The BBC (quellé surprise) is orgasmic in its coverage of the alleged failure of the new rules in preventing some people to vote at yesterday’s council elections. My favourite bit is some NHS worker ( presumably not a brain surgeon) wailing that his NHS ID card was not sufficient proof of who he was. Cast your minds back to Chinky Flu and the internet selling fake NHS ID cards to allow low lifes to get into shops at any time.
Voting cards carried an extensive list of acceptable forms of identification, the scheme was well publicised and councils offered card to those without one of the acceptable ids yet still twats moaned that they were being denied their democratic right to vote.
The whole system is designed to ensure that those who are entitled to vote are able to and those who are not don’t.
As ever, I wish to thank the fellow cunter who puts the BBC bullshit on the nomination for me.
Nominated by Guzziguy, link provided by Geordie Twatt.
At my polling station, I asked the returning officer how many people had turned up without ID. This was at 8pm.
For the past 11 hours? None.
The lasses at the desk couldn’t believe I was old enough for a bus pass…..?
You could probably sue them for sexual harassment nowadays.
Chance ‘n’ be a fine thing…?
Oh dear poor James.. voted all his life..
The livid soy boy was 32.
Go back and get your passport you cunt..
Where do you live on top a mountain?
BBC what a bunch of pricks..that’s a news story?
Definitely a fan of the soy, that one.
I bet he cried as well.
I suspect most of the complaints were from various Mr. Mohammed’s outraged that he couldn’t record twenty five votes for his entire family for Labour, and Labour would-be politicians who lost most – never mind they still have the postal vote scam.
Postal voting should be banned, unless you are bedridden like Charlie buckets grandparents, obviously not joe the benefit fraud.
Joe is clearly the villain of that film
What the fuck is the problem? I carry my drivers licence within my wallet. Job done. Postal voting on the other hand has no scrutiny. How do we know if it’s the right cunt voting?
Out of over 100 postal votes generated from a one bed flat in Tower Hamlets, one of them has to be the cunt on the electoral roll who actually lives there.
Are you suggesting electoral fraud?
A one Suckdick Khunt esq.
Sorry to be pedantic CM, but in this country it’s a drivING licence. Take a look at it.
Fair enough mate, my bad. tis a Devon thang.
Aye was going to cunt this myself.
There was some ginger neckbeard cunt whining that he couldn’t vote because he’d left his passport at home.
Well whose fault was that, you stupid cunt?
Every cunt nowadays wants to blame anyone and everyone rather than admit they’d made a mistake.
That’s why we keep hearing stories of bosses being ‘bullies’ in recent times.
You fuck up at work and your boss will bollock you. It’s the way it’s always been, you soft twats. It’s not bullying, it’s telling you to do your job properly, you great melts.
It’s wasn’t harry half-wit, was it CB..
“Ginger neckbeard cunt.”
That is just so, so right CB.
Of course it’s fucking necessary. How many times have the Peacefuls cheated to get one of their own elected? The lefties will always cheat, we’ve seen that in Yankland and look at that fucking retard they’ve got as President……cunt doesn’t know where he is most of the time. Of course you would expect the commies at the BBC to cry about it.
I suspect the number of postal votes will go through the roof. That’s another thing they need to look at.
I find it disgusting that you could even consider postal votes being abused.
All of the people that have never set foot on this island, who currently live in Pakistan, Bangladesh and some African shitholes and still manage to claim welfare here would disagree.
Well done O for highlighting the ongoing con against the welfare state, Never received an answer to my question re benefits paid to scum that went to fight with ishit, The system is so big it’s fucking itself over.
No one should have voted. Total abstinence is the only way to get the message across to all politicians. All are without exception self serving liars who use office to feather their own nests At all levels. Total cunts
30 % did vote. Daft cunts also
Spot on. I had two choices. Both were cheeks of the same arse. Didn’t bother for the first time in ages
Right, what is the point? None seem able to peel an apple. They all sign from the same hymn sheet, Fuck the lot of them twice over.
“Total abstinence is the only way to get the message across to all politicians.”
No. The only way to get the message across is to spoil your ballot.
I think it was less than 30%.
probably because it’s for local bureancrats whose biggest responsibikity is the litter picking initiatives.
I’m incensed too. The bastards at the polling station wouldn’t accept my wartime Ration Book as ID. Well it was good enough for buying bacon, butter and sugar in 1940, so why not for voting in 2023?
THIS IS AN AFFRONT TO DEMOCRACY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The refused my Dennis the Menace and Gnasher fan club passport as ID too, the piss taking cunts.
An affront to democracy?
You just reminded me of this.
The only cunts upset about this are Labour and Lib Dems as it means it’s now more difficult for them to fiddle the results.
I couldn’t be bothered no cunt worth voting for round by me
Same LG.
I’d rather pick the peanuts out of David Lammy’s turds than vote for any of those cunts.
I was going to go down there and write on the polling card “You are all a bunch of self serving cunts” but I decided that the half hour or so it would have taken me to do that were better spent in the pub
I had 3 Lab 3 Con 1 LimpDump 1 Green. Wow, what a choice, the only difference between them is the colour of their rosette.
1 Laboured Cliche, 1 Selfservative, 1 Bile Green
“Spoilt: poor choices”
Judging by the tragic looks of the tellers, I wasn’t alone.
One box ticked, next scrap postal votes, if you can’t be arsed to get to the polling station you don’t deserve a vote. That should put an end to the peaceful block vote and the wives being told who to vote for.
Then the cunts that don’t contribute to all the benefit scroungers.
Damn right. Though there were, inevitably, people who didn’t have photo ID, there were probably a lot more who, like me, did, cast an eye over the candidates’ names, remembered the vapid drivel on those wannabe councillors’ leaflets, sighed, and spoilt their papers.
Personation at the ballot box isn’t the problem, though. It’s the postal vote that’s open to abuse, and photo ID does nothing to solve that.
Absolutely Komodo. If you can’t be bothered to lift your arse out of the sofa and go to the polling station then tough shit, put up with the result and don’t bother fucking moaning about it.
Mind you I imagine it’s upset the imams as SoI alluded to above.
In Europe most countries make you have photo ID before voting, so the ones who want to rejoin Europe are moaning about something that’s law in Europe and something we followed to be like Europe when voting
Make yer minds up
in that case they are a bunch of cunts
The UK is in Europe.
We left the European Union, not Europe.
You know what he means.
I thought the cunts in charge had brought this in to distract the easily distracted from the colossal problem of postal voting fraud.
All of it by our goat fucking friends.
I seem to remember the bastard EU wanted us to give voting rights to the filth who occupy our prisons. I don’t know how it happened but somehow the Pigshagger found a pair of balls and told them to fuck off.
I never voted.All a nest of vipers.Bomb the lot.Gravy train riders.
Voting should be the privilege for tax payer’s only.
If you have paid taxes for a minimum of 5 years prior to an election or if you are a pensioner who has contributed for 5 years prior to your retirement then you alone should have the right to vote.
I would not want some scrounging, benefit receiving cunt deciding who should be running the country.
Neither would I want some indoctrinated student, fresh out of a third rate university choosing who should be in charge.
Educate the public about how privileged they are to live in a democracy, how people died to ensure that they have the right to vote and how voting for the same party as their parents voted for is an insult me to their sacrifices.
No representation without taxation.
Surely you jest. Democracy?
Freeloaders saying how my money is spent?
NO !
Sorry, I meant that it’s a misconception that we live in a democracy.
I hover around this position on voting rights nowadays, as i’m self-employed and hate scroungrs after having known a few life-long claimants who claimed for no other reason than laziness, entitlement and stupidity.
Pathetic screatures..
Even if you’re only semi-serioys Bout it, it’s logic really upsets the dickheads on facebook who sit on their fat arses, don’t earn enough, are eternal students etc.
My reply is the same, ‘No taxation, no representation’. it always used to upset the something-for-nothings.
Another good one I wish i’d known before i’d shut down Fuckbook was from an Imperious Dr Starkey.
When these dopes cry about their fucking rights, reply. ‘your rights don’t exist outside of a courtroom’.
I am sure this has been mentioned on here previously but I can’t be arsed to read every post……….now I really am against ‘big brother’ ID cards and all that sort of restrictive stuff. ID for a 40 year old guy to buy alcohol (we have to ask as you look young) etc etc. But one thing I have always found strange is where you really should identify yourself as the person named on your voting card, we haven’t needed to. I mean, fuck me you have needed more ID at a library to take a book out!
This, however I do agree with. This is serious stuff voting, and can affect everyone…..and without proper checks results can be skewed (just look at elections in third world countries- no I don’t mean the UK in this instance)
If you have no faith in the results due to fraud then you have anarchy….look at what happened with Trump an the capitol.
Therefore, people who have the right to vote should be able to prove who they are…..fuck me there were enough options to show. No excuse if you are a genuine voter who is suppose to be in this country. What with the introduction of postal voting (which should be scrapped) it should be even more focused on identification. There are so many shit cunts in this country who aren’t supposed to be here, but with the aid of a load of dodgy votes in the past I am sure they have fucked our democracy up. Surely if you can’t provide proof who you are, then you shouldn’t be fucking voting in the first place, and you are the sort of cunt this law was passed to deter…..therefore it has worked.
Voter fraud in the UK? I don’t believe it. There’s no such thing as voter fraud. (Let alone stolen elections.) It’s all a delusion by the extreme MEGA (Make England Great Again) crowd.
Markle was right about you lot. You foreigners are not only racist but you live in an institutionally racist society.
I bet some of you are plotting an insurrection even as we speak. No wait, that’s not in line with your traditions. More like a modern day Guy Fawkes. Wait…he identified as a Dago, Mackerel Snapper.
Oh! Modern day Cromwellians…with a Cunt Parliament…cutting the head off another King…another Charles no less. Who says history doesn’t repeat itself.
Not sure if serious………….
I’m as serious as your government is about stopping the flow of dinghy riders!
As serious as the hollow thoughts and prayers offered up by the bought and paid for GOP politicians given for the victims of the latest Texas mass shooting?
Meanwhile, the scouse ratboys have just booed the national anthem again.
Ok, I’m no royalist nowadays, but booing the national anthem is even too cunty for me.
Remember, it was they who started all that take the knee shite for Chiggun George in Blighty.
The set of cunts.
Agree……i think my americans are cunts, but what i do admire about them is they all stand for their national anthem and woe betide anyone who doesnt respect it or their flag…..they are very loyal to their country. We used to be like that until we became infiltrated with a load of lefties and immos
The real reason they booed is the announcer telling them they all had to find work by Tuesday – sorry – ‘Toozdee’
Penny mordaunt looked lush today
She looked pre -Raphaelite.
positively Pre-Raphaelite.
Just thought if Labour had been in power…it wouldn’t have been that Annaliese Dodds carrying the swords would it?
Not quite the same.
No, you are right there
Just had to google her today Mali….yes I agree very fragrant.
However, Kate wins it all the time for me…..admittedly she needs a few pies inside her, but I would still let her piss on me, then do her up the shitter.
Thank you m’lud
You old romantic you
Just saw the odd glimpse of her and, to my eternal shame,I found myself in the IsAC horn section.
Could make use of her on a cold winter’s night, well, any night really.
The right to vote should be earned. Anyone on any kind of government benefit should have to forfeit their right to vote. That includes grants for college.
You should first be a net PAYER of taxes.
a net payer, thats anyone under 35k without a vote.
Blackadder got voting correct.
Wimmin, darkıes and anyone who thinks that men are wimmin ought to have their right to vote rescinded.
Classic.. so that makes sense about old ian “bloater” blackford then..
I’ve been to Bournemouth today.
It was rubbish.
Working on your bucket list mis?
Donkey ride on the beach..
Do they have donkeys?
Didn’t see any.
Some fuckin drive that,
500 mile roundtrip and it never stopped raining.
I don’t like being away from my dog or not being able to see the pennines.
It makes me uncomfortable and irritable.
You probably all rightly feel dead sorry for me?
Well you should.
I have a hard life I do.?
Feel sorry for you? Mis, I’m sure many more people would envy you and what you have relative to their poorer lives. Not that they would ever admit it of course, even to themselves.
Last week, I went to Philadelphia, but it was closed.
(W.C. Fields)
Lib Dems now the majority on the Bournemouth Christchurch and Poole council, but no overall control. Although they’ll probably get the support of the greens and labour to push through their bullshit policies and waste fortunes, just like last time.
So, LTNs, 20mph speed limits, more cycle lanes and endless woke shite all in the offing.
Hahahaha. My ex is from Bournemouth.
Still have fond memories.
Apart from that giant Northern bloke sulking and kicking over sand castles shouting ‘rubbish!’
That is why the cunt Smarmer didn’t do as well as he thought he would.
I don’t have a passport.
No fuckin need for one.
I don’t have a NHS card
I’m not a hypocondriac.
I have a photo driving license.
But in the picture I have hair and I’m clean shaven.
Looks nothing like me.
Didn’t they accept your 1970’s Gary Glitter Fan Club credentials Mis?
Oh the lady knew me!
She knew Im me.
Wasn’t a issue.
If I hold it upside down it looks more like I do now?
I didn’t bother myself. If I had wiped my arse with it, it would have been more than the cunts deserved.
Itchy Ballsack didn’t seem too bothered yesterday.
Probably thinking about the luxury coronation buffet. No cake Rishi! You know what happened last time.
No passport here either. It’s ten year s were up about 6 months before the pandemic, and i can’t be fucked to get z new one .Too busy with work. All of these cunts who feel entitled to 3 foreign holidays a year are going to struggle. I havent been on holiday in eight years.
Worked with a bloke years ago always said before being allowed to vote people should have to pass a history and intelligence test…
He was right….???
A two-part English test should be mandatory.
I’ve no passport, no plastic driving licence with my handsome mug on it, and I’m not old enough for a bus pass…
However I *do* bloody well have a *Government Issued* and *verified* photo ID, which, looking at the rules, isn’t one that’s on their ‘acceptable’ list…go fucking figure.
By all means let’s all enjoy the drama surrounding this bit of stupidly fucking useless security theatre and cunt these cunts, but remember that historically personation hasn’t been an issue in the UK (7 bloody cases overall across *all* elections in the UK in 2022) and this whole scheme stinks of being a pathetically cynical bit of deadcatting thought up by even bigger cunts than the critics to draw attention away from where the true election fraud occurs: the postal voting fuckery (‘slimey’ or otherwise).
My Imam sends my postal vote in.
I never go anywhere without my incognito card.