£6,000,000 a day in hotel fees. £3,000,000,000 a year as a cost to the taxpayer. Let those numbers sink in. Then you have a Home Secretary (can’t be bothered with her name, it wouldn’t matter which party or person anyway) has admitted it is overwhelmed by the volume of migrants/asylum seekers/criminals/rapists/murderers/thieves etc coming over.
So this amount of money can only go up. Let’s not forget many women are also in this who will pop out many sprogs, which will also cost in housing, education, health service, translation and police (inevitably). Does not make me want to raise my kids in this country and pay my taxes. Does make me extremely angry and sad.
Nominated by Fortress Cuntimus.
If the figures are 6 million you can bet your bottom dollar it’s double that.
Still it’s money well spent for all the enrichment it will bring..
Rape,murder,child grooming.. but at least I can get my car washed in a hurry.
And as reported yesterday in the DM. A dinghy rider aged 33 who arrived at Dover oniy 33 days ago has already raped and beaten a young woman in Skegness. He was accommodated locally in Skeggers in a Hotel. It didn’t take him long to settle in did it ?
There’s no stopping the cunts now..
That useless cunt Sunak will just give them amnesty anyway because none will be sent to Wakanda thanks to the Court of Appeal not that anyone seriously believed in any political will to stop these parasites.
You can have Christmas Island back. Thanks to Tony Abbott we don’t need it any more.
The 3rd world detritus come here legally or wash up illegally because the so-called Conservative government and their globalist overlords want them here.
The government and all of their opposition are not your friend. (If you are tax paying, law abiding British person that is)
This shite, in the space of a generation, will be death of this country as we know it. The government will do fuck all, Only the people can stop it. This is not an incitement to commit criminal acts but I can’t see any other way to end it and end it we must. I don’t want my kids and grandkids to have to live in the hell that we are creating.
The warm weather will soon dry the new sign WELCOME TO ENGLAND, LAND OF THE FREE.
Well, free to them anyway. Us? We can fucking starve or freeze for all the government care.
Diane Abbott –
“£6,000 a day sounds like a bargain.”
Cheer up everyone, 2 of the 3 judges in the Court of Appeal have just decided that the plan to send the cunts to Rwanda is unlawful.
So our enrichment remains on course. Wonderful.
Gosh who would have thought the Rwanda idea was a non-starter?
Ain’t is funny how entering this country illegally is perfectly acceptable but turfing the cunts out is illegal?
Is the Kalergi plan still just a fantasy?
It seems to be coming to fruition right before our eyes, like my boner when I watch Joan Hickson as Miss Marple and considering how cobwebby her fanny would be.
The net is closing in.
Apparently the Kalergi plan is nothing but pure tinfoil hat conspiratorial fantasy.
Good Afternoon Thomas.
Oh, and a “far right” one at that.
Apparently the cost of deporting the disgusting cunts has been worked out by some pencil neck at £167,000 per cunt.
Obviously this is nonsense anyway as the government has been thwarted by the judiciary,who sided with some illegal immigrants who used British legal aid to bring their “case”..
Anyhow,if after all this bullshit some dirty cunts are to be deported I doubt we can afford it,so why not give them amnesty by oven?
Otherwise this country will cease to exist within fifty years.
Jettison the water rats into space ?
It already has a foreign capital.
Looks like there is no fucking chance of getting rid of the camel shagging dinghy crossing cunts now or in the future.
Hello to the future of a once great country, to be overcome by the world’s uneducated filth..
If Rwanda is unlawful, anyone with common sense will realise that’s how this country will become.
Come back Enoch Powell all is forgiven ☹️
Give the next dinghy full of medieval cunts Lord Burnett’s address and let them know that’s where they’ll be living for the foreseeable future. Oh, and he’ll be paying for everything as well.
I presume that our lords and masters just lump in this lot with us, labelled us all as ‘riff raff’, and are happy to either live in a gated community or plan to emigrate to Politicians Island somewhere. Scum.
Wake up cunters.
Only Macron can stop the invasion, he could stop it tomorrow if he wished.
He hates this cuntry and has the twat in number 10 wrapped around is dick.
Send them here and also charge us for not stopping them.
Fuck em, fuck em all.
Cant blame the French. We would do the same. The blame lies squarely with the incompetent lefties of the wokingfromhome Office.
The leftie Civil Serpents want lynching
It would help France as well, sending them all back to France who like to say Non would mean the cunts wouldn’t be congregating around Dunkirk and Calais, they would fuck off to any woke EU country who will take them.
Macron will never agree cos he is a granny shagging cunt, we would need to force his hand.
We are up shit creek and no paddle.I despair.?
At least we have plenty of leftover boats.
And waterlogged mobile phones
“But, immigration lawyer Jacqueline McKenzie points out France takes three times as many asylum seekers as the UK.”….and sends them all here.
A specious strawman from a greasy lawyer.
1. The population density of the UK is the second highest in Europe; Netherlands has the highest density.
2. Public services are struggling to support the sheer number of hopefuls pitching up. Schools, council services, highways, water and sewage companies are all struggling to accommodate the 70++ million already here.
3. The NHS is now on its knees.
4. The UK tax burden is now the highest on record.
These cunts who blather on about “immigrants welcome” wouldn’t be so fucking keen if they had to donate their GP appointment to some unwashed dinghy rider, I’m sure.
Rwanda is safe, Arsenal think so
I am no lawyer but I thought the new legislation going through at the moment will block anyone arriving by illegal routes from claiming asylum, that being the case they will have no legal status in the UK so how can it be illegal to send them to a third safe country
It’s all bollocks, the judge said that the asylum system in Rwanda could mean that some asylum seekers may be returned to their own countries, well yes, if they don’t qualify for asylum send the cunts back…. That’s how it works!
“…asylum system in Rwanda could mean that some asylum seekers may be returned to their own countries…” Yes you judicial old bastard because they have a system that looks after their own fucking country and people, not like you, you cunt.
Thick as pig shit
I blame all this immigration on Jethro Tull. And his invention of the ‘seed drill’. That was the start of the ‘Industrial Revolution’ and putting people out of work. And that led to Automation and Capitalism. Which morphed into International Capitalism. Which has led the whole world to becoming one big huge shop.
With a natural Patriotism totally undermined. So we treat each country as just one department in the world department store.
So I blame it on Jethro Tull. Or the guy who invented the ‘spinning jenny’. Whoever he was.
So countries become ‘our competitors’. In this game of free market; International capitalism. And the losers in this game think fuck we’ll try our hand and get into the side of the winners What have we got to lose?
I blame all this immigration on evolution. We should never have come out of the ocean.
I blame it on the internet and the fucking smart phones.
Stop making sense, Paul!
I blame it on God.
For equipping humans with such amazing brains,
Thereby enabling them to invent the internet and fucking smart phones!
Good afternoon.
Your living in the past
I’m just gutted I won’t be around in 30 years to see the end game..
When all the refugees welcome cunts children and grandchildren getting harassed and hopefully worse, by thousands of third word vermin..
Well I think it’s really sweet that we care so much and that we are letting our country become a colonial outpost for all the dakis coming here.
I do hope that the Rwanda Government will be returning the 120 Million we gave them last year following the news that project Rwanda has failed.
Perhaps we could use that cash to give to Thames Water.
I always believed ( and still do ) that bullets have more clout in solving a grievance..
Makes you wonder why we bothered..
My mother’s nephew was one of them that didn’t make it back, aged 19…
Then you see on the news the twats washing up on the south coast and the fucking judge’s saying it’s ok.
Oh for a far right wing party to evolve in Great Britain.
It might just jolt the existing cunts into actually doing something for the British people..
If only Adolf had cottoned on ☹️.Into England no time and we would be speaking German.I despair.
If they carry on with this forced migration; the consequences for our country will be grave. If this continues they will only have themselves to blame for a rise in the far right. You reep what you sew!
Here’s my problem. We keep hearing about these cunts making a fucking fortune running these dinghies across the Channel. We know where they are being launched from yet, despite the kind of technology that can put a missile through a particular shit house window 500 miles away, we can’t spot these big yellow fuckers gathering at the edge of the water! How many of these cunts have you heard of getting arrested? How are all these fucking dinghies transported to a small stretch of coast and are never intercepted on the way? How the fuck does that work?
How easy would it be for you to raise 5-10 grand in cash? I would find it very difficult and I’m not a 20 year old scrounger living in some African shithole where that kind of dough is an absolute fucking fortune. And then I hand it all over to a complete stranger who says turn up at the beach tomorrow there’ll be a boat waiting. Fuck off…..I’m not buying it. Somebody is paying for this, somebody very rich, somebody who has access to money and power. The government crying and pretending they want to stop it is another fucking act. We are being screwed, completely bamboozled, it’s a fucking con. It’s not incompetence and it’s not an accident. It’s the future which they have decided for us.
The only consolation for me is that (1) I won’t be alive when it all comes to its inevitable conclusion (2) the cunts who are running this takeover will one day be set on fire in a cage in the middle of some suburban road, in my opinion justifiably so (3) they can stop translating benefits forms into every language on the planet and just do Arabic (4) transbumders would do well to stfu or learn to fly without wings
Oh, and don’t forget if you object to all this you are a raaaaaaay-sist, a “hater” and a “far right extremist.” The weak and pathetic arm of The Law will suddenly become very strong and very long.
You have been warned.
This country is done for.
My retirement plan is to get a deep tan, a dinghy, and grow facial hair just before crossing the channel to receive great accommodations. My new name will be Youkay Ben Effit Ghra-Ber.
If I order room service with bacon will I be in danger of deportation?
I love bacon.
The cunning plan is apparently sunk; sadly none of the dirty dingies are… ever.
Look at Paris at the moment…….the usually hard as nails Frog coppers are getting a kicking because that granny shagger came out and condemned them straight away. All part of the plan.
Rwanda, barges , talks with the frogs,
Court cases,
It’s all smoke and mirrors.
They’ve done FUCK ALL.
They plan to do FUCK ALL.
They want them here.
Increasing demand for housing. Creating a shortage which drives up rental prices and property prices in general.
Now is it possible that MPs own several properties that they let out and are also involved on the board or are consultants for various building companies? Surely not?
Yes it’s all deliberate and it’s all about our grasping cunt MPs pilfering as much a they can.
‘Diversity is our strength’ say our MPs.
They’re right. It is their strength. Just check their bank balances.
It isn’t fucking our strength though.
Never before have we been led by such a bunch of self serving troughing bastards.
The cheap labour has to come from somewhere to keep the rich in clover…!
Close to £90 a year for each taxpayer. About 32,000,000 income tax payers I believe.
If you think that isn’t much, then I’d say I spend about that on Christmas presents for the family.
It’s a fair whack really for some. Some working folk are really struggling. I’m sure they’re happy that about £2 a week of theirs is being lavished on these ungrateful, scrounging parasites.
They can all fuck off and go and live with Gary fucking Lineker.
And to be honest, I wouldn’t care if it cost fuck all. Or if you paid me. I don’t fucking want the cunts here.
Half a shilling holy communion shoes song.
Stop them getting here in the first place! @Ben Habib.
Naval blockade, air support and get the Frenchies to tow them back @me
Jeremy Spelling mistake wants more immigrants fgs.
If Sunak had any bollocks, he’d build huge ‘migrant’ (illegal immigrant) housing facilities right near those judges houses (and the likes of Lineker’s house).
I’m taking thousands of the cunts on their doorsteps and hanging around their kids’ schools.
If any of them had bollocks we’d have gassed the fuckin lot months ago.
Oh aye MNC.
If it was up to me it would stop overnight. I’d get what’s left of our Navy to sink tomorrow’s boats.
The ones already here in the hotels? Rounded up and deported back from whence they came. If they won’t say where they’re from, hang the cunts.
And 20 years for the hotel owners who agreed to sign up to house these cunts.
Don’t get me started on our MPs and ‘journalists’ (left wing activists). Like a scene from Hellraiser.