Women’s World Cup Blackout

Well, well well BBC and other broadcasters. It seems filling your schedule with cheap, substandard women’s football is backfiring on you.

You see, FIFA are demanding much bigger subs for the event or they’ll blackout coverage in Europe.

Please make it so.

However, I think the BBC will spunk millions of licence payers cash on showing this shite event, to prove its woke credentials.

Let the event and women’s sport in general stand on its own two feet and stop stealing from the men’s game and the taxpayer.

Fucking thieves.


Nominated by : Cuntybollocks

58 thoughts on “Women’s World Cup Blackout

  1. I did the fun quiz at the bottom of the article and scored 7/8. The BBC said “we’ll done.” Stick it up your arse you commie traitor bastards. And shove your wimminz football up there if you can find the room. Bunch of cunts.

    • O/T I know, but the remark about commie, traitor , bastards deserves further comment. Last night was the 80th anniversary of Operation Chastise, the Dam Busters raid. At about 10 to 8 yesterday morning the BBC on R4 mentioned the anniversary with the words “infamous raid”. They really have no historical connection.

      As for women’s football the BBC, like the Italian RAI channel, should pay only the commercial rate for the event. Anymore would be evidence that the licence fee (more properly the TV tax) is excessive.

      • It’s remarkable they bothered to mention it at all.

        If the French had military exploits during World War II that matched ours their economy would have collapsed in 1971 due them taking 298 bank holidays to celebrate them.

        I once asked some politician why we didn’t have at least one bank holiday to revel in defeating Hitler,but funnily enough they never replied.

        The spineless quavering cunts.

      • Hello Unkle Terry,

        I always thought that the May Day Bank Holiday should have been replaced with VE Day. John Major’s government should have done it in 1990’s after the success of the 50th anniversary celebrations. It wouldn’t have cost anything and have pleased all his anti-EU opposition.

  2. I dont have a problem with womens football – I dont watch mens footie anymore, but find the ladies game quite interesting. I also particularly like watching womens golf which is a lot closer to how me and my mates play, however, I digress. All of the tv companies should swerve this event just to teach that bald-headed cunt Infantino a lesson. If you are looking for greed, look no further than this dodgy fucker.

  3. Believing in its own hype will lead to its demise.
    No fucker outside the circle ⭕️ really cares. Sorry gives a fuck

  4. Seeing as it’s in oz, most games will be on early morning in Europe..

    Who the fuck would watch it?

    Still let’s hope Lineker gets swallowed by a great white ” bit racist” shark.

    • I live in Oz. it’ll probably bump repeats of Mac Gyver during the week and Nazi documentaries on weekends, grumble!

  5. Giofanny Infantile should be fed into a wood chipper and the resulting slurry poured between Anneliese Dodds vinegar producing norks. His every utterance is absolute bum drizzle and only demonstrates that he is in dire need of the Mussolini treatment.

  6. Watch the cunts at the BBCistan bid eighty million for it then start moaning about being skint,shortly thereafter raising their TV tax fifteen percent.


    • I thought they were already skint.
      Hence why BBC4 now only shows repeats of Top of the Pops instead of groundbreaking documentaries about how black people won both world wars.

      • I don’t think ive evr seen anything other than TOTP repeats of BBC4.

        They want to be Sky Arts but can’t. Wankers.

  7. Fair play to fifa. Those tens of thousands of free tickets for school children won’t pay for themselves, but I fear this is just an idle threat. the markets will only pay so much.
    Unfortunately the BBC is insulated from the markets and will throw whatever they think they can get away with at it.
    However, it would be great to see them outbid by Sky and BT, although fifa seem to be under the illusion, like many others, that it’s bigger than it actually is.
    If by the grace of god it did happen, the self promoting beebs enthusiasm would noticeably wane, which can only be a good thing.

  8. I’d watch it for a laugh if some minuscule country put in a team of transgendered ex blokes who thrashed all the other teams.

  9. Half time jelly wrestling would garner more interest, especially with the sort of women that watch women’s sport. Would the wokies dare call this exploitive?

  10. The bald headed twat seems to have no idea how markets work but then again,neither does the BBC. Prepare to witness the fuckers at the Beeb throwing absurd sums of money so that we peasants can watch a substandard product.

  11. Imagine a world where the BBC had been outbid on everything and had no sports coverage whatsoever.
    Sheer fucking bliss.

      • I have now lived without an idiots’ lantern for almost nine months. Sheer bliss. I have such a good imagination I can do much better productions in my mind. Charity Dingle appears all too frequently…

  12. FIFA attempting to hold the world to ransom ?

    Like Cyrus the Virus said in Con Air and I paraphrase “if you’re going to take a hostage make sure you don’t take one that nobody gives a fuck about “

    Ooooh go on then take women’s football away ? that’ll teach me

  13. Also why do they keep on banging on about how insanely popular it is now.

    Tickets to these events are usually about £5 or given away and they STILL don’t sell out venues

    But yeah give us equal pay.

    When they start charging £50 to £100 for tickets and selling out like the PL I might take notice .

  14. The sorry thing is, when the bbc do have a reasonably good product that now doesnt fot their narrative, then deliberately sabotage their own products to reduce viewing figures, thus being able to use the excuse to drop it in due course.

    When i reality, the drop in viewing figures is as a direct result of the bbc’s decisions.

    Like putting that cunt paddy mcguiness in charge of a question of sport….and top gear.

    They want them gone as to the beeb they are archaic to their minds, but viewing figures were to high to justify…..so put a talentless cunt in charge and viewers drop off and theres their excuse.

    Its a well known ploy


    • Imagine using this strategy if they were a non taxpayer funded entity ?

      The Top Gear example is the greatest piece of self sabotage in human history.

      Insanely popular and insanely profitable for their commercial arm.

      Pretty much gave it away to Amazon where it continued to be hugely popular and allowed Amazon to then convince a Clarkson to do his farm programme which again is very poplular.

      They can’t stand that he’s so popular so they put their heads in the sand and appoint cunts like Evans, McGuinness and Flintoff to try and carry it.


    • They’ve even bulldozed the top gear track to make lots of new homes for illegal Muslims.

      Former BAe systems site Dunsfold .

  15. The cunting BBC will pay whatever they have to. It’s not about sport for them it’s about the political agenda. It will probably cost them more to send Linekunt and Alex fucking Scott out there. I expect Linekunt will also want to take his immo loving mates who backed him the last time he gave us a political lecture. Oh, and I believe FIFA are contemplating allowing teams to wear the rainbow armband. The BB fucking C wouldn’t want to miss that.

  16. I saw a young Sarah Cox playing football at Stamford Bridge in the 90’s, still canget the vision out of my head…..

  17. The latest bullshit from the BB cunts is on BBC 3 (no surprise) a male dating show, fucking blokes kissing, now women football doesn’t seem so bad.

  18. To any normal consumer its hardly a threat from fifa is it? Most right minded people would say, well its hardly a fucking loss…stick your demands up your arse we wont have it then.

    Not the beeb….in their relentless quest to ‘shape the nation’ as to what they think we should think and be interested in, this womens football shit is like a tramp on chips to them.

    • Anybody with an IQ over 25 simply ignores the majority of the BBC output. Sadly, but luckily for the Beeb, this country is full of cunts with an IQ far lower than that.

      • The irony is they do show foreign language films and series I enjoy for free.

  19. I’m laughing my bollocks off at the beebs blocked toilet with everybody else’s money other than mine.

    • I’d laugh even louder if they used Herr Lineker and his gang of Nazis to attempt it.

  20. I recently saw the headline on a wimminz game and noticed 3 3 , well a few goals I thought.
    Nope it was the attendance!

  21. If you know your history, we’ll need another world war to see a packed ground watching a women’s football match.

  22. Forgotten to mention, does the headline mean all white teams only allowed ? If so, I’ll give it a go if I’ve nothing on, besides if I’m not too busy.

  23. I went to a women’s football match recently, late into the second half a bloke ran on to the pitch down by the corner flag.
    He was on the pitch for about five seconds, got man of the match….

  24. If they get Phil Jones playing in a pink onesie and sucking a dummy i’ll watch.

  25. Can’t all the players identify as men and then rightfully claim equal pay?

  26. I have a bad back and knee but I reckon I could boss a midfield like pirlo if I had ovaries. some of the gaffes you see would make Biden blush. Especially the goalies, they look like 10 yr old boys inbetween the sticks and are just as useful. Would support it if it wasent shoved down my throat and if it wasent over hyped, if they were humble and budgeted it properly, every non women’s athletics organisation is bank rolled by mens teams and would fold without them, then we are sexist for not wanting to watch shit without laughing at it

  27. No wimmins World Cup…. Oh dear, I am upset.
    If only they’d black out all wimmins football and all wimmin pundits and commentators.

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