Hamtramck is a city of 28,000 next to Detroit, Michigan, USA. Probably not got much going for it, but it attracted attention in 2015 when it became the first US city to elect a Muslim-majority council.
Hardly surprising as the place is now largely made up of Yemeni and Bangladeshi immigrants. Hamtramck’s liberal residents were jizzing themselves at their city’s embracing of diversity and multi-Culturalism and it’s symbolic rejection of the nasty Orange Man’s election rhetoric.
Fast forward 8 years and oh dear, the all-male, Muslim elected city council has only just gone and banned the flying of Pride flags on all official buildings. Add to that legislating to permit animal sacrifice at home and a (failed) attempt to ban dope, and all of a sudden the soft, bed-wetting liberal cunts are learning that the religion of peace is incompatible with all their LGBTQXYZ pansy shite.
The Guardianistas are weeping into their soy lattes too. Better get used to it, it’ll happen here too soon enough.
Nominated by Geordie Twatt.
More from Liberal Liquidator on this story below.
‘Betrayal’ of the Hamtramck Progressives.
No one saw this coming, well not the progressives of Hamtramck anyway. Hamtramck, a suburb of Detroit hit the headlines back in 2015 when they became the first in the U.S to elect a Muslim-majority city council. Liberals hailed this as “a symbolic but meaningful rebuke of the Islamophobic rhetoric that was a central theme of then Republican candidate Donald Trump’s campaign.”
Fast-forward eight years and the now all-male, all Muslim city council have voted to ban pride flags from being flown on city owned property and the libs are now feeling bitter towards this formerly victimized special interest group. Former mayor Karen Majewski said “There’s a sense of betrayal, we supported you when you were threatened, and now our rights are threatened, and you’re the ones doing the threatening.”
If you’re head wasn’t full of rainbow coloured dildos and gender-neutral pronouns Karen, any sensible person could have told you this would happen. Its a microcosm of the woke fallacy. A cult built on lies, double standards and contradictions. What did you think multiculturalism looked like? Everyone singing ‘We are the World’ holding hands?
So in electing a Muslim majority council to fight Islamophobia who themselves are now accused of homophobia who in turn are accusing their former liberal allies of Islamophobia. Keep up at the back!
All this to stick it to Donald Trump and the Republicans He was better off just letting this bunch of cunts eat themselves as they always do.
Sickening douche liberal rainbow ANTIFA-types and filthy muzrats?
I truly hope a bomb is detonated in that worthless shithole.
It’s the part of America where town names are generated by a dyslexic algorithm.
ham track?
ham tramck?
That’ll do, pig, that’ll do.
(sorry, pig, Muslim mayor wants you gone).
Yes but they won’t notice any difference
Anyone with an IQ over 50 knew this would happen. The left wing cunts aspire to an IQ of 50.
I have to deal with this shit on my job and I have an IQ of 157. The problem is you cannot say boo to a goose or else they will bring along their brother PPI and Cash for Crash lawyers.
Oh those poor liberals ?
Who’d have thunk it ?
We’re gonna need a bigger popcorn bucket.
Get To Fuck.
It was only banning pride flags from official buildings, if the council had carte blanche to do what they really wanted they would have been throwing these libs off the town hall roof.
You working today Jack? Been sweating like Phillip Schofield at a school sports day most of the week.
It’s been very warm here all week.
I’ve been sweating like a radical cleric in an all girls primary school playground.
Presumably a white cleric. If you were a peaceful one you’d have no reason at all to worry.
@LL. Been working this morning, done now until Monday.
I’ve been sweating me bollocks off all week.
Another six months and I’m done, fifty fucking years is enough, let someone else have a go. I’ll keep a couple of little easy jobs as a sideline.
I’m keeping them as a valid excuse to hang on to the Defender, which Ethel would like to see the back of.
She can Fuck Off. Wait until she finds out I’m going to get it refurbished.
That’ll be a fucking scrap ?
All right pal ? ?
You’d better be refurbishing it to make sure it runs on expensive, low range, solar or wind generated electricity. Otherwise you’re a planet killing cunt.
@Moggers. That’s me….’ Don’t Stop Oil ‘
Good afternoon ?
@Jack. I’m plugging along mate, head down and getting on with it.
Good luck with the referb, with you’re rugged looks it’ll be a fanny magnet for all those milfs (maybe some gilfs too) you have met over the years.
Plenty of room in the back ??
Who will come out on top in the Liberal victim Olympics?
The religion of peace “?” who are so unfairly tarnished as terrorists, who just want to live their lives.
Or the alphabet gang, who can’t stop pushing their agenda in people’s faces.
Yes your gay we get it..
Let’s have a big battle royale to decide it.
Losers have to convert to the winners way of thinking.
What’s that?
Multiculturalism is a disaster and the biggest ticking time bomb in civilized history?
Really! Well I suppose if you are a soy leftist appeasing weakling then it will come as a huge surprise,and one that will likely end in your brutal murder.
The fucking docile cunts.
This is delicious.?
Those you pander to want you dead.
They smell your weakness.
Absolutely splendid, isn’t it?
I can’t read the noms or links without a huge grin on my face.
It’s a flag, ffs, not the end of days.
A sensible chap really does have to wonder if these thick cunts ever think through their laughable hippy ideology?
A caliphate under sharia law with white ghettos whose occupants live under virtual house arrest is just the beginning of the nightmare of a majority muslim population of any western country they can wheedle their way into..
Just see London under that fucking evil goblin Khan.
There’s going to be a spot of bother I suspect.
I do hope so……..
Liberals. They love a bit of Islamic immigration don’t they.
Love nothing more than a neighborhood town or an entire city being taken over by head scarf wearing pram pushing baby factories and unemployed men hanging around wearing pyjamas all day do they.
Like a rabbit with a fondness for packs of hounds
These types of story are yet more proof that the liberal mindset is one of complete retardation. Not that we needed any more proof.
A quick Google search would be enough to find out whether the peaceful religion and gay pride are compatible with each other yet they don’t bother do they.
Why? Because they’re too thick to even comprehend that their pet playthings might not be as cute and cuddly as they originally thought.
As long as it’s sticking it to a conservative then it’s mission accomplished.
That pride flag, unicorn, rainbow and minaret infested utopia might not come to fruition after all. The horror.
How progressive.
Fucking stupid cunts.
Liberalism is not a political philosophy, it is a psychiatric condition.
Seriously, any individual presenting at a psychiatric facility displaying such suicidal degrees of self-loathing, neurosis, apathy, disinterest in their own survival, lack of forethought and propensity to self harm would be immediately sectioned and put on continuous watch.
All male muslim council? Well colour me surprised. Think themselves lucky the whole town hasn’t been turned into the third world shithole the council members came from. Thick fucking voters.
Good old Sadiq Khan is loving it because in his homeland gayness is punishable by death. So he is all over the lily livered gays.
What the fuck did the short sighted progressive cunts expect????
This is hilarious.
It’s all virtue signalling and oh so wonderful till the first cobble bounces off your head.
Islam isn’t about tolerance.
They’re war like!!
They want to conquer.
Sort of like Klingons
With poor hygiene and B.O.
And a damn sight uglier, inbred swine.
Hilarious, but very worrying.
The cluelessness of multiculti libtards in a nutshell.
Still, they’ve got ancient cunts and fat cunts to cheer for at Spastonbury this weekend.
Only a multiculti, globohomo, GayBlackMatters, St George-of Floyd-worshipping, OneWordlOneLove-hashtagging, kum-by-yah-my-non-binary-unicorn, Glastonbury-attending Greta thrall dipshit would be somehow unaware of how certain cultures and their values might clash.
You’ve just described one of my old school buddy’s.
His wife left him for another man a few years ago.
Sounds like the type that would leave his wife for another man……
Is he grateful he still gets to watch them?
It’s going to be so interesting when it arrives here. I can just imagine the scene as the gays and trannies are chucked off the roof of Hackney Town Hall. Whose side will the police be on or will they be too busy protecting Extinction Rebellion type’s from being bashed up? Will the army be called in, if so will that start a wave of terrorist attacks? Will that nice man, the Crown Prince of Saudi Arabia, Mohamed Bin whatever he’s called, cut off diplomatic relations and our oil supplies?
That’s the world these bloody people give us.
Sheikh Mohammed bin dipper.
It’s his Majesty King Childrapist- Binliner-al-Tableclothhead to you, infidel!
I forgot to add how on earth will the BBC cover it? Probably just make an editorial decision that more important things are happening like the announcement of the competitors in this year’s Strictly Come Mincing.
They’ll probably blame indigenous patriotic Whitey, somehow. The Guardian had a go in that article.
Just like the UK is going…..beware the enemy within.
Campaign for changes in equality laws. Use those laws when (ever if nowadays) to get into power. Then ban the laws that got you there.
Today’s earworm is brought to you by the Hamtramck City Council.
“You can’t always get what you want
But if you try sometime you’ll find
you get what you need.”
It comes as a complete shock to the Progressives that their carpet kissing comrades…who also want the downfall of Western Civilization…don’t want to replace it with a Brave New World Order. They want a Caliphate.
Who’da thunk it?
When will cunts like this actually realise that there’s no compromise with Islam?
Slowly but surely we’re getting fucked over by this middle ages horseshit.
We should send Suckdick out there to give the savages advice on how to really fuck the place up. It’s what all limp wristed fucking libtards deserve.
To grudgingly give credit to peacefuls, they’re not prepared to change the basic tenets of their religion to suit the delusional wankers that seem to be appearing by the million in the west. The CoE would cheerfully say, with all seriousness, that Jesus was a black, lesbian, disabled, pre-op tranny just to try and please the letter brigade. Excommunicated for the heinous crime of thinking that Jesus might just been a bloke. You know, like the fucking bible says.
One slight correction to your otherwise excellent remarks.
Jesus was a black, lesbian, disabled, pre-op tranny, who identified as the son…or rather the child of God.
A kind of ancient day Barack Obama.
a slight correction to my remarks.
…who identified as the Messiah…
….but was actually a very naughty boy.
Indeed a VERY naughty person who identified as a boy and was rumored to be involved with Mary Magdalene who was rumored to be a sex worker.
A sexworker of colour FFS!
A sex worker of color or in modern day usage…a Markle.
Enjoy the latest Bollywood films Hamtramckers, coming soon to the Camel AL Minaret theatre near you, Hee Haw Liberals, talk about shooting ones self in the foot, only deluded cunts could manage to do this.
Thick cunts could as well. Then again, they’re that too.
How long before it happens here? Animal slaughter in backyards by untrained people. Oh Albion – how far have you fallen?
It depresses me.☹️
I was taught that this was the Greatest country in the world.
I believed that.
Still do to some degree,
But it gets harder by the day.
We invented..
Trains, railroads, medicine,
Our name was a byword for quality.
Some say Australia is great,
America is great
New Zealand is nice,
And no doubt they are.
After all we made them.
We stood for bravery, fair play, backbone, chivalry*
It breaks my fuckin heart what’s happened to this country.
And I point the finger at those rats in Westminster.
* Chivalry,
A code of conduct for knights.
To protect those unable to protect themselves.
Some say that the French helped shape the ethics of chivalry?
Doubt it.
A French knight might help a maiden fallen from a horse,
But he’d run off with her boyfriend.
Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?
Good evening.
That’s right Miserable, Order of the Garter and Edward III. He fucked the French right up.
Order of the Farter at our house is also acceptable.
I’m more an Edward I man, me.
Evening LL, Minge, Miserable, all. ?
Evening Ruff?
Possibly my favourite role of yours that.
That and your Colombo appearances.
Yes old England and how it used to be ,look around it now now have you seen it lately ,it’s a fucking joke,
Morning, MNC.
This post of yours sums up precisely how I feel about things in our fair nation.
Still the best country on earth. I sat up talking with my dad into the wee small hours this morning about what’s coming next.
He’s a very smart man, is Cuntis Sr. Seen it all in terms of UK politics. He reckons it’s not too far away from the shit hitting the fan.
He called Blair “fucking satan.”
Hammrr of the Scots, bully of the Welsh.
One thing a bit questionable, telling the Jews to ‘get out!’
“… Animal slaughter in backyards by untrained people….”
Wanna know its origins?…
The building of the third temple and ritual ‘sacrifice’/slaughter
of the Red Heifer. (3mins)
These fucking mentalists are deadly serious about this iron age barbarism and the return of their ‘Moshiac ben David’ … the avenging Messiah, with robes stained in red from treading the grapes of wrath. But they ain’t grapes, they are the skulls of the nations that have not submitted to the B’nei Noach i.e. noahide law.
Nice people…
Oh Chops how can you say that etc etc…
It was only 22 years ago that the goatfuckers were flying planes into buildings in NYC and only 12 years ago that Barry O’Bummer, King of the Libtards, was being lauded for knocking off Binraider Laden. How quickly the leftie dimmos forget history. That’s when they’re not completely re writing it obviously.
“…goatfuckers were flying planes into buildings in NYC…”
Well yes … sort of… (and that is indeed the only permissable media narrative) One lone rich extremist arab in a fucking cave in the Tora Bora hills managed to co-ordinate the most involved and devastating attack ever but it really is the most simplistic ‘basic bitch’ Karen level reduction of the full facts that could be plausibly passed off.
Any other analysis that isn’t utterly corrupted and kookified to Alex Jones level is thrown onto the same tinfoil electric fence with the nano-thermite knobbers, holographic planes, mini-nukes, no DNA from the Pentagon hit, undercarriage missile pods even the fucking ‘Rods of God’ orbital mass projectiles. Oh but what about Larry Silverstein’s massive payout/ Saddam procuring yellow cake uranium ore for weaponisation, oh Chops! The Anthrax! what about the anthraaaaaax!! Mohammed Atta was seen being handed a briefcase full of anthrax spores in Prague airport!! The mossad had been watching him and reported it … blah blah derp-a-derp… Erm…no he fucking wasn’t.
Fred, we have the ‘smoking gun/s’ already. So let the omni-tards argue over the irrelevancies and red herrings because if for exanple they don’t know who Paul and Sivon Kurtsgerg are then they do not know enough about 9/11 to pass valid comment. End of.
honestly Fred, I do not reccommend things lightly or without good reason so grab some 9/11 for grown ups, crack a tinny or stick the kettle on…
I’d say to the thick shit who run Labour in the UK “let the shipwrecks of others be your seamarks”
It is obvious that mudslimes don’t like homos – and if they were being genuine and not all happy-clappy Kweer – I am sure many homos mistrust and possibly hate Mudslimes, yet the leadership of the Labour party like to pretend their nancies and the mudslimes love each other – it will never work, nor is it meant to. Islam don’t want the fruity gentlemen in their mosques, and if they ever do get in it will be to be tried under Sharia Law.,then to be invited to inspect the guttering from the roof.I wonder what Mandy would look like with his head pointing in the wrong direction on the lower part of his back?. Not that I am suggesting that would be a good idea – it wouldnt be a pretty sight – but then the pompous poof never was.
It’s a well known fact, when a virus infects the host.
Eventually, but to late it will Dawn on the twats in power.
Us proles have known it for years, but then who the fuck cares about the people who built / fought for / defended this shithole of a country…?
My father’s ship…?
Sorry to ruin the analogy but if the host dies the virus dies. The viruses rhat thrive are ones that allow their host to live on and at least keep mobile.
Too many naive do-gooders who think we live in a episode of star trek,where everyone gets along for the good of mankind.
Wise up dumb-ass never gonna happen.
Even in the future captain kirk wouldn’t of trusted a peaceful or turned his back on a fruity gentleman.
To quote spock. “Die quick and fester.
Anyway, no point whining.
It’s Friday.
Fuck em.
Nice one MNC, haven’t heard that in years!
Here’s one that might tickle your fancy…
How about this?
I loved this as a young bloke,
Reminded me of the Stooges
I’ve said “touch me, I’m sick” to a couple of ladies.
Doesn’t really work as flirting smalltalk.
I only saw Iggy and the Stooges once, fucking awesome.
I believed him looking at the fawning cunts he was trying to tell.
When will the Left get it into their thick heads that Islam is a far-Right belief system?
Violently homophobic,
Pro misogyny,
Pro capital and corporal punishment,
Pro authoritarian dictatorship,
Anti woke,
Anti free speech…
Even when it’s staring them in the face they continue with their mental gymnastics!
Fuck them.
They’ll be some hastily sung ” don’t look back in anger”
When some Yorkshire Muslim beheads a teacher because little mustapha has said he might be trans!!
Hehehe ?
Fuck me they won’t like their son and heirs saying they might be cats and want to buy a ballroom gown.
Islam isn’t very tolerant of other religions.
They fight with the Hindus.
Hate the Jews.
Oppress the Buddhists.
And they’ve fought Christianity numerous times.
(The crusades).
And woke is a religion.
It’s on a collision course.
You cannot reason with mentalists MJB and the Muzzies decided not too also.
Hamtramck’s rainbow lovers are already in talks with Dylan Mulvaney on how to save their brand before it’s too late.
Dylan will be appearing “Live” in Hamtramck from a rooftop, before quickly realising that he has to learn how to fly in about 30 seconds.
I’m with The Towel People on this one.
That Mulvaney type’s a wrong’un. That grin – terrifying. Properly scares me, it does.
It’s a matter of time until he gets done for noncing or fucking chickens. Or murder – wouldn’t surprise me if he went full Dennis Nielson.
Mark my words.
A lot of U.S. cities are slowly becoming Muslim. There’s one in Tennessee, can’t recall the name of it. Mosques are going up all over USA. The biggest mosque is in Michigan, where Hamtramck is. Beautiful building, it looks like something you’d see in Saudi Arabia or Morocco. Muslim go into politics more than Christians now in USA. This is the result of mocking Christians for decades, something worse came in – Islam, Muslims, imams, people who make Malcolm X look like an Uncle Remus lightweight.
Astute observations and insightful comments.
Muslims should be treated with the same intolerance that they treat others with.
They should never be allowed to gain a foothold, once in, the cancer rapidly spreads.
The muslim is never satisfied with a piece of the cake, he wants it all and will not rest until he gets it.
Fuck them all off.
They should also be treated to a yummy sausage sandwich followed by a nice cold, ice cold soapy shower, the smelly brown bastards.
Evening Jack, hope you’re well?
Good evening, Thomas. I am very well, thank you. Are you in good heart ?
What cake?
Not ye olde cherry Bakewell,?!
The bloody rotters!
Eton Mess is what you look like when diversity strikes.
Evening LL…I’d sure like diversity to strike at Glastobury.
Actually, if he browned up, Michael Eavis could pass for a muzzıe with that stupid beard of his.
The he could drive his combine harvester of peace right through the main stage field tomorrow night during the Kings of Leon set, scattering and shredding every Tarquin and Jemima possible before his blades got clogged up with the remains of smug, leftie, middle-class bicycle-riding, Guardian-reading twats.
If putin sent a Satan 2 into the cuntfest I would cry ……….. as he should have sent 3. Biggest accumulation of hypocritical cuntage the western world can assemble. Glastonbury is ecological damage pure and simple. Why aren’t just stop oil blocking the roads into this unnecessary waste of co2 you may ask? Because the cunts are there speaking!!! Couldn’t make this shit up. Guilded elites who stop folk going to work…….. they support Glastonbury. Stop the world, I’m getting off.
I’ll cut their fucking hands off if they try and snaffle my Cherry crumble, or Bakewell or any other cake.
Rotters indeed.
Evening, MNC.
It’s week – end again :o)
Can you feel the wind of Venus on your skin?
Can you taste the crush of a sunset’s dying blush?
Stars will always hang in summer’s bleeding veins
Can you feel the rings of Saturn on your finger?
Can you taste the ghosts who shed their creaking hosts?
But seas forever boil, trees will turn to soil
Stars will always hang in summer’s bleeding veins
But seas forever boil, trees will turn to soil.
Fuck all those liberal Cunts.
They are ruining a once beautiful world.
Good stuff
Its a beautiful world we live in
A sweet romantic place
Beautiful people everywhere
The way they show they care
Makes me want to say
Its a beautiful world
Its a beautiful world
For you, for you, for you.
Its a wonderful time to be here
Its nice to be alive
Wonderful people everywhere
The way they comb their hair
Makes me want to say
Its a wonderful place
Its a wonderful place
For you, for you, for you.
It’s not for me
It’s a beautiful world
For you
It’s a beautiful world
Not me
It’s a beautiful world
For you.
At last the truth, wokists in tears, tearing their hair fantastic. Once the peacefuls have the upper hand re power it’s hello sharia and non of that jazz cos that music is haram.
Did any of these pathetic cunts do any research? I bet a lot of these immigrants are from two goat towns and have a less tolerant view of alphabet people than the poor wokies expected. Bet it all started in a big love fest (seen it before) then when goals achieved its back to 7th century and fuck the infidel (often literally). As soon as a similar situation comes to be in our little Island the same thing will occur.
Here you go pride ‘month’. This is it from me;
Horrible to hear of a peaceful council in America. And very disturbing that, after 9/11, that this is happening in the USA. I fear it will be the first of many. As somebody said in Planet of the Apes, ‘Where there’s one, there’s another, and another, and another.’☹
While I have no time for the camelshaggers, I do find it hilarious when the LGBTQ ‘community’ combusts in uproar.?