The good old BBC have been doing some ‘investigative work’ on a further suspect in the 30 year old murder of Stephen Lawrence.
Apparently, they’ve uncovered evidence (are they cops now then?) that some blonde bloke was part of the murder. The cunt died a few years ago.
Cue the black-privileged, smug, pampered mother demanding more cops are fired.
What I want to know is this.
Why do the BBC think it’s ok to spend licence payers money, on investigating the potential guilt of some cunt that’s dead anyway! On a murder from 30 years ago, with the cunts deemed responsible locked up. With the cops bowing and scraping to Supreme Leader Doreen for forgiveness ever since.
It’s almost as if they want to continue brow-beating whitey or something?
However, no fucks given on many other unsolved murders. For example, the murder of Charlene Downes. A 14 year old white girl, thought to have been murdered (allegedly) by some local fast food employees in Blackpool. Let’s just say they’re allegedly from a certain ‘commmunidee’ known for plying vulnerable girls with free food, cigarettes, booze, drugs and attention.
Why not investigate the suspects thought by many to have been responsible? The jury couldn’t reach a verdict and the rozzers made a few errors and they got off on a technicality, it seems. That investigation is still open but I bet the cops aren’t looking for anyone else. By the way, the cunts got loads in compo due to police errors in the investigation. And the accused also joked about putting the girl in kebabs.
Why not investigate that? After all, that murder is unsolved and the prime suspects free.
Or why so many members of a certain community were so quick to help the guilty in the horrific Kris Donald case?
Or on all those victims of violent anti white crime?
Yes, I think we all know why, don’t we?
The fucking treacherous, anti-white, shit-stirring bastards.
Nominated by Cuntybollocks.
More on this very topic from Cuntstable Cuntbubble below.
As an addition to the above.
20 odd years ago Damilola Taylor was killed by scum. There doesnt seem to be the fuss about the fuck up that the cops made of this one. Well, it is the Met, after all.
I wonder if the ethnicity of the killers has anything to do with it?
Or the daily murders in our cities of black and white being carried out, by and large by a certain ethnic demographic?
No seat in the lords for the parents of these multiple victims..
The monster should be dug up and put in the dock for his crimes against Monkey Jesus.
Only kidding.
I don’t give a fuck who killed him.
Perhaps St.Stephen was slotted in self defence?
Strange that nobody has ever investigated that particular line of enquiry.
He wasn’t and the honkeys wot perforated the nasty child mugging piece of shit are guilty as sin.
I went to school with one of them and he was a vicious little cunt even then.
So was St. Stephen, who used to mug school kids as part of a gang for their lunch money.
The whole thing is fishier than Nicola Sturgeon’s drawers and as time passes the chances of finding out the truth recede.
The truth is pretty easy to figure out, Guzzi.
St Stephen mugged whitey kids for their lunch money, using his physical build to threaten said kids into handing over their lunch money, backed up by a bunch of like minded simians.
The local whitey contingent knew who the cunt was and what he looked like and stumbled upon the aspiring architect out in the wild.
We all know what happened next.
unfortunately at the time, the only (not particularly) reliable witness was St. Stephen’s mate. one Duwayne Brooks who didn’t see anything because he was running in the opposite direction.
Duwayne’s criminal record after the event show what an utter piece of shit he was (stolen car, stolen cheque books and credit cards etc). His excuse was ‘I beez da victim heyar n’sheeit’ and the police / CPS let him off. Mainly because a career criminal does make a great star witness.
Duwayne was last seen being a Liberal councillor or some such shit.
St. Stephen is still very much good.
Thanks for this, Odin.
It’s about time someone told the world that he wasn’t an innocent lamb.
Not that he deserved to die like a dog in the street.
But Baroness Doreen would have us believe he was as pure as driven snow.
Fuck me… not that tired old BNP bullshit again, surely?
Good evening.
“…Fuck me… not that tired old BNP bullshit again…”
Might be far right, but I ain’t far wrong!
Barrister Michael Mansfield has been able to put his six kids through university on the back of the never-ending Stephen Lawrence legal aid gravy train.
I don’t know what’s more racist.
The Met or Cricket.
Seems both are in the firing line from the good old Beeb.
Ben Stokes in the presser talking about the need for diversity and inclusivity in the sport and an end to elitist discrimination.
From the man who left school with a single GCSE and went on to become England captain….at Cricket.
You couldn’t make this shit up.
Aye. Stokes is anything but woke in reality (in my opinion and allegedly). YouTube Ben Stokes Harvey Price for info. Or that he (allegedly) beat up two benders outside a nightclub. He almost went to prison for that.
Like every sports cunt now, he knows he’s got to say the pc thing or have his career ended. Heck, a comnent like, ‘Fuck the chippy cunts’ might get him a sentence nowadays.
Doesn’t make it right though.
Cricket racist? Fuck off! Non whites are over represented within the game per percentage of the population. Almost every county team/T20 team has a few non whites.
Wiminz game is completely bankrolled by the men’s game. They moan because no cunt will pay to watch them. They even force wiminz cricket on paying customers, by hosting the wiminz game before the men’s for that 100 thing.
It’s funny that all the moaning cunts who reckon women should get the same pay never fucking pay to watch them.
Here’s an idea. If you woke bastards want then to get equal pay, why don’t you fucking pay to watch it?
Oh that’s right, isn’t it. You don’t want to deep down because it’s fucking shit, right?
So stop moaning at traditional fans for not wanting to pay for it too, you twats.
And there is racism in cricket too. It’s called ACE. Set up by a race grifting split arse who’s after her gongs from the woke royals. She’ll get them, no doubt about it. It’s a fucking joke.
Basically, non white kids from deprived areas can get free coaching, lifts to and from games and free equipment to join a cricket team/club.
The white kids from those very same areas?
They can get to fuck.
Now there’s your fucking racism!
Well said Cuntybollocks, you’re a man after my own heart.
If cricket clubs were racist they wouldn’t allow any non-whites to play for them!
Never happy are these types.
“…Stokes is anything but woke in reality … he knows he’s got to say the pc thing or have his career ended…”
I think he telegraphed his disgust at having to do that press statement very openly with his strained halting monotonal recital and by consciously fixing his eyes on the script in his hand.
If I never hear another word about that cunt and he’s cunt family it will be too fucking soon.
‘Black cunt kills another black cunt’. Not news at all. ‘White cunt kills black cunt’ Still banging on about it 30 years later. It’s pretty obvious who the real racists are. It begins with BBC.
World was very different back then.
Not many mobile phones about.
Vanilla ice was a popular rapper ( not with me,like)
We had Giant size mars bars.
People wore shellsuits.
Especially in Liverpool.
I agree with the nom.
The world was a better place!?
You’re right MNC.
I blame the internet. It’s turned everyone into cunts. One of my best mates avoided the internet until a year ago. Had a brick phone with no internet. Suddenly, he used WhatsApp once after he found he could make free calls.
Within a month he’s an annoying cunt. Expert on everything all of a sudden and overly opinionated on things he knows fuck all about really. And argumentative as fuck now.
Of course, I am too, but I’m right about everything you see. I’d ban most people from the internet rather than ban it. They can’t handle it, unlike me, the dumb twats.
This WhatsApp thing CB,
What exactly is it?
I’m constantly being asked if I’m on it,
Whatever it is it can Jog on.
Fuck em
It’s like Messenger.
What’s Messenger? It’s the private chat on Arsebook. It’s the only reason I have an Arsebook account with a ridiculous fake name. I never look at Arsebook, I just have the Messenger app on my phone and use it for free phone calls (anytime, any length worldwide) and texts with family and the few friends I still have.
My messages are short and non annoying. ‘Pub 8pm?’ or ‘Hi mum I can cut your grass tomorrow if you want?’ or ‘There’s no need to call the police madam.’
Annoying twats (like my mate who discovered the internet about a year ago) use it to post news articles and videos for you to read. Asked me if I’d watched his 2 hour video on Covid recently. Or read some conspiracy book on 9/11 or watched that 9 hour Zeitgeist shite on YouTube.
Have I fuck you bellend!
He didn’t like that reply lol. Fuck him. He’s still me mate, but I’ve blocked the cunt until he stops sending his shite to me.
It’s a totally encrypted messaging application (allegedly) that you can also make phone all on, also video calls, I think.
Oh, and it’s free.
Cheers fellas?
I use it, Mis, to speak to the Lass, and Messenger, the only reason I bother with Facefuck.
I likes a bit of ought for nought.
Ahhhh! But is it free?
When an app is ‘free’ it is the user that is the product.
CST, I mainly use WhatsApp for the security, and it’s included in my phone package, so why not?
No charge for messages/calls, it AI.
What’s not to like?
Messenger is a bit messier, but also free, if used judiciously.
Aye MNC. Just set it up with a fake name and use it for free calls. You don’t need to look at Arsebook (but you’ll need to add contacts) or owt else. Just get the Messenger or WhatsApp app on your phone.
Works like a phonebook/text messager on your phone
If it’s free it’s for me.
And you can block cunts who send you annoying shit.
I put WhatsApp on my phone when my wife was in Oz last year. It just meant we could video chat for free since we were both using home WiFi to connect. Once she got back I uninstalled it.
I have a business only mobile, and you will be amazed how many customers who I have never ever met whatsapp me, and ever whatsapp message includes a personal photo in the ID (if they have entered one- which most narcissistic cunts do) and there I have sometimes a photo of him or her…with kids etc. This is personal stuff ffs. I would never send a complete stranger a pic of my wife and kids
It’s amazing, isn’t it?
I use WhatsApp to contact the Lass, because she’s too young for a Facefuck account, not that she’d need one, apart from the free phoning, which she gets on WhatsApp anyway.
I’m a 148 year old Portuguese woman on Facefuck, that’s how well it’s policed.
However, some small local animal charities, which I support, are on FF, so I maintain a presence.
I should really have said ‘Black cunt kills anybody at all’ would be news (if nothing new) but it gets suppressed so as not to upset the, er, blacks. Same with absolutely anything illegal the fucking peacefuls do. So you would not see ‘Peacefuls rape 1000 12 year old white girls’ but ‘Peaceful bakes cake for a (peaceful) charity’ would be headline news for days.
I woke from a coma today, after crashing my brand new XR3i.
I couldn’t have been out that long, they were still going on about Stephen Lawrence on the telly.
Oh and Michael Barrymore was a happily married man and popular Saturday night entertainer.
So was that nice Noel Edmonds.
Where you off to Doreen?
Just out up town, innit. Do a bit of shopping and call at the House of Lords.
Ooh this country is racist.
She will always be one of my picks in the dead pool, more in hope than expectation.
Fits in well with the current BBC narrative. They find racism everywhere, literally everywhere.
Apparently even football boots are racist and sexist according to their latest report.
As if these bints are all going to turn into Billy Dane just because they have wimminz boots.
Fuck me sideways!
Uncomfortable football boots are the fault of white men.
I’m reminded how terrible police e-fits of suspects were thirty years ago.
It looks like Harvey Price had a go.
CCTV footage nowadays is totally shit. They can read a car number plate from half a mile so they can send a fine but you can’t even tell what fucking colour somebody is on CCTV.
Every last member of staff at that loathsome broadcaster should be gassed.
There’s a double page spread in the Daily Supress today, about this.
My God! Baroness Doreen needs more than a new wig. A whole new head is needed.
Reminded me of those statues on Easter Island.
All that money and her nut looks like a pub carpet.
Shes tight as fuck.
Smokes dimps.
Uses both sides of toilet paper.
Maybe she can do a head swop with slasha Johnson. Just gotta panel beat the dents out of it.
Has the outcome of the enquiry into the prejudice against whites in advertising been published yet?
Which one will they stop going on about first?
Hillsborough or Stephen Lawrence?
Imagine if he’d been a Mickey Mouser?
Yeah, neither are funny anymore.
Suppose you had to be there?
Yet again the BBC provide the opposite to what people want.
We want to know why we’re being ripped off for gas, electricity, fuel and food.
We want to know what’s really happening with our borders.
We want to know why our railways are near enough the most expensive in the world.
There’s loads of issues we’d like investigated using our money,
But no. They’ve decided we need to know about a spurious allegation against a man who can’t answer back, relating to a 30 year old crime that’s been done and dusted for a long time, simply because the victim was black.
People are sick to death if this shit.
It’s 90 years today since this horrific and senseless killing of an African in New York City…
Rest in peace, brother.
Damilola Taylor is an interesting case. A 10 year old chased through the streets by two 12 year olds and stabbed to death with a broken bottle. A truly appalling case. The two cunts did 4 years each in a holiday camp. The family were appalled by Britain and British justice and fucked off back to Nigeria where fucking Nigerians belong. No seat in the House of Old Stiffs and nobody has heard of this kid these days.
The difference, of course, is that the killers were black……therefore not an issue, nobody cares……it happens every week in Londonstabistan.
But white killing black, now that’s a fucking story! Systemic racism, far right extremists…..we all know the narrative. It’s a shame they’ve only got one black victim of murdering whiteys in thirty fucking years. But they ain’t letting it go, don’t worry about that. Lawrence is our George Floyd so suck it up you raaaaaaaaay-sists.
The murderer could’ve been a black bloke and the 30 year old picture was a negative. If they find him, I’ll be putting all my money on Lord Lucan riding Shergar in the next Derby.
Hopefully in the not to distant future someone will crack human cloning, jurassic park style.
And we can bring the modern day Saint back,and watch him cure cancer and invert a new cheap clean energy source..
Or become another violent chippy animal.
As I read this morning “just as well he wasn’t stabbed at Hillsborough we would never hear the end of it”. Fuck me this will run and run. Why don’t the BBC do some serious investigation into grooming gangs, especially in Rotherham as a there was instigated the biggest whitewash in the history of the fucking universe involving senior councillors, police officers uncle tom cobley and a cast off thousands. Fuck the BBC and their electric scooters, soya and coconut lattes woke rules and such shite don’t forget the mega pensions either.. whichever cunt made Stephen Lawrence’s mother a baroness deserves eternal damnation in Barrymores play pool. She trousers over £300 a day for being in the house of cunt plus all the other expenses cheap meals etc what a fuckfest we have become.
Why sir? You me and everyone on here knows why. It just won’t fit their narrative.
Ps live Field marshals comment. Total truth
“… Why don’t the BBC do some serious investigation into grooming gangs, especially in Rotherham as a there was instigated the biggest whitewash in the history of the fucking universe involving senior councillors, police officers uncle tom cobley and a cast off thousands….”
Here y’ go BB – probably the most comprehensive take aparts of the muslim grooming cover up you’re ever going to find.
“Beyond Easy Meat” (parts 1-7) – HORUS (aka Tim Murdock)
How come Suckdick hasn’t commissioned a statue of our dead martyr yet? I’m risking giving the cunt ideas here but I don’t suppose he ever reads this site.
Just in case he does…….fuck off back to Pak*land , take all the poofs and immos with you and stick your statue up your arse, wanker.
Possibly OT and a bit long but anyway, taken from
Terminal Moraine JUNE 27, 2023 AT 12:20 PM
Not media bias but a comment on Twitter that sums things up —
“Britain isn’t a failed state yet but will be been soon enough. Probably in my lifetime. It’s not avoidable. We’re heading for rationing of basic utilities. We’re going to keep adding millions of people to the population, we’re not going to fix water leaks or build any new reservoirs. We’re going to keep pushing electric cars and heat pumps that we have no spare capacity to power. We’re going to keep building useless windmills and eco-boondoggles and we’re going to keep borrowing to keep the house of cards from collapsing.
We’re not going to build enough houses, and supply will not keep pace with demand because demand will keep increasing, and the houses we do build won’t be big enough to raise a family in – even if anyone could afford to buy one. More of our cities will become dormitories for foreign students while the big cities become demilitarised zones – where barely housetrained third world primates battle over drugs turf or over tribal politics that have nothing whatsoever to do with us.
Our politicians will continue to gaslight us, telling us that immigration is good for the economy as more and more migrants turn to organised crime because nobody has the disposable income to sustain the zero-skill services jobs immigrants perform.
The police will remain hamstrung by political correctness and its leaders will still genuflect to race grifters who say they are racist for stop-searching machete weilding Somalians on Brixton high street. Young black “aspiring rappers” will continue to bleed to death in the gutter (next to rainbow zebra crossings). Councils and public institutions will continue to normalise sexual deviancy and public lewdness under a Pride banner. The Church of England and the monarchy will continue to vanish up their own woke arseholes.
Meanwhile, every hotel, disused RAF base and barracks is stuffed to the rafters with illegal immigrants until there’s a general amnesty and then we will see shanty towns in the centre of every major city. We’ll gradually get used to seeing armoured police vehicles (still rainbow adorned). Women and gay people won’t be able to walk down the street unescorted. But we’ll still “celebrate diversity”.
Meanwhile, Brits will become the most monitored and surveilled people in the world with more cameras and sensors per head than East Germany. We’ll have two tier policing where any minor infraction is met with the maximum punishment (so long as enforcement meets little resistance), while immigrant ghettos become no-go zones even for armed police in MRAP trucks. You’ll live under a climate curfew. Your landlord will take most of your universal basic income.
Your country will be an open prison. You will have no rights. Everything you hold dear will be demolished to accommodate more migrants. The countryside will be paved over with solar panels. Every hillside maimed by derelict windmills, and no street will be safe. Villages will be gated communities for the liberal upper middle class.
This is all going to happen. You’ll still vote tory/lab/lib even though they hate you. These are the last years of Britain as a civilised country. Enjoy them while they last.”
You missed out joining the EU and adopting the Euro as the currency but, other than that, sounds bang on to me.
Nah, it will be digital global currency, and there goes your privacy / liberty down the shithole too.
Supermarket trolleys will have in built tech to scan your biometrics, so at the self checkout you won’t be allowed to buy those biscuits or booze cos your cholestrol is up a bit this week.
Dunno what’s worse, death by 10000 invading muslims or big brother curbing your freedoms while altering your birthplace out of all recognition.
Ovens all round
Thanks Moggie.
It’s a perfect summation of where our political parties will happily lead us in their march toward oblivion.
I suspect we’ll get our own version of Hitler before the worst of it takes place.
The way things are going I’d welcome the cunt.
PS:Fuck the BBC.
“…I suspect we’ll get our own version of Hitler before the worst of it takes place …
Well it won’t/can’t be via the ballot box that’s for sure. Y’all had the last chance to elect a truly Nationalist gov’t between 2001 – about 2007 and the electorate bottled it.
Our iteration of a potential Hitler would be very different because we’re in different times but equally, and unfortunately in this case, the English/British just don’t have that Germanic/Prussian militarist mentality of rigorous adherence to doctrine regardless of its merits. We just don’t like seeing military uniforms on the streets.
“…The way things are going I’d welcome the cunt…”
Notwithstanding the above, so would I, the gloves have to come off now. Enough is enough.
Bang on.
Good post that Moggie.
Rather black pilling perhaps, but sadly somewhat prophetic I reckon.
Mind you, we might end up with an Adolf as PM when we get close to that scenario.
I’d rather we avoid such a thing, but fuck me…I could see people getting so fucking angry and fucked off with being continually gaslit and ripped off, that they put a lynch mob into power.
What he said.
We’re screwed ☹️
Momma has done very well indeed out of her son. Compo, seat in the Lords. All to raise his Tonyness profile and removing Double Jeopardy provided the accused are the “wrong” colour. The witch hunt went way too far.
Doreen Lawrence said it was “infuriating” that no officers had faced consequences or lost their job due to the botched investigation.
Doesn’t she know this is how things are done in the public sector? NHS fuck ups, bankrupt councils, social services scandals, without fail those responsible get moved to other departments, quietly retire on fat pensions or just brazen it out and deny any responsibility.
It’s “infuriating” that Doreen hasn’t been deported to Iran.
According to the intewebs, Doreen Lawrence’s worth about £4 million.
I’m sure she didn’t make a single penny out of her son’s murder and would’ve been a multi millionaire anyway, you racists.
Yeah, she would have been on Dragons Den looking for investment in her wig business.
For a investment of 100,000 grand you to could look like a carpet in a 80’s job centre.
I’m out..
I heard that annoying champagne socialist gobshite, Gary Neville, is going to be a dragon on Dragon’s Den soon.
The steaming great twat.
What a terrible racist country, in her country of birth should would of ended up in a grave next to her son..
Seeing as we are on the brink of WW3, Putin and the Yellow monkey want to destroy the western economy, working people can barely afford to eat, the value of our homes is about to plummet and there’s a global depression just around the corner, I was glad to see the BBC’s news website’s headline today was all about institutional racism in cricket. (Towards brown players…the same ones who were being racist to Jews a few years back, but that was swept under the flying carpet).
You can always really on the BBC to keep us informed on issues that affect our lives.
Yeah heard that Jew hating fucking Peaceful on the radio crying as usual. Also some wimminz whining about “misogyny” in cricket. Shut up bitch!
They were also moaning about “elitism” whatever they mean by that.
People used to play and watch sport to get away from everyday life. Now the wokies make sure there’s no escape. Their fucking commie politics is in your face 24/7. Fuck those bastards and fuck the BBC.
Those cunts won’t stop with their class warfare and woke ideology ever,they are out to destroy anything uniquely British,such is their hatred for our country.
Anything is fair game to further their filthy agenda,as we see here with one of the world’s most colour blind sports..played by dirt poor Indians and Pakistanis etc,who by their skill can rise to become lauded around the world and famously wealthy.
But apparently the home of cricket is a den of evil.
I downloaded the report this morning for a nomination… 317 pages long. The eco mentalists won’t be happy with all those trees being used.
Surely three words would of sufficed.
White men evil.
“…Putin and the Yellow monkey want to destroy the western economy…”
That was never the intention. Putin for his part just stood back in open mouthed incredulity as the European/Western governments conclaved in their whiney, wokey indignation to do it to themselves! Yeah those fucking sanctions are working real well ain’t they?
Europe’s largest economy Germany, has been brought to the point of current REcession and very soon outright DEpression within the space of 2 years whereupon the U.S. drove the final coffin nail home by blowing Nordstream 2 thus removing at a stroke the major incentive for Germany to grow a pair, tell Biden to go fuck a cactus and re-open relations with Russia and re-negotiate those gas supply contracts.
This is the final realisation of The Morganthau Plan to drive Germany (Amalek) back into agrarianism.
Can’t see Xi welcoming the collapse of China’s principal export market/s either.
Bunch of tossers.Unkle T’ s Special heater please
Lots going on in this thread so let’s just take a mo,emt and acknowledge that this is the 88th time Auntie Beeb has been nominated on IsaC.
That’s enough.
The despicable old cunt!
I disabled the auto-correct and gave the editor the day off.*
That should read “…moment…”
*Wait until they come back and realize I can disable the Net Nanny too!
Maybe the BBC should get its own Ukraine/Covid style thread? Its an ongoing den of shithousery.
Where there is a den of shithousery you can bet there’s fuckery afoot!
@ LL
The BBC already has its own thread:
The police or the BB fucking c never investigated this.
I’ll bet none of you isac’ers ever heard of this either,
It doesn’t matter when whitey get murdered.
No one ever prosecuted….