Riz Possnett


A cunting for what I can only describe a professional cunt, Riz Possnett (pronoun they/them, so we will call her she, cos that is what she is) tries to look like a tomboy to be a bit edgy.

She is the daughter of an extinction rebellion protester so has a great role model and is a student at Oxford university.

Professional qualifications

Head of the Republicans and likes to protest against the monarchy, great she is entitled to her opinion and makes her case (free speech) but….

When it comes to her trans activism free speech isn’t allowed, well not by anyone who disagrees with her, so onto her second professional qualification.

Trans activists, glued herself to the floor at the Oxford union during a speech by Kathleen Stock, why, well what Kathleen says it’s dangerous, ignoring that she is only stating actual facts

Professional Cunt, but Daddy is so proud.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Sick of it.

87 thoughts on “Riz Possnett

  1. Wonder if ‘Riz’ is mates with that other unpleasant gold digging woke dyke turd, Jack/John/Jim/Jez/Jeff Monroe?

  2. As an afterthought…

    What the fuck kind of name is Riz?

    It must be some kind of non binary, trans normative, gender non-conforming, unisexual, Wizard of Oz, Magical Fairy Land, I identify as a Unicorn kind of name.

  3. Actually, I couldn’t care less about this lezza.

    Riding on Daddy’s coat tails is all she’ll ever amount to. Not an original thought in its head.

    I have nothing to fear, here. It’s had it’s 15 minutes of fame.

    • This proves that cuntishness is a genetic condition. Her father is a cunt she is a cunt. Well done JP for highlighting this fact, at last we have a means of protecting the future from cunts…

  4. I find the they/ them crowd intolerable.As I have divulged before I have a very close friend who is transgender and was born a man.She has gone through fucking hell to transition to change her identity physically ( in the most visceral sense) and also the stigma that is partially down to these arseholes who say ” oh I’m gender fluid and don’t have gender dysphoria” . I have seen gender dysphoria first hand from my friend.It Is an intense mental illness .To see my friend suffer and weep regularly in despair from the mental disorder that is gender dysphoria is awful but life can be awful to see but these non binary advocates make that suffering seem trivial and that really boils my piss.It did before but now it does even more so boil my piss.

  5. Riz, short for Rizla cos if you kicked her up the snatch she’d probably roll up, and she hangs around with fags.

  6. Fuck Riz Possnett.

    I’m back in Roskilde drinking ale like a fucking viking and ogling the tits of saucy Danish tarts.

  7. Hurty cunts will burn in the pits of hell, their hypocrisy will condemn them to an eternity of misery and pain for the damage they have done in imposing their selfish views on the rest of the population. The enablers of their deviant ways, colluding to enact legislation to allow free reign over society’s moral and ethical foundations will also savour the pleasure of the flaming pit (some of the fucktards might enjoy that, we will chance it). Be warned you spreaders of anti nature, you purveyors of perversion, you diddlers in women’s clothes. Reckoning is at hand, your days are numbered less than the blades of grass on a bitch patch on a suburban lawn.
    All this will come to pass if the bike starts, if the fucking hangover goes before next Tuesday and if I remember what I’m supposed to be crusading about.
    Peace and reason to you all brothers have a good weekend

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