Having heard about the shocking events this morning from Nottingham I have been following the developments online.
A 31 year old man and a van are the perpetrators according to the Beeb and ITV.
Channel 4 very surprisingly released a video where a woman described the incident that she witnessed.
She described him as a black man with dreadlocks and a beard.
This crumb of info has since been buried and Channel 4 don’t even feature these murders as newsworthy on their website.
The Beeb are playing the said interview on their website yet they’ve edited the description of “the man” out.
Nottinghamshire police released a statement online informing the public that they’d arrested somebody. With a picture of a white teenagers arm being handcuffed.
If this murdering bastard had been a white Brit then we’d know his shoe size and GCSE results by now.
The media and the entire establishment of this once great country – hang your heads in shame you disingenuous fucking treacherous serpents.
Nominated by Herman Jelmet.
The twitter link you provided has been taken down it appears by twitter. Hiding something? Also yesterday Nottingham’s police own website showed a picture of what was clearly a white woman’s arm in cuffs accompanying their report on the police web site stating that they had made an arrest. The lengths some go to hide the truth/facts? C.A.
The race of the cunt wasn’t mentioned in any news articles I read yesterday. By default therefore I knew it was a non-white and probably a non-native. As you say, if that was a white perpetrator we would know about him, his house (and value of it in the case of a DM article), his mum and where he went to school, everything.
MSM sucks
“The suspect being questioned by police on suspicion of a triple murder in Nottingham is a 31-year-old local man, The Telegraph understands.
Eyewitnesses have described the man as black, with dreadlocks and a beard, and dressed in a hooded top.”
“GB News understands the 31-year-old suspect is a West African migrant with a history of violence.”
“The BBC has been told by official sources the 31-year-old suspect was originally from West Africa but had been in the UK for “many years” and had settled status.”
Does having ‘settled status’ make him less black?
I think it’s supposed to mean he’s not an illegal.
Which is clearly important for the left wing immigration loving Media.
It’ll take the slashed throat of an MP’s grandchild or the rape and murder of the grandaughter of a fleet street editor, before any of these woke cunts starts talking about limiting immigration to this country.
The next coach load of migrants who are dropped off in Manchester, Leeds or the like, needs to be put straight back on a coach and dropped off outside the Idyllic Surrey retreat of a member of the Cabinet – or outside the gates of Linekunt’s mansion. See how they like 70 odd young males hanging around their families.
the next coach load of migrants need dropping off the back of a Hercules in the middle of the Atlantic.
Apparently, someone’s ended up on the tracks at Wetfartminster tube. I wonder if it’s an MP?
Add that to the list of Birmingham, Reading and Glasgow.
Oops its someone of colour nothing to see here..
Mental health blah blah blah.
Quisling cunts..
White privilege my arse.
The rozzers using a honky arm in cuffs as a photo to say they’d arrested the black perp was a fucking disgrace.
Racist and all, but they think it’s fair game to do to the honky.
Well I’ve got news for all you anti white cunts. It fucking isn’t.
Because of shit like this, I now refuse to do business, buy from or have anything to do with any non honky.
Well done, you fucking cunts.
If black power is fine to gob off about, then all I can say is ‘White Power!”
Get to fuck.
Seconded ? ?
England über alles!
totally agree. Most recently, I told Lady C that I will never buy anything from Ikea ever again.
For the first (and hopefully last) time in my life I had the misfortune of being dragged around a massive Ikea by the other half.
What a nightmare experience. Utter fckng tat. The only reason I agreed was because I was promised meatballs but the queue to the caff was horrendous. I could feel myself about to make a scene, I just lobbed my tray and fckd off.
Fck that. Plus you need a Master’s degree in engineering to assemble the shite.
Fck off back to hurdy-blurdy land, you blonde haired freaks.
Shame? Those bastards don’t know the meaning of the word. I really do hope their heads are some of the first removed when the inevitable time comes.
Fair assumptions with terrorism incidents:
Explosion: pakı(s)
Stabbing: nıgger(s)
Looked at a few dodgy websites and was in possession of insulation tape – extremist, far right, neo-nazi, white teenager.
Let’s all be honest with ourselves here, Cunters. We all knew it was diversity’s doing due to the lack of a mention of the murderer’s ethnicity by the mainstream media, didn’t we?
I don’t normally read GBNews as I find it a bit shouty/conspiratorial, but all props to them – they published the information that the scum back was a Sam Beau by about 16:00 yesterday.
Still, diversity is our strength. Lessons will be learned, etc.
When will our useless whelk politicians understand that this is NOT working and it hasn’t for a very, very long fucking time. What do we need to do?!
Nothing, they simply couldn’t care less about us. The only time they’ll decide something needs doing is when this shit starts to directly affect them. They’ll find it’s already too late. Their screaming would be music to my ears.
Aye, GB news and one or two ‘conservative’ news outlets did report on his ethnicity and migrant status later in the day, once social media had revealed the truth all over the shop.
However, the vast majority of media outlets, including the BBC, deliberately ignored it early doors. In fact, the fucking rozzers tried to imply it was a honky on their Twitter page.
Ask yourselves, would this ever happen if a honky did it? That cunt who ran over some muzzers? I seem to recall being told his ethnicity, shoe size and how many spots he had on his arse before they’d scraped por old Abdul off the fucking pavement.
It’s a fucking joke, and if cunts refuse to see or acknowledge it, I pity their stupidity.
Nottinghamshire police and the media are only contributing to increasing public mistrust via their shenanigans.
They’re admitting multiculturalism in this country is a dead duck by their omissions and gaslighting.
Another own-goal by the cowardly establishment.
Rioting on the streets before the years out by my reckoning.
People will only be pushed so far…..
Mental elf will be my excuse, LotR.
I wish people would riot my lord, but sadly it seems that most people just go along and believe whatever there told. Covid rules were a perfect example of the general publics subservience
From a cabinet festooned with harvests and stanleys ? not happening.
“…The twitter link you provided has been taken down it appears by twitter…”
Which is why Elon musk can fuck off and choke a dick, the cunt’s still running cover for the narrative.
GBNews played the mental ‘elfs trump card almost immediately.
The mental elf card is being played and the fact that this cunt was ‘legal’ (media) just to make sure there are no doubts that diversity is and always will be our strength.
A West African immigrant, well that’s another one to add to the list of those who has been let down by our racist country.
It appears he isn’t cooperating with the police, a table, a bit of cloth and some water might change his mind, shame they didn’t blow the cunt away save a lot of hassle
Yesterday afternoon GB news claimed an impeccable source confirmed cunt has a history of violence, the rest of the media avoiding that at all cost.
This is a real world example of Institutional Racism.
Bring back lynching!
Bit of strange fruit seems appropriate.
Perhaps, as it was in Nottingham this perpetrator came from Sherwood Forest and had a band of merry men who decided to go south for the day.
An immo always “has a history of mental illness.” Every fucking time.
On the rare occasion it’s whitey he’s always a “far right extremist.”
It’s all bollocks.
We know for certain the beeb don’t mention giNgers who are guilty of crimes, only a person responsible is mentioned. If a white person is definitely found guilty, you get the complete history of the person. Now that’s crystal clear, they are now obliged to give up a transcript of the persons criminal history.
A vigilante group should take up position along the south coast beaches and treat the dingy scum to a good old welcome like we had on the beaches of Normandy 79 years ago!
the wanker rozzers would be down on them like a ton of bricks. Look what happens when sane people push the Just Stop Oil cunts out of the road. By the way, why are the oil protestors 100% white middle-class pricks?
climate change and activism are preoccupations of the rich white waitrose crowd. they live such comfortable lives they have nothing else to worry about, unlike the West African in his van.
@ACM or alternatively shouting from the cliffs UT! UT! UT! (like our anglo saxon forbears did?
Fuck me…….I was thinking exactly the same as this nom last night as it was being reported whilst me and mrs chugger were having dinner. I said, I know he’s blick or a raggie cunt by the absolute absence by the MSM to not say he was white.
If he was, then they would have said. Unless the victims were blick, and then of course the new channels especially the BBC, would be quite happy to stoke those coals and say he was a whitey
All the news reporting is deliberately done to smear the white man, to gain the blick sympathy vote. Social engineering and propoganda.
oh, and as an aside…..don’t they just love emotional reporting and peoples struggles…..they really got the ‘money shot’ when hardman Graham Souness started shedding tears over this swim he’s doing…….fucking hell bet there was jizz flying everywhere when they managed to capture that on camera.
News today…..is about sexuality, emotional and physical struggles, sadness and victimhood……and racism of course. Radio 4…you know I mean you. Cunts
Did you hear yesterday’s “A Good Read” some old Islington bag called “Harrriet” with a high pitched voiced Chinky woman and a male samb@ discussing books including one where the hero is a “trans”. It was like Round The Horne might have taken the piss in 1966 – but these wankers were deadly serious!
Madness is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, like listening to Radio 4.
I’ve never understood it’s appeal to otherwise reasonable people.
All part of living in a big city.
Mental elf.
Lessons will be learned.
Blah, blah, wuff, wuff.
Shove it up your arse.
‘Rivers of blood’
We must be mad, literally mad. It’s like watching a nation busily engaged in stacking the timbers of its own funeral pyre.
Greatest PM we never had.
Enoch Powell should be made a later day prophet, he was bang on the money. Nostradamus had fuck all on him when it came to predictions
Evening Geordie
When Russell Brand called Farage a poundland Enoch Powell, I thought still better than a Gold-plated Russell Brand.
If anyone has seen his youtube channel recently, he’s heading into the same waters as Alex Infobores Jones.
Obviously, our politicians think the death of three innocent people is a price worth paying to keep shipping in immigrants. We really do need to do something drastic to make them listen.
We need a few shipments from the septics abundant supplies.
Some swarthy cunt pulls a blade on you?
It’ll be his mental health acting up.
You pull a blade and defend yourself?
Far Right terrorism.
I’m not going to be a victim.
If push comes to shove?
I’ll shove.
We have a government, civil service and MSM who not only protect but encourage the enemy. The quicker this is all over, the better. I give the country 20 years in its current form.
I think it’s now very safe to say this country is completely finished.
‘Very safe’
You being ironic Unkle??
It’s about time the death penalty was reintroduced. I am SO fucking tired of this diversity is our strength bollocks. IS IT FUCK AS LIKE.
I’ve come to the conclusion long ago that to complain, rant, be pissed off over events like this is a total waste of my time. The Government, past, present and future have an agenda to turn the UK into a third rate, third world, mongrel race. Why, god only fucking knows. Morbid I know, but I thank fuck I won’t be here in 50 years time to see their mission fully accomplished. We’re 50% of the way there anyhow. I wasn’t a selfish person but now I look after number one. The rest of the woke, lefty, idiotic charlatans in charge can go and fuck themselves. It’s not as if they’ve been warned.
I have a theory, and of course I could be completely wrong, that the Government, in collusion with Border Control, are stocking our nation with the modern day equivalent of coolies.
That way, they don’t have to pay even minimum wage.
I can see all kinds of things going wrong here, so start paying into a good, private pension scheme now.
As for me, I’m nearly 70, and my family is not known for its longevity, so I don’t actually give one fuck, never mind two!
Fck paying a pension. Society is going to collapse, totally. Unfettered anarchy.
You can’t eat money. Use it, now, to obtain the things needed to survive and hope to ride out the storm Or at least go out fighting.
Why my brother and sister innlaw brought their little boy into this world with all that they both know as sure as we do what is happen beggars belief, especially as she is now 40, a serious biological gamble.
He will be a second class citizen in a nation under the heel of the Authoritarian left, be it homegrown or reinstated back into the ever-more imperialistic EU.
God help him and his older sister.
To give GB News some credit (or GBeebies as leftist libtards commonly refer to it as)
They have at least tried to report these murders with a semblance of accuracy and honesty. Whether you like GB News or you don’t.
As a side note – what are the chances that the victims of this homicidal ape were brainwashed/indoctrinated long ago to believe that mass uncontrolled unvetted immigration into the west is or now, was, a wonderful enriching thing? I’m willing to bet that they were and I’m honestly awaiting some kind of statement from the grieving families issuing a rallying call for much more of the same as an “up yours” to an already demoralised white working class.
Not unlike the family of one of the victims of that knife wielding inbred peaceful on a bridge in London a few years ago.
After all – being hacked to death in broad daylight or blown up at a pop concert are just a very small price to pay for the gifts of multiculturalism.
Think of all that halal cuisine via your “Just eat” app and the wonderful Drill music – you know it’s all worth it.
Well said HJ.
I waited in vain for a few of the victims families of the Manchester Area vile outrage to fuck all the “if only” and “don’t look back in anger” and simply say this would not have happened if we didn’t let any cunt in who fancied a new life in the UK..
Instead we have the poor bastards flailing about blaming the security guards and every other hopeless cunt whilst pinning their hopes on an inquiry into what happened..
Here’s what happened..the fucking criminally negligent Border Farce and Home Office believed a lying Africans story about persecution,was granted asylum,shipped his whole family over..then fucked off back to Libya to perfect bomb making,all the while encouraged in this evil by his family..then appalling mass murder followed by the family of the terrorist cunt upping sticks when it got a bit too difficult here..back to the very country they “fled” where they live still.
If those cunts had killed a member of my family I’d ask once for the SAS to go out and kill them all..after the inevitable knock back from the Quisling shit that run our country I’d happy pay for a one way ticket and see to it myself or die trying.
Once upon a time we would have relished taking the gloves off and driving these pigs into the sea.
How fucking low we have sunk.
‘GBeebies’. Yeah, common term of mockery used by people who use ‘gammon’ without irony and go after Farage and certain Republican senators on Twitter for clout.
Sounds familiar.
London, yes to be expected. Nottingham?
Also frightening that the nutbars are starting to spread to “newer” cities in the Home Counties. Chelmsford and Southend are two examples of recent towns that have been granted city status. The latter now starting to resemble some Middle Eastern outback. Walk down Southendistan high street nowadays and it has more of a Baghdad feel about it. A hookah pipe will become a pre-requisite of the typical Southend inhabitant.
That is the problem with a city – like a magnet for the detritus in society.
Chelmsford now looks like it’s been twinned with Planet of the Apes.
Nottingham has been a multi-cult shithole for decades. Gun crime is endemic. And most of it is down to Rastus, or other groups who feel the need to defend themselves from the simian horde.
Nottingham was reported as one of the most violent per capita cities in Britain some years ago.
Bring back the Old Sheriff I say. A few blindings, an ear cropping or two and the occasional hanging will teach these savages respect for English law and culture and teach those who survive a lesson about what happens when you misbehave.
White men carry Sten Guns and take down Nazis.
Black men carry knives and take down innocent members of the British public.
I used to think people who said they never read newspapers, or watch the news on TV were frightful posers, but I get it now.
I want to pull the duvet over my head, and never get out of bed again.
Well some good news 1200 doctors, surgeons and psychiatrists have arrived in the last three days..
Whoops my mistake I meant rapists,murderers and child groomers.
Sorry easy mistake to make.
And I wonder if wokegates wankers will have a minutes silence for the dead?
Probably have a whip round for the stabby cunts defence fund.
What, no architects?
They are on the next boat jp..
Where are you Enoch? We need you.
Early in the day, an eye witness was quoted on the BBC as saying a black man wearing black clothes etc. Later on that had changed to a man wearing black clothes. All very predictable.
Anything to keep their phantom of multiculti libfuck daydream on life support.
*of a
Can I just say that my sympathy goes out to the families who have lost their loved ones, and I sincerely hope that the people injured by this vile excuse for a human make a good recovery.
I wouldn’t bat an eyelid if he was found to have hung himself in his cell.
Maybe the could suicide him?