and anyone else for whom I have no time. You see? It’s really simple.

      And CP, I must join in the congratulations on a superb nom, one of the very best I have seen.

  10. Any man who refers to his female partner as a ‘Queen’ is a cuck that deserves to be pegged by her with a 12 inch dildo shaped like a drill bit.

      • Very true Arfurbrain, suprised someone hasn’t complained about the word being misappropriated.

  11. Dirty cheating convicts. Wouldn’t expect anything less. Cheating and thieving is in their genes.

    Every time one of theirs walks down the wicket after a bowl we should start stumping the cunts too.

    • Expect nothing different from those classless cunts, CB.

      Let’s hope the abo’s evict them from Australia.

      • Of course, the anti English Eoin Morgan, Atherton and other Sky cunts are defending the Aussies.

        Yes, within the laws of the game but against the spirit of the game etc.

        We’d better start doing the same thing to the cunts in the next test then.

      • Atherton is a ball tampering cunt, so is a aussie by default.. I see stokes went all hulk after that dismissal, go all Bristol on the fosters drinking cunts.

  12. For those of us holding fast to the old fashioned notion of reality, the danger of persecution is real. If we dare call someone what they are, we could be targeted for destruction. I am not on any kind of social media. That removes one means of their attack.
    A most excellently written nom!

    • Same here MC though strictly speaking IsAC is a social medium. Never been on Twitter or Facebook, couldn’t tell you how they work though I confess on occasion I’ve read stuff on The Student Room or Mumsnet when I’ve needed a good laugh. As for calling people what they are, my opinion is use the correct technical term if you want to be safe, e.g. deviant, ethnic, homosexual etc., rather than p00f, n***er. Advantage is that not only does it remove any legal come-back but also winds them up no end. they like to be called “gay” or “LBGTQXYZ+123” and so on.

      • If they track me down I feel some degree of solace knowing we will all be going down together.

  13. What a lovely cunting. Bang on.

    Billy Nomates at Glastonbury was a good example of this. Puts herself out there as a performer then gets all upset and cancels her tour when half a dozen people criticise her performance. Fucking melt. The day Billy brag has to stand up for me is the day I end it all.

    • Are we talking about the chap William Eilish?
      What a cunt he – sorry – she is.

    • And Lewis Capaldi. Not even finishing his Glastonbury set because of his ‘tourettes’. Bollocks, the fat cunt was just hungover or just couldn’t be arsed.

      And instead of boos and bottles of piss, Lewis got indulged by the Glasto pricks and the BBC also sent their sympathy. Fucking pathetic.

      • I can’t help liking capaldis character, he’s not a melt. Months into his fame he had Noel G giving him alot of uncalled for shit about his looks which was below Noel tbh, Lewis rolled with it. He’s a good lad. He can laugh at himself which is a rare quality these days. I wish him all the best.

  14. Lizzo.
    She’s one heap big heap of a woman.
    A fucking sexual theme park of a woman.
    She’s got the standard 3 holes (deep mining required to find 2 of them)
    Plus, she can take a man up each nostril.
    That position could be called the parallel twin.
    Or the toasting fork.
    Then there’s climbing, absailing, tobogganing down her enormous gut.
    She’s a star and should be applauded and loved.
    What a heifer.

    • No self respecting Auroch would let itself sink to that level.
      That’s why they went extinct.
      Something a lot of these media darlings should take note of.

  15. Have noticed lately that Hippo’s ‘positive body type’ is encroaching in ads.
    I know fat birds sweat, need big bikinis, go down the gym and need sanitary products when the decorators are in.
    But i’m trying to eat my dinner and i have some fat munter bouncing around on my tv, (not actually on it, that would be silly, but in it.) registering on the richter scale while advertising deodarant.
    I feel sorry for fatties and i’m sure some are trying to slim down, good on them but can’t we go back to the days when crumpet advertised this stuff?

  16. Ah, Lizzo. The wheels are starting to fall off already. Because she has hyped herself up as something sexy and a shape to be proud of (no on both counts), and she has been indulged and lied to by woke virtue signalers who make out she is some sort of goddess (she isn’t and never will be). Lies and clear as day bullshit like that can’t hold up for long. The thunderous beast and her woke sychophants can’t even get past admitting what she really is. She is fat – F.A.T – and that is a fucking fact. These mardarse cunts can skirt round it all they like. ‘Big boned’ ‘Round’ ‘Bubbly’ and all that crap. It is human lard and lots and lots of it. And her calling it ‘shaming’ is hilarious. Isn’t her denying what she actually is her shaming herself? Also would such a ‘sexy’ (oh, my sides?), confident and huge ‘superstar’ with such a ‘feisty attitude’ fall to bits when somebody they don’t know questions or criticises them?
    In the early 1960s, the Rolling Stones got terrible stick. Accusations of being dirty, having nits, looking like girls and all sorts of shit. But it made them even more defiant and Loog Oldham played the ‘bad boy’ image ilke a fiddle. But now it appears that everyone is as soft as shit. Remember Ed Sheercunt flouncing off social media because one person said he was shite (and he was) in Game of Thrones? And all that whining about Lizzo quitting music (if only) is just so much posturing and false threats. Nobody is in that game for the love of music or singing any more. None of this modern lot anyway. They are all in it for celebrity and money. So, why can’t they be honest about it? These cunts want all the glory and trappings, yet they can’t deal with criticism of any kind. Most of them are also cunts to their fans, yet they cry like babies if they are ‘hurt’. The modern celebrity/pop star is a loathsome creature.

    Woke loonies like the BBC and social media freaks have created this monster – the cult of Lizzo – with no small amount of help from an all too willing Lizzo herself. So, if there’s a backlash and people start to see through this woke deity, this false god is going to topple and crash. I just feel sorry for the poor cunt who is beneath it at the time.

    • Star, by Stealer’s Wheel. Sums it up nicely.

      So they made you a star, now your head’s in a cloud,
      Now you’re walking down the street with your feet off the ground
      They read in the press all about your success,
      They believe every word they’ve been told.
      After all you’ve been through tell me what will you do,
      When you find yourself out in the cold?
      When you appear on the stage there’s a standing ovation,
      You really live out your performance, you’re the biggest sensation.
      You breeze through the door and when you take the floor
      You expect to have it all to yourself.
      After all you’ve been through tell me what will you do
      When you find yourself back on the shelf?

      • Great choice Gristlegripper.

        ‘To Be Someone’ by The Jam also sums it up.

  17. The woke adulation that old slag Madogga gets is obscene.

    Hordes of servile LGBT cunts calling her ‘My Queen’ is bad enough. But making out she looks great when she looks terrible is just an insult to intelligence. A 64 year old trying to look like a 20 year old and the blatant plastic surgery is laughable. Of course, anyone who calls this shit out is ‘ageist’ and ‘sexist’. Well, Madogga has sold herself and used sex for that purpose for her entire career. Only when they get old, it gets more and more difficult and eventually impossible ( and a total joke). If she has manufactured this ‘sexy’ image (she never was, truth be told) and people now ridicule her because she is still trying to keep that up as an old woman, then it’s her own fault. If an ‘ordinary’ 65 year old woman went around flashing her tits and behaving like Madogga does, they’d be sectioned.

    Also, it is well known that she is a complete cunt as a person and a terrible human being. Even her own kids (the ones she didn’t get rid of) hate her.

      • Be a hell of a blaze Edward.
        All that fiberglass and silicone. She’d go up like a kite.????

    • And as the old witch knows she is more or less obsolete (only gays by her records now), she will cling to anything woke to keep herself credible and relevant.

      Everything from anti-Trump, Me Too, BLM, Sasha ‘Cabbage Patch’ Johnson, LGBTQ. Madogga has done them all. Her leech like attachment to Sasha the Slasha was particularly sickening. Wonder how many times Madogga has visited her ‘inspiration’ in hospital since Johnson was shot? Errrr how about never??

    • I’ve got cast iron guts. Pride myself on ’em.

      That said, they it extremely challenging to keep stuff down when faced with ol’ Vadgedonna and/or Sam Smith.

      They genuinely make me feel sick.

    • Reckon she sucks the blood of those young men in an attempt to stay youthful. Silly cunt grow old gracefully not cuntishly. She must have more money than God so why not enjoy the benefits that wealth brings instead of making an arse of oneself. Money buys neither class nor manners.nor style

      • The old whore is addicted to attention, and she will do anything to get it. Bereft of dignity and a complete and utter cunt.

  18. Sam Smith is a ludicrous ridiculous repulsive offensive looking fat fuck.
    If you look like a repulsive cunt, expect to have the piss taken out of you.

    • Oh and has been Madogga is now crawling around the Smith lardball. Of course, they make out it is about LGBTQ protest (about what?). But it’s just about getting attetion for both of them.

      In the 1960s and 70s, when there was real racial issues, artists like Nina Simone, Aretha Franklin and Stevie Wonder did songs like Respect, Living For The City and Missippi God Damn. While those two ugly narcissistic turds have done a song called ‘Vulgar’ as they prance around in their predictable ‘costumes’ looking ‘shocking’. A shame the old bitch didn’t croak last week, and Smith should have gone with her.

    • He fully expects to have the piss taken out of him. When he inevitably does he plays the hate card. He’s no more gay or non-binary than my lawn mower, he’s just an attention seeking fat cunt that has identified as a member of a minority group for the protection that provides.

  19. It shows the insanity of the woke world that Lizzo is promoted as a sex symbol.
    How many true red blooded lads would ever think of going near it or have her picture on their wall? And no, woke loonies and soyboy hipster vegan cunts don’t count.

    Also, if these people are so proud of what they are, why are they so afraid of saying the word fat? Anyone mentions it and they start tantruming and turn into a blubbering wreck. It’s just like that other lot. They claim to be so proud to be black. But say they are black or coloured and they go divvy. All wokeys are cake and eat it cunts who also want jam on it. They are never satisfied and they never will be.

    • Brian Jones used to get well upset about it.
      The hysterics the press got into were hilarious.

  20. Silvio Berlusconi called Angela Merkel “An unfuckable lard arse”
    Dodgy and an outright crook and fiend , he called it for what it was.
    Thats the last time you heard the truth spoken in Euro land.

  21. Wokery or Wokeism or whatever the fuck it’s called – is a load of bollocks.

    I’m being overly generous when I call it a very fragile set of ideas.

    Ideas based on pure make believe.

    If you have to rewrite history, defy biology, evolution, bully people and censor opinions you don’t agree with – then you ain’t worth shit.

    Shame on the spineless cunts who have enabled this crap to even gain a foothold.

  22. “Be inclusive or else we’ll cancel you.” Cunts.

    The WHO seem to be hapless in addressing the mind virus sweeping the world, of which there are several stringent variants:

    climate change activists
    teaching young children they can be any gender
    open borders and loving refugees
    using men to promote women’s attire
    allowing men in women’s prisons, gyms, sports
    vegan activists
    orange man bad
    defund the police
    stabby cunts
    you fell over but sue why don’t you, never your fault
    cunts too idle to work
    don’t tell me I’m fat as a bus, my body is beautiful
    steal what you want from shops
    hop on a moped and steal someone’s phone
    someone with all of the above symptoms!

  23. A Carter USM/Bad Manners chant of ‘You fat bastard!’ should have been aimed at Lizzo at Glastobellend. Then again, John Beast (Carter roadie) and Buster Bloodvessel both had a sense of humour. Lizzo and any other woke cunts have no sense of humour whatsoever, and any such chanting would result in a thunderous Lizzo super tantrum.?

    Maybe the thunderous woke mastodon should do a re-make of the old Bob and Marcia hit.

    This time it could be called ‘Fat, Not So Gifted, snd Black’.?

  24. It had to happen (it is Disney after all), the hitherto excellent Mandalorian series has now been ruined. One episode of the most recent series features a woke royal couple played by Jack Black and – wait for it- Lizzo. The characters and the story and the episode are completely pointless. It is just a case of Disney and that Kathleen Kennedy bitch wanting a fat black woman in it, and to Hell with it fucking the series up. It tells you all you need to know about woke and woke TV run by woke corporate cunts. Someone getting into a world famous franchise just because they are fat, a woman, and black. Talent and the storyline doesn’t come into it. Absolute shit.

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