Wiltshire Council and potholes

A cunting for Wiltshire Council in particular and potholes in general.
I was mildly amused by a report of some old duck who goes around filling potholes with water, floating rubber ducks in it and sending the results to the council, etc, to highlight the local pothole problem.

Well, I say local but the problem is national, unless you live in Fulwood, Sheffield.
I don’t know about anyone else, but South Yorkshire and Derbyshire have been given umptie million £££’s to tackle the problems, but I’ve seen precious little improvement. Lots of new 20mph speed limit signs, and massive potholes.
This lad is a genius, it worked, well done.
Hang your heads in shame, Wiltshire Council, you got cunted good style!

Bbc news

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

39 thoughts on “Wiltshire Council and potholes

  1. I imagine young Ben will now be on a MI6 watch list as a suspected right wing trouble maker.

    Local cunt councillors are not known for their sense of humour, or work ethics either.

      • Repetitive Cunting Syndrome (RCS) again. Brought about by rage at the high levels of cuntitude in the modern world. Sufferers are inclined to addictively haunt the pages of ISAC and are prone to wander the streets shouting “CUNT” at random passers by. No known cure.

    • Are you a ‘Swiftie’ Cuntflu?

      I’d Shake It Off if I were you…

      • I am sure I read a thing about Swifties wearing adult nappies to go to her concerts, to avoid missing so much as a hemidemisemiquaver of her inane warbling. The stench must be appalling, all these pissed-up smack heads crapping in their towelling.
        When I pay a visit to Charlotte’s Dungeon, I wear rubber. Classy, and natural. No animals killed…

  2. As well as providing wildlife spots for plastic ducks, the councils are also encouraging bees by not being arsed to cut verges, and letting weeds grow out of kerbs. What do they do with the money?

    • I have noticed that too – fucking great clumps of bramble and thistle growing on verges. Little or no attempt to maintain.

      I do wonder how much is a conspicuous protest against Central Gubbimint budget cuts; i.e. find cash for the very essential services only such as the summertime multicultural mardi gras or gender support services.

    • Well I’m guessing they are in masses of debt like most councils , despite council tax being at ridiculous levels.

      They wouldn’t want to cut things like their unaffordable pensions so I’m guessing it goes on reducing the debt

    • Our verges were finally cut last week, I’m amazed they didn’t have to use a combine harvester.

      They are now ankle deep in clippings, which are getting blown all over the footpaths and into the gutters, ready to clog the drains next time it rains.

      • Same around here. Most drains are blocked with fallen leaves from last autumn.

        The council claim there is no money to clean them out. I suspect in this case they are right as it’s all been spent on housing illegals.

        It also allows the shills to scream ‘climate emergency’ when the things flood following normal amounts of rain.

        It’s all part of the plan.

  3. I have to say I much prefer the jester who hunts out potholes (not an arduous task) and spray paints a large cock and balls around them.

    Apparently it spurs the hapless council to action..eventually.

  4. Given that they go straight to the front of the queue, get an illegal immigrant to complain about the potholes around his five star accommodation.
    As if by magic, there’ll be none the following day.

  5. A natural sequel to yesterday’s Lothwiethel TC cunting.

    Councils are cunts. Fucking jobsworths all.

    Great spot JP.

    Morning cunters.

  6. Where I live in Londonistan only the posh roads get special treatment, as in properly re-laid every few years. The other cunts get a kind of polly filler fuck job done, which starts breaking apart every few months.

    In the meantime the paddy gippo companies that are contracted to do this are laughing their way to the bank.

    It also amazes me how it takes a team of 10 to fill a few holes.

    • It won’t work, there are either not enough drivers or no buses. The elite will soon be squealing when nobody turns up for work at their companies because there’s no fucking way to get there.

  7. Councils are certainly self serving Cunts indeed.
    I live in Surrey just a few hundred yards from GL boundry where the road is regularly maintained with a a nice smooth cycle lane.? But crossing the boundry the whole road is full of ruts, potholes and tarmac that has melted in to ridges. It has been like this for nearly 10 years, so Surrey Council decided to fix it this week, but at night! Being a residential area this didn’t put the Cunts off.
    So for several nights we have had to put up with noise and stink from the works, but judging from the finished surface it will probably have to be redone after winter.

  8. Like yourself JP I’m a keen pothole enthusiast,

    And know the thrill of nearly having my axle ripped clear of my vehicle by some chasm in the highway.

    I envy you living in Sheffield.
    The ‘Jurassic Park’ of the Pothole world,
    Where left to grow to gigantic sizes,
    Potholes can grow to maturity.

    I also had the pleasure of sampling the very rare ‘missing cobblestone’
    In Rochdale.
    This is mentioned in Tacitus’s diaries of the Roman conquest of Britain,
    When the first roads were laid.

    Oh the ancient thrill of a ox drawn cart upending spilling vegetables everywhere ,
    As they said back then

    “Ibi est magnus foraminis ibi!!!?

    The cunts.

      • Possibly Leonardo,
        When I asked at the Italian embassy a spokesman said

        ” Yo what’s wid all da questions? Youse a cop or sumink?
        We didn’t see nuttin.

  9. The green common purposes wankers in councils up and down the cuntry are doing it on purpose, following the instructions of their overlords. They want us serfs off the roads.

    The only option is for us now is to begin mass non payment of tax.

    Meanwhile, life goes on.

    Simians and ape like enriching community members pictured fighting with plod in a London station yesterday, the rozzers were attempting to arrest one of da bruvvers apparently….

    Phil Schofield has given an interview to that well know hive of scum, villainy and rest home for abusers… the BBC. Oh the irony.

    But hey, apparently It’s not his fault and he’s deeply sorry (now he’s got caught).

    • Apparently, if it hadn’t been for the constant presence of his daughters (would be a larf if his wife has had a decades-long bonkathon with the milkman), he wouldn’t be here…
      I wonder what state their balloon knots are in. Philip Scrofulous is the Eric Gill of our day.
      Never such a display of blatant poofery.

  10. Brighton council resurfaced a long road outside my place about 2 months ago. It’s now full of potholes again. Might as well have not bothered.
    why am i not surprised ? Brighton council are more obsessed with bum holes than pot holes.

  11. Sheffield is absolutely awful for them. I hit a huge pothole just outside Meadowhall about 2 years ago. It wiped out 3 tyres and fucked up my shock absorber on the right side. Cost tons to fix, I emailed the council, never got a reply, it was filled in 4 months later

    • It’s like the dodgems, driving in Sheffield.
      Weaving all over to avoid the belters, several feet across and often a foot or more deep.
      This isn’t due to bad weather, it’s due to fucking years of neglect, piss poor repairs ( I think they mix used coffee grounds with old chip pan fat and use that) and general fucking apathy by the public.
      I’ll bet you any money that some of the £££ allocated for pothole repair has been spent on council jollies “to see how other areas/countries” deal with potholes.
      Fact finding, my arse!

  12. I am sure The Flabbott will take a holidiy in Wits., to benefit from the water-filled potholes for her annual bathing ritual…

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