Lewis Hamilton [19]

It’s the Miami GP and Lewis Hamilton is a cunt, he must have become bored with moaning that his car isn’t fast enough (not really, it’s his go to excuse for getting his arse kicked) he is now expressing his opinion about Florida.

He isn’t happy about the common sense, well common sense to every normal thinking people, that Florida are not going to confuse school children with all the drivel about LGBTQ.

Lewis has spoken, it’s not on he has said, and just to show his support for LG…. whatever he is going to race in a Rainbow helmet (well that’ll show em).

Perhaps he should concentrate on driving or if not support Florida in refusing to brainwash kids.


Nominated by : Sick of it

53 thoughts on “Lewis Hamilton [19]

  1. About time this bandit came out of the closet innit? Fucking whining little poof.

  2. The posturing n*gnog is probably a closet arse bandit and he’s actually promoting the fact that he’s available for some botty sex!

    • Now get into your souped-up juggernaut and fly off out of everyone’s sight, you ungrateful cunt.

  3. Yeah, the LGBTQ groomers would normally have loved to see your helmet Lewis, but unfortunately you are about thirty years too old.

    • I imagine it’s the size of a pre pubescent boys though LL.

      Probably why he is always throwing the toys out of the pram

  4. It’s a well worn track.

    Some cunt gets a bit of fame for doing something, then thinks that entitles them to inform and educate the rest of us about their views.

    The funniest part is that their ego is such as to lead them to thinking that we might actually give a fuck for their opinion on anything.

    Rainbow helmet indeed.

    Morning all.

    • I thought he came from the deprived hood on de wrong side of de tracks. As he likes to tell us. Rather than a nice middle-class hertfordshire background.

  5. I’d like to see Lewis racing in a blindfold.

    That would make the Miami GP all the more interesting.

    • I would like to see Hamilton throw a seven in a fireball crash of such severity that the term ‘Only identifiable by dental records’ has to be employed.

      The whiney little cunt.

    • something needs to make it more interesting. Watched about 5 minutes of the last one (wherever it was). Luckily, Lady C came into the room just as I was making a noose for myself. Oh the boredom.

  6. Funny bloke, he let nicole scherzinger get away from him.
    I would have locked her in the basement, Fritzl style!
    Daft twat.

  7. He temporarily goes to the top of the Virtue Signalling leaderboard.

  8. Thanks Lewis, but I’m perfectly capable of forming my own opinions about Florida, Saudi Arabia or anywhere else. I don’t need the advice of someone who drives a go-cart for a living.

  9. Lewis Hamilton is a tosser for many reasons, but mostly for trying to feed his lovely English Bulldog fucking vegan food.

    Stop malnourishing your pooch, you thick bastard.

      • That’s a new one on me…I was unaware the word ‘flıd’ (I know it’s thalıd really) was moderated!

      • Forgot about the brother. Is he like the old fashioned lego men with just a head and torso and you sit it squarely in a cockpit?

  10. Probably fishing for free vip tickets to Disney land.
    He dresses like a princess.

  11. Another turd who has benefited enormously from living in a ( once ) Whiteman’s Land. A good flush down the shitter is required.

    • and using white man’s technology. Don’t think there are many black F1 engineers and, if there are, they are diversity hires (as our yank cousins like to call them).

  12. He didn’t do too well in the race, managed to beat one Ferrari but his team mate seems to get more out the car than he does, perhaps he just gets on with it instead of fucking moaning.

    Alonso is flying in the Aston, fuck knows what they have done to improve the car but he has already scored more points this season than the team did in 2022, maybe they will get Hamilton to be his team mate 😂

  13. His brother Nicholas is fucking annoying too.
    A supposed touring car driver, he’s a spacco (not that there’s anything wrong with that of course, but it must surely hamper his driving) who’s always at the back of the grid.
    He’s kept on the grid purely because of 💰nepotism💰 and it taking a drive away from a more talented chap.

  14. I will give Mr Hamilton £10,000,000 if he can show me,where,in the don’t say gay bill the word gay is used.

    Actually, I don’t have £10,000,000 . However, it matters not as the bill doesn’t mention the word: once.

  15. Florida is where yanks go to retire in the sun.
    It’s like the film Coco*n.
    Full of old cunts and fat cunts.

    Lewis should concentrate on passing his driving test rather than lecturing foreigners.

    Besides, he bullied his nephew for wearing a Disney Princess dress.
    So hardly Peter Tatchell himself.

  16. Homosexuals on game shows……

    “I’ll start with my worst subject Ben. Sport for one counter. I don’t know anything about sport”.

    “I hope that there are no questions about sport Bradley. That’s my worst subject”.

    Lewis Hamilton is a cunt.
    There is nothing to gain by trying to appeal to shirt lifters.

  17. I caught a few minutes of that Formula E shite. I presume the ‘E’ stands for electric, but I can’t be arsed looking it up.

    Sounded like a load of milk floats driving around the track. Fucking dreadful spectacle. I almost cried.

    The whole point and attraction to motor racing is the deafening roar of the ridiculously powerful engines and then scraping the burning bodies of the partying, supermodel shagging drivers off the track every few weeks.

    Formula E is probably the gayest thing I’ve ever seen. If this is the alleged price of saving the planet, I say let it fucking burn.

    Puffs. Should be right up Hamilton’s ringpiece though, if there’s any room left up there, of course.

  18. I love how this cunt rebranded himself as an LGBT champion.

    I remember when he tweeted that ‘boys don’t wear princess dresses’ and then quickly deleted it before he was cancelled

    Not just a cunt but a hypocrite who is starting to get shown up by Russell, never mind the utter dry fucking that Verstappen is giving him

    • Without a doubt Edward.
      File Lewis alongside Harry Styles for that type of thing….

  19. On the subject of celebrity cunts, I see Phillip Schofield has ‘left’ This Morning.
    It appears that ITV have had enough of this perverted train wreck of a cunt as much as the rest of us.

  20. F1 is a fake sport, much like wrestling.
    Entertainment yes but real competition no.
    I’d love to see poor Lewis trapped in a burning car or suffer a dreadful crash.
    Let’s be honest that’s what Motor racing fans really want. Too long they have waited for a mega pile up. Come on Lewis give your so called fans what they want…

  21. Again, this is another person, who used to enjoy some celebrity, who is fast approaching his ” sell by” date.

    Instead of retiring gracefully, and relaxing back on his cushions stuffed with millions, he has to open his beak and caw.

    Shut it, Wankstain.

  22. Awful person, fucks of to Monaco or wherever to avoid UK tax…

    That said all the cunts who have money do the same

    Leaving us “little” people to prop up UK benefits to the world country..

    I hate these twats with a passion, only a bloody revolution to reset the whole shitshow is required.


    • I wouldnt give this shitshow government any money either. I can’t blame him for that. In fact, i have more respect for him already.
      No taxation without representation.

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