Transgenderism? Yawn. That’s so passé my dears, so last decade. Apparently the big new trend sweeping in is transableism, or ‘Body Integrity Identity Disorder’ as it used to be known before sticking the prefix ‘trans’ onto something made it much more fashionable.
Can you actually credit the fact that there are loony cunts going about who believe themselves to be inherently disabled when they’re actually able bodied? They WANT to be disabled; they ‘identify’ (ffs) as such and demand that surgeons remove a limb or two, or paralyse them from the waist down, or blind them. If they don’t get their way, they’ll often take matters into their own hands, such as attacking themselves with a saw or blinding themselves with some caustic chemical.
Oh well, why not? It’s become acceptable to remove a healthy penis because Will thinks he’s Wilma, or healthy breasts because Joanna thinks she’s Joe. Why stop there? Sooner or later some deranged cunt is going to think they’d feel more at ease with themself if they sawed their own head off and walked about with it under their arm.
But here’s a thought. Instead of contemplating whether or not it’s ethical to facilitate this madness, how about sectioning these delusional ‘transabled’ individuals straight off, and seeing if we can get them the psychiatric care they so clearly need? It’s really time for society as a whole to draw a line.
Nominated by : Ron Knee
Everyone is desperate to be a victim nowadays.
Just move to Liverpool. Much easier.
I self-identify as a cripple-dick…… or at least that’s what people call me.
Munchausen Syndrome they used to call it, a well documented psychological disorder. But times change and in the age of victimhood it’s become a political issue. Mao once said “power comes from the barrel of a gun”…….so shoot the fucking wankers. You can’t get more disabled than that.
The body part to remove?
May I humbly suggest the head could save time and trouble in the long run.
Fucking dickheads.
Why the fuck do we make time for this nonsense? Is the real reason for this sick shit to avoid work and live on benefits?
I find it truly offensive that my taxes should be wasted on these cunts…
Anyone who identifies as trans anything needs to be locked away in a mental hospital, where they can’t bother normal people. Or kids.
Too right. Put ’em in a Victorian style asylum, where they get hosed down twice a day with an ice-cold fire hydrant, and have regular electro-convulsive therapy.
They’ll suddenly be normal inside a week.
I’m fully in support of this fine new fashion.
Some poor cunt gets kidney disease after thirty years grafting in a factory?
Just get one of these mad cunts in the same day and get them to donate both kidneys..perhaps they can post about it later on social meedja.
Shortage of blood donors? Bus a load of these mentals in and drain the fuckers.
As we can see they can be made to be of full benefit to medicine,not a whinging anchor dragging on the woke seabed of arseholes.
Police pull me over for running a red light?
Didn’t see it.
I identify as Helen Keller.
At the swimming baths If they moan when I go on the kids water slide?
Fuck you ?
I identify as water midget Ellie Symonds.
And if I climb into a fire engine and crash it into a supermarket?
That’s not my fault.
I clearly identify as doughnut headed bullet magnet Sasha Johnson.
Fuck me, MNC. “Helen Keller” and “water midget” just made me backwash me tea. Superb!
‘doughnut headed bullet magnet’
There’s some cunt in America, some basketball cunt, who is suggesting that Stevie Wonder isn’t actually blind. Apparently it’s some kind of stunt to get him attention and he’s been conning us all these years. No idea if it’s true but there are so many cunts about I wouldn’t rule it out.
I think he’s onto something and Mr Wonder is a attention seeker.
He owns a 75in HDTV
And has a dartboard hanging up in his garage?
Yet doesn’t have a Labrador?
Check his colouring book.
Stevie wonder is fat because he doesnt watch what he eats.
Got a large collection of tennis rackets as well. So if he is blind and takes to the court never ending love.
Old joke.
Interviewer: It must have been awful for you, being blind from birth.
Stevie Wonder: Oh I don’t know, it could have been worse. I could have been black.
This is clearly mental. As is anorexia and Munchhausens. Delusions. So why the fuck is transgeenderism treated as fact? If so then anorexics are fat.
Ask any anorexic and they’ll tell you they are.
I think I suffer from Hetrosexual Non-victimhood Disorder.
I’m quite normal.
Morning all.
You have my sympathy Ron. I’ve suffered from the same disorder for many years so I know how debilitating it can be.
I think though the problem with all this “trans” and LBGTQXYZ nonsense can be traced back to the time when we started to take these cunts seriously. When they have related these stupid fantasies they’ve never received the common sense response; “Don’t talk such bollocks you mad twat”! maybe accompanied by a swift back-hander.
Morning all.
Quite right arfur, esp. if the back-hander’s delivered by a Hattie Jacques matron clone in the local hospital.
That’ll learn the daft cunts.
Rather bizarrely there’s a shop in our high street that sells prosthetic limbs that was recently raided by a group of unarmed men….
It will get worse.
People post a picture of their dinner on Fuckbook and they don’t get the ‘likes’ that they think they deserve.
So they cut themselves.
Next comes the selfie, taken in the local A&E, this will show the dozen or so stitches needed to close the cuts.
Still not enough ‘likes’?
Time to cut your fucking leg off.
Shallow cunts.
Cut the Jugular vein, slow painful death,the ultimate disablement.
My left leg keeps making a mooing noise.
Doctor says it’s a calf injury….
Keep em coming JR!
Anyone else see the programme on the tele last night about ADHD? Basically it seems there are hordes of adults pestering the NHS for a diagnosis of ADHD. When they can’t get such they turn to the private sector. There they get the diagnosis they want in no time from a snake oil salesman with a permanent tan and a medical degree and go on medication for the rest of their pointless lives.
Christ is ADHD this year’s fashionable disorder?
Yep. Winds me up. The new word for “dysfunctional” or “bit of a fuckhead”.
I thought ADHD was something to do with the idiots’ lantern…
And the NHS pays for rge private companies
Didn’t see it, but isn’t it similar with the likes of these trans twats, suffering with some kind of attention seeking disorder. I think its in the food people eat. Too much sugar for one.
What channel was this on?
BBC2, 8pm, Panorama.
Seems like the next stage up from hypochondria. If nobody believes them, they go and saw a leg off to say I told you so.
But I did see a documentary yonks ago where people thought they had one limb too many and went into hospital to have it lopped off.
Apparently there are cases of sickos trying to lie across rail tracks for the train to take a leg off because medics won’t agree to do it.
It’s all fucking crazy.
I think that’s partly to do with having an ingrown toenail and wanted a better look at it, instead of having to strain their neck.
They call them “sleepers’ Ron.?
Its got to a stage where people are jumping on a bandwagon. They’ll just be told to hop it.
I identify as a 70 year old white male. Gibs me my fucking pension before its worth fuck all and blue badge whilst you are at you cunts!
There are quite a few “people” I would like to disable.
Call me old fashioned but there’s nowt wrong with me.
I know what gender I am,
Maybe I’m a genius because I solved that when I was about 3yr.
And I’m not disabled.
To claim to be so would be a lie,
And a insult to genuinely disabled people.
It’s not something to aspire to.
When I was a kid I wanted to be like the six million dollar man ,
Not Joey Deacon.
What are you insinuating?
That’s Deaconphobic.
Now where’s that grassing-up button that caused Fiddler to go off in a huff?
Deaconophobia is indeed a scourge.
Deaconophobia was rife at my school, particularly at breaktimes.
Joey deacon was uk famous,before the rise of social media.
Pretty much every boy at school was called him at some time or other.
as well as their dads.
it was a hopeless gesture by Blue Peter. Deacon and any video with a spasmazoid shown at school resulted in cackling.
Why did the teachers even bother?
Devotees: people who want to sleep with amputees.
I could explain the theory but who cares. weird
Also makes their positioning less awkward.
But extra work for the Kama Sutra.
People who want to lose a limb by choice clearly have mental issues but jokes about people who have lost a leg through no fault of their own, are well out of order.
Try putting yourself in their shoe….
There are lots of people who think they are trees. After medication, they’re now disembarking.
You can’t buy trousers with only one leg so you’re not saving any money anyway.
Just a large safety pin and a pair of old fashioned crutches. Plus a nice demobbed suit would finish the trend off quite neatly.
With all these loose limbs lying about, it should slowdown the decline in local butchery.
A three headed man without arms and one leg, was sat on a park bench looking depressed. The local bobby came up to him and said, “hello, hello hello, you look armless enough, now hop it”.
We’re drowning in a sea of mentals, stupids and fatties.
Sadly there are plenty of examples of all three categories.
Especially in Wetminster.
I suffer from whiteness.
This is undoubtedly the worst disability. I demand to live at home with benefits for the rest of my life please. Oh, and a disabled parking badge as well.
I wonder what percentage of the 2.5 million people on long term sick are these fuckers? I can virtually guarantee that it will be an infinitesimal amount.
The eye watering figures released today will obviously include genuine conditions, but I bet quite a substantial number will be the unemployable benefits vermin who ‘suffer’ from bad backs or ‘my heads gone’
Also in the news today is that the government are raising the amount of visas to foreign workers because there aren’t any British cunts willing to pick fruit, making our farm produce both unreliable and overpriced.
I wonder how many of the untermenchen voted brexit without thinking they might have to do the work that the folk they wanted kicked out were doing?
Even Farage now accepts that Brexit has been a failure.
If it has ‘failed’ then it’s down to political inaction rather than the concept. If the government wanted to do its job this couldve been done in 6-12 months.
Arse-about-tit planning, same as net zero and our energy policy, as eell as having fuck all PPE in stock for a pandemic.
Same old story with these weak useless cunts.
Still, i didnt vote for them.
Just popped in for a look…
Another great nom from the illustrious Mr. Knee.
But I think the IsaC faithful is being a bit harsh. I would gladly pay more taxes if it enabled all trannies to transition into smoke and ash.
Gotta run.
Quick edit:
As the term “IsaC faithful” is inclusive and therefore, plural, I think it should read “…are being a bit harsh.”
If the indigneous wont pick crops then obviously benefit rates are far too high.
Seems that all this crap began with access to the internet. I recall finding web pages of weird shit in 1998. Could be a coincidence but the growth in all things woke has increased with the growth of social media and the msm infiltration by woke ideas.
I remember long discussions with my colleagues that porn would be a major part of internet traffic, likewise bollocks conspiracy theory’s and gambling. We over looked how social media could be used to generate an alternative narrative. But we did get a few things right can’t win them all
woke ideology is anathema to being human. You have to go to university to be coerced into woke thought processes.
They used to call it ‘ways of seeing’ in college. That was in the late nineties/early noughties. It was much milder then but the mindset of identity and power games was entrenched in the lecturers, many of whom knew very little history. Back then the. ery worst cases were hidden away from society at universities.
In a way i’m glad this cuntitude is out in wider society and being outed for the religious dogma it is. It’s a shame the political-media class are so slow to acknowledge the problem, but then they have been overloaded with this mind virus for nearly their entire adult lives.