This latest fucking ‘fashion’ of pushing your way onto a main road from a side road, house or business.
This really boils my piss………cunts that simply cannot wait for a break in the traffic, and as you approach they creep out from the side road or wherever they are, then block the fucking road so you HAVE to stop in your tracks and let them out in front of you. Since when does the traffic on the road someone is JOINING have to give way to you, you cunt??
From the link:
‘look all around before emerging. Do not cross or join a road until there is a gap large enough for you to do so safely’
Nowhere does it say, just pull out and the cunts will have to stop for you!
This may just be a South East thing as we are fucking chokka down here with all sorts of shits…which means more cars on the road, but still it doesn’t make it right
Nominated by : Chuff Chugger
As a society this country has become more entitled. Unfortunately that means that people will force themselves out of a junction because people on the main road won’t let you out. I mean, god forbid taking 5 seconds longer on your journey. My main bugbear is when you do stop to let somebody out and it’s seen as tacit agreement that it also means the 20 cars behind it. Fuck off, the 20 behind me can let you cunts out.
if someone is sitting waiting i am inclined to let them out but only if they are indicating as i always do. it boils my piss as about 60% of cunts never seem to use indicators
I sometimes do this.
It’s either that or sit there all day because the selfish cunts won’t let you out.
I always let lorries and works vans out.
Fellow working men!
But Clive the retired middle manager ?
He won’t speed up and get out the fuckin way.
He won’t slow slightly and flash his lights letting you out.
So, let’s test Clive’s brakes ,
Fuck him I’m coming out and making the turn.
Sorry Clive, I’ve cost you 3 seconds on your 26mph journey to the post office.
I also tend to favour lorries, vans and especially buses, they have a timetable they need to try and keep to, despite all the evidence to the contrary.
The trick is to make it really tight so they have to do it slowly, wind down your window and shout at the top of your voice GO ON THEN YOU DISPICABLE CUNT or just LEARN TO DRIVE CUNT, followed by a good blast on the horn to make sure nobody missed it, they especially appreciate this when it’s done in front of all their neighbours, it’s usually some prick in an Audi or a Tesla.
Tesla drivers seem to have taken the top “Cunt on the Road” spot from Audi drivers.
I was thinking the same, i didnt it possible but the Tesla cunts have managed it
Sales wankers in BMW’s take the biscuit.
The funniest was when I was with a mate picking up some frozen rats for his snake. Some cunt cut him up, he pulled alongside him and done a dirty phlegmer through his window on his face and then lobbed a dead rat through his window. It was fucking hilarious. Disgusting but hilarious.
I let no cunt out when working in London..
Pig ignorant immigrants can fucking wait..
Shouldn’t be on the road, all sharing the same driving licence..
Sticking to riding camels and bullocks.
Nevermind the Bullocks.
Most of them prefer riding goats.
No-one edges out if I’m approaching in my work car (shitty Toyota Corolla) as the front’s all fucked up after I hit a big deer and I clearly don’t give a rat’s arse about the car and would happily drive into another piss-taking driver at the drop of a hat.
Even worse is the bastard do-gooder who lets loads of people out, inconveniencing the people behind who don’t agree with the decision.
Thomas you are aware that you don’t run over the attractions at Woburn?
Woburn does have a “Go Ape” attraction, so maybe there are some black immigrants upon whose asses I could go all ‘Death Race 2000’.
” go ape” lammy does that when he runs out of jaffa cakes.
Morning Thomas!
Hey , your a petrol head with tacky taste and more money than sense,
So you might appreciate this!
I fell in love❤️❤️❤️
Give the Sherman’s due credit
They build some fine vehicles!!
It’s brilliant, MNC…I love shit like that.
My dream car that Thomas ?
Put a shotgun rack in the cab!
Out of curiosity, I just looked at the “Go Ape” website. Funny enough they don’t show any sooties swinging through the trees in their photos. Wonder why?
There is a black woman on the Go Ape website, but she appears to be staff.
On top of her picture there is a caption “Pride in our Tribe”.???
Where I live, the roads can be ridiculously congested at times. Especially when I’m out in the van at certain points of the day.
I absolutely cannot stand the ignorant fucks who just saunter past while you’re sat at a junction waiting to make a right turn and the road is clear on the other side.
Absolutely fucking oblivious with zero awareness of the other road users while you drive your shitty battery car.
People who indicate to turn right then take about 25 fucking minutes to perform the manoeuvre, cut across you and leave you sat waiting to make your own right turn. By the time they’ve fucked about, any cars behind have caught up and leave you stranded for another 5 minutes.
Although I may sound like and probably am one of those impatient bullying drivers – I do always try and let people out of junctions where possible. Especially if it’s a cunt of a right turn on a busy road.
It’s all about balance and fairness.
Timid dithering drivers with no awareness who brake more than they accelerate are the biggest danger on the roads in my experience.
I’d make turning right illegal. Barriers down every centre line and roundabouts every mile. Wanna turn right? Go to the next roundabout, come back and turn left. Cunt.
Bastards deliberately in the wrong lane at a roundabout, go all the way round it to go straight on. Really pisses me off.
It’s not confined to the south. Here is the grim north the cunts do the same, and it boils my piss too. I rarely stop for them, I keep going and they can fuck right off. It’s just rude.
Younger drivers just zoom up to a turn without indicators and even ignore zebra crossings and sometimes the lights. I was almost hit yesterday at a T junction when getting some groceries and the bitch behind the wheel gave me evils, I shouted ” Use your fucking indicators you daft cunt “, they quickly drove off… fuck modern cunts in general but especially when behind the wheel.
Being a biker – the most dangerous things on the road seem to be:
1. wimmin in 4x4s (especially at school pick up/drop off times)
2. foreign types in Ubers
3. foreign types doing food delivery (what lazy cunt can’t go out for a greggs?)
4. Any 2 wheeled electric thing.
5. any foreign type driver. Within here, is a hierarchy of shit drivers. Chinks most useless, then pakis, then dooshkas (too fast for their tiny brains), then spades.
Cunts have to do that since there are no gaps in the fucking traffic, and cunts won’t let them out.
Good morning.
Sooties can’t drive, well not properly, fucking useless cunts can’t even drive in a moderately straight line.
Driving age should be raised to 25 and road courtesy should be part of the test, there are some junctions where it is impossible to get across without a degree of courtesy. Sometimes that courtesy has to be enforced by pulling out, even then after you have stoped the traffic it sometimes takes half a dozen cars before someone actually lets you in… cunts.
Chinks are the worst.
Why for all their posturing the won’t do well in the space arms race.
Doing 45mph to mars and crash into the moon the slit eyed fucks.
I used to drive into London from the Kent side, the old Kent road is a Mecca for every fucking ethnic who has no right anywhere near a car, Black women drivers were the worst, no clue whatsoever.
Totally agree SoI. Beng blick and female should disqualify from holding a driving licence. Having driven in London for decades I am convinced some thousanda are driving around there who have never passed a driving test and the vast majority of this group are ethnics.
My former employer interviewed a young asian guy for a job as a field engineer. He claimed to be HP certified but HP said they had never heard of him. When we checked his driving licence we found that he was known to the authorities but his licence was a work of fiction and he was not supposed to be in the country.
Split-arses in their husband’s enormous 4×4, more concerned with their hair and nails than driving in a straight line, no indicating, no using mirrors (except for lipstick) and not braking sooner than 2 seconds before a junction.
Probably called Jemima.
The other half puts on dash cam bad drivers on You Tube. Bad driving is everywhere. Russia seems to be the worst, all pissed on Vodka.
I live in the countryside – there are plenty who think it’s ok to emerge slowly onto a 60mph road then eventually get up to 40mph and stay at that speed or go lower on the bends. Drives me crazy.
And doing 40 in a 60 and carry on doing 40 in a 30, which you then catch the cunts up, usually older people. Piss boiling ahoy.
Fckrs that pull out on a clear road (except for me). Desperate to get out in front of me, then tootle at 30 in a 50.
I tailgate them to fck until they either speed up or pull over.
Thats me in my kuga st diesel, right up behind em.
If someone is driving a Spanish registered car of course you can’t tell their nationality unless you hear them speaking, but I have found that the absolute worst drivers are in French registered cars.
The cunts are hopeless to the point of being dangerous.
It’s not just that don’t use indicators, hardly anyone does, but they don’t use their mirrors, they slow down even on motorways for no apparent reason and they pull out on roundabouts without looking.
If ever you are in a line of slow moving traffic on a 90 kph road you can bet there is a smelly surrender monkey up front.
That rings a bell somewhere AC. I’ve not driven in France but I have been told that they have a rule of giving way to the right which means of course that if you drive on the right it’s arse-about-face from the rest of us. Fucking French. It’s their fault half the world drives on the wrong side of the road.
French roundabouts are confusing.
There are two types.
On normal roundabouts you have priority while you are on it, so drivers waiting need to give way to the left.
That’s normal.
However there are still roundabouts marked with a cross sign on the approach where traffic on the roundabout has to give way to traffic approaching.
Sometimes you get behind a French bastard and he will stop dead whilst going round a roundabout.
They revert to their driving style from France.
British drivers get in their cars and usually first thing in the morning you will see them driving on the wrong side of the road or the wrong way on roundabouts.
Same as Norway. Fckng ridiculous rule. The main road has to give way to the minor road if it on the right.
Problem is that most people think it’s a shit rule and ignore it. so you kind of get used to not doing it. Then you get some twat who knows his ‘rights’ pull out straight in front of you, at 3mph, when you are doing 50mph. Insane.
Totally agree, had this just yesterday near salisbury, some cunt mum sticks the beak of the volvo right out into the road, so i aim the transporter guided missile at it and you get the hands up gesture. She gave in.
I’ve read a lot about impatient nuisance drivers today. Why haven’t they been putting their anger to better use, by mowing down JSO cunts ?
Because if you ran down one of the Establishment’s foot soldiers you’d get a thirty year stretch in chokey.
Protected species.
What, even if there was a malfunction with the car, similar to the brains of the persons walking in the road ?
I can’t be bothered with this aggression on the road, I’m too lazy to expend the energy. When I get cut up I just take avoiding action, I don’t bother with the horn and the obscene gestures. Being retired I give way to practically everyone anyway. Most of them are on some time constraint which I am not and effectively the folks working are supporting me. But for their effort my pension would be worthless.
I had a DPD cunt this morning, green light my way this bellend pulls out on a red light all over the fucking road in front of me. The manager at this depot is a fucking tosser so a complaint is out of the question. Any suggestions on who to complain to?
Follow him. When he drops off at a block of flats use the available extra time to set fire to the van.
No point complaining to any government authority CuntyMort. A car was dumped in our small residential street months ago, flat tyres, filled with junk, no tax, no MOT for over a year. reported several times by several residents to the DVLA, the police and the local authority. It doesn’t move. I wrote to our local councillor two weeks ago; no response, not even an acknowledgement of receipt. Last one in the chain I think is our MP. After that we will have to set fire to it.
Just to confirm my advice there CM. I have just discovered that Mrs Brain is ahead of me. She had already written to our MP. Again, no response.
This is cunty behaviour but at least it’s unambiguously cunty and arrogant.
What boils my piss is when you’re going down a main road with a 40 limit and you’re at 40, then you’re forced to brake suddenly when some twat pulls out of a side road, then (either hastily or nonchalantly) accelerates to……… wait for it……. 30 or 35 and just sits at that speed for miles without the possibility of overtaking.
The thing that makes this ambiguous is the rate at which the cunt accelerates
– Accelerates quickly = courteous ignorant cunt
– Accelerates slowly = discourteous arrogant cunt.
I really don’t know whos worse for this cuntish driving but I have thus far managed to identify some broad groups which are as follows:
1) ‘trophy’ wife cunts in git panzers they cant actually operate going between nail bars and coffee shops to fill up the hours of their meaningless vacuous days.
2) Mobility car cunts who didnt pay for their ride so drive it without care and consideration for other road users.
3) Piss and biscuits cunts that cant go more than 40mph or they get dizzy but seem to think you dont have to stop any most junctions
4) Spunk bubble cunts thrashing the tits off their Corsa with a load of other spunk bubble cunts in the back (a rolling statistic, cue the candlelit vigil)
5) Audi/BMW/Mercedes cunts just doing what they normally do everyday of their lives.
6) Amazon cunts piloting their high mileage sprinter with bottles of piss rolling around the footwell at breakneck speads around the suburbs delivering the mindless shit that people buy when they are bored.
7) Biker cunts.
For some reason I get let out in traffic more in the unimog than I ever did in a car.
Anyone notice that the people least likely to give you a thank you wave are wimmin?