This was set up to provide temporary relief for people that had fallen on hard times.
It has now developed into an alternative lifestyle for the lazy and feckless.
There are people that have never done a day’s work in their entire lives but still enjoy a lifestyle on par with their working neighbours.
This has been going on for many years.
There are people approaching retirement age who are just going to swap a lifetime of benefits for a pension.
There is no excuse for an abled bodied person not to work.
There is a reasonable percentage of people who now work from home, so there is no excuse for anyone to stay at home and not work.
It is said that in a civilised county nobody should be living on the streets being hungry, but in my opinion that is precisely what is needed.
Don’t work…. Don’t eat.
Lazy fucking cunts churning out kids who will be even lazier than the parents.
Claiming every benefit available, safe in the knowledge that someone else is picking up their bills.
Council house tenants who have lived in the same houses on hugely subsidised rents for decades.
Fuck off.
Buy or rent on the open market like everyone else has to do.
Your accommodation should have been temporary, not a fucking gift from the tax payers.
Let the lazy, bone idle starve.
Along with any immigrants.
Give them fuck all.
Nominated by The Artful Cunter.
The Daily Mirror can fuck right off for encouraging sloth with this report.
An excellent nomination.
Allowing vigilantism into the Welfare State wouldn’t go amiss.
Fucking hell, for a second I read that as ‘allowing veganism into the welfare state’.
Come to think of it, can that be all that far off? Free veggie and vegan food for ‘the underpriviledged’?
You’ll never get fat fuck idle schemies off their KFC bucket, cola, fag and heroin diet tho, esp in Nick Nic’s socialist utopia in the north.
I agree with this nom but Thatcher really started the dependency culture. So many working class people lost their jobs in the 80s when whole industries were destroyed. The North Sea oil bonanza was used to support the unemployed and life on welfare was passed down through the succeeding generations.
Thus we have lazy, tattooed weed-smoking layabouts who have zero work ethic. They were joined by legions who discovered they were happy not to do their jobs during the pandemic and got government handouts.
Aye, fucking Hunt committed to protecting ‘the most vulnerable in our society’ with a 10.1% benefits increase for TEN MILLION households. It seems half the country is ‘vulnerable’ nowadays.
Presumably, the definition of vulnerable is: bone idle, never-lift-a-finger, plead poverty at every opportunity.
Served in the military, studied, worked hard all my life & turning 60 soon, I’m still grafting hard (like plenty on here, I dare say) & never a penny from the government, just a constant flow of taxes going the other way. And that cunt Hunt wants to support the workshy fuckers.
Utter Cunts the lot of ‘em!
I’d get rid of it (dole).
A small percentage of your salary should be put into a ‘welfare fund’ for you and you only. Say 5% You can volunteer to pay more in if you want.
If you lose your job, you can tide yourself over until you get a new one.
And if you never use it, you can take it all out at any time.
Different rules for the genuinely disabled and mentals though.
Not paid in?
Best hope people take pity then. Try the soup kitchen.
There are people who have never worked, despite being able to. Then they have the cheek to say they ‘retire’. From what? These cheeky fucking cunts should be turfed out of their taxpayer funded rented homes (some of them privately rent in nice areas FFS).
Taxpayer funded housing should be temporary, not permanent.
You’ve had six months Waynetta. Turned down four jobs we offered you or deliberately fucked up interviews.
Well guess what? The bailiffs are kicking you out tomorrow and the soup kitchen is just a four mile walk away.
The country is on its fucking arse and we can’t keep paying for lazy fucking cunts who deliberately have too many kids to stay in big free houses full of free stuff that us mugs pay for.
Kick them all out and let them starve, I say. Kids? Oh, you should’ve thought of that earlier. Soup kitchen then workhouse.
We are fucking skint. Fuck these sponging bastards.
You are the ghost of Heinrich Himmler and I claim my 5 Deutsche Marks.
Morning CB.
Reichsmarks surely?
Any cunts lounging around on the dole should be made to work for their ‘benefits’. Most town centres are shitholes, plenty of rubbish clearing, painting etc that could be done.
I’d make them wear a hi viz that says ‘I’m doing this because I’m a dole scrounger’ a bit like the cunts doing community payback. Don’t turn up, you don’t get no money.
Trouble is most cunts have got a something for nothing attitude to everything these days. I was always taught when growing up you want anything then you work hard, earn it and pay for it yourself.
The Elizabethan Poor Law got it right. There were deserving poor and undeserving poor. The deserving poor- widows,orphans disabled etc were looked after by their parish. The undeserving got sweet fuck all. If you were caught begging your right ear was burnt through with a red hot poker to all ow easy identification I the future. Caught begging twice and you were hanged.
Queen Elizabeth the First – our finest monarch.
I bet there was no quiche on the menu at her coronation.
Loads of wild boars and chickens crackling and turning slowly over a log pit, freshly baked breads, cold roast beef and salmon, mature cheeses, pickles and strong beer. That would’ve been a banquet fit for her coronation.
Immediate beheading for any cunt asking for a meat free option.
Soylent green the idle cunts..
Or some running man type games..
Fat cunts on treadmills trying to earn their McDonald’s meals.
And long narrow corridors with mechanical arms with boxing gloves on.
Punching the baby factories in the stomach.
And televise it for the masses.
With ant and Dec as hosts..
Oh then execute them when the show ends.
Is it the weekend yet?
Sounds like an excellent idea. They could advertise the boxing glove corridor as a phone in competition. 10 winners get the chance to don their own boxing gloves and beat the fuck out of Ant and Dec as they run the gauntlet.
I’d enter for sure
I’d hoped that by “execute them when the show ends”, Barry meant Ant n Dec.
I’d certainly pay to see/participate in that.
The little cunts.
That could be the ‘special bonus prize’ for whoever concusses the pair of them first in the boxing glove corridor. A bit like Bully’s special prize if you will. The chance to execute the pair of them in whichever way you see fit.
From November 2019 to November 2020, the number of UK nationals claiming WA benefits increased by 34% to 8.3 million, while the number of claimants from Non-UK nationalities increased by 61% to 1.6 million.
An increase of double that of twice that in percentage terms of Foreigners claiming benefits over UK nationals.
We are fucked whether UK nationals of foreigners (how the fuck do they qualify) the numbers are outrageous.
I watched a channel 5 documentary a few years back, Slovak gypsies coming to the UK, get a NI number, get a job for a while and then just sit back and watch the money roll in.
They even have people in the community who speak good English and are savvy to make sure all these cunts get everything they are allowed to claim, the cunts have no need to learn English.
Those figures may be skewed by the arrival of Wuhan lung fairies to this country.
That pic is nonsense. It should be one single poor cunt, white taxpayer (maybe an ISaC poster) pulling a dinghy full of dozens of grasping darkıes and fat council house dole-dossing types.
saying ‘ i need to borrow more money to buy my children a mcdonalds. All eight of them (by six dads).
You’ve never had it so good, the benefits bonanza is real, not only do the UC mob get the 10% rise but also cash in the £900 energy support, the first instalment of £300 paid this month. Weekly shop at the Food bank, maybe daily as they don’t need to work.
Not to worry because ‘people want to work’, politicians who come out with this shit are living in cloud cuckoo land. The only ones who want to work are those earning a minimum of £30,000 and even that could be marginal if you are supporting a family.
I watched look north last night, some church (Leeds area I think) has a food bank and keeps getting broken into, the irony is this food bank doesn’t require referrals, you can just rock up and get stuff no questions asked.
Minimum wage gives just under £22,000 for 40 hours, almost £3000 gone in tax and NI, you have to ask yourself ‘is it really worth it’ ?
Off topic for a bit of light relief.
Don’t use the trains this weekend, Chas & Cam will be telling you mind the posh gap ?
Bloke I knew ( now deceased) was on invalidity benefits from about 26 years old ( mental health- to much weed) till he died aged 60.
Never took his shotgun certificate of him in all that time….!!!!!
‘not in our remit’
Seeing as I’ve paid in tens of thousands over the years to keep these grasping parasites in clover, I should be permitted to enter any of these scrounging cunts’ homes and take stuff out any time I want to.
“50 inch smart TV? I’ll take that, thanks. Oh, a two year old Honda Jazz? Not in the best nick, but I’ll take it. Cheers. You’re wife isn’t bad for a doley too. I’ll take her for the weekend. Oh, my kids are into Lego too. I’ll take all those expensive sets you’ve got. Your kids are crying? Well I need a shit and took all your bog roll and tissues, so they can’t even wipe their eyes! One of those days, eh? Merry Christmas!”
Mobility scooter?
The main reason, of course, why the dinghy rats flock here like a moth to a flame. And will keep flocking here until somebody has the balls to shoot them out of the water. Fuck me, these cunts are too scared to even turn them back in case the Frenchies start crying. Where is the Iron Duke when you need him? He would give those Frogs a damn good thrashing.
i know a few people who live on benefits. They’re in their 40s and never had a job for more than a week, and that was years ago. Neither think they should ever have to work, and were always on facebook posting about mental illness being an invisible disease.
it didnt stop them going to Thorpe park and restaurants though.
Every 6 months one bloke would start shitting himself, worried that he’d be found out and have his benefits changed over to JSA and forced to look for work, so he said he acted ‘spazzy’ at work capability assesments.. One day he wasnt spazzy enough and was found fit to work, and he went to pieces. His useless girlfriend wanted me to drive 10 miles after 10 at night to pick him up and drive him to A&E because he was threatening to kil himself. He only lived a 5 .minute walk from the hospital and i told her i couldnt as id had a drink.
He posted his self pity on facebook, wallowing, saying he’d die if he was made to get a job. He begged for cash. Only his dopey lib dem/labourr supporting mates responded with ‘there, there, it’s so infair’. Everyone else just watched the car crash unfold. In the end he appealed and carried on with disability payments (or whatever they’re called).
The cunt once told me he needed to borrow money from me to buy warhammer toys. A 40 year old ‘man’ asking his mate to buy his plastic shit.
That is the level of entitlement living on benefits breeds in peole. I knew another bloke on benefits who lived with his mum. His mum did everything for him, and when his dad died he’d want others to drive him around so he could get pissed. A mutual friend was coming home from a holiday in Cornwall and the bloke phoned him up asking ”where the fuck are you?”
My mate said he was in a car coming home from cornwall. The bloke said ‘tell your mate to step on it or we’ll miss the game!’
This turd thought my mate was going to go to watch Brighton with him after a holiday with his sane friends down in Cornwall!
Again, years of not working and having weak parents created this monster, and the story is repeated across our fucked-up society.
I couldn’t be friends with people like that.
In fact, I’d grass the cunts up to the dole if they were taking the piss pretending to be spazzy. Nobody likes a grass, but in such instances, I’m fine with it.
luckily i saw sense and cut off contact with them several years ago.
Disgusting people.
Good lad, CP.
I’d have got his girlfriend to suck me off for a lift.
Then told her I’d had a drink after she’s had one…….
As former Archbishop of Cantebury Dr Rowan Willians once said,
‘Never stick your dick in a crazy bitch’
If only this lazy lot could do something about the illegals claiming their dole money.
See. They haven’t moved an inch.
It’s dependancy culture and politicians love it.
They must do as expand it at every opportunity.
Means tested benefits will continue to bloat ever outward whilst retirement age is pushed beyond seventy for the poor cunts who’ve worked and hope to see some benefit from it..
Anyhow it’s completely unsustainable financially but government won’t cut dependancy as they are cowards and shit scared of even the smallest outcry..
Add in the foreign rubbish lining up for our money and you have a real storm brewing.
I recommend oven.
Its like covid money, people lied to get it, kept working and kept the loot. I said to my wingman the other day, all this covid cash will have to be paid back, by the taxpayer, she called me a know all cunt. Tooshay.
I couldn’t agree more with this nom. No work, after a short period of grace in which to find work, should mean bare, very bare, subsistence and the withdrawal of the right to breed until you can pay for them yourself. In some cases I’d go even further and let those who clearly can work but won’t starve to fucking death.
While I’m busy getting that through parliament I’d put in place, with immediate effect, a few urgent measures amongst which would be the replacement of ADHD benefits with a damned good hiding and the immediate cancellation of the notability scheme. Those car cadging fuckers really piss me off, endlessly cruising round supermarket car parks until they can find a slot right next to the doors and then walking three quarters of a mile up and down every aisle buying things that I won’t buy with the money they’ve got spare because I’ve paid for their fucking cars. Hard faced, scrounging entitled cunts the lot of ‘em.
Why are the left obsessed with the Coronation and fucking local elections? Get a life, you cunts.
On the subject of the Coronation, I had time for Queen Elizabeth II (RIP), but that jug eared diversity loving twat can do one and his fake Queen. It’d be a laugh ifHarry stands up during the coronation and claims they murdered his mum.
Or better still, Harry stands up and shouts ‘You aren’t my Dad’, that would put a bit of spice in the proceedings ?
And everyone else stands up and shouts back we know you ginger cunt..
I will start moaning about workshy cunts etc when the government cuts back the fucking aid budget, gets rid of all the illegals in a timely six months max not twenty years never. Run a proper immigration service that benefits the indigenous people of this country not the rest of the fucking world, stop ordering weapons systems that never work correctly without more billions being poured in. Stop acting as the Worlds policeman when the Americans, Chinese etc have more manpower in their catering arm than we do if you include TA, Boy Scouts, girl guides, uncle magobe death eater fire watching shamen and combat trannys. What in the name of God do we need aircraft carriers for. Would not better kit, wages etc for the troops be a better idea.
Fuck me the shebang is a self generating goatfuck of universal proportions which will end in tears very soon.
Ships and subs to defend the carriers would be an idea. The Russians and Chinese are ahead of America in hypersonic gliders/cruise missiles and a carrier is just the sort of target they might be used on.
Spot on Mr Biscuit.
We need to stop pretending and bin all this bullshit,United Nations,UNHCR,ECHR..diplomatic windbag rubbish.
Sack it all.
Shes far too good-looking to be one of the underclass.
#Be kind
The well fair state!
Does anyone know if I can claim anything?
I’m self employed, pay the bills and normally don’t take anything from the government,
But I’m not adverse to some free money for scratching my knackers.
I get nowt me.
Don’t think it’s fair that I miss out.
The hashtag of the wrong ‘un..
As soon as an election doesnt go their way, they call for the deaths of tories, Ukippers, old people, white people.
Be wary of the #BeKind mob.
Fucking Labour voters and leftie cunts have been insufferable this election week.
The typical arrogant leftie thinks everyone else is stupid. Yet they love migrants at the risk of them being terrorist or rapist because they know that they will end up being Labour voters and freeloaders like them.ff it was left to socialists, we’d all be living in caves and speaking German. They are cunts.
Country is on its arse with a Tory government, if dame Kweer and his cohorts get in next year I think it could well finish it off.
My local council swung to Lib Dem after being Tory or no overall control since inception. Luckily all they can do is community shite like litter picking rather than organise any important services
While I agree with the sentiment of this cunting I’d rather nuke the daily incoming gimmegrants who are rubbing our noses in it through alien & aggressive contempt rather than inborn laziness / fecklessness. Tho there’s not much in it admittedly
Cant we get rid of both? Both grpups are unwanted cunts.
I’m not sure what the endgame here is. We can’t keep increasing the number of people who depend on the workers.
I’m more convinced that the politicians have a spaceship ready and will be fucking off shortly.
Biggest benefit fraudsters;
House of Lords
House of Commons
House of Windsor.
Introduce community service for claimants, litter picking communal green space maintenance , care home and hospital maintenance. They have plenty of time on their hands. council tax gets some respite and the community improves.
Start with the dinghy vermin.
Eh?! Dont let these thick lazy cunts near care homes and hospitals. The old people in care homes get treated poorly as it is (rarely do they get the value of the extortionate rates care homes charge) and I dont think we need Darren and Kayleigh anywhere near stocks of sedatives , syringes , or any medical equipment of vslue.
No, keep them outside where they can be seen. A quarry, forestry, farming or litter picking around towns. Nothing technical or involving interaction with old people or kids.
The need to eat will make a person apply themselves in ways they never knew possible. Imagination, innovation, creativity, and hard work will result if you just leave people to themselves. People will help people who are in need.
The problem is this system doesn’t buy votes.
Petrol and a match ???