Gary Lineker [24]

Apparently our Gary is heading to Rome on Wednesday ( 24th May) to receive an award from leftie globalists Amnesty International for “ being a staunch advocate for the rights of refugees and migrants.”

Good old Gary eh? It must be a hard life being a multi millionaire crying about scrounging foreign cunts you will never meet on Twitter. His self sacrifice brings tears to my eyes, it really does. Thank the Lord we have one of ours up there with Sparkletits and Saint Greta fighting for the rights of the poor and dispossessed. No doubt when he returns from Rome on his private jet he can inform us dimmos about the plight of the fucking Polar bears.


Can one of my good friends ( pretend they are anyway) provide a link please?
(I found a link for you, Freddie – NA)

Telegraph Link.

Nominated by : Freddie the Frog

76 thoughts on “Gary Lineker [24]

  1. Just once I’d like to see someone described as a staunch advocate for the rights of citizens and residents.

  2. Good Morning

    Let’s hope his private jet crashes either on the way over or on the way back. He won’t be going commercial, that’s for sure, in case he might meet some vile, common, people.

    • If his private jet crashes on the way home let’s hope he’s giving a ride to a group of those he advocates for.

      • Let’s hope they crash on some remote mountain, and they are forced to eat the cunt.
        Although whitey is probably part of their natural diet, so there wouldn’t be any “forced” about it.

    • Well done Gary!!
      Dee communidee is proud of you!

      Who would of thought that little boy shining shoes on Leicesters high streets would turn into a international statesman?!!

      And your dear old mum will be so proud!

      ” Gowwan now Garforth, me no wan no Chile of I , no eatin he rice an peas,
      Ya big mon now,
      Easy bredren✊?

  3. As well as his Amnesty International award, he can also lay claim to having the blood of indigenous British citizens on his hands (alongside many others of his ilk)
    Well done Gary!

  4. How odd it would be if the pilot of his jet was an ethnic who decides to Alahoo Snack bar the aircraft into the Med at 500 mph.

    Poetic justice.

    • Be even sweeter if he was introduced to a raving mullah of a pilot before hand, introduced as a poor migrant whom he’d help to save. Would the cunt even realise his number was up and, if he did, would he choose a woke death over reality? Do these cunts actually believe the rubbish they spout and wouldn’t it be great to put them to the test!

  5. 24 for oily Lineker pretty impressive and exactly the numbers of hours that vetted immigrant spent at he’s mansion. Before being turfed out and having a forged letter written in his name.

  6. Amnesty international are a bunch of caring MAPs who selflessly travel the 3rd world too make sure the less fortunate cherries get picked.

    Every one of them that sets boots on the ground has a basic ration pack

    3 ribbed rubber Johnnie’s

    A miniature bottle of rum

    Bottle of poppers

    A tub of vaseline

    One love!✊?

  7. Are there any awards for tax dodging, or being a smug, condescending, hyper hypocritical BBC propagandist?
    If so this fucker should clean up. Outside of professional politicians probably the biggest CUNT in this country.

  8. My dying wish would be to see this cunt’s smug grin melt away when Richmond Council announce plans to house 300 illegals at the end of his street. If only.

    • I went there last year, after an absence of over 25 years.

      WTF!! No, really, WTF??

      It looks like a mix between Delhi after an earthquake and a post apocalyptic nuclear fall out zone.

      • It’s got worse since then. Some folks in the suburbs hardly ever go into the city centre anymore.
        P.S. we don’t want Lineker back thanks

      • I went to Leicester for the first time about a year ago. Funny place – the centre is an absolute shit-hole, but not too far, out of town is a quite posh shopping centre which seemed to have no joe dakis whatsoever. Very odd.

      • The only reason I ever go into the city centre is to donate blood. So about 4 times a year.

      • Moggie,

        Getting beat up in the city centre whilst being mugged by feral blicks does not count as ‘giving blood’. ?

  9. Just an afterthought about the name Amnesty International…

    Don’t you have to commit a crime or some form of wrongdoing to be granted amnesty?

    • Lineker is a criminal.
      He’s trying to facilitate the the immigration of illegals.

  10. OT Congratulations to Graeme Souness for that amazing effort of swimming the channel..

    Must of been a nightmare dodging all the flotsam and jetsam or dinghy vermin as its better known.

    • Just think, if the daft cunt had swam the other way he would have been given a hero’s welcome and awarded a room in a first class hotel, free medical care and spending money!

  11. This trip to Rome will only serve to make his already over inflated ego even bigger. He will no longer view himself as an ex footballer but some kind of deity.
    healing the immos and spreading wisdom where ever he goes.
    I loathe this fake cunt so much.

    • From goal hanger to Messiah.

      Can nothing stop his rise?!!

      Simply Red warned of this.

      “Holding back the Ears..”

    • It’s his smug, patronising grin and gay voice that makes me want to gob in his face. And his stupid clit-tickler beard. Utter wanker.

  12. Wouldn’t it be lovely if poetic justice prevailed and this hypocrite does end up in the sea due to the private jet malfunctioning because of unprofessional hard labour from the very people he pretends to love and here he is amongst the very same, fighting to clamber aboard a vessel, where its everyman for himself to survive and his lovable friends are pushing him away, doing what comes natural in human nature to stay alive.

  13. I don’t know how this wanker can show his face after coming up with that sob story about being a black schoolboy in Leicester. Have you ever heard of anything so fucking mental? How do you even dream up a story like that let alone have the front to expect people to believe it? But, like all Wokies, they are never challenged by the media. How difficult would it be to find people he went to school with? Nowhere near as difficult as finding the non existent immo who stayed in one of his mansions that’s for sure.

    • The stupid cunt hasn’t had a hard day in his life, so he had to invent one.
      Like the Hewitt-Markles.

    • Funny how not one person in Leicester has backed up Gary’s bullied dark boy tale. That’s i because it’s as fake as Megain’s royal racism, Lily Mong’s racist taxi driver and Giina Banana Gob’s gang rape.

  14. Michael Olumide Adebolajo, Michael Oluwatobi Adebowale, Valdo Calocane.
    There’s three enriching immigrants who I’d like to see housed with Lineker’s family.
    I wonder if he’d change his outlook?

  15. Let the people decide which set of asylum seekers get to live in his mansion. Not a hand picked 1-in-a-10000 architect!

    • Yup. He’d get the all the bucked toothed, nasty looking Africunts who come with no ID.

  16. ‘Good evening and welcome to this evenings coverage. Tonight we will mainly be talking about left wing politics, accompanied by some football’.

    He’s a hypocritical cunt who has broken BBC impartiality rules and is a waste of licence theft. If someone at the bbc had championed anti immigration views on twitter they’d have been gone in minutes. Yet the left wing still have the audacity to call the BBC right wing institution.

    Remember this about the BBC – in 2014 they ran a newsnight special on the rize of nazism in Ukraine – check it out on youtube its up there. Yet in 2022 claimed that Putins claims of Nazis in Ukraine was a ‘fairytale’. Well which fucking is it? They are not producing news anymore, its just more narrative and indoctrination pumped through the idiot lantern.

    • You are 100 percent correct regarding the left wing opinions being more or less accepted as gospel.

      You could only imagine what the resulting detritus would look like should one of the Morons of the Day have publicly expressed even the slightest of concerns over mass uncontrolled illegal immigration of young men into Britain.

      Their feet wouldn’t have touched the fucking floor on the way through the exit door and I would guarantee that not one of their luvvie woke millionaire nodding dog colleagues would have had a single word to say in support of them or their right to an opinion.

      I wish nothing but bad on cunts like Gary Lineker. He represents everything that is wrong with the media.

    • BFH – the media will go to any length to sensationalise, so of course, they clutched their pearls at the idea of neo-nazis involved in Ukrainian politics.

      But if it is any consolation, it is just Putin’s canard and an absurd pretext to invade for a land grab. The main far-right party had about 2% of the seats in parliament, so they are irrelevant. There is no feasible means to ‘de-nazify’ a Ukrainian state that isn’t Nazi.

      Besides, if Putin was really that bothered by Nazis he’d have done more to curb his use of Wagner Group (the clue is in the name).

  17. This story has me choked up. It’s brought tears to my eyes.

    Good old Gary huh? What a star.

    Morning all.

  18. Perhaps if as Saint Gary believes it’s absolutely fine for thousands of people to enter the country illegally we should all collectively hop in our dinghies and illegally enter Saint Gary’s mansion and live there indefinitely at his expense?

    I think I could be on to something here.

  19. Wish this shyster had chosen cricket, then it would leave him frustrate due to counties only being allowed four overseas payers to each club and only half can play in a match. Football should follow suit by giving back a clubs true identity.

  20. Surely some here cunt must have a link with the mafia, however tenuous? Ask them for a favour. Or make them an offer they can’t refuse, like giving them advance notice of Black Gary’s travel plans.

  21. And Amnesty International are fucking cunts.

    Any cunt they now campaign for?

    Instantly guilty in my eyes. Can’t be trusted, see?

    String ’em all up. I’ll even donate the rope, the fucking shithouses.

  22. Puckering up on the header picture. Only thing I wish on this big headed, out of touch, god complex wanker is such a violent case of whooping cough that he has a severe rectal prolapse. Which is then pushed back up with no anesthetic by Umbungo Umbingo his local witch doctor from Richmond Asylum Centre.

  23. Like the arch cunt Blair I wish a slow prolonged painful death on jugs ears the same death they’ve inflicted on dear old Blighty.

  24. When the beeb are finally defunct, the Black Bastard Cunt can still carry on working for himself.

  25. Wonder if Gary will visit Nottingham or even mention it??

    Nah, will he fuck. He doesn’t care if Briitish people are murdered. Poofs at the World Cup? He’s all over them. But innocent folk killed by fuzzie wuzzie migrants? He simply does not give a toss. And if Nottingham or the scum who committed murder there is mentioned on Lineker’s Twitter account, he justs blocks it and refuses any discussion that criticises his precious ‘refugees’. Hardly the actions of a rational, intelligent or fair minded man.

    And if he says that his migrant pets are ‘people with no voice’ once more.?
    You don’t need a voice to rape someone or stab somebody to death or run them down, you odious arrogant terrorist apologist cunt.

    • You think Gary would show some sorrow about Nottingham. You know, as it is so near to his ‘beloved’ Leicester (the Leicester he fucked off from the minute he got money). But as the Mills and Boons were doing the killing and were not the killed, I fear it will be a long wait to see Lineker give a single shit about the Nottingham dead.

  26. Funny, but when John Barnes was getting real racial abuse in the 80s, Barnes says that Lineker never offered any support and that he also never mentioned being an ‘abused black boy’ himself. Surely he would have stood by his ‘brother’ Barnes and told him of his own ‘racial heartache’??

    Ah, but being black wasn’t something Lineker cared about then. He couldn’t get woke points out of it and he hadn’t yet started lying through his teeth to look virtuous.

    • Oh, and when Eric Cantona copped some xenophobic abuse at Selhurst Park (and that turd Matthew Simmons caught Eric’s fists?), Lineker relentlessly condemned Cantona for standing up to racism, and Gary reveled in the media witch hunt that ensued after the incident. People forget how vindictive and pompous Lineker was at the time. So, why would somebody who was subjected to ‘racial abuse’ himself behave in such a manner?

      Simple, Lineker is a lying cunt who made the bullied black boy thing up.

      • Thanks for reminding me of the previous incidents, Norman.
        It proves he’s not for or against anything, he’s just a self satisfying narcissistic cunt.

      • He’s always been a little shit, Sammy.

        In 1985, Lineker agreed terms personally with Ron Atkinson and Manchester United. But – at the 11th hour and 59th minute – He pissed off to Everton because he was offered a bit more money. He then left Goodison after just one season for – wait for it – a big payday at Barcelona. Always been a mercenary cunt with no loyalty.

      • He even went to play against the underdeveloped short arsed Japs at time when the J-League was just getting started, to make himself look far superior.

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