There is no doubt about it, come the next election, whoever wins, Westminster will become a dirtier place.
Just yesterday the horse faced Jess Phillips was in trouble again for not declaring all of her outside earnings, but, even wore, after the mention of Nick Clegg a few days ago, yet another here today, gone tomorrow LibDem whore (“I can be whoever you want me to be”), it seems that Mark Oaten, involved in a squalid Mark and 2 rent boys in the same bed malarkey a decade ago, is itching to get his well used arse on the benches again
Have these idiots no sense of decency or shame?. Total lack of self-awareness and a desire to meddle in things they know nothing about (and all the lovely money and “expenses” to accompany it) makes them want to make complete arseholes of themselves.
Nominated by W C Boggs.
Coprophiliac. Allegedly.
So pretty mainstream by Limp Dump standards.
Truly, this man is the unflushable turd.
Dont, you’ll get Mr Oaten excited.
Interesting. I imagine this cunt and his cunt party think enough time has passed and the world has changed. After all you’re a fucking hero now if you fuck men’s arses ……..somehow you have become “brave” or “courageous” and a shining example to us all. Ok, so he was fucking rent boys but hey!…..we all make little mistakes now and again.
Yeah, I can see how these wankers are thinking. Whether the electorate are thinking the same way is another question.
Fuck arses?
Who fucks arses?
Maybe he fucks arses…
He’s a perfumed p*nce.
If Jess Phillip’s non-declaration of outside earnings included bouncing her juggs of chinky tourists in SoHo while they furiously take selfies with their little Nikon cameras then I think that’s fair game, anything else, nah!
So, Mark ‘Sow my’ Oaten in boys bottoms is back on the scene is he. As we have a GE coming up next year we will see a lot more rug munchers bending over to take pleasure, sure in the hope of some position of power at some point.
I see helmet head the Archbishop of Cunterbury has been poking his wand around the Lords today:
I want to fact check part of the headline as cited:
“It is morally unacceptable and politically impractical to let the poorest countries deal with the crisis alone and cut our international aid,” says the archbishop.
A/. It is not. It is simple economics, if we let all of you cunts over here we will be poorer and have no cash to give you. They all mainly come from poor countries so fucking stay there.
B/. We already do more than our fair share in international aid, only for a lot of it to end up as AK-47’s or Grenade launchers in some tin pot African despot hands.
No, let’s keep it saved here and spent it on better things… like Eurovision…
Good afternoon CM, everyone.
Following Termujin’s nomination of Welby the other day I felt compelled to go and find out a bit more about him. His Wikipedia entry is worth a few minutes of your time. He seems to be related to half the prats to whom the UK government has ever given a gong, but the best part is his parentage. He was born nine months after his parents married but it turned out that the man his mother married was not our Justin’s father. Sounds like she had a hen-night to remember! Or maybe to forget depending from which side you’re looking.
Good afternoon AB, I do not believe our paths have crossed but pleased they have.
I will check out Wikicunt but sounds like Welby’s mum was a right old tart.
as we used to say as kids, bet she’s like an Italian Piaggio, gets around town easily.
If the Archduckie of Canterbury feels so strongly, considering he is the chief estate agent for the C of E, why doesn’t he put all those massive underused palaces and abbeys under the stewardship of the Peabody Estate, and move all his bishops into small flats over the kebab shops, Indian takeaways and Paki corner shops – we have hundreds of them in the less expensive parts of London. I suppose Archbishop of Aldgate East wouldn’t be good enough for him. The last thing we need is lectures from thatold twat.
The Gulf states are rich, and there’s plenty of room.
He’s an interfering old dame isn’t he?Butt out of politics Justine.We DON’T want the dirty water rats here to start.Send him to the gas chamber.
An exemplary politician.
A perfect example of those who seek high office…
I can smell the rot,corruption and utter depravity from five hundred miles away.
Another shining hexarmple to us all.
Afternoon all.
As RTC says
All Cunts
650 – some are bigger cunts than others, if this Oaty wants to bang rent boys, good on him, but ffs don’t declare it on expenses ?
Knew his sister in law a beautiful lady ,if his wife looked like her sister he must be without a brain and his judgment isn’t worth a carrot., and proves how debilitating the disease of gayness is to the male brain.
The Palace of Westminster…….the stench of hypocrisy, corruption and degeneracy hangs above it like a dense, evil, choking fog. If ever a building needed a deep cleansing it’s that one.
In fact it’s too far gone, just lock the doors and burn it to the ground.
Westminster could learn a lot from the shining example of governance displayed to it by the guardians of democracy and prudence at Holyrood.
This is the world we have created. It’s not woke to hold politicians to the highest standards anymore, the majority of them have been corrupt deviants behind the scenes but the new breed is out and proud.
I understand certain of our contributors are unhappy that many of the noms touch on the same subjects again and again but moral decline is at the centre of most of todays issues.
If you can get enough people elected or hired into positions of influence and power you can change the cultural and political landscape until your personal deviance or corruption is lauded as a positive.
I wonder if Oaten and Mandy have ever bumped into each other on Hampstead Heath?. Probably at the time they were collaborating on their books “Teach Yourself Cottaging” and “Dogging For Beginners” – they found two heads were better than one.
In case you were wondering the swarthy looking cunt in the photo is his “husband “, twenty years younger than him, who he met on “Tinder.”
Fucking disgusting. ?
Looks like Neil from the inbetweeners, though I imagine that deviant like’s them that young.
All politicians love a rentboy.
It’s the reason they go into politics in the first place.
Probably claim it on expenses?
Oaten is just unlucky enough to be caught at it.
He’s like all the others.
His only motivation is dirty money and a 14yr olds arse.
If only he had eaten birthday cake instead of some Euro pikeys cock and he would have been pesona non grata.
Boris was eating birthday cake,
But thinking of a rentboys arse while he ate it?
Politicians these days are too fucking daft to laugh at. Never ever vote is my moto mantra and intentions for the rest of my natural.
Its the only way to let them know what I and we, if I may think ? of them which is :- fuck all corrupt and lacking in morality
I never vote.All a nest of vipers.
“What did Oaten do that was “too revolting to describe” ? – The Student Room”
We need Guy Fawkes back to clear the rot