Not so much a cunting as a cry for help. Courtesy of the Observer/Guardian.
”They treat us like animals’: families waiting years for housing to take legal action against London council”
Yes, these salt of the earth Londoners (see picture) are being discriminated against because of their race. By Tower Hamlets Bangladeshii council. A byeword for honesty and probity.
They chose to come here to enrich our society and integrate when, had they stayed in Somalia they would be allocated villas with pools.
It’s a fucking disgrace.
Nominated by Cuntstable Cuntbubble.
There has been a shortage of social housing for ever, most social housing providers have an a b c list, a, you might get a house if you are non white English or a problem family from another area, b, you might get a house in your dreams, c, fuck off
Used to be on points with being local a garner of more points. This was changed to need by some cunt in new liebore. Now Mr Mrs (mrs x4) Umwangglotsaab and thirty kids take immediate priority over Mr Mrs Jones with 2 kids who have been resident since birth, both work and the kids are not ratties. In fact they can trace their family back 600 years plus to the area (fucking incomers as my fellow county men would point out). Poor old family Jones the very recently arrived Umwangglotsab gang beat you hands down on need. Such is life in Britain for the not so rich. Repeat scenario ad infinitum all over U.K. Question, why does the msm not highlight this fucking scandal instead of filling countless columns with tales of the has been arse bandit Schofield and Holly fucking will or what. World is so mad even a mentalist like me has a problem choosing which reality I want to visit today. I’m off to buy dog food.
I hear the once beautiful city of Paris is now like an African slum. And sadly London is going the same way.
The du nord part of Paris is a no go area for anyone not an African or Arab peaceful
London has gone the same way and so as many other city’s.
London was filth in the nineties. Everytime Ive been there it stinks of shit and cigarettes, fried food, B.O from the ‘communitees’, traffic fumes.
Dog Toilet-on-Thames.
Two of these African types were in my local Spar recently (as I said, they are everywhere now). And they tried shoplifting. When they were caught, they (a man and a woman) did the ‘no understandy’ routine and laughed it off. The ‘security’ let them off and out with the very mildest of ‘warnings’ (i.e: no warning at all). A young lady stood next to me called the staff out on it. She said it was unacceptable, and she also quite correctly said that if she or I had done that, our arses would be in the office and then the local cop shop.
I later heard that the two same people did the same thing at the Co-Op four streets away. And again they weren’t charged or arrested. They do it because they can and they know they can. England doesn’t even have a pair of balls any more, never mind a stiff upper lip.
I’m sorry, have I missed something here..?
These cunts decided to come here to the UK and so what, social services have turned out not to be so social or serve.
What did these cunts expect, large 5 bedroom houses, free food, cars and phones – I pay enough tax thank you very much and now, some dirty, slick grease backed hair solicitor with Afriiiiican origins is going to have a field day and you know what, I reckon they will win and these cunts will get everything they want.
My mum was widowed a few years ago and she struggles. She is a pensioner, worked hard all her life, paid taxes, but has fuck all and no savings – does anyone help her, do the council try and make her life better – do they fuck. She’s not entitled to anything.
Perhaps I should complain and say they are racist as it seems that if you are daki, paki, blackie or yellow you get priority treatment on the old badly treated migrant narrative that is getting so boring.
Fuck off back to your mud huts, I hear the weather is quite pleasant at this time of the year.
I’m fortunately in a little hideaway part of the country at the moment and there aren’t any, yet.
Me too Sammy. And I’m not telling anyone where.
But aren’t we close. 3rd and 4th in the league ?
We’re utterly fucked, aren’t we?
Sadly yes ?
Remember when people used to ask “what would you spend the money on if you won the lottery?”
The stock answer was “buy a nice house in the country, go on a cruise or take up your hobbies full time.
I would employ some professor Heinz Wolff type and demand a time machine, so I could live peacefully in England….in the 1950’s.
They used to say New Zealand was a good bet ; like GB 60 years ago – but even that got ruined by these new age woke hippy SJW’s like Fangs Ardern.
All through political and institutional cowardice and the will of the far left to remake Britain in their sordid image.
The tories talked tough while offering up their arseholes to the militants.
Can’t get a house here? Fuck off back to Somalia then and get one there. I have a real dislike for Somalians. Savage people from a savage shithole
Smeg off back to Africa
Hear that?…….. Thats the sound of my piss boiling.
You no likey, you no stay. Go on, clear off.
What I find very piss boiling is the cheek of these cunts. They are on maximum benefit if resident and they moan about their accommodation. Surely a three bed flat is preferable to a stick and mud hut and your neighbours dying like flies from gangong plague. No longer visits from the local peaceful militia shooting up your house etc.
The way these ungrateful cunts go on makes you wonder if all their tales of oppression and woe are just bollocks, for the majority I would say yes they lied like fuck to get permission to stay
I think the issue is that there is no social housing big enough to fit a Somali forehead; let alone 8 of them.
I waited years and years for a house.
I worked two jobs.
Saved my pennies.
Got enough for a deposit.
Got a mortgage.
Bought a house.
Spent uptymillion sleepless nights worrying about paying the fucking mortgage.
The day I paid it off was the best day, ever.
So, fuck off, I don’t care if they house you in old cattle sheds.
How the fuck did you get so entitled?