Eurovision Puffery Contest (6)

Way back when I was young, we as a family all sat down to watch the Eurovision song contest……back when it was a ‘proper’ contest and you had to admit at the end, the winning song was probably one of the best on merit.

I loved the running ‘tongue in cheek’ ridicule of other songs, singers and countries by the fantastic Wogan commentary. To be fair, for me it wasn’t about the songs, but simply put- Wogan. He made it watchable and entertaining…even with the inevitable (and amusing) tactical voting between countries….Wogan always predicted correctly what would happen.

However….over the last 20 odd years it has been hijacked by the gay community…not as a song contest, but as a showpiece for puffy weirdos. The ‘community’ see it as a vehicle to promote licking and arseing….and is a propaganda tool to be used on the young and innocent who tune in to see what it’s all about.

I gave up watching after the demise of Wogan…..I watched the first two years of Norton and to be fair he didn’t do a bad job of piss taking, but now he has realised taking the piss means he is actually taking the piss out of his own kind, then he has pretty much stopped.

Don’t get me wrong, I was never an avid fan, but it used to be good with Wogan and a few beers and tune in and out of during the evening….not it’s just a big advert to try and ‘normalise’ puffery.


Nominated by Chuff Chugger.

88 thoughts on “Eurovision Puffery Contest (6)

  1. You have to see to believe how seriously this wankfest is taken in Europe.

    I am not sure about this year as it has been spread over a week or two, but in previous years when it was on for just one night you would find it televised in every bar.

    Hoards of foreigners would turn up and cheer wildly when their country came on.

    They are really into it for some reason.

    Don’t make the mistake of asking for the TV to be turned over for the football.
    You will be told to fuck off.

  2. As Sargent Major Williams once said.
    Never before have I seen such a blatant display of poofery.

  3. Nah.

    It’s always been 100% shite.

    Still, as with the coronation, it’ll keep Lady C out of my hair for the evening. ?

    Every cloud, etc. ?

  4. My poor brother has been dragged to a Eurovision party by his teacher missus.
    I didnt even kniw the shite was on.
    They’re taking the niece for a few hours and I asked him what he thought of her being exposed to LGBTQPedo monstrosities.
    He just shook his head and said ‘I know, I know.. ‘

    I stopped watching this queerfest completely when the Polish girls lost to the Austrian sausage. I’d never really seen much before; the wild or eccentric acts were never so demented they warranted viewing. There are plenty of better things to do than ‘hate-watch ‘ rubbish on TV..

  5. I’ve never seen it.
    And not about to change that.

    It was always seen as a bit ‘ charity’ a bit ‘ lame’
    Sort of like a down syndromes tits,
    You know they’re there but don’t want to look.

    Bucks Fizz, Sam Fox,
    Music that you would be ashamed to tap your foot too.

    I was to cool?
    Still am.

    Dreadfully snobbish of me.
    But there you go.

  6. Wogan’s finest hour, ripping eurovision a new arsehole.
    I wouldnvt be surprised if Pufftin, the only gay in the Politburo, doesn’t turn up to sing Kalinka and the Vulgar Bumboys.

  7. A few years ago you could have regarded this as a special night on the telly for the poofs…..a sort of bum bandits Christmas.
    But these days there are poofs all over the telly and there’s all these Pride festivals, Pride month, Pride week, Gay History Month, fucking rainbows everywhere, fucking trannies demanding this and that and all sorts of shit. So, it’s lost its special niche… opportunity to laugh at the fa**ots. A shame really……in more ways than one.
    Dirty cunts.

      • I’m still waiting for Black History month to finish. It’s been about 7 fucking years.
        Everytime I look at the BBC or C4 or Netflix it’s as if Dr Louie Farrakhan has become commissioner.
        And now on BBC2..
        ‘de white man, he made in the laborat-oree od de deveel, an’ enslave de black. De black man, he rule de world before de blue-eye deveel an dem Joos.’

  8. I heard something on one of the news broadcasts it said ‘whoever is the uk singing tart can’t wait to kick start the show’ but she is on last ?

    They come out with suck fucking bullshit

    • And hopefully, that’s where she’ll be placed.

      Fuck off to Spain, if they’ll have you, with your new German passport.

      Hope you get bitten by a rabid dog and die frothing at the mouth. I’d still give you null points.

    • As with most media outlets these days, their excuse for ‘reporting’ cames down to either incompetence or malice.

  9. Haven’t watched it since 1974 when a knickerless Katie Boyle hosted it. She could speak all those languages when it came to voting too. Fine lady was Katie.
    As for now, well, Wogan, Norton, why does it always have to be a fucking Mick? Mind you, I don’t suppose Norton will have any knickers on either this evening with all that fresh meat readily available.

      • Don’t know if you knew Ron, but I believe Katie’s husband wept when told she was having a breast reduction, due to the weight causing her concern.

  10. Benders are old hat now. Next year, all the fruit’s be pushed onto the sidelines next to the few remaining heteros.
    Tran§bumders is where it’s all at now, as the western world slides into debauchery.
    Few more years and the tran§ freaks’ll be pushed out in favour of proud, blatant pædos.
    Unfortunately, you know I’m right.

    • Eurogroomers.

      The BBC will be all over that.

      National treasure and minor attracted person activist Gary Glitter presenting.

    • Yes Thomas and that’s why I’m voting for GAS THE CUNTS.

      Guy Gibson approves.

  11. It’s always been shit but like you say in your cunting Wogan taking the piss made it a laugh. Miss the old cunt. Radio 2 has never been the same.
    Imagine him getting away with saying dale winton being his xmas ? fairy these days. Yet we have rights for all manner of Fairies ?‍♀️ these days.
    Good cunting.

    • Tel’s piss taking made Eurovision worth watching. And now they have axed Ken Bruce, Radio 2 can get to fuck.

      As for Graham Norton? An Irish poof wearing a Union Jack waistcoat?! What kind of cunt is he?….

  12. Should of held it in the Ukraine, would of made a hell of a lot more watchable.

    Had the wagner group and their uncle fester leader as backing dancers.

    Cause they sure can’t fight for shit.

  13. Didn’t Fucks Bizz and Sandal-less Shaw have a win each ? But Pearl Carr and Teddy Johnson were my favourite winners when I was a kid.

    • I like to think that Cheryl Baker and Jay Aston enjoyed an enthusiastic, slurpy 69 after Bucks Fizz won the Eurovision.

      • Cheryl Baker had a voice flatter than a witch’s tit.

        Didn’t that singer, forgot his name…get in an accident and get the brain of a six year old afterwards? Remember him being interviewed and the poor cunt sounded like a Premier League footballer.

      • Afternoon CB…Mike Nolan, I believe.
        He lost a spelling contest to Harvey Price and ended up on the ‘pudding-for-brains’ ward in the bed next to Sasha Johnson.

      • Lol

        Yeah that’s the cunt. Poor cunt even set up a middle aged ‘boy band’ with an ageing David Van Day from Dollar I heard.
        Then when Day (allegedly) took all the money, Nolan tried to sue him…but Day had declared himself bankrupt lol.

        Must’ve been some bang on the noggin’ poor cunt.

      • Mick Nolan gets confused by escalators and excited on Christmas Eve.

        Still the smartest in Bucks Fizz.

      • During the rehearsal for “Making Your Mind Up”, Bobby Gee was a little too exuberant in pulling off Cheryl Baker’s outer skirt and ripped her knickers off too, exposing a crow’s nest of black, wiry pubes and weird, puffy liver-coloured fanny lips.

      • I believe they’ve reformed and are recording again.

        I dread to think what will happen if they let Mongo Mike rip a dress off.

      • Probably much the same’d happen as the time that Kevin Spacey ripped off the dress that he’d made Daniel Radcliffe wear:
        Crying, begging, pleading and unlubricated buggery.

      • The saying goes ‘better to be a has-been than a never-was’.

        Katie Price , Kerry Katona,
        Jade Goody, Daniella Westbrook and a thousand other washed up celebricunts proves that to be complete shite.

  14. Agree that Wo gans commentary made the show in it’s pre East European bummery days.

    My theory is that once we had the fall of Soviet Communism and a plethora of ‘new’ Dooshka/Babooshka countries, it attracted the gays.

    How? Well, you now had an auditorium filled with Dooshka rent boys. All the dirty old western bummers could jump on a plane and hook up with £5 a night, 16 year old rent boys.

    It’s just a big cheap Dooshka rent boy bumsex fest now.

    That’s my theory, which I’ve just come up with anyway.

    Probably right though, always am.

  15. What an utter wankfest. Oven for all.
    I presume it has been hyped up for the plebs by the usual suspects like the bbc.

  16. Prone to being politicised as well.

    Some Remoaniacs are apparently planning to hijack it this year with a huge display of EU flags. Get a fucking life.

    • I thought the wife had put up the French flag in our garden.

      But she’d just washed the white table linen.

    • Let’s face it Ron, the whole shitshow is analogous with the EU. That could be ANALogous. Everyone secretly loathes each other, the voting is rigged, it’s organised by fuckwits, deals are done behind closed doors, it’s quite camp, it’s completely childish, and monstrously fucking awful to experience.

  17. Attention seeking fagfest. But, what a great reason to get out on the piss because all of the chutney ferrets will be at home watching this load of utter, steaming wank.

    • That’s ok if you’re not in Brighton. Every pub toilet in Brighton will be swimming in jizz tonight. Quite a few in London as well. Enduring image.

    • Pretty cool, Arnie…but not quite as cool as the Lightning…loudest thing I ever heard, at Fairford Air Tattoo in the early 80’s:
      Loudest thing I heard until I stood next to a top fuel funny car at Santa Pod.

    • pfft… RAF Typhoons lost 12-0 in war games to Indian pilots flying Russian built Sukhoi 30M. We’d be better off buy the F-15 from the yanks.

  18. We ought to send some old folk singer and some morris dancers every fucking year. Then they could appreciate how we feel.

  19. Praise the good Lord the Eurovision song contest has never polluted my English ears, anything with euro in the title I avoid like the pox. Still do everything in imperial when I buy stuff that’s listed in metric I convert it into English and ask for it drives the experts in trade places mad. Teach em for being smart arses when you want a hacksaw blade and they reel off hundreds of variations to make you look daft. And the Eurovision is still shite.

  20. Shit songs.

    Full of gays.

    Promoting the riech EU.

    More yellow and blue flags than you can count.

    Fuck em, It’s nil points from me.

    Ryland, Mills and all the others suffering from the gayness can spend as much time as they like poking each others shit uphill with the blessing of the BBC.

    Poor auld Terry Wogan is spinning in his grave.

  21. Did that Zelensky maggot show his scrounging mug tonight? The Dooska shitholes have not only infested the song contest with bottybashers, but the whole of Europe too. Putin should flatten all ex-Soviet countries and do the world a favour.

  22. Just watched the winner on YouTube.
    Some bird with fake hair, fake fingernails, showing off her tits and arse by writhing about and screaming her fucking head off.
    Is this what the gays call music?
    I have no idea but, call me old fashioned, I prefer Joni Mitchell or Joan Armatrading. Suzanne Vega? Yeah, I’m definitely getting old.
    But at least I’m too old to get it up the arse.

    • She looked like she was off her tits on something when she was interviewed midway between the voting process….think that air head britains got talent judge realised and quickly moved on.

    • Too old? Just wait until Dame Kweer becomes PM. All straight white men will recieve a free NHS bumming once a year to humble them (and check for polyps).

  23. That Swedish tart who won it, I thought it was Steven Tyler from Aerosmith.?

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