Coronation cunts Royal Fans

A cunting for Coronation cunts, some silly cunts have already started camping out on the Mall and have drawn the attention of the media.

Now camping out a week before the event is cuntish in its own right but just take a look at this bunch in the link, now I don’t know if the names are correct but they are definitely a bit suspect.

The King wants to celebrate British diversity, yes fuck that, but he will be impressed with these four, god knows what species they are ?

I have no interest in the Royal show, the Queen is dead, she must have been so disappointed in what is to follow.

Daily Fail

Nominated by Sick of it.

143 thoughts on “Coronation cunts Royal Fans

  1. I’ll be glad when it’s all over, I was sick to fucking death of the coverage long before it’s even due to happen.

  2. The coronation will give a lot of people pleasure. We seem to be suckers for it

    But it’s not for me.

    Waste of time and money in my opinion.

    There’s nothing special about jug ears and his trollop.

    Their shit stinks just like mine.

    All the quasi mystical rigmarole is a load of bollocks.

    I shall be on the Yorkshire coast, nowhere near a telly.

    Good morning.

  3. A shit show at our expense to enhance the ego of a half witted parasite and impress his arse lickers.

  4. As a child I was dragged along by my mum to wave to Princess Anne as she sped past after launching the Esso Northumbria at Swan Hunter’s shipyard in 1969.
    I got fucking soaked in the rain, so hopefully these daft sods have been as well.
    Stupid cunts.

    • Must be a bit older than you. I remember lining up with the the usual schoolkids of Walker, on Walker Road, as the Queen Mother drove past on her way to launch MV Northern Star at the Naval Yard. Cant remember the date. I was about 10. But it was a day off from Wharrier St School ( brilliant )

      ( Ir pissed down that day too I think. )

  5. I’m no Royalist, but the alternative could be even worse: President Blair, anyone? and if that’s not bad enough, First Lady Cherie? Or, President Elton and First Lady David…

    • Agreed. Though old jug ears ? is a massive Cunt compared to his mum at least we don’t have to worry any fucker will implement anything he says unlike an elected cunt of a president.

      • You make my point Mickey. Our head of state is unelected.

        Good morning to you and all.

      • I don’t need no stinking head of state.

        My fcking head is in a state, I know that.

        What does the head of state do? Fck all. Except have enormously expensive banquets with other heads of state. It a completely unnecessary position. Scrap the monarchy, and replace it with…. nothing.

        If it really is a necessity, the the PM of the day, or his representative, do the job.

      • Eh,. he’s unelected but he can’t really do anything and we get extra bank holidays. So on balance I’m OK with it.

      • I wanted the Queen to give Harry and Meghan the title Duke and Duchess of Bridgerton but it seems she coronation chickened out.

  6. I really think the Samaritans number ought to be remembered today, what with the beaming fuckwits “Sir” Ed Davey and “Sir” Kweer Charmer (his dad was a toolmaker, you know), so happy that their collection of shirtlifters had been elected to councils yesterday – the “man” runing Windsor for the LibDems is all of 22 you know – a real lifetime of experience there – and the soap opera today (“Will Harry ruin the day?”) and the fact it is bloody Sunday tomorrow with yet another pointless bank holiday the day after, suicide looks like a good option.

    It is reckoned that it will piss down over most of Britain for the next three days.

    Post early for Xmas. You need to with fucking Royal Mail still pissballing about.

  7. Stop whingeing – better this than become part of a Caliphate (as will inevitably happen). It’s the last hurrah of English history being played out

    • I agree. I see no harm in eccentrics camping out all night to catch a fleeting glimpse of the King. It’s a bit mad (but quite British) when you can have a ringside seat on television. But if that’s what they want to do, good luck to them.

      Better that than a rabble of Mohammedans and republicans shouting from the sidesteps about the future “glories” of the British Caliphate and the “British Republic”.

      • Good point MMCM. At least this particular bunch of nutters are harmless.

  8. Fucking nut jobs. Fucking wankers.
    “I know I come from Birmingham but I’m proud to be British.”
    What’s that supposed to mean?
    Is he suggesting that Brum is so full of w*gs it’s not part of Britain?
    Fucking raaaaaay-sist!

  9. “I know that I’m from Birmingham but I’m still British” said one of the lunatics camped on the street.

    That’s a sad reflection of Britain, the piss poor education system and the dynamics of British cities.

    I suppose that when you are unfortunate enough to live in Birmingham it’s hard to remember that you are in Great Britain.

  10. Fuck Jug Ears and his parasitic family.

    Besides, there are far more important fish to fry today.

    I’m sure we will all want to take the opportunity to wish the Rt. Honourable Sir Anthony Charles Lynton Blair KG many happy returns of the day, on this the occasion of his 70th birthday. ?

    • Hears hoping the plentiful candles on his cake burn the place down and kill him and he’s whole horrible family.

      Morning ruff, Morning all.

      • I hope he doesn’t die soon, I’m heartily sick if all this royal bullshit on telly all the fckng time, I don’t want another load of shite about his funeral.

    • When’s the cunt going to snuff it though? I will be getting pissed as he is wheeled in to have an audience with old Nick.

  11. Buy a commemorative tea towel or mug to mark the occasion.

    They will only be about 10 pounds each and with luck, in 100 year’s time you will be able to sell them at a car boot sale for 50p.

  12. I hope it rains torrentially.
    Or that a situation occurs like in ‘King Ralph’ where all of the royals are electrocuted, the sponging parasites.
    Hundreds of millions of pounds for a jug-eared inbred, who’s never known a moment of hardship in his entire worthless life, to have a cloth and metal structure placed on his freeloading head, whilst the taxpayers scrape and grovel like the spineless cunts they are.

    • Good morning you miserable cunt. Happier daze to come, wait until Smarmer becomes PM and you see that gormless cunt staring at you every day.

      • Is the dame and the BBC get carried away with 3 in 10 people bothering to vote yesterday.

        And then only 1 out of 3 voting for Labour.

      • I glanced at the local election/council votes and results yesterday. I shake my head in despair that anyone voted Blue, Red, Yellow or Green.

        Tories and Labour and different cheeks of the same arse. The yellows and greens are the orifice in the middle.

        If you think it bad now, and it is, just wait till that gormless looking turd Starmer walks through the door of No.10.

        Dog help the last few straight, white, taxpaying, meat eating, car driving, hardworking folk of these islands.

        Anyhow the weather is shite so it looks like it’s literally raining on ole jug ears and horse face’s parade. Not that I give a flying fuck, I’ve a leaking tap to fix and wet carpet to sort out.

        That is all. Bollocks to one and all.

      • Morning LDC…childish I know, but I wrote ‘ALL WORTHLESS LIARS’ on my ballot paper in sharpie. I was going to write ‘cunts’, but didn’t wish to offend any old ladies counting the ballots.
        I doubt I’ll ever vote again.

      • Morning Thomas, we didn’t have a vote this time around, due to administrative changes and amalgamation of the county council into one great big benefits hand out organisation or some such.
        I’d have marked my paper with a faeces covered finger given the opportunity, however even that would have been too good for the traitors and lefty cunts.

        My dear old grandad said always vote, it’s what I saw mates done for in 1945.

        Not now though, never again.

      • I added MONSTER RAVING LOONY PARTY [X] to my ballot paper.
        A neighbour I went with wrote NO DIFFERENCE across his paper.
        I would never not vote.
        Our ancestors fought and died for our right to vote.
        Cunts who don’t vote should be gunned down on sight.

    • Don’t feel you need to hold back on here Tom. Tell us what you really think.

  13. The Britain they seem to think still exists was well on its way out forty years ago.

    Fuck knows what these pigshit thick mental cunts are up to.

    I shall avoid this “diverse” event at all costs.

    • “According to the Times, while the Coronation will be a “less lavish affair” than his mother’s, it will still be the biggest military ceremonial operation since the funeral of Sir Winston Churchill in 1969.”

      Just fuck off BBCistan you clueless set of Quisling Cunts.

      • Yes the BBC fucked that up as well. Sir Winston’s Funeral was January 30th 1965. They didn’t leave him 4 years. I heard that on the Wireless 4 news at 0530

  14. Let us not forget that such royal occasions bring out lashings of royal sauce.

    Ladies Amelia, Eliza and Kitty Spencer & Lady Amelia Windsor all look like they play the Basildon bagpipes. Princess Catharina of the Netherlands looks like she could suck a golf ball through a hosepipe and swallow it and Princess Mary of Denmark is originally from Tazmania, so probably fucking filthy.

    Certainly something for the morning horn section to think about.

  15. This is outrageous. How can we have an old white man as monarch? Asian Mayor of London, Asian PM, Asian FM in Jockistan but the Royals as ever behind the times.

    • To be fair they did marry off Prince Gingerbollocks to some black American slapper. It’s not their fault nobody knew she was black.

  16. My main gripe is what is the bank holiday about?

    Thanks another unpaid day off.
    It’s lovely for all the government and council ponces who probably don’t go in on Monday anyway.

    Could had it last week when we had a bank holiday.

    I hope it pisses down.

  17. My main gripe is what is the bank holiday about?

    Thanks another unpaid day off.
    It’s lovely for all the government and council p@nces who probably don’t go in on Monday anyway.

    Could had it last week when we had a bank holiday.

    I hope it pisses down.

    • Three bank holidays in one month then just one day between the end of May and Christmas, fucking ridiculous.

  18. Just remembered…wasn’t jug-ears good mates with Jimmy Savile?
    I wonder if Savile ever invited Prince Andrew to his rooms at Stoke Mandeville?

  19. I don’t need to watch this shitfest on the TV to know what will happen.

    Although 99.9% of the public turning up for the event will be white and British, the BBC will put any blacks, Asians and foreigners front and centre.

    They are the ones that will be captured on camera and they are the ones that will be interviewed.

    That’s how BBC diversity works.

      • Quite true Thomas.

        And you can bet your bollocks that amid the Union Jacks being waved you will spot many rainbow, bummer flags.

        Because homos and trannies cannot attend any event anywhere without showing their pride (deviance) to the world.

      • Tatchell and his bent mates are holding a “Republican Rally” in Trafalgar Square (soon to be renamed Isandhlwana Plaza if Suckdick has his way). There’s some nice public toilets for the tourists down there. A pity that by the end of the day they will be swimming in shit, blood and jizz. Welcome to modern Britain.

      • Just an excuse for loads of them to turn up somewhere and bum each other in public, whilst the cops are busy elsewhere. They’ll be hoping some young boys turn up too.

  20. Best thing about it is the fact that the swivel-eyed inbred will hasten the end of the whole corrupt institution. His mother had the method, head down, trap shut, remain aloof and just warch the money come rolling in. Hopefully he will continue his habit of talking out of his arse hole to us and his dinner and it will become obvious that they should be on the same benefit rates as normal spongers.

  21. I wonder if this will be the moment the dormant army currently residing in hotels rises up

  22. In the interests of diversity and inclusion, I hope Ephraim from Derek and Clive is invited and spunks everywhere.

  23. No shiny shites awarded for today.Sad bastards.I hope he catches the AIDS off the old rottweiler.

  24. I am reminded of something that happened to a rather snobbish neighbour and his lady wife, who lived next door to my parents, which happened during the previous Coronation. Hubby had seen an advertisment in a national newspaper which said “Coronation seats 5.00 each” – (remember how much a fiver was worth in 1953). Thinking this would be for seats along the procession he sent off his cheque for a tenner and a few days later they received two flimsy fishing stools in canvas in bright yellow, with a crudely stencilled crown on the canvas. Mum had a good laugh about that – the neighbours were the Buckets before the Bocquets.

  25. Who was that soppy cunt throwing bullets at Buck House the other day? He’s been detained under the Mental Health Act which is hardly surprising.
    You need a gun you wanker. You can’t just lob them in the general direction of some arsehole you want dead.
    Fuck me, what’s happened to the Education system in this cuntry?

  26. Camping out on the street for days, where do they piss and shit? Londonistabistan will become even more like it’s sister city of Islamabad.

  27. If jug ears was a proper king he would be suited up (armour) and leading the army down to the south coast to repel and slaughter the fucking invaders.

  28. Well, my wifaynd eoung daughter are up there today. Went up yesterday as they had booked a room months ago. I am working this morning which means i couldnt go so home alone last night and tonight, which means i have control of the tv remote, i can sit down later and eat shit food drink too much beer whilst sitting in my pants and have a wank over the babestations freeviews.


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