
A cunting for the latest bollocks over Windrush, this time not the compo for the poor downtrodden cunts who were wrongly deported or disadvantaged because they didn’t have the right documents (partly government fault)

This particular cunting Is for the new commemorative 50p coin to celebrate 75 years since Windrush with a dark couple standing in front of the union flag.
I would question the celebration, more like the start of the destruction of British society, I know we can’t blame everything on West Indians but it did mark the beginning of the invasion of absolutely useless cunts from the third world.

A sad day indeed when the Windrush docked in Tilbury.

Bbc news

Nominated by sick of it.

92 thoughts on “Windrush

  1. How about a 50p coin commemorating the victims of unwanted immigration?
    They can start with Keith Blakelock, and Lee Rigby.

  2. Is probably lucky that cash is dying out then.
    And surely there is a more appropriate image than the prim and proper couple on display.

    It should be a guy with trousers hanging down below his arse waving a big knife and the women holding a kfc family bucket.

    And as far about on the coin as humanly possible.

    Melt them down for cannonballs to repel dinghy invaders.

  3. Beginning of the end that was.

    I read that Jamaica want to become a replublic and dump the uk royal head of state….hopefully with all the financia supprt stopped immediately.

    Cunts l

  4. I heard Prince Baldybollocks talking his usual wokie bullshit yesterday. Oh they’ve made such an invaluable contribution to our society and changed the country for ever….blah blah woof woof. Well the second part of that statement is certainly true….but not in the way that p*nce meant it.
    June 22nd 1948….a black day in British history.

  5. Windrush is a sacred cow for the Left. Many emigrated for the same reasons that the dinghy riders do today; they were economic migrants looking for work rather than any great desire to come to the aid of the Motherland and help get post-war Britain back on its feet.

    • They asked for the documents to be destroyed and then kick up a stink about it. Same old tactics. Blame tories blame labour good cop bad cop routine. Fucking stupid. Very very wearing. I use the anology of two fires. Eventually one will steal all the oxygen and put the other out. It’s not worth the time or effort using the oxygen on these dumbasses.

  6. Tbh I saw a west Indian bloke on the news around Brexit saying that he came to the UK because it was a better country than his and he started a business as a shopkeeper and had a decent life. Fair enough. But he himself said he was against immigration because the new ones dont come here for the reasons he did. So a few people came over on a boat and ran a launderette and we are supposed to support the thesis they built Britain?

    I follow the commentary of David Starkey (bit of an old poof but he makes some good points). He says and i agree problem when you go woke on history is you start scraping the barrel and trying to turn insignificance into significance.

    They have done that to the Windrush – lets be honest, in British history its irrelevant. I genuinely think we could have a debate on what was more important to British culture and history, the windrush or marmite? And it would be difficult to make a decision.

    • They did this with Mary Seacole, the so-called black Florence Nightingale. Starkey exposed her as a 19th century grifter and had fuck all to do with helping British soldiers in the war.

      • I used to be a soldier, learnt a lot about respect and duty. Fucking nog appears to know nothing of either

      • All history we’ve been indoctrinated with is pure bs.Check out John Hamers book-‘The Falsification of History’ for clarification.

  7. They made a valuable contribution to the UK.

    One of the fuckers interviewed said he was a bus driver.

    Ok, so none of them have actually cracked nuclear fusion
    Or found a cure for the common cold but, driving a bus is pretty close and a greatly appreciated..


    • You are right CQB. They were’nt here for their prowess in the sciences. they came to fill gaps in the labour force after the devastation of WW2.

      I think the disastrous immigration policy of blair and his cowardly conservative successors,as well as the divisive antagonism of our own far left has skewed people’s views on all immigrants. It doesnt matter to some of us as we know why the left did it, to rub the rights noses in diversity.

      As a result of this shittery,people can accuse me of racism all day long. None of it will stick.

  8. 2072 news:
    To celebrate the 50th anniversary of the first inflatable dinghy full of Albanians to land on a Kent beach, the Royal Mail have issued a commemorative £100 coin. King George stepped out of his ivory tower to comment ‘The Albanian community has made an invaluable contribution to the British way of life. In particular we celebrate their many achievements in the fields of trading pharmaceuticals, and in assisting the migration of others to Britain to work in our oldest profession.’

    • An Albanian brass?

      Fuck me. They’ve all got beards and taches like Geoff Capes.

      • They all have in Sunderland too, Cunty.
        Anyway, someone’s got to supply the bottom end of the market.

    • Can we have a coin to commemorate the first clandestine cliff-mounted heavy machine gun put there so that we can give these free-loading, women and children abandoning, thieving, hairy-arsed cunts the sort of warm Anglo-Saxon welcome that they expect and deserve? Well, perhaps not expect but it’ll do for me.

  9. The greatest thing to ever happen to Britain.

    We British were all rolling around in our own faeces and living in caves until Windrush docked.

    Thank fuck they invented all our medical care, education systems, electric and gas in houses, the computer, car, internet and clean running water in every home.

    Me? I was an illiterate, drooling village idiot until I met a few Lionel Josephs. Now, I’m just a bit of a mong!

    • My mum grew up in East London during the 1960s. Proper piss poor, she and my grandparents were back then. They witnessed the effects of “diversity” first-hand.

      As a result, mum is an unapologetic racist. My grandparents were, too. In fact, that side of the family all are.

      Some Samboes lived in the terraced house next. Apparently they smelt of piss and weird food.

  10. There was some bloke (black) on Politics UK, he was pissed off with lumping all blacks as one big homogeneous blob and in fact there are considerable differences between say Jamaican and African blacks, for example the former are are 3 times more likely to be excluded from school than the latter.

    Fair enough but I would prefer they were all excluded from the country.

    He did make some good points about BLM and the differences between the US and UK

    Don’t get me started on Mudslimes, another big mistake letting those cunts in.

  11. Can we have a coin to commemorate the Polish Armed Forces members who, upon the fall of Poland in 1939, came here in numbers to fight for the next six years alongside our own men? Many of them didn’t go back to a Soviet dominated country but married and stayed here. I know a few of their sons. Decent dads, decent lads.

    • 303 Squadron? Fantastic bastards. Utterly fearless.

      The way St. Churchill treated them after the war was little short of a crime.

    • Those cunts in Eire have only recently acknowleged and ‘pardoned’ the 250’000 Irish lads who joined the British Forces in World War II. For years they were seen as ‘traitors’. Those boys were fighting the Nazis, while their ‘neutral’ friends in ‘the old country’ were giving a welcome to U-Boats. Cunts.

      • Quite correct. One of their lads joined up and ended up in SBS in the Eastern Med. After the war he became a member of the Dáil Éirrann and wrote a book about his exploits. Amongst his SBS mates was an English bloke whose daughter I had the distinct privilege to work with. She lent me her copy of the book and what a memorable read it was. She was a chip off the old block herself and had more bottle than many a bloke that I’ve worked with.
        The present Irish government is nothing other than a shower of cunts, getting fat off EU largesse and saving a fortune by hiding behind what remains of the British armed forces. Slimy fucking spud eating Eurovision-loving wankers.

      • add to that, ‘ fascist’, given their new Criminal Justice Bill.

        Way past Orwell and into Solzhenitsyn.

  12. One thing about the Windrush is that if it hadn’t have come here who the fuck would we get to do all our TV ad-fucking-verts?

    • Fuck me, have you seen the DHL ad with the Moon Cricket singing Coldplay? That’s two things I already dislike off the bat.

      DHL are shit, too.

    • If you’re talking mixed race couples then these ads should be showing us white men with East Asian women which is by far the most common mixed race combo, but neither the white man or East Asians are the darlings of the Woke/DEI industry.

  13. The woke wankers on Wireless 4 have been creaming their knickers this week – Prince William met an old boy of ninety-something, there was a Service of Thanksgiving for them, and one vainglorious old bugger congratulated himself and his class of 1948 for “how much we have given to tis country” (he failed to mention that which they have taken back). I am just surprised Kweer and Pixieballs haven’t been on virtue signalling as well. Perhaps they will blask up this weekend to celebrate the wonderful achievement. Neil Newness and Viggi Allis them two dark newsreaders have been much in attendence innit though.

    I never saw a Brexit 50p piece even though I constantly asked my bank to find me one – I bet we will all see the Windrush one – probably a picture of Lammy on it, wearing an off-the-shoulder ball gown and tiara.

    Old Man Rivva!

    • In all of his years, had the old bloke never heard the term Self-praise is no praise?

  14. Why put on a 50p coin a man with a knife behind his back, who is about to mug a woman for her bag, when we already see these crimes everyday of the week ?

  15. The Navy should have sunk that fucking ship.

    Nobody would have given a fuck.

    Now it’s been grasped by the Leftwaffe as a beacon of evil British colonialism etc etc and as such is just a pain in the arse.

    As for the pigs that sell this shite as some sort of apology for wrong doing..

    Immediate Oven.

    • Britain didn’t have a problem controlling immigration back then. That all happened under Blair.

      The Windrush generation came here in thousands per year, getting up to tens of thousands in the fifties, but the foreign born percentage of England and Wales didn’t exceed 10% until the noughties under Blair and most of those were Eastern European.

      Historically the big four countries for immigrants are Ireland, India, Pakistan and Poland, each having over half a million foreign-born UK residents in any given census year

  16. I was a young boy in this peaceful country, until the wind rushed these annoying black cunts in. You’ve already outstayed your welcome, now fuck off home !!!

  17. This Windrush shite is so fucking tediously boring.

    If I was a black bloke living in the UK then I’d feel embarrassed at the levels of pandering that is going on.

    Has there ever been a race of mankind that has been on the receiving end of so much patronising bullshit?

    Has there ever been a race of mankind that has required so many repeated legs up within society?

    Not the case historically in places such as the USA where musicians and athletes forged their way to the very top purely on ability in the face of adversity.

    In the UK in 2023, being black or to have a tenuous link to anything Windrush related is like a meal ticket to perpetual victim hood allegations of historical racism and to be worshipped as the saviours of the country.

    Meh reparations. Innit. Load of bollocks.

    Fuck off.

    • As others have pointed out, all yhe struggles of racism were largely fought by the wind rush generation , but why dwell on it? Britain is now one of the least racist societies on the planet, and yet we are constantly told we’re all fucking evil because of the empire and colonialism. Well I say to the grifters, it’s class that divides British society. If you want to have a pop at somebody because of the empire, have a go at the posh cunts running the media.

  18. 75 years of having the worlds biggest chip on their shoulders. And ‘Windrush’? Sounds like me the morning after a Vindaloo.

  19. The only Windrush I knew is the one in “I’m All Right Jack” who became a blackleg. Think it was a skit on this palava.

  20. Morning one, morning all,

    Given it’s 2023 and you can identify as what the fuck you like, I might start paying in rubles because I speak Russian and don’t like sam beaux.

    Anyone else really suffering from a big dose of what General Cuntster recently described as “ni77er fatigue” at the mo?

  21. The BBC website quoted one lady as saying ‘Windrush made Britain great’.
    She did not go on to explain this absurd statement.

    • I saw that too Guzziguy.
      ‘Windrush put the Great in Great Britain’ yelled the ‘Beeb’.

      First, in what way and why?

      Second, aren’t the BBC forever dumbing down the UK and telling us it’s anything but great?

      Third, so everything that has made Britain great over the years (Beating Napoleon, Defeating Hiter, conquering Everest, 1966 World Cup and so on) is down to that lot?

      Indeed it is absurd. Absurd and hilarious.

      • From the act of union to 1948 great Britain achieved nothing on the world stage.

        Enter the tree-swingers and the country becomes a technological and spiritual utopia in 75 years..

        Nice one BBC, just to let you know my eyes ain’t painted on..

      • The BBC probably want Jay Blades as Prime Minister. There is another wide boy with more front than Brighton Pier.

      • Well, the BBC have already given that piece of scum Mizzy a platform. They’ll get him and Shamima Bigbum to host the One Show.

      • The BBC have admitted to dumbing down quite recently just to get more people they think are working class watching their dogshit.

        The problem is the modern Beeb is run by insufferable thick-as-shit public school millennials who think British history began with the creation of the NHS.

    • Not sure she was aware just how modest the numbers of the Windrush generation were compared to the existing population.

      1940s/50s immigration from the commonwealth was a trickle in the thousands to tens of thousands, compared to Britain’s post-war birthrates which soared to nearly 3 sprogs per woman in 1964…

      Yer fuckin’ boomers.

  22. Those BBC knobheads want to make up their minds.

    If these ‘Windrush’ types were so savvy, pioneering and hard working,
    why did they want to come to such a horrible, oppressive, imperialist hell hole?

    Because – according to the BBC – that’s what the UK was and still is….

  23. please can someone tell me why all this stuff is constantly brought up.
    less than two weeks ago we had 3 people stabbed and murdered in Nottingham, after a few days it all went quiet and now forgotten, all we know the perpertrator had mental health issues, and was a migrant.
    many years ago stephen Lawrence was stabbed, we now have this event thrown in our faces on a periodic cycle stating the “Stephen Lawrence enquiry” why?

  24. Some urchin at the checkout in Aldi trying to give me one of these!!!

    I said ” I’d prefer a white 50p thank you.
    Or two twenty pences and a ten.

    What’s the point of a 50p you have to pick up in a hanky?!

    • When they mint King Charles’s money, two twenty pence pieces and a ten pence will be his mug and one each for his ears.

  25. Give this country about ten years and we wont need ot deport anyone, as people will be pushed into the sea by sheer numbers. Looking at birthrates and immigration, the immo rate has soared since the early 2010s, much more steeply than under Blair, and between 2008-2012 – when Barcelona were the best football team in the world – there was something in the water over here; the birthrate of women was up to 1.9 sprogs, higher than at any time since 1973.

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