This utter cunt thinks that “everybody who cares about the planet should join extinction rebellion”. So he’s actively encouraging people to go out and join what in my view is a terrorist organisation and go around disrupting people’s lives.
I hope the cunt falls out of a tree whilst he’s ‘bird watching’ (which we all know is code word for being a peeping Tom) and the ambulance can’t get through because the unwashed are blocking the road because of him encouraging them.
He also goes on to praise the stop oil cunts for “sacrificing their freedom”. Fuck off.
Surely this goes against BBC guidelines, but can’t see them doing fuck all after they have given Linekunt free rein to say whatever he likes.
Nominated by LaughingGravy.
Pac-a-mac should pack it in.
Anyone with a speech impediment shouldn’t be taken seriously.
Mr Packham can get fucked.
He’s symptomatic of Stinky Rebellion.
White, middle class, self diagnosed autistic, funny speech impediment
(Wodger the wobber)
And imposes his beliefs on other people
I don’t resent him his eco views.
It shows he cares about our natural environment.
I dislike his incredibly creepy relationship towards his step daughter.
If I didn’t know better I’d think he was after dry bumming her?
lisping fat spastic. wtf? do you really expect me to listen to your opinions, when you cannot enunciate them?
fat fucking mongol. same camp as Oliver, and I really, really hate home
get to fuck
Good morning Mis, btw. God bless you, and all that sail in you
Morning Termujin?
If my memory serves, this is the cunt who was fooled by someone submitting a squirt of toothpaste as a Colgatus moth pupa for the Countryfile calendar.
Shows his understanding of nature.
I expect Kwiss makes the same lifestyle choices as XR founder Gail Bradbrook. Buys food flown thousands of miles at Waitrose (where else?), wrapped in non-recyclable packaging and drives home in a diesel car. Then blames ‘Climate Catastrophe’ on the oiks.
That’s the trouble with the plebs, they don’t know what’s best for them. Go for it Kwiss, make their lives Hell.
Extinction Rebellion has now turned to the Palestine cause and are picketing Israeli companies in the UK.
Because attacking a country that has more PhD scientists than any other,pro capita , and who leads the world in clean energy makes so much sense!
Do the criticise the Palestinians for firing rockets from the roofs of hospitals,kindergartens and old age homes?
Notice how ,since the law was changed, none of them dare to glue or lock on to things?
Tells you everything you need to know about these cunts.
Fuck them.
Next customer.
Good morning
X Reb
Just Stop Oiks
Animal Rebellion
Insulate Nritain
All o. the grift. Raising awareness of themselves.
No syprise these watermelon cunts are anti Israel. Most of these cunts are Marxist /Stop The West types pretending to care about the planet.
and other mistakes.
fucking phone.
And Peter fucking Tatchell yesterday at Trafalgar Square.
Yes,he IS your king.
Don’t like it? Fuck off back to Australia and fuck a kangaroo.
Ugly child grooming Aussie cunt.
I think you mean queen, not King
Never tire of seeing the video of him getting lamped in moscow. Unfortunately, being in Italy on hols, I can’t find a link.
Twat.Can’t stand him.Boil him in horse piss.
I for one am inspired by his devotion to the “save this,then that” cause.
It’s not everyone who can give up a comfortable home,a highly paid job,a nice car and food brought from all corners of the globe to live in an isolated cave far from the evils of human consumption and waste..
Oh..wait,he’s just another holier than thou lying cunt.
Industrial Oven.
So, his partner owns a zoo. You couldn’t make it up.
I think we should try to accommodate these cunts and at the very least meet them half way. The oven will produce more smoke and therefore increase our carbon emissions.
Why can’t we dissolve them in a vat of acid?
Bullet to the back of the head, then compost.
That would be a usual bit of recycling.
So they had a mass “die in” did they? I can arrange to make that permanent and real. Fucking posh wankers. Why can’t they just join the Wimminz Institute and just fuck about with a bit of do gooding like the old days? Everybody wants to be a fucking victim. Pity me. Look at my sacrifice. Make me a fucking martyr.
I like the Women’s Institute, they were the first people to show Blair up for the lying, bastard, cunt he is.
Just stop oil are not sacrificing their freedom, they’re sacrificing ours.
The dumb fucks are financed by globalist scum like the Getty family, who would like nothing more than to see the pleb’s right to protest removed.
Which is what Just stop oil have done with their ‘I’m blocking a road to stop oil exploration’ fuckwittery.
Communist / Marxist morons who can’t see that they have played right into the hands of the government and globalists.
Chris Packham is a meddlesome cunt too.
The term “useful idiots” applies here .
A solution is to use a Bren Gun
The die in was pure narcisdism.
This is why the actors and drama students love this bollocks. It’s all narcissism and theatricality.
What a missed opportunity for a Challenger 2 to roll over them.
The guardian find all the best hypocrites to interview, XR veteran “??” Jo works in the arts. So unemployed then.. there with her 1 year old..
You know what is the single biggest threat to this planet jo?. Overpopulation. So do mother earth a favour and top yourself and your kid as well..
Or shut the fuck up you quinoa eating fuckwit.
I notice both people interviewed by the Guardian are from Tottenham. Not sure what to read into this. I suppose if you voluntarily live in David Lammy’s constituency then you must be fairly disaffected, not to say plain crackers.
Couldn’t have put it better.
So many things to address first, people having too many sprogs being the number one.
Among Europeans, underpopulation is an issue, which is why the tories keep importing people. The trouble is most of those they import Re dossers or criminals and will not contribute anything.
This governnent are nailing the lid on the country’s coffin. The nails being provided by Blair and the Scotch cyclops.
He looks like Mossup from The Riddlers:
This is where Packham is too easily fooled by others duplicitous words. XR, Just Stop Oil and Insulate Britain no more give a shite about the environment than the Russian or Chinese.
If I were the Head of Insulate Britain, I would be loudly campaigning to have VAT removed from the purchase of insulation, not making a cunting nuisance of myself.
Packham is a word chewing, faux-autistic arsehole.
Morgan , Marcus, Edwina.
Starting to get a idea just from the names.
Pimm’s drinkers.
All have rich mummies and daddies.
Waitrose anarchists
The Quinoa Front
The Linda McCartney popular peoples alliance of Tottenham.
That made me think of this..
I have a query about just stop oil.
How come they haven’t banned dame keir,none oilyer than that excuse of a man..
Packam’s ok in my opinion but, all these eco warriors are hypocrites really, they all use items made possible by scientific research and manufacturing. Chris’s nice mountain equipment jacket in point. %100 oil based man made…!
“Lhotse Men’s Jacket | GORE-TEX PRO | Mountain Equipment”
I only wear old Motorhead♠️ t-shirts and sheepskin.
I’m more eco friendly than any man made oil based eco zealot .
And my undercrackers are recycled fairtrade hand knitted by the indigenous peoples of the Amazon basin.
Is that the Tilbury or Daventry amazon mis?
And by indigenous people is that poles or Lithuanians?
This stupid BBC mouthpiece should keep his big mouth shut. Don’t use the BBC platform to voice your opinions??
Pay TV tax, pay this divvy’s wages.
Tack this nom onto the BBC cornucopia of shit.
Sixty years ago these knobheads would have been marching to Aldermaston. They’re the same wankers…….posh, well off and desperate to save the world. They should stay at home and watch the BBC and read the Guardian……just like they want the rest of us to do.
Fucking wankpots.
One of my mum’s old mates went to Greenham Common.
Nuclear Disarmament is tge dumbest thing this country could do.
A)Even if you got rid of nuclear weapons, the knowledge in building them remains. You cannot uninvent them, so we may as well kerp ours.
B) It’s better to have and not need them, rather than need and not have them.
C) Nuclear deterrence is proven to work, whatever the cost, it is worth it.
The cost of not having it iand facing many hundreds of megatons of weapons dropped on British cities, power stations, refineries, ports and other important sites is incalculable.
D) Nuclear eeapons have positive uses, such as intercepting possible astetoid/comet impacts. other measures need a lot more lead time to put into action.
I’d like to see the entire plethora of Progressive/Lefty groups join the list of extinct species.
Just Stop Wokists
Let’s start a ‘Wokey Extinction’ group.
Just Stop Cunts!
Morning all.
I used to like Chris Packham, but when Greta Thunderbirds turned up he became one of her thralls, speaking about her in quasi-religous language.
Ex Reb are grifters taking cash from rich yanks, some of whom inherited their wealth from grandads who were oill barons (the Getty family).
These cunts don’t practice what they oreach. It’s theatricality and narcissism, and Packham shoukd acknowledge it, although he might be part of the grift as well.
Have some shame, Packham.
I fucking hate self diagnosed autistics like this who then use it as an excuse for acting like a cunt.
Won’t go anywhere near a doc to get a diagnosis because they know they’ll get called out .
I know some parents with genuinely autistic kids and they are a fucking totally different fucked up proposition and not one of them could present a tv programme because they are fucking barely functioning humans
Oooh I’m high functioning !!! No you’re just a cunt who wants some attention
A man who thinks woodpigeons should be protected (and pandas shouldn’t be! FACT) would make a good tethered bait for a tiger shoot. Cunt. No more to be said.
As a rule I don’t take advice from someone who keeps a variety of animal droppings in his fridge freezer.
He also keeps the remains of one of his dead pets in the freezer because he isn’t able to “let go”.
The more I look into XR the more it puts me in mind of a cult.
People’s temple/Jonestown
Symbionese Liberation Army
In the words of a certain writer, critic and youtuber “Naaaaah it’ll fine!”
Packham it in you dysfunctional mentally fucked-up attention seeking boring ill-informed overpaid BBC-lovey CUNT!