Think Tanks, Autonomy

A nomination for fucking Think Tanks, in this particular case Autonomy.

These bright sparks have come up with a Universal Basic Income (yes, I know not a new idea) and appear to have been given a green light to ‘trial’ a £1600 per month with ‘no questions asked’ for a limited number of people.

The grand plan would be a to make it available to everyone regardless of circumstances, sounds great doesn’t it.
What will happen, well you can bet there with be a lot of people sitting on their arses because there will be no requirement to actually look for a job, there will be many people using the basic income to fund a nice little earner in the black economy and there will be a few people paying for the scam.

I know in Wales they doing something similar targeted at kids coming out of care, but will see how it pans out.

Finland gave it a go and then scrapped it, so why the fuck does anyone with any sense think it will work here.

Think Tanks are cunts, it’s fucking easy to come up with schemes to piss money up the wall, where are the think tanks who come up with stopping the boats, like blow the cunts out of the water, bound to work or why not cut benefits and watch the bone idle queuing outside the job centre.

Sky news

Nominated by Sick of it.

40 thoughts on “Think Tanks, Autonomy

  1. I’m happy to accept 1600 a month and just do cash in hand jobs.

    I’ll have mine in cash please,
    Preferably those new ‘ windrush 75yrs 50pence pieces’.

    Flew by hasn’t it?
    We’ve never been as strong ?

    • The equivalent of around a 25,000 a year job, before tax.

      What a fucking ludicrous idea. A brilliant way of causing hyper inflation.

      Money is only ‘worth’ something because there’s not enough to go around. If everyone was a millionaire then A) 99% of people would not go to work and B) bread would cost 500 quid. Scale it down to 25,000 a year and you get a similar effect, only more slowly.

      BTW, 1600 quid a month is more than minimum wage. Cue mass resignations from the poor fckrs who at least have some dignity and choose to work for a pittance.

    • I have just nominated the new 50p coin, ‘designed’ by some sooty, it must have taken all of 10 seconds.

      • diversity is our strength, remember! how much did that fucking waste cost us tax payers?

    • Wanksock

      It’s a fckng outrage that the men and women that rebuilt this country after the war, and now their children, have to watch their legacy pissed away by hooray Henrys and socialist/ marxist dross. N1ggers, 10 to the dozen, leeching. Dooshkas all over the shop. Fckng pædo prophet devotees rapin9 and stabbing like it’s a national pastime. Our soldiers sleeping in the fckng street, while Mo and Abdul are trashing 4 star hotels at their expense.

      And what do they get for being good boys and girls? For doffing their cap to their falsely so called betters? For years of service to the nation?

      120 quid a week?!???

      Then sit in their own pis in an outrageously over- priced ‘care home’, where no-one cares, left to die on their own while MPs party like it’s 1999.

      Fucking disgraceful.

      I say it with all sincerity; people should hang for what is being done to true great and the good.

      • I’m raging now, I’m afraid I’ve seen red

        I’m more than happy to be hangman, and I’d sleep like a baby after thousands had done a ropedance.

  2. Who is going to work to pay the tax to fund it all? The fucking immigrants (there’s enough of them)!

    Sounds almost as bad as Slimak’s Covid giveaway.

  3. That takes the piss. It’s only about £100 less than what I earn after tax, really giving someone the incentive to work there. Absolute morons

    • By the time you factor in the cost of your commute, work clothes, car maintenance, fuel etc, it’s more.

      Fcking outrageous. Not only that, an absolutely cast iron guaranteed way to bankrupt sterling.

  4. I could do with mine now.
    Just tearfully waved bye bye to my van on the back of a low loader off to the garage☹️

    I blame Brexit.
    Or climate change.

    The bunch of bastard’s ?

    • You have my sympathy Mis. As someone said to me years ago now, you will never have a problem with motors as long as you’ve got unlimited supplies of money. Presumably you’re unable to work now until your van’s back. The wife says you should be able to set the cost of repairs against your tax but I’m sure you’re well aware of that. Let us know when you’re back on the road.

      • Yes, I hope the garage sharpens his pencil before writing your bill. Let us know when you are mobile again. If you don’t like the bill send the Akita to negociate for you

  5. I clocked up 45 years worth of National Insurance contributions.
    My state pension is less than half that amount.
    Who would pay to keep lazy, feckless wasters in relative luxury?
    Stupid cunts like me, I suppose.
    Autonomy? Autoeroticists more like.

    • Geordie, I decided long ago to not give a shit about my pension. There won’t be one when/if I get to retirement age, which will be 75 soon enough. Even if there is one, it will probably afford me s pack of fags and some chips on the way home.

      Spend it now. It will be worthless soon.

      A bird in the hand and all that.

  6. Surely the whites deserve less?

    A bit like that nom about no prison for non whites (second chance bullshit) I’ve just read and can’t fucking believe.

    In fact, point me in the direction of the nearest ‘diverse’ (I edited the original ‘w’ word I used just now 🙂 family and I’ll give the the keys to my house, car and my bank cards. Fuck it. I’ll even give them the shirt off my back.

    Problem is, it wouldn’t be enough, would it? It never is.

    We need to do more etc…

    We could give them everything, then let them use our burning bodies for fuel, let them dance on our graves singing ‘hallelujah!’ and it still wouldn’t be enough so fuck it.

    And fuck them.

      • To be fair, the blacks can be amazing.

        They can buy a whisk on Amazon and instantly become a qualified chef.

        Fucking love that advert. I wish they’d show what would happen next in the real world.

        Black chap: I’m enquiring about the advert in your window, requesting a chef.

        Owner: Great. What chef’s qualifications do you hold? Have you worked in a Michelin starred restaurant before? If not, what restaurants have you worked for?

        BC: Well none, I’m a security guard. But I did buy a whisk on Amazon last week. I also made sandwiches for my workmates.

        Owner: Get out you mental.

      • How dare you!

        George Floyd invented the banana butty.
        His brother said so.

        If a sootie wants to be a chef, or a shrimp boat captain, why should he have to train?

        If he wants to be a astronaut he should be given the keys to the rocket and pointed roughly in the direction of Mars.

        That’s your problem Cuntybollocks,
        You’ve got White Privilege.

        You’ve probably never eaten black cooking?

        It’s fantastic.
        Long pig with peas an rice.

        Missionary curry

        Waddymelon for pudding.

        Uncle Bens crack pipe and some rum after that.

      • You’re right MNC. Thank you for educating me. And others on here, too. That’s why you’re Cunter of the Year, I guess?!

        I’m just hoping they let some Lionel Joseph fly Lineker’s private jet, after he’s played Sega’s Afterburner for ten minutes.

      • That’s exactly why I’m COTY.??

        Chosen for my knowledge, keen insight, social skills and fabulous cheekbones.

        There’s been two upto now,
        Ron knee and me.

        The selection process is similar to the SAS one.
        Most fall at the first hurdle.

        Head goes.

        Not up for killing a XL Bully with their bare hands and sleeping in its hollowed out corpse on the Moors.

        I relish that shit.

        Whoever takes the crown next has big shoes to fill.
        And Ron has athletes foot so suggest they buy insoles…

      • Apparently Moggie the yanks, Ivans and chinks have all developed genetic weapons, which are only effective against selected races.

      • It’s called a driving test.
        None of the useless bastard’s can drive.

  7. Autonomy is an independent, progressive research organisation that focuses on tackling climate change, the future of work and economic planning.

    Say no more.

    Loads of money for doing nothing.
    Less hours for the same money.
    They sound like the sort of reports 5 year old used to do that caused much hilarity.

  8. We need to roll back an excessive welfare state which pays bums to sit around and do nothing all day. Not extend it. Imagine the 3rd World refuse that will be attracted to our shores if we do this. The dinghies will rise from 50,000 a day to 900,000 an hour. You’ll be able to cross the channel by walking across the dinghies without getting your feet wet.

    And whose going to pay for this basic income. Oh yes – us and everyone else who works for a living.

  9. Once upon a time I would have assumed these quangos and pressure groups floated these ideas so the cunts at the BBC would stick it in the news,a bit of free publicity for their crackpot ideas etc..

    Nowadays there are enough gullible cunts and Professionally Offended types knocking about for some of this ridiculous shit to stick.

    Meanwhile in the back garden of No 11 Downing St the Chancellor is really quite busy planting his orchard of Magic Money Trees,ably assisted by his troupe of magical pixies who shit doubloons.

  10. Mrs Fistula worked for a care organisation. You would not believe the money that is bestowed on Spazmos that have been completely brain dead there whole lives.
    some are getting £65,000 a year for there care package and if they save that money and it exceeds a certain amount the carers waste it so they don’t lose their benefits.
    I know we have to care for the less fortunate but to let them run up savings of over £18,000 is crazy.
    Oh, and another thing , if a window licker dies the family can inherit £12,000 of there savings ( benefits )
    Not a lot of people know that

    • Also lots of immos take the benefits and then get their children to open bank accounts to put money in their accounts so their benefits don’t get taken away. They don’t give a hoot about honesty or morals.

  11. When something is free demand always outstrips supply.

    This is free money.

    You can bet that it will be inflation proof with rises in line of the cost of living.

    The number of self employed people will fall.
    Jobs will be cash in hand to top up the new ‘super benefit’.

    People will think twice about getting married.
    £3,200 coming into a household of 2 single people is significant.

    Immigrants who can only earn $10 a week in their own shit hole countries will be queued up at Dover, even more so than they already are.

    A fucking stupid idea!

  12. Time for a civil war, time for atrocities and war crimes, time to sort this fucking mess out by killing people.
    Good afternoon, I am bitter and twisted.

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