This solar panel bollocks

My neighbour has just ruined the look of our very desirable street by having fuck off great solar panels fitted to the roof of his home.

He is more than happy to discuss their merits regarding their ‘green’ credentials, and more importantly to him……the money he will save.

Now, aside from the fact they look fucking awful on his roof…due to the fact they have had to fit a mismatch of shapes to suit his roofline…..I decided to look into his claims. To which he has seemingly been mugged right off.

Just looks at the figures here:

Useful lifespan of solar panels is approx 20-25 years.

The average time it takes to recoup you costs to have them fitted is 12-26 years

Okaaaaayyy, so potentially by the time you’ve finished clawing back what you’ve paid to have them fitted, it’s nearly time to replace them??

Someone’s being cunted right off here. I pointed this out to my neighbour….who then said they would probably be moving within 8 years!

Fucking idiot.

green match

Nominated by Chuff Chugger.

55 thoughts on “This solar panel bollocks

  1. A fool, his money and all that.

    There’s a fat cunt over the backs from me who had these abominations fitted on top of his new roof several years ago.

    Not only do they look shite but these ones are covered in seagull shite and all.

  2. They are butt ugly.

    Elon Musk talked about making solar panels to look like roofing tiles. Someone should do this.

  3. In the bit where it says ”What can I do to extend the life of my solar panels?’ it suggests trying to think of a way to shelter them in extreme weather conditions. So you are expected to risk a Rod Hull when its windy or…. surely not….too hot and sunny?

    • well i always remember that ,rod hull telling emu to hold the fucking aerial steady while he adjusted it ,gormless bastardthought emu was real and had a good grip on it to he slipped and fell to his death,the funny thing is according to the police reort emu was sat in the house at time with a can watching the telly ,

  4. Another fucking green scam for the wokie doom chasers. I’m sure your neighbour feels all smug and superior and that’s what he’s paying his money for.
    Meanwhile King Jug Ears , the Chimpboy, teams up with Suckdick to reveal a big clock counting down to the end of the world. Yeah… might come sooner than you think for you, fucking dumb wokie cunt!

  5. Are they easily breakable by a half-brick at 3 o’clock in the morning?

    • Know what solar panels say to me?

      Council house.

      The only cunts round here with them are council tenants.
      Pigeons roost under them.

      I would die of shame if someone thought I had solar panels.

      They’re common.

    • An entire solar farm was destroyed by hail in the USA recently. No doubt they’ll bury them in the ground to leach toxic chemicals. Oven.

      • Three or four years ago we had a hail storm in May. Beyond our back fence is a huge mature horse chestnut tree which had just completed the growth of it’s new leaves and looked magnificent. All the leaves were shredded, it was a sorry sight. Following year all new leaves and the tree returned to it’s former glory. But solar panels? Hmmm.

      • And another thing never mentioned. If you have solar panels installed you will want the inverter installed in the garage or some other substantial outbuilding. When the sun shines the inverter makes a loud noise similar to the dentist’s drill. Admittedly not a problem most of the time as when the sun goes in the inverter falls silent…..

  6. Hehe, great cunting, perhaps a single panel could be useful in the garden as a solar powered barbecue ?

  7. The Asbestos of the future.
    “That will be $40,000 Sir, too dispose of your now defunct solar panels in a environmentally friendly way”

    • I know someone who fits them.
      He’s on the sick!

      There’s big money to be made installing the ugly fuckin things.

      • Had loads of calls Mis, regarding heat pumps and solar when things go wrong. The shower that fitted them are long since gone with the money and will not be back or answer the phone.

    • Exactly that!! These cunting things can not yet be recycled anywhere near cost effectively and the energy requirement to do so will offset any gain theyve made over their working life. I hope there is waste tax on this outrageously unsustainable white elephant apparatus horse shit to punish anybody stupid enough to fall for this wank.

  8. They make an ideal roof for a mud hut.
    Don`t have anything to plug into them though.

  9. They play havoc with amateur radio reception as in the rush to make them as cheaply as possible regulation of spurious emissions was ignored.

    • Thanks for the info Guzzi. Presumably the emissions are generated by the inverter since the output of a solar panel is DC?

      Yours etc, Arfur. (So old he’s a G3.)

      • Neighbour has put some on a garage roof over the road. I can hear them all accross HF. Most annoying is the sprog on 1933khz, the most entertaining frequency on HF.

      • Hi Arfur, thanks for posting that. I had no knowledge of the net on 1933 but then again I haven’t been on top band for decades. (To be pedantic I would call it MF but who cares?) A shame really because like many others of my generation our first contact with amateur radio was listening on the domestic radiogram to the amateurs on 160 running full AM. That would have been in the early sixties. Me and a mate built a Hartley oscillator using a valve and for HT a 90V battery which were readily available in those days and used it to broadcast on MF. We had no knowledge of cross mod and were baffled by the fact that within half a mile we were on top of every broadcast station! I went on to get a class ‘A’ licence before I had a driving licence. Fuck me I’m old!

    • Nice to meet some fellow Ham’s. Got my call sign back in March. The waves aren’t as busy as they used to be, are they.

  10. Isn’t it the Chinks who make most of these things? The same Chinks busy pumping out all these “pollutants”, getting richer by the day and laughing at us getting poorer. Let’s face it, they are smarter than us. Even all those years ago they built that fucking Great Wall to keep the immos out.

      • That wasn’t us that was the Romans.

        What did the Romans do for us?

        Well they built that wall to keep the Jocks out. Oh yeah…..good point.
        By the way, where’s my compo for the sacking of Chelmsford? I want my reparations!!

      • For a moment there FtF, I thought you were calling for Lord Chelmsford to be sacked for getting his butt kicked at Isandlwana. I was gonna say, bit late……….

  11. Should be made illegal. They do nothing but spoil the beauty of a thatch cottage.

      • The cottages Schofield, Barrymore and Izzard hang around are far from beautiful.

      • Ahh yes, installing these on the Arndale toilets would be the only way of encouraging solar cottaging…

        Anyone up for a carbon neutral cottaging in Manchester?

  12. Someone should invent a device to harness the power of outrage on twatter and fuckface whenever someone is slighted.

    Could solve all the countries energy problems by misgendering some soy boy once a day.

    • Or harness the smugness of a Guardian-reading cyclist. Does a more worthless sort of honky exist?

  13. Fuck solar panels, if you want to save energy and reduce costs then turn down the heating by a few degrees like King Charles has done on his royal estate.

    You do all own half a dozen palaces, don’t you?

  14. OT.
    Oh dear how sad, affirmative action can’t be used for university admissions the supreme court has ruled..

    The flood of tears from the liberals is wonderful.

    • “…affirmative action can’t be used for university admissions the supreme court has ruled…..”

      And does anyone think it will have the slightest effect on preferential/quota admissions?

  15. Solar panels for hot water are great in Med countries. They are great in the UK for the very limited summers we have.

    Little more use in the UK than an ornament for green hectoring. A little like shitty air source heat pumps.

    The answer to reduce greenhouse gas is cheaper insulation with the VAT exempted, not this greenwank.

    • Itchy Ballsack trumpeted his 5 year VAT cut on insulation last year. It only applies if you have an installer put it in for you and he will then charge you VAT on his supply and installation service.

      Buy a roll of insulation from Selco and you still pay 20% VAT on it.

      The Cuntservatives are useless, chinless cunts.

  16. Spine for sale; apply R. Ballsack
    London SW1
    Branches all over UK, Bambay and Parkinstan

  17. BB Fucking c…. Question time the piss is well and truly hitting 100 Deg c…..

    DEFUND THE BBC NOW…!!!!!!!

    • I simply daren’t open Pandora’s box by pressing the on button of the idiot lantern just to listen to a load of confected windmill tilting and faux indignation from those lizards.

      What’s going on there, old chap?

      • Every cunt on the “show” is in favour of the judges decision to allow uncontrolled illegal immigrants into this country, except for the Tory Helen Whately, who is absolutely fucking useless at arguing her corner. She usually break’s down in tears as she did when grilled by piers Morgan. She looks completely worn out and totally unfit for any responsible public office.

        What a complete fucking shit show this program is…

        You know what conclusion I’ve come to, fuck it let everyone from every third world SHITHOLE come here…. Let’s press the self destruct button now.. bollocks to the whole fucking lot of them…

        There is no “Great” in Great Britain anymore….?????

      • Question Time should be renamed The Cunt Roadshow.

        Fiona Bruce should be drowned in a bucket.

    • Let me get this right.

      These migrant vermin travel across the open sea in a dinghy.
      Yet a bellend judge says it is unsafe for the same human filth to board an airliner to Rwanda. These woke scum just make it up as they go along. Reason or discussion doesn’t come into it.The left and the BBC are incapable of both.

  18. Looks like my comment on Zelensky meeting Greta Thunberg got moderated, though.

  19. People seem to be installing these looking at historical gas and electric prices from Dutch TTF 12-28 months ago when it was 300EUR/kWh.

    (I use gas as the main metric for it’s use in providing electric and winter with solar)

    There no way we will see prices like that again. We certainly won’t get prices as cheap as we did 3-4 years ago, but as soon as stability has resumed, those paybacks are going to take 30+ years to recover.

    The PV cells lose a capacitive charge % every year and most of the time the fucking things will be covered in construction dust from the constant barrage of houses getting banged up all over the gaff. Evaporated debris left in rain reduces output, the average fuckwit cleaning them with hard water from the tap will calcify and leave scale reducing output, the lack of sun we are known for will reduce output.

    Of course, most prople who have been mugged for a solar system aren’t going to admit it, not at least until they have realised some money back and sold the house later on.

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