…is the cunt Albanian PM, the beneficiary of ten years of rigged elections and graft. He’s a very good pal of the Blair monster, and has been since 2013, the pair of them having much in corrupt common. Recently the two were seen in cahoots in order to divert resources from Europe towards a collection of Balkan oligarchs.
(Admin, I hope you will allow me extra links here) (Allowed. Carry on – NA)
Fair enough, if tens of thousands of your young people are abandoning your sinking ship in order to fetch up on Dover beach, then I suppose that ripping your EU neighbours off might mitigate the problem…if those resources did not immediately disappear into the governmental trousers. (Though by 2017, the need may have abated. 1/3 of Albania’s GDP was due to drug trafficking.)
Responding to the UK’s very justifiable proposed repatriation of his illegally immigrating countrymen, Edi unburdens himself in the first link thus:
Britain is in such a “bad, bad place” over the Channel migration crisis that government ministers are resorting to blaming his country “to feel like they still have muscle”.
and that Britain is suffering a “nervous breakdown” over immigration.
No, sunshine. You’re just trying to look important. And disguise the fact that we’re sending your cunts back with your agreement.
Though that won’t appear in the Albanian press – “Journalists critical of the government face regular political attacks aiming to discredit them, and they have trouble accessing public information, which is at risk of further restrictions by a recent centralisation of government communication.” (Reporters Without Borders: Albania)
Rama është një piçkë!
Nominated by : Komodo
Just another little tinpot dictator.
Looks like the bloke who runs my local car Wash.
English lesson at Albanian school.
Lesson 1 “big issue”
Lesson 2 “dat is racist”
Lesson 3 “One of my sisters (sorry wives) is pregnant need bigger house”
Lesson 4 ” Call solicitor! I no rape no one.”
I know his brother Harry.
‘Where I go for to claim benefits?’
Yes, Mr Tax is Albanian carwash business*. Many customer this why £27 million turnover.
Oh you not think possible? Is front uh? You racist to Albanian refugee. I make report. My brothers and cousins coming now. You go if you don’t want to meet them and they put bulls. They angry call me criminal. They kill you and your family, no problem, cut them into little pieces…I mean happy day to you. Remember, is busy carwash. Nothing more. Oh, those bags of white powder? Is cleaning chemicals for carwash, you racist man. You should say sorry and clean my Rolls Royces.
*Can also be used with Turkish ‘barbers’.
* and mobile phone repair shops.
And nail bars and vape shops
Yes,that one escaped the radars.
And internet shops/cafes
And Park Key Fried Chicken shops
Bren Gun treatment ?
Anyone doing business with someone as corrupt and dodgy as that should watch out..
You have been warned mr rama.
Indeed Barry. If only Albania was run with same degree of honesty and integrity as Scotland.
That’s a hell of a lot of dildos krankie must of bought, geordie.
Good old amazon you literally can get anything.
Swarthy little cunt.
What Albania needs is a good dose of what we used to call “Gunboat Diplomacy”..
But without the diplomacy…once upon a time we would have bombed these wretched cunts to dust.
Now we invite them in and put them up,all the while they laugh at us,like all the other foreign trash we let in.
Bring back Enver Hoxha. No bugger got out of Albania alive when he was in charge of the shithole.
Bang on GT the. world was a much better place prior to the demise of uncle Hoxha. I would have happily contributed to his pension fund.
Seems that the demise of many despots like, Saddam, Ghadafi and so on have been so beneficial to the U.K. and Europe in general. What really grinds my beans is that our tax payments funded their removal and now our tax payments are funding the consequences and the parade of cunts who thought that overthrowing despots who are no threat at all to us was a good idea ain’t living in cardboard boxes but are much better off. Nothing changes.
Seems typical, probably be on a dinghy himself soon.
What’s the result of to many Albanians?
Indeed Sixdog.
If only the people of Eastern Ukraine could have their own “Kosovo” moment.
Maybe it could help bring an end to the senseless killing.
That comment isn’t intended to trigger the pro Ukraine/pro war enthusiasts either.
It’s just an observation.
I think that they tried that.
Drugs are the black economy of Albania and they like to export all over Europe, if anyone thinks all these Albanian cunts coming over the channel are ‘just looking for work’ they are deluded. Rama says most of these Albanians don’t come from Albania, they come from Greece and other countries, yes the drug expansion program ?
Fuck him and his shitty corrupt country, almost1400 of the cunts in UK prisons and that was before the 10,000 came last year.
The Blair creature is a dangerous avaracious twat, by far the worst PM this country ever had. if we had gun laws like the US, would probably have been long gone…..☠️
The US has gun laws? Really?
Yeah, some states only allow four 30 round mags.
I don’t think you are allowed to walk the streets with an M60 slung over your shoulder….!
That cocksucker must have Mohammed al Fayed grade security arrangements 24/7.We need to activate an elite coven of voodoo doll capable witches to extinguish this cancer demon.His toxins still leak into the planetary body politic to this day.
There is an Albanian barbers/drug/money laundering place in my town called “Cut U Up”
I think they give a nice short back and sides whilst removing your internal organs for resale.
So I’ve heard anyway
He should be concerned that thousands of peasants are fleeing the arse of Europe to come here and sell drugs. What about all those left behind unloved and unfucked? There’ll be some deep melancholia in donkeys and sheep.
I have been to Albania, and it’s a toilet.
It’s of no surprise to me that the workshy cunts keep turning up on beaches day after day.
Why work hard to make a go of your own country, when the British tax payer can be forced to fund them 5* hotels, free food and medical care, free legal representation, and get all the benefits that the people who paid for all their lives struggle to get when they need it, if at all.
Looks like Oliver Reed, whose just come back to order a couple of flagons to start the day.
Somebody on here pointed out quite some time ago that Albanian is an anagram of cunt.
Ain’t Albanians the backward cunts that idolise Norman wisdom?
What sort of fuckwits choose him over Laurel and Hardy..
It was apparently a old commie regime thing Barry.
The powers-that-be at the time were so frightened that the plebs would be corrupted by decadent capitalist influences that the only comedy they allowed to be shown anywhere was Wisdom, who for some reason they considered harmless.
How many will the Arsebishop of Cunterburty take into Lambeth Palace?
Somewhere between naught and zero is my guess.
Though he will take his golf in for a wash and vacuum.
Sweet Fanny Adams
Albanians have been violent thieving cunts for centuries, at least Hoxa kept the lid on them. Back in the 80’s Radio Tirana was the clearest station on the car medium wave.
I used to sail out of Gouvia in Corfu and they would get across from their side and steal anything not nailed down around the marina.
Thieves mostly
The only thing Edi Rama cares about is there is more cunt Albanians here than there, even he thinks all Albanians are cunts of the highest order.
While they are here thieving, drug dealing, people trafficking, pimping and begging whilst claiming everybenefit in the book, he can be nothing but fucking orgazmic that these pieces of dog shit are our problem and not his…
Even the fucking Spanish call the Albanians lazy cunts. Tells you all you need to know about them.