Tourist Tax

is a cunt, isn’t it.

It’s bad enough having to visit Scotland. Now, however, the Sweaties are considering a levy against the Engl….erm, against any tourists visiting Edinburger and potentially the whole of ScotchLand.

You’ll pay an extra two quid a night on top of any room price just for the privilege of being in JockLand.

With the poor showing of the Pound Sterling, it won’t make much difference to the EuroCunts, returning Aussie Convicts, or fat, gullible Yanks excited about seeing Nessie. Moreover, if anybody is stupid enough to come for the overrated Edinburger Festival, they deserve to be fleeced.

Perhaps it’s kitty money for the Sturgeon’s Husband Is Innocent appeal (“husband”).

If we pay extra, do they promise not to play the bagpipes? They produce more whining and droning than a Remoaner SNP bore.

This will be a bonanza for the toothless Jocks. They will finally be able to afford some decent Japanese whiskey. Hoots mon, they’ll be able to finally splash out on some new tartan miniskirts, deep-fried shortbread, and IrnBru-flavoured heroine.


Nominated by Captain Magnanimous

49 thoughts on “Tourist Tax

  1. I don’t mind paying tax if it’s used to lock up Wee Jimmy for a fucking long time.
    Hopefully it will also pay for her successor, the pretend wokie Pa*i for a similar detention at His Majesty’s Pleasure. Fucking cunts.

    • What has happened Freddie, a packy in charge of Scotland, Gunga Din in charge of the rest of the UK and Saddo Khant the mayor of London?

      These fckrs are gaining the whip hand. There’s going to be utter chaos soon.

      • They are welcome to the shit-hole this country has become..

        20 years time you will have to go armed to the teeth to get a pint of almond milk at tesco’s. “Cows milk will be banned”

  2. This shit is taking place all over Europe. Therefore I shall say fuck you to the Greeks spics frogs Mallorca etc and go to the canneries again for my holiday.

    Tourist tax is most definitely a cunt.

    • The canneries? Is that where they put all those peas and carrots in tins? Don’t sound like much of a holiday to me but whatever turns you on……

    • If you really dig into the origins of all this just remember the Libyan leader Gadaffi’s astute warnings of the consequences of attacking his highly evolved nation by the satanic UN/Nato/Rothschild tag-team…”we came,we saw,he died” cackled Lucifers very own mother of darkness HRC.

      The price of one countries destruction by virtue of not playing ball with the Rothschild/Rockefeller bankster mafia very quickly became a major problem for European nations such as blighty by removing the iron-man of Africa.

  3. Why would anyone want to go to Edinburgh, that’s where all the Pommy refugees went when William the conqueror invaded.?

  4. Did you know that John O’Groats had a football club? After their recent defeat by Lands End the manager resigned. He said “I’ve taken them as far as I can.”

    Sorry…..I couldn’t resist that.

    • Best crack of the day, Freddie. Out of interest, did Lands End bother to come up for their away game ?

    • Should’ve also mentioned if they were Still Game. I’m nearing the end of yet another viewing of the best British comedy show.

  5. How they going to enforce it?

    Will they stick you in a jail full of tranny rapist’s if you refuse?

    Shooting themselves in the foot.

    Buy a fuckin 2bedroom house in Glasgow for that.

    Go to Northumbria instead,
    The locals are dead friendly.

    • Northumbria is insanely welcoming to tourists. You don’t even seem to pay parking in most areas (or a very nominal fee if ever).

      It is almost like they appreciate the boost to the local economy.

      • I think that is Sir Richard Fiddler’s influence with the local authorities. He use to love having visitors come up to see the wild Northumbrian countryside as they roamed over his vast estate.

      • Quite so Wanksock!

        My advice to any Americans is go Northumbria instead!

        They have monsters there too, and shortbread.

        Just park in a farmer’s field and say to him

        ” Morning Peasant,
        I’ll be leaving my car here.
        Here’s a shiny tenpence for your trouble .
        Keep a eye on it for me will you?
        You can treat yourself to a turnip tonight.”

        And that way you can visit again.

      • Barratts and Persimmon vultures are in permenant soar mode in that fine county.Shitting their orange concrete fecal matter across hill and dale increasingly.

    • Precisely. These SNP cunts have a long way to go before they understand how the economy works. Charge a £2 tourist tax and the average person immediately understands how the authority/tourist relation has been set and will be mindful of how they spend their cash in the area. If someone has an experience where they feel they have been ripped off, they are unlikely to be quite so generous with their cash.

      Alternatively, say in the case of Northumbria, don’t charge a tourist tax, make parking cheap at attractions and make tourists welcome. The wallet will open willingly and the cash will flow to shops and small businesses. The area will thrive and the local authorities will have a good income from shops and businesses including rental of council property. Everyone’s a winner.

      Oh wait, the SNP don’t give a tuppenny fuck about shops and small businesses, only their own income to shore up the costs of their gold plated pensions and for running that fucking “wee pretendy parliament”, Holyrood. Oh how I despise those cunts.

  6. Midges, rain,cold, alcoholics, smack heads, ginger’s. Unintelligible vocabulary.

    Why the fuck would you want to go to Scotland.!

    “Freedom” yes for England….!

    • Because Scotchland is 95.4% white.
      That would be one reason for wanting to go there.

      • I always find it amusing when I see a swarthy sub-Continental sort on the telly with a very broad Glaswegian accent.

      • What only 245,300 ethnic types in Scotland…
        Maybe not that dismal after all.

        That said, if there is only that low number there perhaps it’s so bad that even the ethnic doesn’t want to live there.

      • In the way that Poles,Bulgos,Liths,Lats,Hungars,Esto’s and Ukes are of whiter hues.

  7. Coming next to Scotland, McYousaf’s Midge Tax, poond a bite, payable at the border.

  8. I like Scotland.
    I like the Scots.
    But I don’t like it £2 a night like it.
    Fuck me!

    I don’t like anywhere that much.

    Cram it up your arse I’ll turn the car around.

    • All that unsold shortbread will attract rats when the tourists stop coming.

      Even Nessie’s got the hump.

  9. There’s no logical justification for any tourist tax. Why throw a disincentive in front of those you want to visit because it’s they who are putting the bread on the table? It’s no different from the wife standing on the doorstep, a pile of ginger headed, freckle-faced and bandy legged bairns in file behind her, wielding a tartan rolling pin while shouting, ‘I’ll nay let yez in with that pay packet if you dinnae giz me twa poonds for the fuckin’ privilege’.
    Fuck off, Morag.
    I’ll keep ma twa poonds for beer here in a tartan-free Lancashire.

  10. The Scottish government has long been had taxes and levies aimed at the English. I have a very bright niece (none of my genes that’s for sure) who went to St. Andrews. Her parents lived in England when she went and they had to pay the full fees. After a year they moved to South Wales and discovered that the Welsh don’t have to pay tuition fees. They applied for a refund but were told to eff off.

  11. I’m sure I read recently that Manchester were introducing a tourist tax, so maybe the Scots are just jumping on the bandwagon.

    • Lol, good luck with that Manc scum.

      Who the fck wants to go to Manchester? It’s a fckng zoo.

      • Went there a few months back for a funeral, i was shocked at what a shit hole it is, makes fucking Newport look good and thats saying something……

      • Fugly,

        If Britain has an arsehole, it’s Manchester.

        The people, particularly the men, are some of the most obnoxious, arrogant wankers I’ve ever met

  12. Fuck em, Scotland is all swarms of Heroin addicts, cunts with attitudes and midges, not to mention always fucking raining, keep it, keep your tax, shit food, shit weather and bent politicians.
    The only good thing about Scotland is the Whisky and as the only decent product of Scotland can be purchased anywhere.
    So knock yourselves out, give it a couple of years and the U turn once you have seen what it does to your tourism figures.
    On a much smaller scale, i remember when the North Wales police, made cunts of themselves had a purge on motorcyclists, just motorcyclists made a huge difference to all those businesses in North Wales that rely on tourism to make a living, the then police head honcho a complete iron clad 5 star cunt called Richard Brunstum had to have a U turn due to local business pressure, and that was just losing a proportion of motorcyclists, so you can only imagine the amount Scotland will lose.
    These fuckers dont seem to realise, its not Covid 19 times any more, people will just go elsewhere and give Scotland a miss, stupid cunts….

  13. Hey wee Mustafa, you can kiss goodbye to all the tourist’s doing the 500…
    Knob head….!

  14. Yousaf the selfish cunt, shot himself in the foot laying down the law. He should be deported from hence his parents carried the ungrateful cunts genes.

  15. The thing with these taxes is that most people won’t read the small print and £2 on top of £100 doesn’t register with them.
    When they jack it up to £5, they’re unlikely to put in big bold letters that you’ve just paid an extra £70 for a fortnight to some wasters in Holyrood.

  16. What makes me laugh is that Edinburgh has been allowing hotel development in the city hand over fist for years now, encouraging ever increasing numbers of tourists to flood in.

    Now the Council says that its very concerned about ‘the impact of the tourist footprint’ on the local environment. Its solution? Impose a ‘tourist tax’.

    Cuntery of the first water from Edinburgh DC.

    Morning all.

    • As CQB has already said, why would anyone want to go to Scotland, unless they didn’t have a choice? In all my life I’ve never been further north than Carlisle, and that place was bad enough.

    • I bet the haggis-shaggers aren’t concerned about ‘the impact of the tourists’ monied handprints’ on the local economy. Ye cannae have it a’ways, Jock, and stop yer fuckin’ ticklin’.

  17. Schemes like this always elicit the same response from e.g. charging you to park the car at a shopping centre; I’m not paying, I’ll go elsewhere. If they don’t want my custom that’s fine. I don’t get worked up about it.

  18. Got to pay for the SNP premium Pornhub service somehow.

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