Not so much a cunting as a cry for help. Courtesy of the Observer/Guardian.
”They treat us like animals’: families waiting years for housing to take legal action against London council”
Yes, these salt of the earth Londoners (see picture) are being discriminated against because of their race. By Tower Hamlets Bangladeshii council. A byeword for honesty and probity.
They chose to come here to enrich our society and integrate when, had they stayed in Somalia they would be allocated villas with pools.
It’s a fucking disgrace.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
Oh dear, here’s a suggestion. Fuck off back where you came from.
If Hackney council dig a trench 100ft X 20ft,
Dig it 10ft deep and quarter fill with lime,
They be able to accommodate most of these families!
How your heart would sink having that bunch of cunts moving in next door.
The smell would fade your wallpaper.
Looks like the kind of oil slick I see slithering down the sea front every summer.
They treat you like animals because that’s what you fucking are. I wouldn’t house the cunts in a pig sty. Fuck them back off to daki land.
So by the sounds of it gimmegrants getting fucked over by their own kind?
When you open you house up to backward cunts don’t be surprised to find a turd in the middle of your carpet..
Still this is only the beginning once the dame gets in.. voting rights for everyone.
Diversity is our strength..?
Are those 5 his wives or something?
The other men are on the serpentine plundering pedalos.
I count 7 wives and first cousin, same thing.
‘ The average immigrant is a net contributor to the U.K. economy to the tune of £2600 per year.’
So we can see that this lot bring in £20600 each year; more Flabbot arithmetic.
Unfortunately every illegal gimmegrant costs us £30k per years to house, feed and clothe. Therefore those six adults and two future felons cost the taxpayer £180k per year, plus change for the kids.
The cheeky fuckers are looking to sue the council using tax payer’s money. The council’s defence will also be paid out of public funds, therefore the tax payer foots the bill for the lot, win or lose. The taxpayer always loses.
8 one way tickets to Somalia is only £4k by the way.
I’ve had to work on Somalis houses before. They are fucking rude, fucking stink unbelievably even more so than Dakis. Bristol is full of the cunts.
The only decent contributions they could make to the UK is fuck off back to the shithole they climbed out of or die. Nothing else.
Bristol is filling up with the white flight from London. Have your pronouns at the ready.
Bath is
Bristol is overpopulated with foreigners. Some areas are pretty much no go for Caucasians. The only place you’ll find white London types is Clifton. Full of Tarquins and Florences. They are cunts as well
Taking legal action eh? No I don’t think it’s these savages taking legal action……it’s the libtard briefs , just like Sir Kweer and Suckdick Khunt used to do, the fuckers. And who’s paying their inflated fucking wages? Not these scrounging cunts that’s for sure.
What a country.
Fucking stinky Somalian p0nc3s. Fuck off back to your mud huts and give someone there grief about you not having a sufficiently large hovel.
The authorities need to get a grip.
Yeah a grip of their fucking hijabs and sling them out of the country. Cunts
Mass Immigration is Contra to all “Green Issues”. So which is it to be ?
Authorities don’t do shit. These are their electoral trip to a good pension
Ask any African over here (and there are plenty of them) what they think of the Skinnies. They are the number one hate group, even the fucking Nigerians get a better press than them. There are no bigger racists than fucking Africunts in my experience. They all loathe each other with a passion, especially the Somalians. It’s all tribal you see and it goes back centuries. But try telling that to some libtard fucker and all you will get is tears about slavery. Fuck me, those cunts invented the fucking slave trade and we fucking finished it. But that doesn’t fit the leftie narrative so rewrite history and pull down some statues. Right on comrade.
So a bunch of foreigners who should be at the back of the queue are complaining that they aren’t getting what they want at the front of the queue? Try being a born-and-bred, working class, British family at the back of the queue you cunts.
If you don’t like it, you know where Somalia is: I’m sure you’ll be right at the front of the queue for a government-subsidized mud hut.
My gift to all immigrants weighs 1.03 ozs. made of lead , and costs £1.08 per round. It always gives satisfying results.
I grew up in Bethnal Green (but now live in sunny Kent). Parents are gone, relatives all left too. On the morning our mum passed away in London Hospital in Whitechapel Road, my brother turned to me and said “just think, we never have to come to this shit hole again”. Breaks my heart to see what has happened to the East End. As for the dodgy fucking mayor of Tower Hamlets……
I wonder if the politicians have any conception of what the British population thinks of this. I know plenty of us on IAC were born during or shortly after the war (72 years ago today in my case!) and their childhood memories are of the real austerity of the fifties. So many of us lived in housing inferior to that which these buggers are living in now and to get social housing in those days you were required to meet a standard of respectability. These bastards wash up here, uneducated, uncivilised, unwilling and unable to work, are given housing, health care, education, go straight on benefits most of which literally did not exist in our day and complain that we are not looking after them well enough. My opinion; they can fuck off and die, preferably today.
Also they breed like flies and teach their brats to despise us and even to kill us.
Hope you have a very happy birthday, arfur
Cheers Tom and a very good day to you.
Good Health Arfur!
Happy birthday Arfur! ?
(Ruff left a note for me to convey this message on the 22nd if unable to post in person)
Many happy returns arfur.
Many thanks for the good wishes everyone, I really do appreciate them. A special thanks to the Creampuffs for taking the trouble to remember. Thanks again all!
Same here arfur, I will have a brown split tonight in hopes of your continuing good health and many years of cunting. Cheers.
All the best Arfur!!
Well I’m quite sure there are lots of different opinions held by concerned officials and other modern types about these poor foreign beggars who’ve rolled up to loot our country.
I’d gas all of them,just to keep things tidy.
We can always rely upon Unkle Terry for an excellent solution.
We need these cunts in the channel. No messing about…
Fucking excellent LG! I’d like to see more of that. Gives me a nice warm glow.
A few emplacements around the coast would be fun. Order the RNLI to stay onshore.
Well, if you don’t want to be treated like animals I suggest you stop behaving like them. You live like Pigs, you breed like Rats, you smell like Warthogs and you sound like a flock of fucking Seagulls when you talk to each other. So there you are. I tell you what, why not just pack up and fuckoff back to what ever fly infested shithole it was that you came from? You’re not liked, you’re not contributing and you’re sure as shit not fucking welcome. Now off you jolly well go, you fucking towelheads!
By fuck Enoch was spot on ..!
Plus he knew joining the EU empire would be a disaster for the UK…
And there’s more evidence he was “RIGHT”.
Good luck to them, I’m not as brave as dian fossey.
Plus it will be a bloodbath once someone gets dissed.
Ah, what a night for a fire to break out, all the doors locked so whitey can’t get in.
We shouldn’t have to put up with all this in the first place, having me wasting my time reading about the problem. Firstly, why were they allowed in, secondly, why wasn’t the males cock amputated to prevent further problems ?
I was brought up in the 1940s in similar conditions. I wasn’t racist, because none of these families across the globe were here in the first place. Now you can understand why I’m racist now. Not of my choosing. The government are to blame.
These unwelcome stains would be waiting forever if I was in charge of housing, and they’d be waiting in their own country too.
Enoch was a latter day prophet who was bang on the money and didn’t give a fuck what people thought of his opinions. ?
But the problem was a simple one. You can’t put a gallon into a pint pot.
He should be posthumously knighted.
Deserves it more than Nick Clegg and half of the other cunts that have got one
What’s this, the Nolan Sisters reforming with their brother Brian?
I’m in the mood for detonating.
Thanks. Just spit my tea everywhere…
…. and expecting us to be in the mood for donating.
And still the libtards want more of this. What is their end game? A country that resembles a Third World War zone? Do they honestly think everyone will be hard working and living in harmony? Twats.
Brent is a 3rd world war zone. See hhe news….
all of these hate speech statutes that the tories keep adding are for plastering over the cracks of the multicultural fantasy held by limp-dicked liberals.
Look at the mental restrictions Ireland is trying to pass. The problem is none of this shit changes anyone’s mind. trying to criminalise language will just create more resentment and more room for movements and parties like the Nat cons.
The only way the Wokoids know how to win is the same way their predecessors in the Soviet Union: shut down freedom of speech and criminalise wrongthink. The trouble is that never holds.
I am totally heartbroken……..
Good morning.
What fucks me off the most is,
No fucker ever asked “US” if we wanted to be assimilated by foreign parasites..
I never remember seeing this in any politians manifesto….?
The modern tory party is the continuation of New Labour by other means.
Fuck em i say, bunch of no good benefit scrounging cunts, the reason there is no housing is because millions of these cunts are already here milking all the systems we pay for.
They arrive expecting everything handed to them on a plate, no intention of getting jobs or learning the language more often than not, all on the strength of their lives being in danger in the flyblown shit holes they hail from, they cross god knows how many safe countries to get here and then claim everything in the book.
then they say when there is a waiting list….oh i was better off living under the threat of death and i wish i could go home,,,,,fuck off then with my blessing, Isshittistan is that way, fuck off
It was allowed to happen, because we are a placid nation. But when we peaceful people get riled, there’s no telling what we might do. So watch out mate !
Mass deportations, the only cure
Then lock the fucking gates so no more can get in
Lessons will be learned, but not until we have had several thousand cunts from Khartoum.
Xhamster have the problem sorted. You just click on whites only and Bob’s your uncle.
Look at the rubbish left on the streets in diverse neighborhoods, then wonder why they shouldn’t get treated like animals.
These cunts have no intention of adapting or integrating in any way.
The fuckers want to build their own African flyholes in the UK and act like there is nobody else here apart from them. I have seen these bastards in action, week in week out. Let on to them? Nothing. Offer them a seat? They ignore you. Hold a door open to them? Again, fuck all. Yet when one of their ‘own’ turns up, it’s that endless loud gibberish, and they act like we are the ones in their bloody way. Oh, and when they can’t or don’t get their way it’s playing dumb and ‘No speaky English’. Every English town – large or small – is now full of them. The mess the housing, education and health systems are in is because of this. I know people like to blame Covid, but these things were at breaking point before that. In 2019 I went for a blood test at my local hospital. Over 400 people in one waiting room and only seven (including me) were white and English. Straight up, they were all Africans and Asians. And you can bet your life that virtually none of them had paid in to the NHS. And it’ll be the same with housing. Whatever they want, they get and they know it. And they will also kill what is left of the English tourism trade.
‘Fancy going to Bournemouth for a couple of weeks, love?’
‘No, not really. I hear the hotels are full. And that it’s like Somalia by the sea.’
David Camrron was right about Multiculturalism failing, but like the present tories did fuck all about it.