Just when you think this loathsome piece of pig excrement couldn’t stoop any lower – he decides to tweet about a shite programme called Africa Rising presented by race baiting whore Afua Hirsch yesterday afternoon.
What’s so unusual about the timing of this?
Considering only hours earlier a vulnerable African without a voice but armed with a knife had been on a murdering spree in Nottingham and there wasn’t a single word of condolence or sympathy for the victims from this virtue signalling jug eared slimeball.
Instead we get promotion of all things African.
I hope I live to see the day that this cunt has a date with karma.
Nominated by Herman Jelmet.
Cunt. I just don’t know what else to say.
Why was he not on the titanic submarine?
Lineker has only spent decent time with a handful of black folk in his life:
John Barnes, Rio Ferdinand and it’s rumoured that during their gay romps,
Mark Lawrenson used to get himself done up as Mr T and shout,
Funny how John Barnes said LIneker never mentioned his own experiences about being bullied for being ‘black’. Barnes also said that Lineker never gave him any support when John was getting real racist abuse.
I can’t stand the jug eared unhealthy snack peddler. He’s a pompous over paid prick. I’m sure Match of the day would be just as good with another host that earns alot less. He doesn’t seem to deliver much value.
What an utter cunt bubble this apology for a man is. He really is lower than vermin.
An insult to vermin everywhere!
If anybody badly deserves to get his, then it is this cunt.
The man is scum.
If one of his precious ‘refugees’ raped and murdered his wife and his mother in front of him, Lineker would still stand by them and refuse to say a word against them, just to look virtuous on Twitter. I seriously believe that he would do that.
I have no doubt that the bastard would do exactly that Norman.
A few weeks ago after the murders in Nottingham, I mentioned in a comment to watch out for a speech from one of the youngsters killed by that murdering African cunt reminding us all to not look back in anger or something similar.
I wasn’t wrong.
How any parent of a murdered child (thanks in no small part to successive government’s reckless open border policies) can stand and spout leftist appeasement drivel in public is absolutely beyond me.
There is a sickness in western society.
The brother of the murdered 66 year old wasn’t so forgiving. None of what he said has been broadcast.
Why am I not surprised?
Told you this odious slippery smear of slime wouldn’t give two fucks about Nottingham. Even it is near his ‘beloved’ Leicester.
And if the greasy turd says these human filth have ‘no voice’ once more, I hope someone takes his tongue out.
I understand this as a fact given me by a reliable source. As part of the Sales and Marketing Campaign, each walkers crisp is wipe against the arse of Gary Lineker’s ring piece, as a must have promo. The occassional clinker dropped in the bag is a bonus “twigglet” ( for which he is paid extra )
Linnycunt read this arsehole..
No one ever prosecuted. Never mentioned on the BB Fucking c.
Shocking. Truly shocking
I wonder if they’ll make his mum a dame
Must be a requirement to work at the BBC now to be a lying left leaning cunt who dosent mind goose stepping to the message.
That programme looks utter shit as well – another excuse for Hirsch to LARP as the Lilt lady.
She’s a loud mouth white hating b*tch. Another kunt telling us all how racist and evil we are. Can’t stand here.
Same dustbin as Ash Sarkarse and Yasmin ‘I hate white english’ Alibaba-brown please…
When Linnekunt does get shivved by some ‘efnik’ after his Porsche or Rolex, it’ll clearby be Gary’s fault for accidently falling on the knife = “nothing to see here, all a misunderstanding”