Sue Gray [2]

How the mighty are fallen, is demonstrated in the story of this ugly old hag, the woman considered to be the height of probity, a sort of female Chris Bryant. It seems, in her efforts to join Starmer’s charmers, she failed to cooperate with an official enquiry:

I always feel when people won’t answer questions, they have something to hide. This old bag will be fully qualified to join the old dogs that Kweer surrounds himself with – AnalEase, Nugee, Jess Phillips, but compared to la Gray they are beautiful

Let’s hope if she does get the job, she doesn’t appear on TV to frighten the horses. The old crow has a face made for radio.

Nominated by : W.C. Boggs

44 thoughts on “Sue Gray [2]

  1. The usual hypocritical Whitehall mandarin. “Do as I say – but I’ll do what I want”. That includes persecuting Bunter for the sin of eating cake whilst she was breaching the civil service code and her impartiality by seeking to join Kweer at the same time. Do we need any further evidence that our civil service is politically motivated and a fifth column in the heart of government?

  2. Always fun to see another shabby corner of the rank hypocrisy of Our Betters being exposed.

    Keen to tell us how to behave,what to think but not so keen to do the same..quelle surprise!

    They are a shower of cesspit cunts,hiding behind rules,committees and any other form of cover that stops them having to make decisions that some mental on Twatter might take offence to.

    This old hag is full of shit,so perfect for her former job and perfect to suck Kweers ballbag.

    Fuck Off.

    • Infamy, infamy,
      They’ve all got it in fer me…

      Treacherous little cunt isn’t she?

      I wouldn’t trust her to pack my parachute.

      But suppose, Tory/Labour,
      What’s the difference?
      Just the colour of rosette.

      • Definitely right there lad, time well overdue for a ( none of the above) box on the ballot paper….🔥

    • Let Hansel and Gretel out beforehand but leave Habib and Gamila in to keep her company.

    • Why aren’t there enough houses, there is a reason but we can’t say it because the Islington Twitter mob will cry ‘racist’

      We have to reduce immigration, but we need more workers, don’t mention the 5 million working age cunts doing fuck all just hand our a few hundred thousand visas.

      Just today unemployment figures are out, risen to 3.9%, what happened to the million vacancies, oh yes, immigration. Looks like another few thousand Brits have developed idlitus, funded by the UC pay rise 😂

  3. She’s no Margot Robbie but I can’t agree dhr makes Jess Phillips look beautiful.
    I’ve always thought Phillips had the look of a Thing-copy of a human before its head tore itself off at the neck and it started flailing tendrils about. There’s a queasiness about her

    • I might have exaggerated a bit there CP. Let’s put it this way – if Boggs Pornographic Films (Taiwan) Ltd ever get into the porno/horror genre (we have an option on Eddie Izzard’s “The Thing Without A Thing”), Ms Phillips would fewer tons of Polyfilla from the makeup department than this two faced old tart.

      I can’t believe Kweer has actually taken my tongue-in-cheek suggestion. As he loves using other peoples worn-out old ideas, I suggested he and Ms Gray ought to replicate the John & Yoko “Two Virgins” LP cover – just imagine that pair, stark bollock naked with their arses hanging down in pleats!. He really would need Ed Davey’s support then – provided he wasn’t wearing it himself.

  4. One of the great exposes of Covid had nothing to do with the actual virus but how corrupt politicians and civil servants really are, from top to bottom.

    Sue Gray was somehow portrayed has a person with integrity and thoroughness so it begs the question ‘how the fuck is she so fucking thick’, if she is top drawer then the cunts in the bottom must be TRUELY abysmal.

    Not to worry when Starmer gets in with Sue Gray as his chief of staff there will be no way back, yesterday the cunt was rambling on about giving foreigners the vote!

  5. If Starmer ever legalizes brothels (he will!) Ms Gray will be the ideal madame of the whorehouse. An ugly rancid old ex-hooker. Imagine her days as a pub landlady – all bosoms and brass earrings.

    That’s a lovely image – NA.

  6. So labour are that desperate they are hiring old bag ladies.

    She will be in parliament square feeding the pigeons, the sparrows too.


  7. One thing my socialist friends come up with after a few drinks is “BorisJohnson is a liar” My response to that is now “according to Sue Gray” who has proven herself to be a two faced, duplicitous, cunt.
    How the hell did no-one in government realise she had connections with the Labour Party? It was there on Wikipedia for all to see.

    • You don’t need to be a socialist to know that Boris Johnson is a mega-liar and a total degenerate. It’s not fucking rocket science.

      • Fuckin ell.
        Boris a liar?

        Surely not?

        The cunt does nothing but lie.

      • Good Afternoon RTC

        The people who made it acceptable to lie to Parliament were Blair and Alistair Campbell. The consequences of their lying was to take this country to war resulting in the deaths of nearly 400 British service men and about 100,000 Iraqis. Somewhat more serious, I would suggest, than a piece of birthday cake.

      • Not to the same extent that Boris is. He lies about anything and everything by default. Blair was a mere novice by comparison.

      • Afternoon Wanksock.

        Partygate had fuck all to do with birthday cake.

      • Johnson lies so much that he forgets the lies he’s already made and contradicts them with new lies. Typical of politicians. But Partygate was just stupidity. Instead of forgetting his lies he forgot his own lockdown rules and then breached them. Which just goes to show the stupidity of the rules in the first place – it seems reasonable that a group of people who worked together in close contact in the same building on a daily basis should be able to come together as a social group in the evening. But his own stupid rules said no.

  8. Servile serpents and councillors are all cunt. Need to shop them to China, they have a wall long enough to line them up.

  9. I bet Kweer has pounded her pussy flaps on quiet a few occasions and made meaty flaps flabbott watch with envy and she fondled herself with her black mamber, made of 100% Brazilian rubber.

    Unfortunately Jess P and Lisa N where too busy pleasing each other to get caught up in the action and Analease was making tea and cucumber sandwiches for half time.

  10. Probity in politics is as rare as water on the moon.

    This woman is dodgy.

    Afternoon all.

  11. Sue has fair weather political beliefs.

    She could represent the green party, lib Dems,

    She’s not bogged down by commitment, loyalty,
    Or any of that shite.

    Nope, she likes a cushy job indoors, a fat salary for sat on her arse,
    And a expenses account for shopping.

    Politics doesn’t figure.
    It was either that or the church.

  12. This country is doomed.
    Doomed under the Tories.
    Doomed under Labour.

    It’s too far gone.

    Take a miracle to get back on track now.

    Those globalists?
    They’ve won.

    • Certainly looks that way. We can only wait for the Xi Jinping Coca Cola Blackrock Pfizer EU alliance one world government. No doubt Starmer will accelerate us down this path faster than the Tories, just about.

      On a serious note, I think I heard that Justin Trudeau is touted to take over from Klaus eat the bugs Schwab.

      • Only in appearance. Trudeau is just Schwab’s next skin/face donor.

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