Racism, sexism, classism and elitism in cricket.. there may of been some more ism’s in the 317 page report.
With a foreword by galactic cunt John major..
Major gripes such as women cricketers don’t get paid as much as men.
Maybe turn some profits on your matches then.
And crying that they have never played at Lords..Good your terrible game would tant the sacred turf.
Then we have “black cricket” which has been failed? Nope me neither.
So if your average just shout racism and your in the team.
I haven’t read the full report but I’m be surprised if the kits haven’t been pulled for being a little klansman like.
Still I look forward to reports in Indian and the country next to them that i can’t mention without getting moderated and West Indian cricket setups about lack of diversity..
Let’s ruin another great sport for the masses..
Full report if you suffer from insomnia below.
Nominated by Barry zuckercunt.
Off topic, but a bit of good (but could be better) news….
Madogga has postponed her tour due to a stay in inyensive care.
Alas, she isn’t dead yet. But AIDS and every other STD in the book might finally be catching up with her.
Intenstive care, eh? Makes a change from the abortion clinic, I suppose.?
Maddooga is a wicket bat
The LGBTQ ‘community’ will be preparing for the old fish slag’s funeral.
It will make Evita’s send off look like the Test Card. The screaming phags will see to that.
I find it deliciously amusing, all this racism in sport twaddle.
One might argue that athletics is racist toward de whitey. When watching most running events one finds it hard to see any white folk. Now I know most bleckies are nimble on their legs, but they have to be don’t they, if not running towards a boat they are running away from our constabulary.
Joke of the day: what do you call a black man in a suit? Defendant.
I also see a lot of coloured chaps in football, some in ruggers, cricket has a couple of the curry variety in it but all this racism is nonsense. The minorities have never had it so good.
Perhaps I’ll pop over to Trinidad & Tobago and ask if they would be good sports and allow a white man to play for them.
I suspect the answer will be no, followed by my hands and ankles bound to a pole before taken away to be cooked up for their lunch in a pot of gumbo.
Look at the thick cunts all putting their hands up to go to the toilet.!
Oh fer fuck’s fucking sake! … just been watching Rishi Ballsak blathering on about his NHS Reforms blah blah cunt cunt fuck this I can’t bear another word… OK what’s going on in the Test at Lords’? Flick the radio on … Agnew lunch-time interviewing some fucking jew pushing their museum/exibition dedicated to the jewish involvement in cricket and shoe-horning every fucking zionist talking point into it that he could.
When there was real and nasty racism in sport, men like Viv Richards, Cyril Regis, Laurie Cunningham and Clive Lloyd took it like men and rose above it.
While a silthering slippery turd like that Rafeeq cunt does his dirty grass ‘tell teacher’ bit when he doesn’t even have a shred of proof. What a spineless piece of crap he truly is. Not fit to lace Big Cyril’s boots.