Cyclists (19)

We already know cyclists are considered the biggest cunts on the road these days and it’s true that most cyclists are in fact cunts of the highest order.

That’s why it’s so nice when one of these top drawer cunts gets put in his place, the cunt mentioned in the link 10 has tried to get a bus driver into trouble for what he has deemed a close pass. This fucking wanker was in the cycle lane, for once and the bus was in its lane, so they were both in their own lanes.

What are these fuck monkeys expecting now, for people to give cycle lanes a wide berth as well, this isn’t even possible most of the time in busy cities.

Luckily the Police saw him for the cunt that he obviously is and told him to fuck off.
Let’s hope this is the beginning of a reality check for these rolling wankers and this silliness is going to be literally stamped on, that mother fucker has obviously been listening to to much Jeremy Vine….

Even more if you already consider most cyclist as iron clad cunts, just wait until they start doing as suggested in the second link below.

Now a big proportion of these fucktards do their best to get in your way and hold you up hoping beyond hope they can film you and send the footage to plod and get you into trouble.

Nominated by Fuglyucker. You seem to have a real dislike for some Cyclists sir C.A.

53 thoughts on “Cyclists (19)

  1. I laugh every time this moaning crops up. The next time you’ll be out of your teens and nothing will change, only more car polluted noise and stinking petrol.

  2. The bicycle is King of the Road now so get used to it. They’ll soon have your car off the road don’t worry about that. We’ll all be pedalling around like a bunch of Chinkie peasants. You don’t want to kill all those lovely Polar bears do you?
    Thunderbirds are go!

    • When the eco loons eventually outlaw cars I’ll gladly get about on a rickshaw. Pacey pacey Hop Sing and there’ll be an extra shiny sixpence in it for you.

    • Thunderbirds are slow if you’re relying on pedal power..
      Squash them under an artic.

  3. Rental e-scooters are the answer.
    So the French are burning them in Paris.

  4. I use to work in Hackney and after I moved out I regularly drove up to London. Then in the last decade or so cyclists just became more and more arrogant and obstructive. If you drive in London now, with all the newly imposed 20 mph zones and the 1.5 metre rule for avoiding cyclists you are very liable to get a ticket. I avoid going there now unless I can do a trip in the train. Thank God I am retiring.

  5. Fucking useless cunt, that bus wasn’t close enough, a bit closer and more speed the cunt could have had him off ?

  6. Thousands of pounds wasted putting cycle lanes in for these cunts to just ride in the road right next to them. Should make it fucking law that they have to use them.

    The worst ones are the cunts that ride 2 or 3 abreast across the whole fucking road. Getting in every cunts way who’s trying to get somewhere.

    They all looking fucking queer in their Lycra too. Cunts.

    • They do indeed LG when they are bent over on the bike and the lycra stretched across their arses becomes transparent. Not so bad when it’s fit young ladies but middle-aged men? Euurgh!

  7. Fast catching up to cyclists in their self entitled cuntishness are electric scooter cunts riding on footpaths, making people jump out of their way to avoid injury. I’ve almost been knocked down a few times whilst waiting for the bus. The worst of which are hipster office cunts in suits. I’d gladly see one or all collected by a bus other the bother that would ensue for the bus driver. It’s only a matter of time if not already these fucktards put cameras on their twat trolleys looking to cause bother. I’d like to see the you tube film of one running into a Maori bricklayer and have their contrivance shoved up their arse, sideways.

  8. I had 7 of the cycling cunts today, riding on a lane three abreast and a tail end Charlie. Took the cunts long enough to move over though. Fucking retarded cunts.

    • Having a loud car horn works well. I’ve scared the shit out of numerous cyclist cunts with a blast on it

      • You’ve only added another noise pollution to your motoring credibility.

      • Wouldn’t have to if the cunts stopped clogging the roads up and used the cycle paths provided

    • It’s a bitch to get the fucking bike in though, especially once it’s been rammed up the rider’s arse.

  9. Whilst some of my chums annoy you on the roads, I prefer to cycle along the local promenade where motorists can’t touch me.

    • Let’s hope some decent guy smacks you in the mouth when you scare his kids by cycling too close.

      • Even the dogs have more sense, pulling their owners aside to let me pass.

  10. There are plenty of morons in all sorts of vehicles. And some good cyclists. But the sheer number of numpties on bikes these days is staggering. They seem to think they have a force field around them as they go through red lights..

    • Yes you’re right. They’re spoiling things for the likes of me and will eventually make it compulsory to wear a helmet and the stupid gear to go with it.

  11. Jeremy Vile was called a prick by an amazon delivery driver, only problem was that Vile covers himself in cameras so he put video of this incident on twitter.
    Fortunately, there are enough people on there that will call him out for his pathetic behaviour, myself included.
    I hate Vine, and I hate cyclists.

    • I saw that clip, Vine the cunt was at fault anyway. Swerved around the can that was pulling out and then almost crashed into the bloke crossing the road. It’s no wonder he got abuse hurled at him. Then the cunt has the gall to stand there and ask “why?”.

      He deliberately goes around antagonising people that cunt does…

    • I’d be genuinely interested in a head-to-head of cuntitude ‘twixt Jeremy Vine and James O’Brien.

    • Good afternoon GJ. Yes, Vine does come across as a monumental prick when he gets on his high velocipede (metaphorically and literally) to create discord on our highways.

      I do confess listening to his Radio 2 show when on the road (for shame). He doesn’t come across as quite a huge prick when on the wireless. Perhaps it is something about the thrill of a pair of handlebars and having a hard saddle rub his nuts that sets him off?

      • Afternoon PM.
        If you really want to hate him, check out his twitter stuff, it’s fucking bloody boiling!

  12. I know nought of cyclists – to me travel means the sea or the railways these days, but if all cyclists are like Jeremy Vine – pompous, self-important, hey-look-at-me-photographing-your-naughty-ways-on-the -road-so-I-can-upload-it-to-my-“fans”-on-social-media” arseholes then, all I can say is: Uncle Terry – Oven.

    That said, the spouse should cycle eight hours a day to get the bloody flab off her arse – ditto Diane Abbott and the Thornberry tart. And Dense Coffey.

    • Diane abbott on a bicycle would be more destructive than a cyclone, which by the way that’s what she calls a cyclist.

  13. The widths of both the bus and cycle lanes have been designed to enable a bus to safely pass a cyclist provided both keep their respective machines within their lane and both are paying attention.

    No different to driving any other vehicle on any other part of the King’s Highway. Yes, the cyclist was clearly troubled by this, but precisely what was his expectation? Does he believe the bus should not pass him in the bus lane, but should instead move into the adjacent lane to the right to give the cyclist a wider berth? That seems like a recipe for disaster and somewhat absurd to me.

    • The cyclist seems to have missed the point, that a DD bus could be carrying about 50 passengers, whereas the cycle has just the one ginormous prick on board. Public transport should be given priority.

      As for the thought of the Flabbott cycling… Imagine the stench of rancid chicken from its sweaty arse-crack, and the warm, humid minge miasma. Enough to melt tarmac.

  14. I would gladly rip my tyres through the black abbott and the fuel blazing tart who doesn’t have the foggiest what she’s talking about.

    • The cities tend to breed discontent from both sides, whereas seaside areas are more at ease with each other and contented with life.

    • Black Abbott – wasn’t that Russ Abbott’s attempt at the Baron Knights? (Showing me age now).

  15. 19 times that cyclists have been nommed.
    Repetitive fuckers on here aren’t we?

    I hate cyclists but I’ve vented that much bile towards them I can’t muster a HATE hard on.

    I’m cyclist impotent.

  16. Had a bit of a word with some cunt wobbling along the pavement on a child’s two wheeled toy yesterday outside the Natural history museum.

    Apparently it was some religious cult’s leadership conference at the Albert hall and the useless prick was riding up and down the pavement checking in on his fellow shiny eyed god botherers.

    The first instance he nearly hit the dog and came screeching to a halt. “Get off the fucking pavement, cunt’ got a tut.

    50 yards later the cunt does the same thing and the dog get his command to stand to.
    Three words repeated quickly gets the hound in gear and he stands guard (Ears up, system armed). This received a ‘Tut, really!?’

    Yes, really. Cunt.

    The worthy wanksock made a point of staying 50 yards away for the rest of our stroll past the Albert hall.

    Shame really. I was looking forward to punching his face through the back of his head and sending the video footage to Jeremy Vine.

  17. If that is all the cunt as to worry aboit then he is lucky.
    Let him moan when smeared between the rear wheels.

  18. Total cunts they have to dress up like they are on the tour de france with a fucking camera on their heads total cunts

  19. The day Jeremy Vine is rolled out flatter than a pizza base by an HGV I will hold a seven day street party.

  20. Some of us have to resort to bike riding as we don’t drive and public transport is crap in my area.
    Yes there are a lot of cuntish cyclists, particularly the racing bike/lycra cunts, but there are an awful lot of Cunt car drivers who don’t know the basics of the Highway Code. ?

  21. The cunts are bad enough on the road where it is technically legal, albeit annoying for them to be but the number of the cunts on the pavement is mind blowing

    They usually regret if I am on said pathway

  22. As I don’t cycle, or drive, I don’t give a monkeys toss.
    I would like to see a Jeremy Vine road pancake, though.
    Vile twat.

  23. I’d love to see Jeremy Vine squished, especially if he was on his penny farthing. A sad excuse of a man.
    Whiney, snivelling shit bag that got Alex Belfield banged up for hurty words.

  24. I wonder if the cock should really be called Jeremy Vein or Jeremy Vane…

  25. I had one old tart on a bike in front of my car. I was about 30 yards behind the stupid old cunt and she was waving me back saying I was too close. Gave the cunt a load of verbal as I eventually went past. Cunts like her shouldn’t be on the roads. Oh I forgot cyclists now own the roads. Get the cunts bikes registered so the cunts can be tracked down like every other person using the roads, and name them have insurance. They are very adept at causing damage to your car and fucking off into the distance scott free.

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