BrewDog Guava Infused Larger

Drink with Pride, this pile of shit needs cunting

After seeing this shit in Tesco yesterday I looked it up and the link below tells us that drinking beer that supports LGBTQ communities is great, absolutely, after all it’s money in the bank for BrewDog.

50p from every 8 pack goes to charity for LGBTQ nutters (that will be the 50p they loaded onto the price) and what’s not to like it’s all packaged in the colours of the bandit community.

It will be great to see the twats mincing down the street with their rainbow cans of Guava Infused Larger, all done in the best possible taste.

Fuck BrewDog and Fuck pride


Nominated by Sick of it on.

127 thoughts on “BrewDog Guava Infused Larger

  1. Brew Dog. Couldn’t be arsed with looking after real ale, so they went for 100% fizz as it’s easy to keep for ages. Obviously got too much time on their hands if they came up with this shite.

  2. If you went into a high street in Britain in the 70s or 80s and predicted this happening, no cunt would ever have believed it.

    But it has come to pass. Every shop and retailer is now openly glorifying and celebrating sodomy. They tie it up in rainbow ribbons and call it ‘Pride’, as if it’s some nobel cause pure as the driven snow. But they are promoting and reveling in buggery. Male bloody buggery. Britain is fucked and a total disgrace.

  3. More woke shite. The ever loathsome BBC wetting themselves over SAW has been Rick Astley. Going so far as to call the festival ‘Rick Astonbury?’. It’s supposed to be the top music event in the UK (so they say). Is that the best they can do? An 80s pop relic who is butchering Smiths classics? Glasto cunts will watch anything and those Eavis twats know it. Who is it next year? The Reynolds Girls? Sonia??

    And the Beeb making excuses for ‘poor’ Lewis Capaldi. Blubbering about how his ‘tics’ and ‘tourettes’ are preventing him from singing. Well, if the fat cunt can’t put on a show, why the fuck is he there? And he can’t bloody sing anyway.?

    Oh, and if you hear a loud rumbling noise (even up in Newcastle), it’s not thunder. It’s Lizzo on the Glastonbury stage.?

    • And as much as Ilike Sparks, luvvie cunt Cate Blanchett dancing around onstage makes me wanto heave up my tea.?

      • They lap up any old shit at ‘Glasto’. The cunts would be in raptures if Keith Harris and Orville took to the stage. Rick Astley was a minor 80s pop act, a one trick product spewed out of the Stock Aitken Waterman factory. Yet yesterday those cunts were treating him like he was Dylan at the Isle of Wight in 1970.

        And the hypocrisy and stupidity of the ‘Glasto’ knobheads appeared once more. All singing along to ‘November Rain’ waving their rainbow flags. Guns ‘N’ Roses aren’t exactly known for their love and tolerance of poofters, are they??

    • I was watching live last year Primal Scream – Exterminator. They cut the feed. Hmmmm I wonder why.

      • And the cunts (BBC and the audience) were only easy on Capaldi because he’s a fat cunt.

        Anyway, when he came on, I thought it was Spud Gun from Bottom.?

      • Lana Bel End turned up late for her appearance. Naturally, any true professional would be there hours before their gig. Doing soundchecks and stuff like that. Mind you, if someone is a spolit talentless tart who is as manufactured and processed as a packet of Kraft cheese slices, they are not going to do that.

      • Going back a couple of decades, any performers who turned up at a festival that were a novelty act (for example keanu reeves and his band) or were disliked, were instantly bottled off stage with piss.
        Christ knows where they would find that much piss for the likes of Spastonbury today. Shows how far these modern shitfests have sunk in the name of corporate greed and how low the IQ of the general population that pay money to attend them have gone.

    • It’s been shit. Lana Del Dirge doing her 80% air ‘singing’, Lizzo gallumphing around like a chocolate hippo, Fatty Capaldi doing fuck all, Rick Astley as this year’s novelty act, and a well past it Guns ‘N’ Roses.

      And Dave Grohl turned up to do his customary arselicking.

      • And typical BBC… ‘Lizzo brings tears to an overjoyed Glastonbury.’

        If she had come on starkers, parted those immense black buttocks to the crowd, and farted full rip down the microphone, the BBC would still say that. Cunts.

      • On the subject of Glastonbury, it’s Fat Reginald on Sunday.
        Fuck knows what the old poof is being paid to do it. Not to mention his ridiculous backstage demands.

        No doubt he’ll want a diamond carriage with guards who will give him a 21 bum salute.

      • I think the equivalent in my younger years would’ve been Rod, Jane and Freddy turning up to sing at a rock festival. Or maybe Judy fucking Garland singing some shite or Dick Van Dyke singing Chitty, Chitty Bang Bang.

        They’d have been running for their lives, as the thousands of piss- filled bottles were hurled towards the stage.

        What a sad bunch of wankers. Rick Astley? Elton John?

        Fuck off!

        Who’s next? The fucking Teletubbies? Orm and Cheap? Alvin and the bastard Chipmunks?

    • Imagine that Lizzo stampeding at you? It would be like an episode of Tarzan or Daktari on acid. What a thunderous beast….?

    • Not seen a single second of it.

      Life is too short to hate-watch these mongs, plus i’d feel a hypocrite after my nom.

      I remember how gushy snd borderline craven the BBC correspondents were several years ago. Every musical mediocrity was ‘amaaazzzing’.Instant turn-off.

      The last decent line-up was probably in 2007. 2008 saw a shift to Pop with Jay Zed and Shakira. More superbowl half-time show than British rock and folk festival.

  4. mc ewans Champion for me. if they ever rainbow up its all going down the sink

      • I despair of all these “infused” (ie artificially dyed/flavoured) things. Fuit beer gets a pass, as it’s historic, but gin the colour of some Neasden Tesco Road University Dave Spart Sociology Scholar’s hair (ie bright blue or pink) is an abomination.. Like Super. Bright, I shall keep a stiff upper lip, pour a bucket of Hayman’s Royal Dock and squeeze two limes.
        As for… Guava… FFS, I guess it’ll be granola or quinoa (wtf is that anyway??) next. Rant over. I shall have to finish theis bottle of Austrian rose, and buy another tomorrow. I used to drink wine by the L in Vienna…

  5. I don’t know about other areas but there are no shops round my way, including Sainsbury’s and other corporates like Boots , Costa Coffee, KFC etc pushing this gay shit. Not a fucking rainbow in sight. And I’ll tell you why.
    It’s all Guptas round my way, with a few Peacefuls and blacks thrown in. I’m one of the token whiteys. The old effnicks ain’t too keen on the bum inspectors as we all know. Profit is always the bottom line (pun unintended). I bet you can’t move for fucking rainbows in Brighton.

    • Of course the ethics love some bum fun Freddie, the difference is they don’t brag about it.
      That’s why the western world is doomed.
      It shows weakness.

      • There’s a big difference between a few desperate, dirty little social inadequates sucking each other off and a mass political movement, attacking the historical values of Western society, supported by the political elites and their mass media puppets.
        I’m no fan of immos, wherever they fucking come from, but I make them right on this one. And let’s not forget they got those values from us…..back in the day when Britain ruled the world.
        They should bring those days back!

      • A hangover from the British Empire as professor Tom Daley told us last year, explaining away why certain Commonwealth countries do not tolerate this behavior.

  6. Tom Daley?? That fucking swimming poof? So he’s a Professor now is he?
    What’s he a Professor of ? Advanced buggery at the University of Brighton?
    Fucking hell!

    • Daley and swimming pools….?

      Let us hope the mincing little doughnut puncher gets ‘Barrymored’ at some point.

  7. Don’t drink it.
    Fuck em.
    Fuck everything woke.
    Piss on the flags
    Socialism comes before communism.
    What I loved on this site was the conviral bullshit.
    Trying to explain to someone that the shit storm was here was fucking hilarious.

  8. Where I am. all these cunts do the Pride ‘celebration’.

    WH Smith
    Lloyds Bank
    Fred Perry
    HMV (with their own ‘LGBTQ’ DVD section)

    Seriously, a bookies promoting poofery?!?

    • Fred Perry was a favourite of (proper) skinheads, mods, and 80s casuals for many years.

      But the FP shop next to Affleck’s Palace in Manchester now has a transbender ‘skinhead’ promoting their stuff on one of those big vertical TV screens. A skinny girlboy pansy freak modeling their shirts.

      Another old favourite and classic ruined by woke fuckery.☹

  9. I won’t be drinking any of that slosh whilst I’ll be slaving away through the night, trying to get this ship in the bottle l poured the piss from.

  10. There is a TV production company in Cardiff called bad wolf, these guys are cunts as are most TV companies Avant you included.
    Anyway Badwolf have now rainbow Ed their wolf logo, affictively turning themselves into Fagwolf.
    Lots of companies are doing this, why do these companies feel the need to pander to the LGBHUECXJKFSGNIJH cunts

  11. Brewdog Punk IPA is shit.
    Brewdog Hazy Jane is shit.
    Brewdog Jackhammer is shit
    Brewdog Mr President is shit.
    Brewdog Dead Pony Club is shit.
    Brewdog Cybernaut.. isn’t too bad.

  12. They’ll be selling this Guava poofter piss at football grounds next season, guaranteed.

    Just like how you can now buy papaya juice on the Chelsea Shed.
    The Shed – once one of the most intimdating, infamous and moody stands in the game – now sells fruit drinks to pooves and yuppy twats. The mind well and truly boggles.

  13. On the subject of rainbow, that Jane was a proper goer.

    She had both Rod and Freddie. Straight up, it’s true.
    Wonder if she had Geoffrey and Bungle and all?

    And apparently Geoffrey Hayes wasn’t a poof. Straight as they come and a married man. He was a Stockport lad too.

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