A nomination for the anti-science movement and cult known as environ-Mentalism.
Not the old sort of environmentalism that wanted to cut out pollutiion from air and water (although Greenpeace has form; back in the 80s they wanted to get rid of chlorine from the planet), but the new religion; a politicised unthinking zealotry and embrace of failed ideas, the abandonment of conservative scientific principle to scaremonger with specious computer modelling (also seen with Imperial’s COVID projections), the promotion of child saints and prophets, the conflation with anarchist nonsense so rich idiots can hold up electrically powered public tube trains, the hysterical chicken licken panic over every deluge or heatwave as sign of a climate catastrophe and the obstinate folly of ‘net zero’, a meaning concept in a biosphere shared with China.
The latest development in this anti-scientific farce is that the efficiency of solar panels drops off in hot weather to the point coal has to – once again – pick up the slack.
This failure of renewables to take full advantage of more sunshine or higher wind speeds might explain Germanys descision to reopen coal plants, especially after refusing to invest in nuclear, another antiscientific decision based on popular fear rather than scientific data.
Do I believe the climate is changinging and we’re the cause of of it? I did at one point, but nowadays there’s so much political guff in the media that claims to be ‘science’, be it related to the climate, virology, food production (every other year the WHO releases a report on red meat consumption and cancer -the methodology of the studies was completely stupid), i have severe doubts on the entire field , the reasoning and the funding of it.
Nominated by Cuntamus Prime.
Your average juststopoil! Or stinky rebellion headtheball,
I’m wondering just how much they do for nature?
They scream about oil and plastics but wear man made fibres ,
Love technology,
Don’t ever see them planting trees or wildflower meadows?
Just screaming hysterically.
I’m betting I’m greener than them?!
I feed the birds
Scraps either go in the compost or green bin
I feed foxes and a badger every night.
I have birdboxes and a bat box.
I don’t buy throwaway clothing from Primark.
Grow some of my own food.
I’m betting most of these cunts don’t walk the walk?
I’ve posted this before but it bears repeating:
“The climate hysteria movement is not about science. If it were about science it would be led by scientists, not politicians and a mentally ill Swedish child who is being exploited by her parents and by the International left.” – Michael Knowles
For stating the obvious Mt. Knowles was banned from RAT News who issued an apology to Saint Greta of the Thunderpants.
It remains my favorite retort to the Climate Change Loons.
How dare I!
Presumably Knowles is objecting to the hysteria that surrounds the climate change debate, not the fact that 97% of climate scientists agree that human activity is the main cause of climate change today.
In that respect the climate change movement is about science and is led by scientists.
We had to use coal during a solar panel letdown?
Thank goodness we have vast reserves of the highest quality stuff literally under our feet..
That we refuse to mine whilst shipping inferior coal in from far and wide together with wood pulp just to met the letter but not the spirit of some fucking useless treaty our idiotic “leaders” signed up to,just so they could be seen “doing the right thing”.
A very good nomination,this truly poisonous mixture of cod science with political dogma seems to be about driving advanced economies into the ground whilst others burn fossil fuels for fun and flourish.
Net Zero is a cauldron of despair that we are being forced to jump into..
By soppy clowns and hectoring extreme left wing lunatics.
a ‘poisonous mixture of cod science with political dogma’.
Well put Uncle Tel.
How these cults (the ‘gender’ lunacy is another) take route and spread is alarming. You can see how the Nazis were able to flourish with this kind of mass psychology in play.
Fuck me; ‘take root’.
What a daft cunt.
“…How these cults (the ‘gender’ lunacy is another) take route and spread is alarming. You can see how the Nazis were able to flourish with this kind of mass psychology in play….”
GB Snooze had Just Stop Oil’s spokebitch on this a’noon. Wait a minute… I recognise that phenotypical presentation… I also recognise that preachy, self-important dead eyed delivery… what’s the name?… oh… Cohen… surely not, google google google… hmmm… jewish…
Well well well, whoda’thunkit… one jewish paid professional agitator (also involved in Insulate Britain and BLM) taking money off another jewish billionaire Soros to promote policies designed to bring the West back to the stone age.
Ohhhhh Chops how can you say that? Oy vot a terrible shanda! … Mauri! Mauri!! ya’d better call Jonathan Greenblatt I think I nearly shit myself!
Just start culling unproductive people, first stop parliament then the house of Lords..
The earth is overpopulated and its only getting worse.
That’s why we are importing all this trash from 3rd World countries…….they are used to power cuts, unreliable public transport and eating shit. If you want to be rich you need a load of cunts who are prepared to be poor.
I was intrigued watching a 4 eyed ponytailed JSO cunt arguing with the police, he had an answer for everything. Any other countries police would have cuffed him and in the van in an instant.
He’d be able to answer fuck all with a noose round his neck.
The law should have given the cunt a display of twatting twats with truncheons. Or falling down stairs whilst in custody.
Arguing about this (as a species) is utterly pointless
Earth is 4.5 billion years old and is nearing the end of its useful life.
When the sun becomes a red giant in half a billion years, the human race’ll all be long dead and this planet’s surface will be hotter than a McDonald’s apple pie.
The sun will go red giant in about 5 billion years, Thomas. Other than that, I agree.
I’ve ready previously that even in 100,000 years the Earth’s surface will be uninhabitable by humans and the vast majority of mammals and other animals due to the increase in temperature. Not down to any man made effect but due to the Sun increasing in temperature as it ages?
Feel free to correct me if I’m wrong anybody. ?
Impossible to say if you are right or wrong. And please don’t quote any scientist. Fuck me they can’t predict 100 years never mind 100 000 years
They can’t predict the weekend’s weather never mind fuck all else!
Ditto, it is said the sun’s intensity increase by 10% every billion years, so in 1 Billion years time earth will be barbequed.
Climate change is real. It has been happening for 4 billion years.
Do we cause it? I dont know but do wonder where temperature measurements from hundreds of years ago, used as comparison, come from. Were the heatwaves and ice ages of earlier times man made?
I also suspect that the ‘green’ industry makes things worse. Burning trees, (Drax, my pet subject) batteries of rare earths exploited from the 3rd world, wind turbines and concrete generating more CO2 than they will ever replace , likewise solar panels. And of course shipping in oil and coal to fiddle our net zero horseshit.
But fear not. All Chinese cars will be electric in 5 years. So that they can run on coal.
Whorra loadashite.
So when is Africa china the Indian sub continent and Russia getting involved?
Oh never. Right then makes it all a waste of time. Just another tax
Know what bugs me most about anyone on the Left ?
The purport to believe ALL of it.
No borders
Net Zero
Defund the police
Blah blah etc.
Anyone with real thought out opinions isn’t so black & white.
You’d have a mixed bag.
Believe in green issues but support save borders etc.
It’s bollocks and posturing.
Same goes for the Right too.
Anyone that swallows everything piecemeal is a fuckin dolt.
Think for yourself.
Question everything.
Don’t be a sucker.
Otherwise your just a cultist.
It’s too late, if we don’t cut out CO2 emissions to zero by 2025 we will all die.
In the meantime, the more pressing problem is the African rat breeding program, the only net zero target we really need to hit is the zero migrants coming to our shores
I’d love to see the “science” that makes this bullshit UK centric. If we don’t cut our emissions to zero we’ll die in the UK but how come the rest of the world can pump out 99 times the amount we do without affecting them?
Net Zero is a total load of control freak, money grabbing, hogwash!
Every prediction on this nonsense has been wrong. Cuntlberg deleted a tweet 5 years ago saying we’d all dead in 5 years. if these cunts really wanted to make an impact on their bullshit, fuck off to china, they are by far the worst polluters. For fuck sake they have to paint their countryside to stop it looking like a fallout game. Just like the stop oil cunts they’re just human speed bumps.
The energy policy of this country is the biggest farce ever, and that includes the ludicrous lockdown bollocks.
So when it’s not windy or not sunny or too sunny, they have to fire up a coal fired power station ( if they can find one that hasn’t been blown up recently). Apparently this causes a lot of strain and introduces more faults which we all end up paying for.
Only Reform seem to be behind opening up the North Sea and fracking; the rest go along with this eco nonsense.
When these lunatics start saying that the last century was the hottest on record they fail to mention, or perhaps they don’t know that the thermometer was invented at the very end of the 17th century.
Therefore there are only three full centuries that we have any idea what the temperatures were.
It’s also fair to say that it was only in the last century that thermometers were accurate enough to measure the miniscule temperature changes that these people want to scare us with.
So we have reasonably accurate temperature readings for about a hundred years on a 3,5 billion year old planet, but ‘scientists’ can confidently predict what will happen on Earth in centuries to come.
It’s a bit like watching 5 seconds of a football match and then predicting scores and league tables for the next millennium.
Just put it on the back burner.
Telegraph column for those without access:
End of the world is planned for a Tuesday about 11.30ish.. totally inconvenient for everyone.
Theres a fuck off massive solar array going in near me in the name of saving the planet with the impossibly unrealistic drive towards net zero. I went to one of the community consultations yesterday. I asked the suit whether the panels were recyclable. He said not at the moment but its projects like this that will create a new recycling industry. I said it sounded like the generation thats going to profit is kicking the waste legacy can down the road for the generations that will not and he started getting a bit uppity and dug in.
Shouldnt be able to mass produce new green technologies until it can be proven that the waste generated at end of life can be appropriately and cost effectively dealt with. Wind turbine rotors are the perfect example of this. Some epic photos online of redundant blades being buried.
Look at Sellafield. They are still scratching their heads wondering how to sort out all the shite in the pool that was ‘stored’ there in the 50s. Granted nuclear has come along way since then and I would actively support the construction of new facilities but the principle is the same.
Its like turkeys voting for xmas all this net zero bollacks and anbody that says otherwise is a cunt..
Its like turkeys voting for xmas all this net zero bollacks and anbody that says otherwise is a cunt..
That’s the most annoying thing about it. You don’t vote for it, you can’t vote against it, it gets imposed on you by the diktat of the WEF via the UK politicunts who are all in thrall to them. FFS the WEF have even imposed our current Prime Minister. If Putin sets the nukes loose I hope he hits the cunts in Westminster first so we can all enjoy their demise before we get vaporised ourselves.
Cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts, cunts…
“…That’s the most annoying thing about it. You don’t vote for it, you can’t vote against it, it gets imposed on you…”
“… If Putin sets the nukes loose I hope he hits the cunts in Westminster first…”
Don’t worry Mik, he ain’t gonna do that. He doesn’t need to and why would he when he’s winning hands down already. Also he knows full well that prevailing westerly winds will bring the fallout home to roost and the last thing he wants on his doorstep is a societally collapsed nuclear wasteland.
What he HAS stated though is that if NATO become openly deployed into Ukraine he WILL hit “decision making centres” and it won’t be with nukes it’ll be with Kh-47M2 Kinzhal air launched hypersonics. UK air defence has nothing even remotely capable of intercepting those bastards.
Here y’ go…
Andrei Martyanov on ‘The US dollar and Kinzhal
…and the best Russian accent orn ze veb “Vill hyello, dit’s me agyain”
What I meant was that everybody who supports and pushes the net zero narrative, is doing the globalists work for them. These just stop oil cunts are a prime example of the useful idiots that are making folk think they may actually have a point. That’s why the gov doesn’t stamp down on them. (Try blocking a london road with an anti uncontrolled immigration demo)
I agree that whichever bunch of self serving cunts you vote for they will all be agents of Schwabe
Requirement No 1.
Get them eco loonies to work in the extraction of Lithium in the Congo for a week.
You will see a different person emerge.
Electric batteries , cars and green my bollocks.
Fuckn clueless about everything but shout the loudest.
21st June 2018. Saint Greta proclaimed loudly that in ‘five years time, the use of fossil fuels would destroy all humanity.’
Five years later – June 21st 2023 – absolutely nothing happened.
i’m getting the words bullshit and mong.
I just read the 2019 Absolute Zero Report, written by a bunch of Tarquins and Joses from various Uk Universities, Cambridge amongst the contributors.
The report recommends:
no lamb or beef by 2050
no fossil fuel consumption by 2050
no airports / no air travel by 2050
no shipping by 2050
every house on heat pumps by 2050
all cars electric and tiny by 2050
road traffic at 60% of 2020 levels by 2050
It’s beyond frightening isn’t it?
Yeah, right!!! So the petroleum industry is just going to stand by and let this all happen is it? I foresee a few JFK style ‘angry lone nutter’ style assassinations in the future .