Inheritance tax


Now, this really made me laugh, particularly the one about Inheritance Tax.


Why, I wonder, would Tory MPs be so hot and bothered about inheritance tax now? Could it be truly altruistic?
Or could it be “gasps” that pater/mater is about to cark it, and it’s just occurred that their extremely wealthy parents estate is about to be halved?

Perish the thought, surely they’re not that venal?

Nominated by Jeezum Priest.

44 thoughts on “Inheritance tax

  1. It’s probably more to do with them being useless cunts looking for some sort of desperate yet completely predictable “policy” that might buy them a few votes come the next GE.

    Every last one of them should immediately inherit oven.

  2. If they want to know how to avoid Inheritance Tax they just need to ask the Miliband brothers. They can explain it.

  3. Unless I’m mistaken , all inheritance tax has to be paid before you receive the inheritance. You can’t just have it deducted from the total. A bit more business for the friendly banks via massive short term loans. Absolute cunts.

    • It would appear you are correct.

      You can pay it yourself from personal funds, or from the deceased savings/bank/investment accounts, then claim it back off the estate once it’s been probated. The rate is 40%.

      The threshold is currently £325k, which isn’t a lot considering what a wise investment made 60+ years ago, in the form of a house, could be worth today, depending on location and condition.

      • If you are leaving a house to direct descendants a £175,000 “residence nil rate band” applies as well upping the £325,000 allowance to £500,000. Provided a will is acted on to leave the whole assets and property to a spouse, who in turn leaves it all to direct descendants, the £500k passes through the last survivor effectively allowing £1mil in total to be left before IHT is due.

        Sounds a lot but a three bed semi outside of London could be hitting that sort of value soon. Having said that, when the “you can’t sell it without an EPC C rating” rule comes in that’s going to seriously hit values possibly keeping them under the £1mil sweet spot.*

        *unless you spunk life savings away on useless heat pumps and mega costly and unsightly external insulation to ensure the house value is enough to qualify for IHT – yet another reason not to buy into the “green bullshit” – there’s a chance the politicunt’s own rules could trip them up here – fuck them to hell!

  4. Inheritance tax is a piss take.

    This is income accrued that has already been taxed.
    A parting gift to your kids/grandkids.
    Yet the grasping, jowled Etonian scum of Westminster want a big slice.

    Well fuck them.

    • I did this job for the council moving a young bloke.

      I picked up this mirror,
      It had a picture of the man Utd crest on it.
      Know the sort of thing?
      From the 70s/ early 80s
      Sort of thing you’d win at a fairground.

      He said
      “Oh please be careful with that!
      My dad left it to me in his will”.

      Fuckin ell.
      I’d of preferred a fuckin goldfish!

      Poor cunt.☹️

  5. Tax, don’t mention tax, I don’t need to worry about inheritance tax it’s the tax I pay now that pisses me off.

    Tory Scum!

  6. Inheritance tax is a cunt and shouldn’t exist, but yes, these cunts who championed it aren’t that keen now it’s their inheritance that’s threatened.

    I would expect nothing less from these selfish, troughing, piss taking cunts.

  7. How could it have been allowed to become legal in the first place?
    Unless you’re Gary Linekunt, tax has already been applied to all assets accrued, apart from maybe profits made due to rising house prices.
    And seeing as successive governments have wanted house prices to rise to bolster the economy, it’s hardly joe publics fault is it?
    They’re all robbing bastards no matter what colour tie they wear. Each and every one of them.

  8. Yeah I don’t think MPs need any advice on how to help themselves to taxpayer money. They are the leaders in the field.
    Linekunt might be able to help but you’ll have to get blacked up and talk in a foreign accent. If he finds out you are white and working class he will grass you to the Wokepolice.

  9. Inheritance tax is simply a method of sucking up your assets over the years, eventually, you will own fuck all. The Government ( and the chosen few ) will have all secured. Look at the National Trust.

  10. King jug ears inherited £400,000,000.00 off the old bag lady QE2.

    Paid fuck all tax ..

    But then, that’s just for the little people..

  11. All our lives they reach into our pockets. Now they reach into our graves the greedy cunts.

  12. All tax is theft. To steal from something that has already been taxed is double theft. Therefore I declare the fuckers up to this as double cunts.

    • Wonder how poor straight Vlad pudding is this morning?

      Wonder if he’s gotten the Cadbury stains out of his undercrackers after yesterday’s mutiny?

      He’ll have that Wagner boss poisoned.
      No one in their right mind would share his packed lunch!
      Cheese & polonium butties.

      Heard vlads gone out to somewhere swanky to cheer himself up,

      ….Putin on the Ritz.

      • My dad calls him
        ‘page 3’.

        Because he’s always going topless!

      • “…Wonder if he’s gotten the Cadbury stains out of his undercrackers after yesterday’s mutiny?…”

        I don’t know where peole are getting this impression? From what I’ve seen he (Putin) didn’t break a sweat. Mis have you been watching BBC News again?
        “… exposed the weaknesses in Putin’s cabinet yap yap woof woof…”
        No it didn’t, quite the reverse. He nipped this thing in the bud within hours, then carpeted Prigozhin, read him the Riot Act and told him to get his chancer arseki out of the country and never return or it’ll be the 9mm solution for you comrade.
        Prigozhin forgot one critical factor… the average russian soldier is a patriot before all else.

      • …and another factor… those 20 – 25,000 crims who obtained their prison release on condition of FAULTLESS service will NOT be to keen on pissing away the very thing they’ve put their lives on the line for.

        Today I’ve been wearing one of my favourite mechanical watches… a Vostok Kommandierski.

    • “…All tax is theft….”

      I go further Everyones, I call it theft with menaces.

  13. There is a way around the inheritance tax scam and that it to offload all of your cash and assets to the kids before you throw a 7.

    The £325k threshold is for each party, ie both parents. therefore it is £750k tax free for both of their assets.

    Anything over that can be given away to loved ones without the taxcunts getting a sniff of it

  14. It’s a fucking disgrace inheritance tax but then it only catches tight cunts who won’t freely pass on their wealth whilst they are still living so fuck them I say.

    I have never and will never inherit anything but I sure as he’ll ain’t seeing what I’ve struggled for going to those fucking woke muppets to spunk away on shit I don’t agree with.

  15. I am not rich. I have 3 brothers. My parents needed a large enough property when i was young to house us all. My father was a self employed builder. By accident of birth my parents were born in the se near london. My parents house will now incur inheritance tax. There are 6 beneficeries. The raising or abolition if inheritance tax will help me no end….its not just rich people. Price of houses down here anyone with a four bed house will fall into that category

    • Your parents probably did the same as mine. Buy the roughest property in the nicest neighbourhood and do it up.

      A property in my home town that was £6k in 1970 is now worth over a million.

  16. Here inheritance tax must be paid before anything is received and the banks are not at all accommodating.

    Mrs Cunter was left a car in someone’s will.
    She had to pay tax on its full market value before it was released to her.

    If you get left a house then you have to somehow find the tax due.
    This is often a real problem.
    Banks, more often than not will not give you a loan as unlike the UK, the property could stay unsold for years.

    Also, in anticipation of carking it you cannot simply transfer any property into someone else’s name.

    A sale and purchase must take place at the current value and all taxes must be paid.

    When I die Mrs Cunter will empty my bank accounts and tell nobody.

    I have no other family that I would want to leave anything to anyway.

    Death and wills really bring out the worst in people.
    Flies round shit, and governments are the biggest fucking flies of all of them.

  17. Inheritance Tax was created by whiny Leftest Progressives under the pretense that it gives those born into wealthy families an “unfair” advantage in life.

    Fuck you!

    In the states:

    If you earn money they tax it. It’s called Income Tax.
    If you invest money they tax it. It’s called Capital Gains Tax.
    If you own a home they tax it. It’s called Property Tax.
    If you buy goods they tax it. It’s called Sales Tax.
    If you start or own a business they tax it. It’s called Franchise Tax.
    Some products (i.e. liquor, tobacco, gasoline etc.) are taxed at the State or Federal level, It’s called Excise Tax.
    Some products are taxed when they’re imported. It’s called Duty.
    Some utilities ( i.e. gas, electric, phone etc.) have a tax, It’s called a user tax.
    In some states if you have a lot of money they tax it again. It’s called a Millionaire’s Tax.
    In some cases if you buy certain items they tax it again. It’s called a Luxury Tax.
    If they tax it for no apparent reason they call it a Surtax.

    And paying after all those taxes for all those years, if you’re lucky enough to die with money in the bank, a house, a business and some investments they tax that too. It’s called an Inheritance Tax.

    Tax this! You money grubbing Socialist cunts!

    By the way…I have no love for the branch of London Uniparty I now call the Torycrats. But I think they’re right on this one.

  18. No one pays inheritence tax only fucking bellends. Just Google the 7 year rule. Stop making a big fucking deal about the king not paying inheritance tax because none of you fuckers pay it either.

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