Not sure how to make this nom any longer than “Holy SHIT!!! Those bastard golliwogs again?”
But I guess we need to get used to the routine suppression of anything that looks like an independent mind. Or any public space not pandering to a minority to the exclusion of the majority.
I simply hope cunters will now join me in a total boycott of Heineken, and any beer and anywhere recommended by CAMRA (Unbalanced and hard to swallow, pintsized cunts – ABV 0.001)
(A too short nom and not really explained, but allowed on this occasion simply because this is such an egregious over-reach of authority and pandering to one of the new protected classes – NA)
Nominated by : Komodo
Should I be offended by an Action Man collection?
Boycott Heineken? Not difficult as it’s shite.
I’d drink Fosters before I’d even look at Heineken.
Were they also band from serving pints of Black and Tan ?
That would offend the left footers in northern Ireland….???????
Heineken gives you a horrendous hangover and the shits.
And your farts smell like a mix chemical waste and shite for days afterwards.
Put that on your adverts, you cunts.
‘Galahad’ from Aldi ?
Taste’s same as the amber necta, innebreates effectively and a steal at £2.50 for 4 cans ?
They even make a decent effort at ‘mimiking’ the look of the original.
I tried out of curiosity and haven’t looked back 🙂
link :
Enough already of this pansy lefties.
The ‘hurt feelings’ and trigerred brigade need a long walk off a short pier – the cunts
Far be it from me to make any comment on this one.
I’d like to know why the nom is accompanied by a photograph of Michael and Jermaine Jackson in their 70’s heyday. What’s that got to do with it?
I’ll get my coat before the police arrive.
I thought it was the Linekers?
Can’t even mention that I’d got one of those black minstrel dolls for my birthday, even though its mentioned in the headlines.
Besides not being able to mention it doing the Cakewalk for the great Claude Debussy in his Children’s Corners piano suite,
? ‘Mammy’ ?
I’d walk a million miles……to get away from you snowflakes
What started this, just one complaint followed by the perpetually offended desperate for another cause to latch onto, makes you proud to be British.
How the fuck can displaying dolls be a hate crime, there may a case if the landlord dressed in white robes and a hood.
The corporates are cunts, there must be a case for discrimination because as far as I am aware the dolls aren’t illegal and in the context of the display not racist (I don’t think any had a noose are the neck).
They have been there for 10 years, maybe no one noticed or gave a fuck for 9 years 364 days.
Attempts were made on leap years that went too far and missed.
Bit odd to decorate a pub with go11ywo9s,
But if someone didn’t like it?
Drink elsewhere.
It’s more the brewery shitting it’s pants and capitulating that irks.
She should of contacted the media and performed a televised beheading and hanging of the January fuckers.
Set the tears rolling from the perpetually offended.
If your offended by dolls your one bonefide mardarse.
January? Jam jar.
Motherfucking phone thinks it’s clever.
Exactly. They are a nostalgia item. Not meant to be racist or offensive to black people. I think the majority of sensible black people are not offended by them. It’s certain types of whiteys that are offended.
They’ve even got the dolls sitting on the fence.
Imagine there reaction if you put a burning cross in their fron garden ….. their heads would explode.
I suppose they want all copies of ‘The Dambusters’ destroyed because Guy Gibson called his Labrador ‘N*g**r’
Did the police also remove the spittoon full of gollies ?
The offending woligogs were taken into custody by the police. Surely that’s raaaayycisst? The police are meant to give woligogs a free pass, not take them into custody. It was that type of thing that caused the Brixton riots in the early 80’s.
They took them down the cells and gave them a good kicking, racist cunts ?
It was unfair when Robinsons Jam were band. The black community were using their labels for Bus Passes.
And passport photographs.
Passports are non returnable, thank goodness.
I am deeply offended by all the fucking offended cunts in this world.
Please fuck off to another planet and offend me no more.
What’s admin doing with Gary Linekers photo album.
A young gary meeting his partenal father for the first time.
Don’t these companies just boil your piss with their antics.
Which is very apt as I’d prefer to drink boiled piss than Heineken, Carlsberg or Bud fucking Shite.
These companies are so fucking nefarious.
Heineken are particularly bad. It’s only recently (circa 2015 and the start of the migrant crisis agenda) that their bottles had a load of woke crap written on the neck spouting shite about open borders etc.
Then a couple of years back I remember Heineken running an advert shamelessly promoting the Covid fucking injection.
What the fuck does a pharmaceutical procedure and illegal immigration have to do with beer?
No me neither.
I’ve never touched the stuff since 2015 and never will again. Fuck them and fuck any other company that behaves like them.
Heineken own the Newcastle Brown Ale brand.
Aye they soon turned that,like all their other “brands”,into dishwater.
Tastes fuck all like Federation brewed stuff. Utter shite you Dutch cunts.
Didn’t you mean to say Newcastle ‘ethnic’ Ale ?
I haven’t drank Heineken since I was 4.
Heineken tastes ok at Schippol after a 12 hour flight.
CAMRA are wading in too. Amazing. I thought those corpulent, bearded, baldy, paunchy, flatulent, pissed, open sandal wearing wankers had all died of cirrhosis. And that description fits the blokes in CAMRA as well.
CAMRA are shithouses too.
Bottled it straight away.
How many black members of CAMRA are there?
Not fuckin one.
Black people prefer crack and weed.
CAMRA is populated by whiteys, real ale bores,
Pot bellied pub quiz types.
Get excited by Old peculiar newt porter and Riddles sheepfondler.
Smell of sweat, and don’t have a girlfriend.
People like me!?
I’m a member and was disappointed to see they’re going a bit woke
I’ll bet they have names like Malcolm, Geoff and Nigel.
Has the pub been raised to the ground yet and a statue of Sasha “crater head” Johnson erected in its place?
Jolly,casual yet entirely natural “racism” has been a backbone of every country since time began..and anyone pretending otherwise is a deluded cunt..and it’s much more fun than religiosity hatred anyway.
Next news they’ll be locking up coppers for arresting ethnic career criminals.
I’ve always liked €olly ₩ogs myself and it’s a shame they are now a persecuted minority,much like that African monkey in a baseball cap that used to sell Coco Pops but is now a people smuggler.
For Shame.
I also do enjoy being lectured by international conglomerates ad nauseum.
Having a bunch of piss drinking pub quiz twats join in was doubly delightful.
I’m off now to establish which brands these Dutch cunts own so I can be sure never to buy any of them ever again.
You’d think they would have learned after the Bud Light/ Dylan Mulvaney debacle.
The fucking moron police were called to remove some knitted “GOLLIWOGS”
You could not make this shit up….!
I sold on eBay a collection of enamel golly badges from Robertson’s jam, the footballer golly fetched £28.00.
So back in the sixties a jam manufacturers knew that Golliwog footballer’s would be paid a lot.
Black people don’t drink real ale anyway.
Neither do Chinamen.
Pissed and passed out on half pint of Black sheep.
None of the lesser races do.(?)
Can’t handle it .
Specifically red Indians!
Known for being light weights.
Bud Lite was made for red skins.
So they don’t need a stomach pump every weekend.
Check out this cunt.
Us an the Germans but mainly us ,
Known for our beer and fabled drinking abilities.
Yanks do decent whisky but beer? Naw.
Same with the Aussies.
Sheep piss.
I can out drink any foreigner.
I’m a true Englishman.??
Maybe some of those fat faced Jerry’s would give me a run?
But those squareheads drink lager.
If it was bitter I’d win.
And the fight in the carpark over WW2.
The Ivans can supp MNC.
The put methylated spirits in the baby bottles in Ivanland.
Fucking nutters. Seen them downing pint glasses of vodka. Mental fuckers.
93% of Ivans have had a liver transplant by the time they start secondary school.
I was going to say the Poles make us look like lightweights. They drink spirits like real men, especially if its used to cool aircraft and tank components.
Ha ha!
Although I can’t point any fingers on this score. ? Can’t do that sort of thing now, can’t do hangovers. ?
He’s culturally appropiated the Lederhosen!
I remember having one of these when I was a lad..
A lennie Henry souvenir?
But funnier….?
You had money?
I had one of these..
“One penny 1967 [solved] – Numista”
You could get four fruit salads for one of these in the sixties..
Or four blackjack’s…
Looks like BLammy…
Landlord tries to stand their ground over displaying a few dolls and what happens.
Police involved
Pub vandalised
Brewery companies refuse to have any further dealings with them until they learn the error of their ways.
Is it just me or is this a slight over reaction?
I’d love to hear from the soppy twat who was so offended that they ran to the police and wherever else.
1984 on steroids.
Whoever it was needs a kicking and no mistake. What else are these cunts going to get shut down in this country? I bet they won’t try it with a mosque when they start losing their heads.
If I had a pub that showefd football, i’d build a scale MOTD studio under the TV set and sit the golliwogs around the desk. One would have a goatee made of cotton and steel wool and wear some glasses.
What a fucking hill to die on. Lost their business over a couple racist dolls.
Instead of putting in the back room they doubled down and Lost.
Independent mind? A fucking empty one more like.
Not as empty headed as the cunts involved in the most grotesque of over reactions to a fucking doll.
I’d call it a complete waste of police time for a start.
When is vandalism deemed acceptable? When there’s a golly doll behind a bar where some delicate wall flower may see it and have there feelings hurt by such a terrible sight.
Pathetic. Absolutely beyond pathetic.
You’d have to have been living on another planet to not know that these dolls are divisive at best, and to have them on public display is asking for trouble.
The name is used as an offensive slur. It’s used here often, and never as a term of endearment.
Everyone is offended by something (my views here for starters), sometimes you have to pick your battles.
This definitely wouldn’t have been one.
Agree GJ.
This is 2023,
Not 1953.
Simpler times MJB, when you could call a spade a spade and beat up a gay, throw a lippy wife down the stairs and drink drive with no seat belt on.
Evening fellas.
Yes of course we need to remember that it is indeed 2023 and not 1953.
2023 where incidents such as the removal of a few small toys from a shelf requires 5 police officers and where a bloke can shower in a female changing room with his beard cock n bollocks on full display because he’s decided he’s a woman.
I think I prefer 1953.
Evening HJ.
I prefer 1968
Or 1972.
From what my parents told me,
1953 was a real drag.
What with real austerity and
Sexual repression an all that.
But each to their own.
Yep, fuck the 50s. I’d rather not have silly fucking dollies and have food in my belly.
Incidentally, there was, nd still is fuck all against having the dumb things in your own home, it’s only iffy if you want to make it public.
My comment was meant to be tongue in cheek by the way.
1953, 1968 and 1972 were before my time unfortunately although I imagine 1968 and 1972 were great years to be a young man.
My mother knits for a hobby and she knocked up a couple of wollygogs a couple of years back and sold them to the neighbours who seemed to appreciate them.
I will be however, informing the Police service of this.
I know blood is meant to be thicker than water and all that but you can’t mess about when it comes to racism and dolls.
That said, if you were lucky enough to be a man living in the Southern State of Mississippi in the 1950s,
It was perfectly legal to marry and fuck your 13 year old cousin.
So not such a bad time after all.
True enough Gutstick. But why should the police and the breweries and even CAMRA become involved? If people are offended by this display of nostalgia they could vote with their feet.
The involvement of the police in our increasingly authoritarian state is deeply sinister. I’m amazed how quickly the police swung into action over this, in a way they would not do so had the pub been broken into or vandalised by yobbos. Thought crime.
In short, freedom of expression is not a police matter. And people should have the right too offend and, if they do offend, to suffer the proportional consequences of offending, such as loss of custom or disapproval. This should not be a matter for the police. That’s where I draw the line.
Exactly that MMCM
My previous reply was placed in moderation Because I described the dolls by their name.
Beyond pathetic this.
I’d call it a complete waste of police time for a start.
Judging by that BBC report as well – When is vandalism acceptable? Yes that’s right – when some delicate wall flower’s feelings were hurt over a toy.
The police love wasting their own time.
Saves them having to tackle real crime.
Quite right Helman. After all, it’s only a few years ago that this symbol was one a beloved brand of marmalade. One with the queen’s royal warrant, and which must have graced her own breakfast table.
Five fucking officers where it should only have taken one, maximum.
Agreed the police shouldn’t have been involved, but the brewery can and did withdraw their custom because of the adverse publicity.
Nostalgia? bollocks, they fucked around and found out.
Of course its nostalgia. They collect woligogs. I’m sure they don’t collect them to offend black people – most of whom don’t give two hoots about it. If the brewery want to withdraw their commercial services then that’s up to them. But many people like these dolls because they remind them of their childhood, not because they want to dress up in white hoods and lynch black people. Nevertheless, in todays climate it was stupid to put them on display.
One small step for wokeman one giant leap on the road to thought control.
The dolls aren’t racist, they were hijacked into the racist cause.
If they were displayed in a museum no one would have any issue but because they are in a pub suddenly it’s the end of the world, like the pub that had to be renamed (against the wishes of local residents) or the street in London (opposed by residents).
How can a doll be racist?
Tiny tears with a Swastika on her Red armband.
Barbie in a white hood and holding a burning cross.
They’d be racist dolls. Gollywogs merely existing doesn’t make them racist.
Well done for not thinking it through, as usual.
Why do you have to make it personal all the time?
Can’t you just disagree?
I didn’t classify them as racist, however they are widely considered to be.
Shoot the messenger, again.
Don’t like my views? Scroll on by, I do to most comments I disagree with.
If you can look at those g*llyw*gs in the header pic
And say they are not an expression of racism,
Then there’s something seriously awry with you.
If it was Alan The Albino dolls not a fucking word would have been said. Does the average black person in this country actually give a fuck about Gollywogs? No they don’t. They’re probably as pissed off and fucking fed up of woke white twats and corporations making an issue where there isn’t one.
You can still buy Go11ys easy enough.
Including on fleabay.
Or if you want handmade?
Treat the grandkids.
And remember
For every one bought
David Lammy sheds a tear….
The link admin?
I put where you can still buy them.
Including handmade bespoke artisan ones.
Serous question: if the complaint had been made direct to the landlord and he immediately put the dolls in bleach to whiten them up would that have been OK? After all, it’s not possible to be racist against white people (as proven by the Labour Party hating Jews – if Jews were black Starmer & co would be in trouble!)
Had to digress after finding out the beeb have used the term “infamous” for the Dambuster raids on the Nazis 80 years ago. Good job I’ve used the anagram giNger for the famous dog.
PC Plod.
Politically Correct Plod.
They ought to have brought the Laughing Policeman.
Laughing away hysterically as GWs taken away.
It could have been done playfully, poetically with a Lady GW tearfully waving.
All that fuss over a toy.
Here’s one of my old toys.
Dead cute!!
More jam jars getting into bother.
No smoke without fire in my opinion…..
You can buy goll i w o g s online I think.
I’m going to order one. Not because I’m a racist (well, not really) but because of the following, very possible, scenario.
Me: Hello. Is that the police? I’d like to report a burglary. Someone broke in while I was out and has stolen lots of stuff.
Police: I’m sorry. This is a non emergency. We don’t investigate burglaries anymore.
Me: Whoever it was has left a g Olli w o g on my sofa for some reason.
Police: A team of 50 officers, a SWAT team, a team of counsellors and a helicopter will be with you in two minutes, Sir.
PC Plod.
Politically Correct Plod.
They ought to have brought the Laughing Policeman.
Laughing away hysterically as GWs taken away.
It could have been done playfully, poetically with a Lady GW tearfully waving.
Or one giving a Black Power salute as he is led away in cuffs.
“No justice, no peace!”
Heineken is piss anyway. It’s actually worse than piss.
If a pub displayed a collection of Cabbage Patch Dolls – that caricature white people – no cunt would bat an eyelid. Because no fucker gives a shit if white people are offended. But we mustn’t upset our treeswinging pals, must we?
These Mills and Boons never cease to amaze me though. They think it’s acceptable to say ‘N!ggur’ every other minute and rap about violence, misogyny and gun’knife crime. Then they get all upset about a toy doll? Just get to fuck, will yer?
My comment got removed for some reason!?
All I said was my Nan used to collect the stamps off of the Robertsons marmalade jars. Had loads of these ‘characters’. When she died I had to clear her house out, they now line my staircase. I don’t care if it offends anybody. They can fuck off
I think the word “g0llivv0g” may be the problem, LG. Never mind, they can’t stop you thinking it!
How about this for a business model.
But two properties out in the sticks. Make one into a cheap bar with a suitably non woke decor.
Make the second into a fast food shack catering for vegans and chicken lovers.
The fast food shack will make a fortune from rent-a-mob who visit to express their democratic right of protest.
What about a British pub with pictures of Vera, Winnie and Gracie on the walls and a Union Jack. Some “Please Help Spastics” collection boxes on the bar. Show The Black and White Minstrels or The Wheeltapper and Shunters Club from DVD on the telly (PRS License Required). Serve proper Steak and Kidney pie on the British Menu with Rhubarb Crumble and custard to follow. And a barmaid with big tits.
The Vegan shop would sell insipid vegan food. Probably better just to eat the vitamin supplements because you don’t get enough nutrition from the vegan food.
I went to Africa fairly recently for a holiday and guess what I brought back. Gollyw*gs! I handed them out as heirlooms because I got fuck all else to give.
The short nom was a conscious effort not to ramble on as I sometimes do, surfing on a wave of outrage. I should probably have emphasised the vandalism of the pub, described in the link, by some wonderful people who feel that violence, or the threat of it, against whites, is perfectly acceptable.
Oh, and there was this:
The BBC now refers to golliwogs as “golly dolls”,…although it has no issues with the term “pollywog” (vernacular for mosquito larva) as far as I know.