more money than absolute sense

Cunts with more money than absolute sense.

A cunting for ‘look at what I can afford bragging rights’ to wankers with more money than sense.

I am of course referring here to those chinless idiots who thought paying a quarter of a million (maybe more) to dive several miles down to the seabed in little more than a cigar tube was a really good idea in return to show off to their mates.

Billionaires who do similar by paying vast sums to strap a rocket to their arse and go to the moon.

I give zero fucks for these people. Only people I feel sorry for are the people who are risking thier lives to find them and those they leave behind.

Selfish cunts.

The Blame Game.

While several multi billionaires are choking to death under the ocean, see links below.

Already, it’s not our fault, its yours!
No it isn’t, its yours.

Isn’t it fucking fabulous to see grown ups acting like toddlers.
It’s not just this, it’s grown people who somehow cannot say “well, I made a right cow of that, how can I put it right”

Sadly, it’s probably way to late for these tragic billionaires, several nations will morn.

Can I take my tongue out of my cheek now, Admin?

Daily Fail

Bbc news

Nominated by Chuff Chugger and Jeezum Priest.

236 thoughts on “more money than absolute sense

  1. I suppose we should be grateful that sub disaster didn’t happen during the football season, because Liverpool would be having yet another minutes silence. Claiming some tenuous link that some scousers wrote Yellow Submarine and something about the Titanic sailing from Liverpool.

    ‘Ey, Amish Arding lad. Yer in heaven now with John, George and Cilla. YNWA Soft lad.’

  2. If i had posted this to facebook, free of any notes giving any context, I may have been reported and arrested while thicko plod came up with a charge.
    ‘Err.. how about public order offence?’

  3. It was basically an expensive* suicide pact.

    *in relative terms, because £200,000 to a filthy rich billionaire is the equivalent of less than a penny to us peasants, so for them it was a inexpensive to way to off themselves. Penny pinches bastards to the end.

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