Stella Creasy (7)

A cunting please for Stella Creasy who insists it was wrong to jail a woman for killing her 32 week old foetus/baby – a being at such an advanced stage of development that it would have been fully viable outside the womb.

The woman in question lied that she was 7 weeks pregnant in order to get termination pills when she was in fact 8 months gone and did numerous web searches to find out how to have a miscarriage, including “Can being hit in the stomach cause a miscarriage?”, “Where can I buy abortion pills in the UK?”, and “I need to have an abortion but I’m past 24 weeks”.

According to Stella, this was not a matter for the criminal courts but one of healthcare… talk about crooked fucking thinking!

The maximum legal limit for having an abortion in the UK is 24 weeks.

I am not against abortion myself, but strongly believe the laws on abortion should be strictly adhered to.

Sky news

Nominated by Minge Juice Bottler.

33 thoughts on “Stella Creasy (7)

  1. This pucker mouthed dyke cunt should listen to ‘Bodies; by the Sex Pistols.
    John put it better than I ever could.

  2. This is the same cunt who thinks women can have a Penis, so biology isn’t her strong point.

    What’s she banging on about health care for,the women could of gave birth and put it up for adoption.

  3. Isn’t Stella Greasy the cunt who brought her brat into the House of Commons?

    She would have been more at home in the Lords looking after someone who sleeps all day in their own shit and can’t eat solids.

    Just don’t take William Hauge home by mistake.

  4. If you don’t want a baby there are numerous ways to prevent it, one of which is keep your fucking legs closed you old slag.
    Yes, the Creasy bitch did want to bring her brat into the Commons chamber and lob her tits out like the attention seeking wokie arsehole she is. Instead she had to settle for the taxpayer subsidised House of Commons crèche. She is one full of herself, leftie fucking cow.

  5. My kids were born earlier than the date this cunt says it ok to abort. She advocates murder and is a vile piece of shit beyond the normal vile pieces of shit.
    She should be buried up to the neck in sand covered in jam during a wasp and ant plague. Despicable cunt.

  6. So you’ve one cunt who murdered a baby being given a derisory sentence and another cunt saying that a custodial sentence isn’t appropriate.

    Where do you draw the line?

    • Ivanhoe’s is now a Lidl supermarket….

      Sort of sums up Britain nowadays in a way….?

  7. Typical Labourite – they love the criminal more than the law. The woman was whire – just imagine the howls of outrage had she not been.

  8. Funny how these leftie whores are always parroting “my body my choice.”
    But you tell them you haven’t had the Chinky Flu vaccine and, before you get a chance to say why, you are a conspiracy theorist (meaning nutter) a white supremacist, a fascist, a Nazi, a murderer of old people (like they give a fuck about old people) etc etc.
    Hold on bitch……what happened to “my body, my choice?” Oh no, that only applies when the lefties say it does. Now shut your mouth….. you’re cancelled!

    • Spot on Mr Frog.

      A chap might as well try to reason with a rabid dog over these mental cunts.


  9. How about a cesarean delivery for the baby and then a bullet in the head for Stella?

  10. There’s no moral equivalence between being Pro life or pro choice.
    What’s the choice? To kill an unborn baby or not to.

    Portugal has it right. 8 weeks maximum, before the foetus is recognisable as a human and around the size of a lemon.
    Cutting up the baby inside of the womb and removing the parts should get all concerned jail time.

  11. There should be a system in place where a woman can have a baby but give it to a loving couple to raise, if the mother doesn’t want to raise that baby. That would be an amazing, beautiful thing. It will never happen, so I say we keep killing these zygotes in the womb, hoovering them out and selling the bits to China to put into boner pills to obese Americans for $250.

  12. If she’d left it another few weeks and delivered the child, then killed it three days later, she’d probably have been up on a murder charge.

    This baby could have been put up for adoption, and taken by people who would have wanted and loved it.

    Whatever Creasy says, this is a matter for the law.

  13. She is a complete cunt, she must walk around Walthamstow with her eyes shut, the place if full of illegals but I guess she thinks everyone is legal.

    If something is law then to break it is a criminal offence, why the fuck didn’t the woman abort within the legal limit

    Stella is a cunt.

  14. The thing is with these lefty cunts is that they favour terminating the life of an unborn child but would scream blue murder at the thought of Capital Punishment.
    Abortion is an emotive subject but so is letting some low life piece of shit who has not only killed someone but also destroyed families etc live in comfort for thirty odd years.
    Fucking Clown World. ?

      • Just trying to say in my roundabout way JP that people are happy with abortion of innocent kids but not capital punishment for killers.

      • Reply above for Cuntalugs.

        Btw, my dad brought me up to believe it was disrespectful to call children kids. Only goats have kids.

      • I stand corrected as usual. ?
        How are you keeping, havn’t seen any posts from you lately.

  15. Stella has one of the most slappable faces ever.

    Her parliamentary whitterings are all a bag of shite. This latest uttering from her is abominable.

  16. What kind of evil fucking slag would murder a baby at that phase of its development?

    Abortion should be an absolute last resort depending on the health of the unborn child, it’s mother or both.

    Should be nothing more than that.

    Anything else is murder. Pure and simple.

    No wonder so many leftists and liberals are so “pro choice”

    Insane cunts.

  17. Stella Creasy looks like a trans Jamie Oliver.

    “Suck me knob, it’s pukka, Jules!”

  18. “The average prison sentence for a violent offence in England is 18 months,” she tweeted.

    “A woman who had an abortion without following correct procedures just got 28 months under an 1868 act – we need urgent reform to make safe access for all women in England, Scotland and Wales a human right.”

    Fuck me there’s a lot to cunt in that statement.

    But I’ll keep it short.

    The ‘woman’ actually murdered the baby. At 8 months it’s a fully viable pregnancy. End of.

    And this Terry Fuckwit is trying to compare her prison sentence to that of the average violent offence in the U.K.

    By the fucking way Ms Creasy what do you consider the average violent offence.

    Fuck me the mind boggles. It really does.

  19. Stella Greasy has long been a borish over opinionated leftie woke cunt.
    God only knows why people vote for it.
    She represents everything I hate and that is so wrong with this country.

    Fuck off you leftie cunt. I want MY COUNTRY back

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