This is a piece from the BBC website newspaper review this morning (10th May):
“The Daily Telegraph says a new apprenticeship scheme is being launched to allow school leavers to work as doctors without a traditional medical degree. They would get training straight after their A-Levels. The paper says the scheme will begin this autumn in a bid to tackle NHS staff shortages. The chief executive of NHS England describes it as a “radical new approach”.”
Can you imagine it?. In addition to having pharmacies over-prescribing antibiotics, instead of GPs, meaning they become less effective, and Lady Nugee will have to take three courses of the things to deal with the boil on her arse, now they want keen young amateurs to practice, straight out of school, to be amateur medics.
At one time playing doctors and nurses was something most kids got over as toddlers, now it seems little Jemima, who loves watching Casualty with mummy and daddy on Saturday nights in Islington, so wants to be a doctor that she will be given the opportunity for the laying on of hands before she has gained any sort of medical qualification. The mnd boggles! Is Sunak deliberately trying to make himself unemployed?
Nominated by W. C. Boggs.
It’ll be like a real life version of Doogie Howser.
I’ve probably got pants older than some of these arsewipes.
Instead of deciding which doctor to see, witch doctors will be on the prowl.
Sunak is definitely looking at life after politics, probably in some part time role on the board of a major bank or investment group.
Politics is boring without other people’s money.
Will they go straight from bunking off school protesting climate change to joining the picket line demanding a pay rise?
As for the school leavers as doctors. Most school leavers can’t read.
What could possibly go wrong?
Probably explains why most doctors can’t write.
I fear it’s time to leave the useless country. I’m advising my grandchildren to get good degrees so they can fuck off.
Good advice BC …
As long as it is “worthwhile” degrees – a first class honours in basket-weaving ain’t much fucking use.
Yes, agreed. One of them is working towards a physics or astro physics degree. Diligently doing her exams now.
We’re off back to the Eastern Lands next year.
Imagine saying just five years ago, that the former-USSR would now offer a better quality of life than this pisshole.
And the beer’s nicer.
Don’t forget to turn out the lights.
No need to turn out the light, there’ll be nothing to power them.
I can’t see the problem.
These people will be supervised and serving an apprenticeship.
The NHS stands to lose too much money if they allow unqualified doctors to work alone.
I would rather have a fully qualified doctor that has worked hands on that one fresh out of medical school with nothing but a certificate.
I agree. This could be a good solution. No doubt these doctors will receive the highest training and not let loose on patients without supervision or without having progressed sufficiently.
University training is not always the answer. On the job training combined with academic study can be better.
Are you being ironic? Have you seen the state of most of the kids out of school nowadays? Can’t read, can’t write, could point to China on a map.
It’s so bad Tesco’s has a special training course to try and get them up to scratch just enough to be able to operate a till.
I mean the NHS is renowned for never killing and maiming its patients accidentally, recklessly or even deliberately, isn’t it?
Are you really going to trust a 20 year old, know-nothing to be able to spot early symptoms of cancer, for example?
There is a reason it takes around 7 years to be a fully qualified doctor.
*couldn’t point to China…
And it still will take about 7 years – or longer for these “apprentices” as they need to do the academic study as well. It’s just a different structure to the training – pretty sure they won’t be let loose on patients from day one.
If a person can’t be arsed or is incapable of gaining enough joke qualifications at school to enable them to enter a joke university to take a joke degree, what makes you think they are going to bother reading Gray’s Anatomy?
Do you really think thickos who can’t be arsed would pursue, or be allowed to participate in, this type of apprenticeship?
The trouble with most thickos nowadays is that no-one ever told them they were thick, they are constantly validated and praised for the smallest things, thereby developing an overgrown sense of their own intelligence.
Yes, and those people will probably be weeded out in the application process.
You mean like the Civil Service, for example. Sharon Shoesmith in charge?
Like others have said the NHS can’t afford to make mistakes here
I’m not sure the NHS has ever had to worry about losing too much money. They seem quite happy to see millions dissppear through health tourism, spaffing it on DEI training, paying of locum consultants, overspending on everything from catering to IT contracts.
My sister in law suffered terribly all last year with a stomach complaint. Took fucking ages to get to see anyone on the NHS and when she finally did they couldn’t work out what it was. All she saw was junior doctors who were taking guesses at what she had, she eventually got referred to a specialist but when she tried to make an appointment was told it’s a 60 week wait time!! Poor cow would have wasted away in that time. She paid to go private, was seen by a consultant within a week and diagnosed straight away with IBS. Which begs the question what the fuck were the NHS doing?
As usual, they were spaffing our money on managers and evil whitey training. In the meantime, it takes 18 years to get an appointment for an ingrown toenail. The UK has become a colossal health service, sucking in the lifeblood of the nation and turning it into a huge waiting list. A health service with a nation loosely attached.
Too many patients, not enough taxpayers.
That’s it in a nutshell.
Good afternoon, Mickey.
I don’t think there’s anything new in this.
My own medical training started at the age of 13 and involved playing doctors and nurses with **** ****** (name redacted), a nicely developed 12 year-old with whom I shared a keen interest in human anatomy.
i knew a girl like that and we were of the same ages as the two of you. The best looking girl in her year. Too bad the closest i got was an errant knee in the head climbing over a gate.
I no longer need to visit Timothy Whites in an emergency ?
Sorry to go off topic but fuck me sideways.
This is beyond despicable. There are no words
Who was it who said diversity is a strength.
But but mass shootings meh
This is one of those ‘desperate souls with no voice’ Lineker spoke of.
The fucking cretin.
Kick every one of these fucking cunts out of Europe.
Afternoon CB.
Sneering bastard’s such as Lineker and his cronies have blood on their hands.
The entire left/liberal political class in Europe have the blood of these small children on their hands.
What’s a few dead toddlers, when you can feel all superior?
Lineker is more preoccupied with tweeting about that useless green cunt lucas not standing at the next election.
You can mop blood up..
But mother earth is literally dying..
Won’t someone think of the children..
Oh right.. not those ones..
There is a video of a couple of lads trying to corner the cunt, he still has the knife in his hand, the footage doesn’t show if they actually got to him before the police.
Towel headed cunt, fucking refugees, sink the fucking boats and drown the human rights mob who support these cunts.
What is absolutely certain the cunt will have mental health issues.
Why did the police shoot him in the legs, a head shot would have been more decisive.
What sort of evil fucking cunt goes around stabbing toddlers in pushchairs?
If it was blighty he’d probably get his asylum claim allowed.
With the BBC making excuses for him, like that fucking violent black cunt who murdered some cunt with a knife.
Yes, that 6″2 life criminal, drug dealer, with a short temper and penchant for extreme violence was ‘exploited and vulnerable’.
What’s their excuse this time? The toddlers weren’t eating halal baby food and deeply offended the ‘mostly friendly’ man?
Fuck right off!
A Syrian.
30 odd years ago, a mate of mine said there will be concentration camps in Europe again for Műslěms.
He may have had a point. ?
Here’s hoping
Fckng hope so
Exterminate. And whichever do-gooding wankers sponsored and approved his asylum application.
Asylum? He should be in one, Victorian style, all leather straps and straightjackjackets, trepan the fckr and pour a bit of acid in.
Utter fckng scum.
In the machine with lot of them.
‘One world one love’ etc
we should expect this sort of thing to happen in a big city/Brussels suburb/alpine village/open parkland.
Why the black look on the nominee ?
Wasn’t Heer Likener, when Catweazle, supposed to save children ?
Sunak is hoping all his Daki brothers and sisters who are here studying with their illegal families might be thrown an opporutniy to stay.
Daki looking after Dakis – whose looking after the whiteys?
Dr Crippen.
Harold Shipman Junior.
Totally off topic but I note another of the ‘brotherhood’ has culturally enriched some French children by stabbing them.
Failed asylum seeker in Sweden.
Must have saved up to travel to France?
Brain Surgeon in Birmingham by 2025?
So many questions..
Double oven for the cunts that allow this to keep happening and their talking head apologists.
Utter vermin.
Just listening to the news (GB news) and it appears he married a Swedish bird and was given refugee status in Sweden, they then split up and he fucked off to France
Lesson number one : the hacksaw…
Lesson number 2: Amputations without anaesthetic made fun.
The GMC will have their work cut out administering a raft of new negligence cases against these juniors as they start accidentally killing their patients through their own inexperience.
I’ll sum the idea up as follows – what a cunting hare-brained proposal.
Oh, and Rishi is a Briefcase Wanker.
Couldn’t agree more Paul. The politicians are clueless cunts. Our doctor daughter is looking into emigration.
It’s bound to be an excuse to get some diversity into the program, no whites allowed
There are plenty of aspiring surgeons in the black youth, will obviously save time training on the use of sharp objects.
‘Dr Mizzy will see you now… Room 5’
‘ you wanna die bro?’
The last doctor I saw looked about 12, so it`s an improvement really. That`s the one who gave me some cream for the strawberry growing on my bottom.
Mine was only eleventeen.
fuck me I weep for this country, someone please invent a time machine so I can be transported back to a more rural time, no foreigners, fewer motors, more respect for the law, no fucking useless gadgets or the feckin internet and proper family doctors and a health service that worked for the patient not the ego driven management system.
I laugh at it. Unfortunately my brother thought it a good idea to bring kids into this terrible place recently and i can’t help love them at the moment. Perhaps as they get towards teenage years they’ll get an attitude like their mum and i I can go back to not giving a shit.
I miss the proper old school doctors, like Crippen, Ruxton, and Shipman.
That lovely Nurse Letsby is truly a caring sort.
Letsby ‘avin your baby in the horsepiddle mortuary.
That Beverly Allit was a tender soul as well. She was only trying to help. Bit like Harold Shipman.
The NHS truly is the envy of the world.
Feel sad for the recent closure of the dearly missed Tavistock clinic as well. Where will mentals go for their de-cockments?
To be fair most people can do most jobs when given a chance. I’m skeptical but maybe it’ll work.
Having said that the fact it has even come to this is a damning indictment on ‘our anychess.’
The NHS has become so bloated, wasteful, incompetent and downright useless it should be scrapped and start again.
GB was state with a National Health service attached. Now the NHS is a health service with a state attached.
EVERYTHING the government touches turns to shit. Reduce Income Tax by 10%, stop spending National Insurance on nuclear weapons and armaments to the Ukraine and emi-privatise it. if you are so fecking stupid you don’t save for the near inevitable event that you will one day require medical treatment, Darwin should be allowed to do his thing.
One more thing. Saggy tits, big noses, being a weirdo gayer, being fat, being sad having a sore thumb or a headache after boozing, going bald etc etc are not diseases and should be none of the NHS’s concern.
Agree with you on some points about what shoukd be treated but people who can’t save for treatments that cost tens of thousands and could carry on for years being fecking stupid?
The pot calling the kettle black and more than a little out-of-touch.
It doesn’t cost 10’s of thousands, that is what is charged, because there is no competition.
That’s because people can’t afford the fees to train properly.
We should be paying the youngsters, not the other way about.
Can you imagine an 18 year old watching someone die and not throwing up/fainting/having a fit?
No, me neither.
Can you imagine an 18 year turning up on time, not leaving half way through the shift or not ringing in sick with ‘stress’?
Nope, me neither. Fckng stupid idea.
Start charging twats who turn up at A and E with a sprained eyelash 500 quid and RIGOUROUSLY enforce the debt. That would Half waiting times immediately.
I understand that, Termujin.
But if you could actually get an appointment to see your GP, assuming they aren’t still phoning it in ( Sorry, I meant WFH) in less than 2 weeks, then maybe people wouldn’t go to A&E.
I’ve got a potential tumour now, I want to see a doctor today or tomorrow. Not three weeks next Monday.
Sorry to hear that JP.
Good point, but it again emphasises mine. The NHS is utterly useless.
I don’t know your financial position, but if you can afford it, go private. You can’t wait around for something that potentially serious. If you can’t afford it, sell your car, take a loan, remortgage the house. No good having nice thing if, God forbid, you’re not around to enjoy them.
Best of luck and God bless.
‘Can you imagine an 18 year old watching someone die and not throwing up/fainting/having a fit?
No, me neither.’
Yep. I’ve seen 18 year old student paramedics do it time after time. And do things the average poster would tell a good tale about but baulk at actually doing.
Not all youngsters are wet cunts.